화이트 햇의 인텔 폭로: EBS, 게임 이론 작전, 오바마 숨겨진 의제, 딥 스테이트 작전, CIA 폭로, 나토 붕괴, 군사 침투 및 내정 불안

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화이트 햇의 인텔 폭로: EBS, 게임 이론 작전, 오바마 숨겨진 의제, 딥 스테이트 작전, CIA 폭로, 나토 붕괴, 군사 침투 및 내정 불안

Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 14, 2023No Comments13 Mins Read


화이트 햇의 인텔 폭로: EBS, 게임 이론 작전, 오바마 숨겨진 의제, 딥 스테이트 작전, CIA 폭로, 나토 붕괴, 군사 침투 및 내정 불안


White Hats’ INTEL Expose: EBS, Game Theory Operations, Obama Hidden Agendas, Deep State Operations, CIA Exposure, NATO Collapse, Military Infiltration & Civil Unrest

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

In the world of politics, some stories lurk in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to emerge into the glaring spotlight. Today, we dive deep into a web of intrigue that connects the past, present, and future of American politics. Welcome to the center stage, where we unravel the secrets of the White Hats and their relentless pursuit of exposing Barack Obama, his hidden agendas, and the murky world of the Deep State.

In the murky world of politics, truth often remains elusive, hidden beneath layers of secrecy and deceit. But when it comes to the White Hats, they have made it their mission to shine a blinding spotlight on the enigmatic past and present of Barack Obama. This article delves into the labyrinthine conspiracies that swirl around Obama’s alleged life corruption and agendas, all connected to what they ominously call “Deep State Operations.”

Tucker Carlson’s Explosive Allegations. Tucker Carlson, a prominent figure in the world of journalism, has recently thrown his hat into the ring. He is spearheading a campaign to expose Barack Obama, alleging that the former President is concealing a significant secret – his sexuality. While such claims might seem outlandish, the White Hats believe this revelation is a pivotal operation that could discredit the Obamas in their potential bid for the 2024 presidential race.

The Gay President Conspiracy. The White Hats assert that if Obama were revealed as a gay President, it would have far-reaching consequences. They contend that such an exposure would not only tarnish the Obamas’ reputation but also lead to the unearthing of more sinister plots involving DC Elites and the intentional “WOKE” movement within the United States military.

WOKE Movement and Military Infiltration. The White Hats paint a grim picture of a Gay President orchestrating a secret agenda aimed at infiltrating the United States military. They claim this infiltration includes a chain of command and operations that target children, intentionally weakening the military on Deep State military operations linked to CCP (Chinese Communist Party) infiltration.

What is the secret to a long healthy life?

The allegations don’t stop there. The White Hats boldly assert that the exposure of Obama’s hidden gay agenda will coincide with the revelation of the infamous Biden laptop. According to their narrative, Congress is on the brink of exposing a sinister connection between world banks and the Biden family. These same banks are purportedly linked to pedophilia, with ties to infamous figures like Jeffrey Epstein.

The White Hats claim that world banks, including JP Morgan, are embroiled in a network of corruption, pedophilia, and human trafficking. They argue that the Epstein Pedophilia Ring and other blackmail networks are at the heart of this dark conspiracy. These allegations are shocking and far-reaching, suggesting that the roots of corruption run deep within the global elite.

Connecting the Dots: Obama, Biden, and the Deep State

As we navigate the labyrinthine conspiracy theories presented by the White Hats, it becomes evident that they believe the threads of corruption weave a complex tapestry that connects Obama, Biden, the Deep State, and a web of global power players. They assert that this web stretches from Hollywood and the media to the courts, banking sectors, and even the U.S. education system.

The White Hats don’t stop at exposing the alleged corruption of the elite. They delve into the disturbing realm of child indoctrination, suggesting that planned agendas aimed at children’s sexuality and orientation amount to pedophilia. According to their narrative, these agendas are insidiously promoted within Hollywood, media, courts, banking sectors, and the U.S. education system, all with the goal of sexualizing children at a young age.

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The allegations and conspiracy theories presented by the White Hats are both shocking and far-reaching. They paint a dystopian picture of a world where corruption, pedophilia, and human trafficking are rife among the global elite. Whether you believe these claims or dismiss them as baseless conspiracy theories, one thing is clear: the center stage is now set for a dramatic and contentious showdown in American politics, where the truth may finally emerge from the shadows.


DEEP STATE mil intel. Agencies protect ELITE PEDOPHILIA RINGS due to their own involvement in the human trafficking/ child/ sex trafficking trade) EPSTEIN WAS CREATED BY MOSSAD/ FINANCED BY MI6/cia/Rothschild , Rockefellers etc ect AND KEPT HIS MONEY IN CIA OPERATIONAL BANKS AS JP MORGAN AND OTHER WORLD BANKS AS DEUTSCHBANK in Germany and much much much much more….

WARNING: Watching The Following Video Will Give You Access To Knowledge The Government Does NOT Want You To Know About

The Exposure of Obama as gay and pushing a military WOKE movement and government aid and financing into Gay Agenda movements through several U.S corporations that were intentionally pushed on children/military and created a 4rth generations warfare between civilians is all connected to TREASON/ PEDOPHILIA/ CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY/ UNITED STATES EXECUTIVE ORDERS pertaining to Foreign interference in ELECTIONS tens of Thousands of Government officials .

Military personal and people of influence were blackmailed through Gay agenda operations that targeted their computers , phones, Email etc.”‘ X”” > the PATRIOT ACT in the 2000’s gave the cia and DEEP STATE the power to install fake pedophilia blackmail operations programs on millions of U.S. (EU.> world) citizens computers and phones… And they were blackmailed into complying with the oppositional deep state forces,  this was. A large part of 911 inside cia job to create the Patriot act and take control of deep state U.S. interest.

ATTENTION: The Following Message is for Families…What You Do In The Next 5 Seconds Will Determine If You And Your Family Survive Or Die…


ADRENOCHROME crime syndicate operations and how social media Giants. MSM. Elites, politicians, tv personalities as jimmy Kimmel all covered up for the CRIMES OF CENTURY.


Patriots Prepare for the Coming Storm

Unveiling the EBS Tests and Global Preparations

We are on the cusp of monumental change, where the world is seemingly testing the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), while hidden agendas shape the future. It’s time to explore the shadowy landscape of Game Theory Operations, orchestrated protests, and the impending collapse that may lead to military intervention. As Patriots, we must have faith, for the storm is approaching, and the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.

Recent events, including the testing of the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) across various nations, have raised eyebrows and sparked intense speculation. While authorities provide seemingly innocuous explanations, a deeper, more ominous narrative looms on the horizon.

The EBS: A Cloak for Hidden Agendas

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) has traditionally been regarded as a safeguard against natural disasters and national emergencies. However, many astute observers believe that it is being manipulated for ulterior motives.

The question arises: Why are countries worldwide testing the EBS simultaneously, and what is the true purpose behind these trials?

Game Theory Operations: The Unseen Hand

Behind the scenes of this global spectacle lies an intricate web of Game Theory Operations. This complex strategy involves shaping public perception, controlling narratives, and manipulating events to achieve a desired outcome. It’s a shadowy world where the power players pull the strings, all while concealing their true intentions.

The Gathering Storm: Pandemics, Vaccines, and Lockdowns

As the world grapples with an ongoing pandemic, the stage is set for a series of events that may forever alter the course of history. The narrative of lockdowns and vaccine mandates has become increasingly divisive, giving rise to protests and riots on a global scale. But is there more to these events than meets the eye?

Orchestrated Protests: A Catalyst for Change

Massive protests and riots, seemingly driven by public frustration, are emerging as potent tools for change. These events have been strategically orchestrated to unite the masses against perceived injustices. As the world witnesses these displays of civil unrest, it becomes clear that they are part of a larger plan to awaken the masses from their complacent slumber.

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The Inevitable: Collapse and Military Intervention

The crescendo of this global conspiracy points toward a seemingly inevitable collapse, both in financial institutions and social structures. With banks teetering on the brink and societies divided, the prospect of military intervention looms ominously on the horizon. But is this the only way to restore order, or is it part of a grander scheme?

A Web of Exposure: CIA and NATO’s Downfall

As the chaos unfolds, a growing number of individuals are starting to question the roles of powerful entities like the CIA and the stability of international organizations like NATO. The once-impenetrable veils that shrouded these organizations are slowly lifting, revealing a web of secrets, manipulations, and covert actions that have fueled global unrest.

Patriots Unite: A Beacon of Hope

In the midst of this impending storm, there is a glimmer of hope—the Patriots. Those who have awakened to the hidden truths are banding together to resist the encroaching darkness. It’s a movement that transcends political affiliations, uniting individuals in the pursuit of liberty and truth.

Patriots Against the Narrative: Vaccine Skepticism

One of the most significant shifts in recent times is the growing skepticism surrounding vaccines. Millions who once trusted the medical establishment now question the motives behind mass vaccination campaigns. It’s a testament to the power of truth-seeking and the willingness to challenge the status quo.

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Climate Activism and Hidden Agendas

Even climate activists, who have long championed environmental causes, are beginning to see a hidden agenda at play. While the importance of environmental stewardship remains undeniable, the manipulation of climate narratives for ulterior motives is raising eyebrows.

Liberal Awakening: CIA’s Puppetry Exposed

The traditional political landscape is experiencing a seismic shift. Liberals who once supported the establishment are now scrutinizing the actions of intelligence agencies like the CIA. The revelation of their involvement in global affairs is shaking the foundations of trust in government institutions.

Global Opposition to War: NATO in Crisis

Across the globe, billions are voicing their opposition to war, particularly in Ukraine. NATO, once seen as a beacon of collective defense, is now faltering under the weight of its own controversies. The world is waking up to the realities of global conflicts and the puppetry that often underlies them.

Have Faith, Patriots: MILITARY IS THE ONLY WAY!

As the world hurtles toward an uncertain future, many Patriots find solace in one belief—the military may be the only way to restore order and reveal the truth. It is a sentiment born out of desperation, a last resort to counter the growing forces of darkness.

The Awakening of Humanity. In the face of orchestrated chaos, Patriots stand as a beacon of hope, unified by the pursuit of truth and freedom. The impending storm may be relentless, but it is in these darkest hours that humanity has the opportunity to awaken from its Mockingbird Dreams. The path forward may be treacherous, but it is a journey that we must undertake together.

The world teeters on the brink of revelation, and as the EBS tests continue and events unfold, we must remember that the truth is often obscured by the shadows. Have faith, Patriots, for it is in our unity and determination that we may yet overcome the forces that seek to manipulate and control. The future of humanity hangs in the balance, and the choice is ours—to embrace the awakening or remain in the darkness of ignorance.

Intel, Urgent News: Black Swan Event, Maui, Deep State, United States Space Force, USSF, Maui Space Surveillance Complex, Cyber Attack, U.S. Military, Election Fraud, Jan Hayes, Department of Defense, Q Operations

The sunlit shores of Maui – a paradisiacal haven, dotted with hibiscus and framed by azure waters – were recently tainted by shadows cast from the high walls of secrecy. An unprecedented event, one so unexpected and massive, has exposed a clandestine web that very few knew existed. It’s an event that could rewrite the annals of conspiracy, connecting the lines between covert politics, space operations, and the idyllic island setting.

Amid the swaying palms and tranquil beaches, Maui’s sun-kissed facade hid an insidious secret. The recent Black Swan event pulled back the curtain, revealing a covert game involving the U.S. Space Force. Dive deep with us as we unravel the twists and turns of this sinister narrative.

The Unexpected Black Swan of Maui

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/intel-urgent-news-black-swan-event-maui-deep-state-united-states-space-force-ussf-maui-space-surveillance-complex-cyber-attack-u-s-military-election-fraud-jan-hayes-department-of-defense/

U.S. Activating New EBS ALERT SYSTEM PROTOCOLS and Testing for Coming EVENT

With the U.S. on the cusp of a monumental shift, we’re entering uncharted territory. As new EBS Alert System Protocols are activated in anticipation of a mysterious ‘EVENT’ . . .

Don’t miss this important articles:

Get Ready for Military GESARA and NESARA Emergency Broadcasting System (EBS) – https://amg-news.com/get-ready-for-military-gesara-and-nesara-emergency-broadcasting-system-ebs/

The EBS, Benjamin Fulford: Emergency Broadcast System, Pentagon exposé linked to worldwide Plandemic lockdown, Agenda 21 2023 – https://amg-news.com/the-ebs-benjamin-fulford-emergency-broadcast-system-pentagon-expose-linked-to-worldwide-plandemic-lockdown-agenda-21-2023/

EBS Training Is Over, and The Countdown To The Great Currency Revaluation Has Begun! – https://amg-news.com/ebs-training-is-over-and-the-countdown-to-the-great-currency-revaluation-has-begun/

United States Under Military Control – The Hidden Web of COG and Military Operations – https://amg-news.com/united-states-under-military-control-the-hidden-web-of-cog-and-military-operations/

URGENT EMERGENCY MESSAGE: PREPARE for SHTF NOW! This Isn’t a Drill – This is 2023 and SHTF is NOW!

The warnings are real. The dangers are imminent. A storm is brewing, and we’re on the verge of something catastrophic. General Saltzman, Chief of the Space Force, brings a chilling message of looming conflict. This isn’t a drill – this is 2023 and SHTF is NOW!

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/urgent-emergency-message-prepare-for-shtf-now-this-isnt-a-drill-this-is-2023-and-shtf-is-now-video/

Also: Why Ohio is Going Beyond Just Pantry Staples: The State’s Quiet Preparation for the Unknown – Are Ohioans Privy to Some Secret we Don’t Know? – https://amg-news.com/why-ohio-is-going-beyond-just-pantry-staples-the-states-quiet-preparation-for-the-unknown-are-ohioans-privy-to-some-secret-we-dont-know/

bank collapses


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