미국 중앙정보국(CIA)과 군산복합체(MIC)는 미국을 폐쇄하기 전에 먼저 폐쇄해야 한다

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미국 중앙정보국(CIA)과 군산복합체(MIC)는 미국을 폐쇄하기 전에 먼저 폐쇄해야 한다

Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 13, 2023No Comments12 Mins Read


미국 중앙정보국(CIA)과 군산복합체(MIC)는 미국을 폐쇄하기 전에 먼저 폐쇄해야 한다


The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) Must Be Shut Down Before it Shuts US Down

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

In an ever-connected world, where our every move seems to be under surveillance, there’s a force that has extended its reach farther than we could have ever imagined. With tentacles wrapped tightly around major corporations, government institutions, and world events, is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) the unseen hand directing the course of modern history.

When we hear the term “CIA,” our minds typically race to a world of covert operations, international espionage, and high-stakes political maneuvering. But what if this secretive organization’s influence extended much further than just the world of intelligence? What if the CIA’s power was so vast that it encompassed the majority of the mainstream institutions we trust and rely upon?

  • The Mainstream Media is CIA (all TV, Radio, Newspapers & News Magazines).
  • Hollywood is CIA  (all Motion Pictures and TV programs).
  • Google is CIA.
  • Facebook is CIA.
  • Twitter is CIA.
  • Microsoft is CIA.
  • Apple is CIA.
  • IBM is CIA.
  • Intel is CIA.
  • Hewlett Packard is CIA…..the list here is endless, let’s just say all of Silicon Valley is CIA!

All Defense Contractors are CIA, like:

  • Lockheed Martin is CIA.
  • General Dynamics is CIA.
  • Northrup Grumman is CIA.
  • Raytheon is CIA.
  • Boeing is CIA.
  • Halliburton is CIA.
  • United Technologies is CIA.
  • Bechtel is CIA.
  • ISIS is CIA.
  • Al Qaeda is CIA.
  • Al-Nusra is CIA
  • The Bin Laden Family is CIA.

Saddam Hussein was CIA, who went rogue on the CIA.  (There were no weapons of mass destruction, as we know, Daddy Bush was pissed off at his rogue CIA Agent, Saddam, and THAT is why so many U.S. soldiers had to die and get wounded in Iran.)

  • Noriega was CIA, who went rogue on the CIA.
  • Castro was CIA, who went rogue on the CIA.
  • Soros is CIA & MI6.
  • Bush Family is CIA.
  • Clinton Crime Family is CIA, especially the Clinton Foundation.
  • Obama Family is CIA.
  • The White House has been CIA for over 30 years.
  • The FBI is CIA.  (obviously, or else the FBI would have shut down the Mafia years ago.  But they don’t do they?  Because the CIA and the Mafia are joined at the hip.  They are partners in crime as the JFK assassination clearly demonstrated.
  • Monsanto is CIA.
  • The Las Vegas Massacre was CIA.
  • Northern California UNnatural Fires were CIA.
  • 9/11 was CIA/MI6/Mossad.
  • Oklahoma City Bombing was CIA.
  • Aurora Movie Theater Massacre was CIA.
  • Sandy Hook was CIA……this list too is endless.
  • Agenda 21 Depopulation Goals are CIA.
  • When I say CIA, I mean CIA/Deep State controlled.
  • Insiders call the CIA “The Company”.  That makes sense now, doesn’t it?
  • 6 Million people work for the CIA.
  • CIA/MI6 have their tentacles into EVERYTHING of value, GLOBALLY.
  • SERCO is CIA … and MI6 … and Mossad.
  • The CIA sets the AGENDA and Controls the Narrative.

Big Brother is CIA.  They are everywhere: in your phone, on your PC, in your TV, in your car, in your fridge, your smart meters, and in all surveillance cameras and spying devices which are now everywhere.  Even if these items are turned off, and you don’t pay the bill and shut down services, they can still turn it on whenever they want to and listen and watch you.

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That was step one for total control.  Next is step 2:

Agenda 21, Big Brother (CIA) wants you dead, either through deadly vaccines that infects you with cancer and then cancer treatments that don’t work.

Agenda 21/Big Brother/Deep State/ CIA wants to decrease the global population through disease, wars, pestilence, famine, weather modification (droughts and deluges, mudslides and floods, earthquakes and volcanoes, massive hurricanes, ice storms, blizzards, tsunamis, sink holes, you name it).

And, of course, through the promotion of rampant homosexuality (homos can’t reproduce). Christian Western Civilization is being destroyed on purpose by importing Islam which never assimilates and only brings division and civil wars.  “Just ask Gandhi.”

It got so bad in India, they had to divide their land, and all Hindus and Christians staying in India, and the Muslims went to Pakistan…….because militant Islam (Wahhabis) NEVER lives peacefully with anyone else.  So you have to ask, why is the CIA/Deep State flooding the USA with Muslims?  To promote Peace?  No, to promote DIVISION and CONFLICT.

These are just some of the TRUTHS the CIA/Deep State does NOT want you to know about, and that is why they HAVE TO CONTROL all media: TV, radio, newsprint, and now they are going after the Internet with censorship.

You are supposed to remain in the dark, dumbed down, and swallow hook, line and sinker whatever Big Brother CIA spoon feeds you from TV, radio, newsprint….and the Internet.  Everything else if “fake news”, remember?

What has upset the status quo is a groundswell of truth getting out via the Internet and Alternative Radio, YouTube and Instagram and in spite of MASSIVE Vote Rigging on all levels, Trump still WON!  Trump is NOT CIA, thus the nonstop smears from Mainstream Media!

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The 17 U.S. Intelligence Agencies are now the laughingstock of the world

What isn’t so funny is the CIA’s true history, which provides an abject lesson in:

  • Terrorism
  • War Crimes
  • Extrajudicial Assassinations
  • Genocide
  • Crimes Against Humanity
  • War Profiteering
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Gunrunning
  • Human Trafficking
  •  Droning
  • Etc.. etc. etc.

They used to be known as “Intelligence Agencies”; now they’re acting like “Stupidity Services”.

You talk about stupid! The primary intelligence agencies of the United States of America have become the butt of jokes from Toronto to Timbuktu.

These alphabet soup agencies have become so stupid that they can barely keep their stories straight, much less concoct a plausible narrative that does not elude every comedian from London to Los Angeles.

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You really have to wonder what the current qualifications are to even get into The Company, as the C.I.A. is known within ‘intelligence’ circles. It appears that being a pathological liar and sociopathic story-teller are an absolute must. Of course, who doesn’t know that the current crop of ‘intelligence’ leadership has already proven themselves to be a bunch of stone-cold, criminally insane psychopaths. I N C O R R I G I B L E at that!

C.I.A = Mainstream Media

Then there are those card-carrying C.I.A. agents planted all over the Mainstream Media,(MSM) who literally spend all their time making stuff up. The more ignorant and arrogant their rantings, the more stupid the script that has been fed to them by their handlers.

The real mission of the C.I.A. is now all too clear.

In light of all the unprovoked wars of aggression which the USA lied itself into, it is now obvious that the CIA’s first responsibility is to report to Deep State, not to the American people. In that capacity, the CIA is tasked with producing official sounding reports which can be circulated throughout Congress so that both the Senate and the House will approve their various warmongering initiatives across the planet.

As a matter of historical fact, warmongering has become the central mission of the CIA, triggering color revolutions and civil wars, government overthrows and coup d’états, whenever directed to do so. And, they’re really proud of it. In this war-making mode the CIA, along with the DIA and NSA, are actually working in the employ of the many Military-Industrial Complex corporations within Deep State. They certainly are not working for the U.S. citizenry.

What’s wrong with this picture?

The real problem with this ugly picture is that the C.I.A., as well as many other intelligence agencies, are NOT accountable to anyone. They are truly rogue agencies which presently act in concert to perform like a parallel government. More accurately, they have functioned for decades as a highly secretive shadow government here in the USA. While they are merely one cog in the grand scheme, the C.I.A. also has a major role (enforcement and control mechanism) in the workings World Shadow Government.

When even Congress cannot extract vital information from the C.I.A. you know the whole intelligence game is completely out of control. And so it is.

The present games being played with the Donald Trump is a classic case of the outright prevarication and purposeful deception as practiced by the C.I.A. practically forever. Every scheme and machination that they have tried to run on the Trump Transition Team is as obvious as a 3 dollar bill. And, yet, they really don’t seem to care how much their reputation has been trashed. All they want is to accomplish their soft coup against the Trump. Why might that be?

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It is important to understand that the CIA’s primary function as an intelligence-gathering organization is to provide essential information to the U.S. Armed Services in times of war and to the State Department during times of peace. That’s what the OSS, its predecessor, did during World War II; and that’s what the C.I.A. has done ever since. It truly is all about starting and ending wars … in the ‘right’ places and at the ‘right’ times.

The real problem here is that the American “perpetual war economy” has dictated that the nation ALWAYS be at war. There is simply no room for peace anymore, especially when the Military-Industrial Complex (MIC) is laying off thousands of employees during the continuing Great Recession of 2008.

Most do not realize the degree which raw economics and the sheer financials dictate the overarching MIC agenda. This was the upshot of President Eisenhower’s famous warning about the excesses of the MIC: that it would eventually become so big and powerful it would impose a “perpetual war economy” on America. And so it has. Except that there is an entity much larger and more powerful than the MIC that really rules the realm.

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Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely

Herein lies the most serious problem with the maintenance of 17 Intelligence Agencies which provide considerable support to the Military Industrial Complex. These agencies get to a point where they have to justify their existence. By cooking up one black operation after another, one psyop after another, they basically guarantee themselves a job until retirement. Toward that end the likes of the C.I.A. are notorious for acting in the sole interest of ensuring permanent job security for all employees concerned.

Because of this overriding economic consideration, the intelligence agencies now routinely conduct fake operations that artificially justify their very existence. They now create enemies where there are none. They manufacture conflict where none exists. They start wars where festering animosities can be inflamed. Of course, all of these criminal activities are conducted in the interest of Deep State, which is forever seeking more control over every square inch of Planet Earth.

Let’s face it: when the entire planetary civilization is hardwired to run on ever-transmitting and inaccurate information, those gatekeepers of key info portals and originators of data sets are going to be in the catbird seat. Which is why The Company exerts virtually absolute control over the U.S. Federal Government. In other words The Company is not only at the hub of Corporate America, it also lies at the very heart of Deep State and quite obviously the MIC.

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Information is power; accurate information confers much power upon those who wield it. Superior knowledge and crucial info grants undue influence upon those who ought not to exercise it, especially in the corridors of power in Washington, D.C., London, and the Vatican (the Jesuits have their own ‘intelligence agency’ which operates around the globe).

The final point is that the U.S. intelligence agencies now systematically generate so much false data and wrong information that they can’t keep track of it all. In the conduct of war, propaganda is always used as a major weapon. Foreign nations are regularly the object of massive propaganda campaigns both here in the USA and abroad. However, it is now the American people who have become the target of so much warmongering propaganda.

Military Industrial Complex WARNING: Unmasking Military Industrial Complex An Unseen Juggernaut in Global Politics (video)

Hidden in plain sight, a vast labyrinth of shadowy figures and murky alliances lurks. An invisible war wages within the heart of our nation. Its battlefield: the corridors of power. Its combatants: a lion and a swamp-dwelling beast.

In the shadows, where secrets are currency, the notorious “Deep State” festers, interweaving its influence across our most formidable institutions – from the formidable Military Industrial Complex to the formidable FBI, CIA, NSA, and DHS. The curtains of this intricate play are about to be drawn.

It’s time to uncover the truth behind America’s most covert operations and the power players pulling the strings. From Obama to Biden, Trump to Guantanamo Bay, prepare for a shocking exploration of power, secrecy, and manipulation.

Fasten your seatbelts, patriots. The rabbit hole runs deep!

Read the full article here: https://amg-news.com/military-industrial-complex-warning-unmasking-military-industrial-complex-an-unseen-juggernaut-in-global-politics-video/

Also: Knock Knock! It’s FEMA, We’re Here for Your Stockpile – https://amg-news.com/knock-knock-its-fema-were-here-for-your-stockpile/


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