The Underground Cities, Crimes Against Humanity, The Quantum Financial System and NESARA and GESARA

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 29, 2023No Comments5 Mins Read


The Underground Cities, Crimes Against Humanity, The Quantum Financial System and NESARA and GESARA


The Underground Cities, Crimes Against Humanity, The Quantum Financial System and NESARA and GESARA

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In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a colossal construction effort unfolded beneath our feet, orchestrated by an unlikely alliance of the U.S. Military and City Services. What was once concealed beneath layers of secrecy is now emerging as a shocking revelation.

This article delves deep into the underground cities, unveils the harrowing crimes against humanity and children, and sheds light on a conspiracy that reaches beyond the corridors of power.

In the depths of the COVID-19 pandemic, as the world battled an invisible enemy, a different kind of battle raged beneath our very feet. A construction endeavor of unprecedented proportions unfolded, one that seemed too far-fetched for the realm of reality. Yet, it was happening, right beneath our noses.

The Enigma of Underground Cities. Underground cities – the term itself carries an air of mystique and intrigue. While most of us were confined to our homes, a complex subterranean world was taking shape. But why? The answer lies in a remarkable collaboration between the U.S. Military and City Services, a partnership that transcends traditional boundaries.

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As construction crews worked tirelessly in the depths of the Earth, the public remained blissfully unaware. The scale and scope of these underground cities were staggering, spanning multiple levels and layers. Questions loomed: What purpose could these covert caverns possibly serve? The answer, it seems, leads us down a rabbit hole deeper than we could have ever imagined.

Crimes Against Humanity: A Shocking Revelation. Amidst the pandemic’s chaos, another disturbing truth was unveiled – crimes against humanity and crimes against children. The perpetrators? The super-elite and super-rich, individuals who had amassed their fortunes through the unspeakable horrors of slavery, rape, and torture of innocent children.

This revelation sent shockwaves through society, shattering illusions of trust and decency. The sinister underbelly of power and wealth had been exposed, leaving us to grapple with the grim reality that some of the world’s most influential figures were implicated in these heinous acts.

Unveiling the Conspiracy: Reptilians, Greys, and Nano Technology. As we dig deeper into the layers of this shocking conspiracy, the connections become increasingly surreal. Behind the smokescreen of politics and world leadership, a more sinister force is said to pull the strings of humanity – Reptilians and Greys. These extraterrestrial entities allegedly wield control over us through the insidious use of nano-technology.

The implications are staggering. Is it possible that the flat currency we once trusted is nothing more than a digital facade? A mere illusion of value? It’s a disconcerting thought, but one that warrants exploration. Imagine a world where your financial information is as easily editable as a text message. Is this the grim reality we face?

The Missing Gold and the Vatican Tunnels. The mystery deepens with the revelation that a vast fortune in gold, valued at over $43 quintillion dollars, lay hidden beneath the Vatican Tunnels. What purpose did this colossal treasure serve, and who controlled it? The answers may send shivers down your spine. Related: The Astonishing 1500-Mile Tunnel: Vatican to Jerusalem Reveals Mind-Boggling Gold Stash! (video)

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The Quantum Financial System and Rainbow Currency. But amidst the chaos and conspiracies, a glimmer of hope emerges. The Quantum Financial System (QFS), backed by cutting-edge Blockchain Technology, promises to wrest control of finances from the clutches of the powerful and place it directly into your hands.

Enter the era of Rainbow currency – a currency backed by the QFS that could redefine the way we think about money. It represents a monumental shift in power, where the financial system is restructured to serve the interests of the people.

NESARA and GESARA: A Beacon of Hope. Underpinning this transformation are two crucial acronyms – NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act) and GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act). These acts hold the promise of a brighter future, one where financial stability and justice reign supreme.

In conclusion, the events of the COVID-19 pandemic have brought to light a series of mind-boggling revelations. From the construction of underground cities to the darkest crimes against humanity, the truth is nothing short of astonishing.

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As we grapple with these revelations, the emergence of the Quantum Financial System and Rainbow currency offers a glimmer of hope for a more equitable and just financial future. It’s a future where the power shifts from the super-elite to the people, where justice prevails, and where the truth, no matter how unsettling, can no longer be hidden.

The world as we know it is changing, and it’s up to us to navigate these uncharted waters with courage and determination. The time for a financial revolution is upon us, and the Quantum Financial System may just be the catalyst that propels us into a brighter tomorrow.

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