경찰 국가: 국세청이 40구경 기관단총을 비축하는 이유: 미국 관료주의의 조용한 무기화

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경찰 국가: 국세청이 40구경 기관단총을 비축하는 이유: 미국 관료주의의 조용한 무기화

Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 12, 2023No Comments11 Mins Read


경찰 국가: 국세청이 40구경 기관단총을 비축하는 이유: 미국 관료주의의 조용한 무기화


Police State: Why the IRS is Stockpiling .40-Caliber Submachine Guns: The Silent Weaponization of America’s Bureaucracy

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

In an age where the federal government’s reach extends further into our lives, the latest revelation about the IRS’s acquisition of .40-caliber submachine guns, armored vehicles, and military-grade weapons raises alarming questions. Are they merely safeguarding the public’s interest, or is there a more sinister agenda at play? Join us on a journey to uncover the truth behind the IRS’s ominous arsenal, as we expose the unsettling reality of a government on the brink of militarization.

The weaponization and militarization of federal agencies have long been subjects of concern among liberty-loving Americans. With each passing year, our government seems to take on an increasingly aggressive posture, and the IRS is no exception. But when questioned about their need for automatic weapons, ammunition stockpiles, and staff trained in the “use of deadly force,” their response was chillingly vague—merely citing “administrative reasons.”

Yet, we cannot afford to ignore the ominous implications of this burgeoning arms race within our own government. It is becoming abundantly clear that globalist forces are equipping not just the IRS but nearly every federal agency with a staggering array of military-grade weapons, far beyond what any American citizen can legally obtain.

Unpacking the Arsenal: Why, one might wonder, does the IRS require armored vehicles, flash-bang grenades loaded with tear gas, and .40-caliber submachine guns? The answers provided so far are far from satisfactory. For over a decade, the IRS has been quietly amassing its armory. In 2017, the agency reportedly possessed 4,487 firearms and a staggering 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition, as detailed in a Forbes article from August 8, 2022, titled “Inflation Reduction Act Unleashes A Tougher IRS.” Fast forward to 2023, and it’s a safe bet that their arsenal has only grown.

Here’s an excerpt from the aforementioned Forbes article, shedding light on the IRS’s ominous transformation:

“The Schumer-Manchin tax bill known as the Inflation Reduction Act, which passed the Senate on Sunday, raises taxes and will give the IRS billions to go into what the Wall Street Journal called ‘beast mode.’”

Last Man Standing: The “Secret Weapon” of the Longest-Living Man

This raises a chilling question: What does ‘beast mode’ entail when it comes to the IRS?

The Shadowy Motive: To understand why federal agencies, including the IRS, are being armed to the teeth, we must delve into the dark underbelly of government actions. Mark Gifford, a pastor from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, who operates the God Family and Guns YouTube channel, has presented a compelling narrative on why this sinister militarization is occurring. Let’s explore the unsettling factors behind this trend.

The Opaque Motive: The IRS’s expansion of its weaponry and military capabilities raises a host of pressing concerns. While they claim administrative necessity, it’s crucial to consider the bigger picture. What are the actual motives behind this militarization? The following factors might shed light on the ominous transformation:

  1. Control and Suppression: One of the most disconcerting aspects of this militarization is its potential for suppressing dissent and controlling the population. As federal agencies become increasingly armed, the government gains more power to quell any form of opposition, however legitimate it may be.
  2. Economic Uncertainty: The Inflation Reduction Act may be a euphemism for more power and control, but it also hints at deeper economic instability. Could the IRS be preparing for financial upheaval on a scale we’ve never seen before? If so, what does that mean for ordinary citizens?
  3. Globalist Influence: The term “globalists” has often been used to describe those who advocate for a world order transcending national sovereignty. Could the IRS’s militarization be linked to a broader globalist agenda aimed at weakening the nation-state?
  4. The Erosion of Civil Liberties: Our constitutional rights are under siege, with every new weapon acquired by federal agencies symbolizing a blow to our cherished freedoms. The IRS’s transformation into a heavily armed force is part of a broader trend of diminishing individual liberties in the name of “security.”
  5. Distrust and Alienation: The militarization of government agencies fuels distrust and alienation among the citizens they are supposed to serve. The more heavily armed these agencies become, the greater the divide between government and the governed.

The video below by Mark Gifford, a pastor from Lee’s Summit, Missouri, who runs the God Family and Guns YouTube channel, explains why this militarization is taking place.


The IRS has been steppng up its purchases of guns and ammunition even more over the last two years, gobbling up nearly $700,000 in ammo in early 2022. That bulk purchase prompted Representatives Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and Jeff Duncan (R-SC) to introduce the “Disarm the IRS Act,” to prohibit the IRS from buying ammunition. Of course, this bill was dead on arrival because the Uniparty in Washington, which includes all Democrats and a solid majority of Republicans, are all for a militarized federal government. They hate Americans and do not represent Americans. They are globalists whose allegiance is to the military-industrial-biosecurity complex.

The IRS is not alone in this militarization

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has also purchased hundreds of .40-caliber submachine guns, presumably for making raids on independent food producers. They have a special hatred for the Amish.

The USDA raided the Fisher family’s farm in Farmville, Virginia, and seized their livestock and meat-processing facility as the state condemned and seized their property. They are Amish. (CDC Humiliated: Amish Reject Big Pharma and Emerge as the Healthiest People in the World!)

The Small Business Administration has also made bulk purchases of guns and ammo. Health and Human Services has done the same.

Is the federal government preparing for all-out war against Americans who push back against the government-media-approved messaging on pandemics, our involvement in perpetual foreign wars and other globalist policies?

You get the sense that maybe, just maybe, enough of us are waking up that the globalists are preparing to silence us once and for all, and the only way to complete that task is by force? All it would take is to make an example out of a few dozen, maybe a few hundred outspoken conservatives. The goal going forward would be to criminalize all speech that contradicts the messaging coming out of the government and its corporate partners. At that point, the globalists’ hope would be for conservatives to start turning on each other out of fear that they could be next.

What are the secrets to a long, healthy life?

Cut a deal to turn in a fellow conservative, thereby saving your own skin from the reign of terror. This is how life goes down under fascist regimes like the one now in power, so don’t be surprised if they move in this direction. It would probably happen after they steal yet another election in November 2024. They monitor everyone’s online speech so it would be easy to pull off.

They make some high-profile arrests and incentivize people to turn on each other. This would be especially effective in a time of economic hardship when people have hungry family members. Turn in a neighbor on false charges and get a month’s worth of food delivered to your door.

The indictments of Trump supporters in Georgia and Michigan have already sent a chilling message. But the deep state is moving on more than that one front. They’ve also been arresting pro-life protesters and throwing the book at them, prosecuting them under the corrupt FACE Act.

Protesting abortion has been a mainstay of American life since the early 1970s. Now the government is cracking down and sending messages that things are different. Such protests will no longer be tolerated.

From LifeSite News in an article posted Tuesday, August 29:

A jury on Tuesday found five pro-life activists guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and conspiracy against rights. They were immediately incarcerated following the verdict and could face more than a decade in prison for their efforts to prevent women from killing their preborn babies.

Did you catch that? You can now get 10 years or more for peacefully praying with and counseling women outside of an abortion clinic. The article goes on to explain that these pro-life Americans were considered by the judge to have committed a “crime of violence” simply for holding pro-life views and being willing to share them publicly in proximity to a baby-butchering clinic. The irony is hard to miss.

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In the month of August alone, four Americans had their homes broken into and invaded in pre-dawn raids by the FBI, which in each case executed the suspect in cold blood. One case involved a 100 percent disabled U.S. military veteran in Henderson, Tennessee, who was unarmed at the time he was shot on August 16. Another case involved a 74-year-old man in Provo, Utah, who was obese and unable to walk without a cane but he was shot dead by the FBI on August 9.

From what I can tell, none of these poor souls posed any sort of imminent threat to their families or communities. The Utah man posted threats against Biden on his Facebook page, but clearly lacked the ability to carry them out. The feds could have arrested the guy peacefully while he was pulling out of his driveway. But no, they needed to make a statement.

After enough Americans are executed in this fashion, and fear of speaking out becomes ingrained in society, I can see a day, perhaps sooner than we think, when political dissidents will simply disappear. No one will know what happened to them as they vanish into the gulag.

The situation is growing more serious with each new episode. The best way to stop this troubling trend from expanding is for more people to speak out even more boldly than ever. Stay peaceful but do not hold back your verbal opinions. They cannot kill or arrest us all. There is strength in numbers. Pray for peace and for more time before the inevitable societal collapse goes down. I sense that people aren’t ready for what’s coming. Even if they are waking up, they aren’t ready for a reality in which they are declared criminals simply for something they said or wrote.

EBS, FEMA, Walmart, Underground Tunnels, Deep State, Martial Law, Concentration Camps: Complete List of 1000 FEMA Concentration Camps | The Road To Hell: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

As liberty shrinks and surveillance expands, there lies a hidden agency, veiled under the pretext of emergency management, poised to head the operations of a looming police state: FEMA.

The Executive Hand Behind the Curtains

For years, people believed that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) was a benign agency tasked with aiding citizens during natural disasters. But behind its seemingly harmless facade, it is gearing up to become the executive arm of a new police state. The very fabric of America’s constitution is at risk.

Many may not be aware of the Presidential Executive Orders, a public document listed on the Federal Register. These orders, subtly drafted and signed, form the legal framework for what might be a massive operation involving FEMA.

read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/ebs-fema-walmart-underground-tunnels-deep-state-martial-law-concentration-camps-complete-list-of-1000-fema-concentration-camps-the-road-to-hell-nowhere-to-run-nowhere-to-hide/

The Shocking Investigative Journalism: FEMA’s Underground Tunnels Under Walmart’s! Video Evidence

Breaking news has surfaced that could shatter the very foundation of what we know about our nation and our safety. FEMA’s recently uncovered secret underground network beneath Walmarts across the country is believed to serve a much darker purpose than what we’ve been led to believe.

This is not just a conspiracy theory – it’s a call to open our eyes and demand answers!

“The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.” – Augustine of Hippo.

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-shocking-investigative-journalism-femas-underground-tunnels-under-walmarts-video-evidence/







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