BOOM! Hillary Clinton Pedophile Sex Ring Continues To Be Exposed By Insiders – FBI and NYPD Confirming Hillary Clinton’s Massive Crime Syndicate in Washington DC

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereAugust 24, 2023No Comments12 Mins Read



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BOOM! Hillary Clinton Pedophile Sex Ring Continues To Be Exposed By Insiders – FBI and NYPD Confirming Hillary Clinton’s Massive Crime Syndicate in Washington DC

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Unearth the shocking revelations surrounding Hillary Clinton’s crime syndicate as FBI and NYPD insiders expose a web of intrigue, pay-to-play dynamics, and international implications. Delve into a narrative that blurs the lines between conspiracy and truth.

The following is a compilation of reports associated to the leaks about Hillary Clinton’s involvement with pedophile sex. There are now multiple sources from the FBI and NYPD confirming Hillary Clinton’s massive crime syndicate in Washington DC. Is this the take down of the cabal taking place right in front of our eyes or is this a disinformation campaign?

All of the following information was given to us by our insiders who have specific first-hand knowledge of the Hillary Clinton email scandal. It seems that things are about to heat up. We are told that of the 662,871 emails lifted from Anthony Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are Huma Abedin’s… and pay to play – including Saudis and Israelis. Meaning Huma was the one Hillary USED to communicate with foreign leaders via email for inside information and deals via Huma’s computer.

It has been established through many avenues, but mainly through Wikileaks, that the Clinton Foundation was just a farce set up in order to perform pay-to-play games with multiple entities, including foreign nations. Pay-to-play nations include: Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, Kazakhstan, and the Ukraine.

Furthermore, we are told by one of our insiders that one email unequivocally confirms ISIS was created by CIA and Israeli Secret Intelligence Service, with help from Joe Lieberman, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham!

An NYPD insider said the content they viewed did include State Department TOP SECRET emails. One file was called “Life Insurance”. A second file was titled “DNC Nuclear Arsenal“.

A third file I’m sure Hillary definitely DOES NOT want released was a file labeled “Intimate”… according to this NYPD insider, this file contained X-rated photos of Huma and Hillary with a TEENAGER.

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NYPD detectives were sickened by what they saw, according to our insider, and they had threatened FBI field agents that they would leak this information, if the FBI did not “step up and take off the kid gloves”. At that point, 13 of the FBI agents in NYC were also threatening to leak the information.

As you can imagine, the scandal has the entire Obama Administration in full panic. We are told there are emails that could send Loretta Lynch to prison, as well as Bill and Hillary. The Twitter post below, our sources sent us, verifying it is all true:

Even MORE!

The following information comes straight from an FBI Anonymous source, who is the senior analyst who posted on 4chan in early July of this year:

Jim Comey learned that some of his own investigators were tipping off both Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton, thus making his job impossible.

Comey sent a letter to Congress, knowing that ultimately it would expose Loretta Lynch as a dirty actor and the breadcrumbs would lead directly to Obama. The State Department is terrified now. Comey has assembled a small team of 40 agents, whom he has declared “The Untouchables” after the famous federal agent Eliot Ness.

Comey has clamped down on all FBI agents and he expects a full-scale war between the FBI and the Department of Justice (DOJ), the White House, and the State Department. He has confirmed and understands that many sitting senators, congressmen, lobbyists, and power players are going to be indicted and prosecuted. One of the main targets of the probe is the Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative. Among the targets under investigation are John Podesta, Huma, Cheryl Mills, CNN, ABC, NBC, etc. 

As it turns out, Weiner, Huma’s husband, had been forwarding Huma’s emails each time she came home and left her computer open. Huma appears to have been in touch with Saudi actors, and therefore, ESPIONAGE is strongly suspected.

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Comey and his 40 “Untouchables” are now preparing to take down the largest corruption ever witnessed in American history… which is what I think MUST happen if Comey is planning to stay part of the FBI. He lost so much respect and so much credibility with the first Hillary investigation, it would take something of this magnitude to allow him to face the public again.

The Pentagon has internal players and outside players they call “creatives“. Creatives are civilians who tend to be geniuses, malcontents, extreme hackers, or otherwise demonstrate brilliance in other useful areas.

A Pentagon program called Cicada 3301, which we have reported on previously, was created by several of these talented civilians. The program is now used to allow thousands of honest government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a DEAD BOX whistleblower encryption method so the non-corrupted government officials can report corruption and still remain safe.

I’ve heard it said “A vagina almost took down Bill, now will a Weiner take down Hillary?” LOL!

Again, thank you to all of the insiders, the whistleblowers, the good FBI agents, the good CIA agents, the good NYPD officers, and the non-corrupted government officials who want to see the truth exposed! Without these brave, wonderful, and morally erect individuals, our country would still be in the corrupted darkness.

Vistors to Epstein’s Little St. James Island include:

• Ehud Barak, the former Prime Minister of Israel (1999-2001) – pedophile being procured underage girls by Epstein. Former Israeli Minister of Defense and also Deputy Israeli Prime Minister under Binyamin Netanyahu from 2009 to 2013.

• Prince Andrew – British royalty – Jeffrey Epstein and his girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell pimped Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts to Prince Andrew multiple times. The victim girls say Prince Andrew was very sexually sadistic; they despised this sick, twisted creature.

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 Kevin Spacey – actor in House of Cards. People tell me Spacey is gay, and my response is “Have you ever heard of the word bisexual?” Spacey is very good friends with 2 big-time pedophiles: Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Clinton. Spacey, big Hollywood star, has 3.78 million Twitter followers.

• Alan Dershowitz – longtime friend of Epstein, as well as one of his defense lawyers. Dershowitz was the one who negotiated that absurd plea bargain for Epstein that gave him a 13-month (served) sentence and a 16 hour/day day pass so he could spend most of his time in his mansion. Epstein sex slave Virginia Roberts has said that Epstein made her have sex with Dershowitz numerous times. The real question is how many other underage girls was Dershowitz having sex with? Virginia Roberts says Dershowitz also witnessed Epstein’s pedophilic activities. »» BOMBSHELL! List of Hollywood Pedo-Names, Deep State, CIA and Mossad – Names of Visitors on Epstein “Pedophile Island”

This update is in regards to the private emails of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin found on the computer of Huma’s pedophile husband, Anthony Weiner.

The files in the folder named “Life Insurance” contained emails that revealed bombshell evidence that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin are running a pedophile sex ring. Out of the 650,000 emails on Anthony Weiner’s computer, 11,112 emails are specifically related to Huma.

Kent Dunn says there is information regarding the true founders of ISIS terrorist group.

ISIS was created by the CIA in collaboration with the Israeli Mossad. The inventors of ISIS are Joe Lieberman, John McCain, and Lindsey Graham.

There are three files that are in the folder labeled “Life Insurance” , one of which is called ‘DNC Nuclear Arsenal’. The second file is labeled ‘Intimate XXX’, which contains naked pictures of Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton, and a teenage girl having sex. Third file was mentioned previosly about how ISIS was created by members of the USA Corp and Israeli Mossad.

The FBI set up a sting against the Department of Justice (DOJ). The sting set up Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch in Phoenix, Arizona which they had a secret meeting on the tarmac of Mrs. Lynch’s airplane. FBI workers leaked information to Bill Clinton that Loretta Lynch was going to be at the airport in Phoenix. This is how Bill Clinton knew that AG Lynch was going to be at the airport at that specific time and date.

Speculation now is that the FBI and Department of Justice are now in an internal war about the leaks of the new emails found on Huma’s and Anthony Wiener’s computer. Many people are connected with the latest email scandal as the Obama administration personnel were using private emails servers outside of the sanctioned government servers. They were passing classified information though private emails. Senators, Representatives, and lobbyists, including John Podesta, and Huma.

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The emails revealed that they were communicating with media broadcast companies NBC, ABC, CBS for the purpose of denying the American people from using the Freedom Information Act/ FOIA Requests of the private emails from Hillary and Huma’s computer. The whole thing is setup under a code name called “SOCIGA3301”.

Kent Dunn: Sir what is going to happen with the election?

Military Colonel: “When we’re done, what election?”

New York Police Department is aware of the emails and are “absolutely livid” NYPD are watching over FBI and have threatened the FBI if they don’t do something about these crimes they will take the responsibility of informing the public. Revolt is brewing.

The intolerable Hillary Clinton and her Muslim Pal

Naked Nude High School Girl Teenager Talks – Huma Abedin, Muslim, in hiding being protected by the Clinton’s but Anthony Weiner’s problems now include High School Girl and Anthony (Carlos Danger) “I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week.” The girl alleges that Weiner was aware she was underage and in high school.

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Huma Abedin, the Muslim Brotherhood (CAIR) connection for Hillary Clinton must be in hiding because nobody can find Huma Abedin. Anthony Weiner is in serious trouble so maybe Huma Abedin is hiding from Anthony under strict orders from Hillary and Bill Clinton to stay underground until after the elections, then she can bloom once again under the Clinton Foundation security and that of the White House if Hillary Clinton takes the Oval Office. Crime and Hillary Clinton.

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Anthony Weiner is  accused of playing with little girls, subject to felony charges, it get’s a lot worse… the little girl has records.. proof.. just like Monica Lewinsky did to trap Bill Clinton regarding his sex in the Oval Office with a female government worker..

“ I would bust that tight p***y so hard and so often that you would leak and limp for a week.”

The girl alleges that Weiner was aware she was underage and in high school.

Mother of Darkness Witch Hillary Clinton, Huma, & Anthony Weiner Exposed

PizzaGate The Pedophile Scandal of The American Elites: Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, John and Tony Podesta … The List Would Be Endless

Pizzagate is the term given to the flow of news and revelations about
a possible network of pedophiles that operated in Washington through symbols and keywords within a couple of family pizzerias. In this article we will cover many details about this accusation of child abuse.

When researchers from Reddit and 4Chan began to delve into the subject of Podesta’s leaked emails, they found something a little strange. Strange references to pizza, ping pong, and a small establishment in northwest Washington DC called Comet Ping Pong.

It turns out that within the thousands of Podesta emails that left Hillary Clinton in a bad position in handling the situation in Libya and Syria when she was Secretary of State of the Obama administration, there were also strange emails in which words and words were persistently repeated. phrases that seemed to have no meaning, or contextual meaning.

Only when it was understood that there was a code language in the words of the same, it was possible to measure what was being said in those emails. Podesta and his perverted friends talked about child abuse with an encrypted language that has been widely used in pedophile circles on the Internet for years.

They substitute words related to pedophilia with “innocent” words, some related to fast foods and related ingredients such as “pizza”, “hodotgs”, “masa”, “salsa”, “queso” or more exotic things like “Nuez” or “bandanas” ” of colors”.

Read the full article HERE:

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.

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CabalClinton Foundationconspiracy theoriesCorruptioncrime syndicatedisinformation campaignFBIHillary ClintonHuma Abedininternational intrigueleaked emailsManipulationNYPDpay-to-playpolitical influencepower dynamicsTransparencyWashington DC


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Medeea Greere

Hello there, beautiful souls! It’s me, Medea Greere, and if we haven’t crossed paths before, let me assure you it’s no coincidence that you’ve landed here today. I’ve spent every sunrise and sunset of my life on a tireless quest, seeking out the radiant essence of truth in this vast, dazzling universe of ours. You see, life is a cosmic jigsaw, a symphony of mysteries that sometimes seem so complex, it’s hard to grasp. Each piece, each note, is a fragment of the story – a vibrant thread in the tapestry of existence. But fear not! It’s been my life’s work, my singular passion, to weave these fragments into a narrative that not only makes sense, but fills your heart with hope and your soul with purpose. That’s exactly why this website was born. It’s a sanctuary, a beacon, where we will bring order to this beautiful chaos and organize these perplexing pieces into well-defined categories. A place where we can trace the threads of the narrative from its earliest whisper to its triumphant crescendo – The Victory of the Light! As we embark on this journey together, please remember: we are all connected by a thread of love. It’s the heartbeat of the universe, the fuel of our quest. So let’s let this love guide us, let’s fill our minds with curiosity and our hearts with courage. Let’s create a world where truth prevails, where love is our guide and where light is our destination. Come, take my hand. Together, let’s unravel the mystery, and embrace the Victory of the Light! With all my love, Medea Greere

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