(윤 민진 deeple번역기 연습/생각해보기)How to Deal with the Fear of Standing up for Yourself | Liberty

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11/07/2023 11:09:00 PM – LibertyMessagesSpirituality

(윤 민진 deeple번역기 연습/생각해보기)How to Deal with the Fear of Standing up for Yourself | Liberty

How to deal with the fear of standing up for yourself

It’s time to put yourself on a pedestal

Hello dear ones, Kryon is with you again to confess his love to you and remind you of your greatness. I want to remind you again and again that each of you is unique and inimitable, and also that each of you is the center of your own Universe.

You came to Earth to realize yourself, to put your Spirit into everything material that surrounds you, into everything that you create, which is called your life. You can’t do this if you give away your power to others. You came to Earth to use your power to create your world, your life and your own heaven on Earth.

But many of you still believe that you should give your strength to others. This is a mistake, dear ones. Giving away your strength will not help others or yourself. When you give away your strength, you deprive yourself of all opportunities – including the opportunity to help others.

For when you have nothing, you cannot give anything to others.

For centuries and millennia you have been raised with a false concept of your importance and your role among other people. You were taught that others are much more important and significant than you, that you should live for others, and not for yourself. You have been taught that living for yourself is selfishness. No, dear ones, when you live for your own Spirit, when you realize your Divine Self, this is not selfishness, but a huge wonderful work not only for your own good, but also for the good of the entire Universe.

Dear ones, I know how difficult it can be for you to maintain your strength. There are so many people around you who only want to take away your power. And how difficult it can be for you to stand up for yourself, to defend your right to strength, to put yourself and your Spirit first in your life. Most of you have a fear of standing up for yourself and your rights, a fear of saying no, a fear of protecting yourself and your power. Where did this fear come from? Let me tell you a few short stories.

A newly born baby cannot disagree with his parents on something, because he feels like he is part of them, he is not separate, not independent. But when he grows up a little, he has his own will, his own truth and his own ideas about what is good for him. This happened in the family I want to tell you about.

Oh, they were a decent, well-mannered and pious family. They also wanted to raise a child, and the parents had good intentions. The child was obedient for the time being. But one day he wanted to do something his own way, as all children of his age want to do. Something not so significant and not threatening – to wear a blue shirt, not a red one, to eat an apple, and not the fruit that his mother offered him… But in response to his innocent protest and his innocent desire, he received his mother’s shouting and punishment.

In another family, the response to a similar request was the mother’s tears and complaints, but the result was the same – this boy no longer dared to express his desires out loud, did not dare to say “no” to his mother. And as an adult, he did not dare to say “no” to those who humiliated him, who took away something valuable from him, and those who introduced him to harmful substances that destroy his health, and even those who ultimately took his life…

This story, of course, is somewhat simplified and schematic, but it talks about one of the reasons for your fear of standing up for yourself, defending your interests and needs – this is the fear of punishment, the fear of being denied love, the fear of offending another . While this fear lives in you, you allow yourself to be manipulated and taken away from what is valuable to you.

Another story concerns not a child, but an adult man who went to war to protect his home, his family and his country, but was killed in the first battle. He forgot about it in the next incarnation, but deep down the memory remained, and this memory dictated to him: it is useless to try to defend yourself – in the end you will lose your life itself. The fear of defending himself no longer allowed him to rush to the defense of not only others, but even himself.

And another story concerns many, many of you: you strived to do what you want, to live as the Spirit suggests, you strived to be free and happy, but then it turned out that your loved ones did not like it. They didn’t want to see you free – they wanted to see you dependent. They didn’t want you to do what you liked; they wanted you to do what they liked. And if you did not obey, they left, simply disappeared from your life, and you were left alone, and you were ready to give up yourself and your freedom, your happiness, just so that they would return…

And your life continued with your head down, abandoning yourself and your desires, your life continued, but you were as if deprived of wings…

All these stories happened to you, in childhood or as an adult, in past incarnations or in this life, and all of them became the reason for your fear of expressing yourself and your desires, your fear of defending yourself and your interests, your fear of saying “no” .

Dear ones, the time has come to overcome these fears, because otherwise you cannot realize yourself as Spirit. Otherwise, you cannot be yourself and live your own life. Otherwise, you are living someone else’s life and serving someone else’s interests. This does not serve the Spirit. This does not serve love and light.

You can start living differently and not be afraid that in the end you will be abandoned, betrayed, or left alone. If you put on the garments of the Spirit, this will not happen. Those who are truly close and loving will not leave you, even if you dare to live your own life. Moreover, you will find even more close and loving people. To do this, you need to learn to put yourself first – but not in the ordinary, but in the Divine sense.

Put yourself as Spirit first!

Put yourself at the center of your life – yourself, not someone else. Give others the right to be their own center, and become your own center. Dear ones, this is the only way you can live your own life, follow your interests and defend them, while not only not pushing away your loved ones, but attracting them to you.

Free yourself and your life from the influence of those who take away your strength and interfere with the implementation of the tasks of your Spirit

Dear ones, each of you has the right to protect and defend yourself and what is dear to you. Each of you has the right to refuse sacrifices if the interests of the Spirit have to be sacrificed.

Your Spirit wants you to fulfill yourself and be happy. Your Spirit wants you to gain the fullness of your power and not give this power to manipulators and those who want to take advantage of you, who want to get something at your expense.

On the Divine levels, all people are one, but on the material level, the level of the three-dimensional world, you have to separate from those who want to subordinate you to their vibrations, lower than yours. You all know that people who want your power provoke you to display dissonant emotions. And if you succumb to this kind of provocation, your strength goes away.

In this way, you deprive your Divine “I” of strength; you do not allow your Spirit to act and manifest itself in full force. The energy dependencies and attachments that arise entangle you like a web and deprive you of free will, the freedom to express yourself in the material world. Breaking these ties also means standing up for yourself, defending your rights to your own life and your own happiness.

Exercise 1: Put Yourself Divinely First

Stay alone with yourself, take any comfortable, relaxed position, close your eyes. Imagine that you see a golden pedestal in front of you. It’s meant for you. You are the one who must ascend to it and rightfully take center stage in your life.

Do you think this pedestal is free or occupied by someone else? It can only be occupied by those whom you yourself put there, giving them the first and main place in your life, leaving yourself with secondary roles. Whom have you placed on a pedestal, while you yourself are huddling forlornly at its foot? No matter how close and dear these people are to you, each of them has their own life, and each of them has their own pedestal, and they should occupy a central, first and main place in their lives, but not in yours.

You shouldn’t stop loving them. But in your life you must give first place to yourself and only yourself.

Tell yourself, “ This pedestal is for me and me only. It was given to me by God, it is intended for my Divine “I”. I rightfully take my place on this golden pedestal to realize myself as a Spirit, to build my life the way I need, the way it suits my highest interests .”

Imagine that you are gently asking to vacate the place assigned to you by those people whom you yourself have placed on your pedestal. And when it becomes free, you solemnly take your place on it. And immediately your transformation occurs – you connect with your Divine Self, you become a majestic being of light, an angel, you are filled with love and power, you glow, and your whole being seems to sing a beautiful song praising life, joy, your Divinity.

Repeat this meditation and you will feel yourself gaining Divine dignity and regaining your rightful central place in your own life.

Exercise 2. Liberation from constraining and disempowering dependencies and attachments

Be alone with yourself, close your eyes. Remember that you are the Divine Spirit, a luminous, eternal, invulnerable being, that you are wearing the mantle of God and that you are on a pedestal, at the center and at the head of your life. Think about those people whose relationships cause you vague anxiety, worry, or with whom you are associated with dissonant emotions such as hostility, resentment, condemnation, irritation, or a feeling of inferiority. Another characteristic symptom of the presence of destructive, pathological attachments is a tendency to constantly intrusive thoughts about this person. You either have endless imaginary dialogues with him, or you constantly think about his behavior, even if you don’t want to.

The destructive attachment that takes away your power is maintained precisely because there are dissonant energies within you caused by corresponding emotions. There is something that causes pain in you associated with this person. Find the reason. Ask yourself the question: “ Why am I hurting?” “Perhaps there is resentment associated with this person, or next to him you feel flawed, not full enough. These feelings may be deeply hidden. Find the strength to open them.

Then ask the Almighty to give you energies of light and love that will help eliminate these dissonant emotions. Imagine a bright flash in which your feeling of resentment or humiliation, your condemnation and irritation, your anger and anger burns away.

Then imagine this person in front of you and mentally place him inside a sphere shining with snow-white light. This is the light of Divine love. Say mentally or out loud: “ You are free and I am free. From now on we are both free and self-sufficient. From now on we are bound only by Divine unconditional love and nothing else. I proclaim my inalienable right to live my life and only my life – and I give you the right to live yours and only your life .”

Imagine how the image of the one to whom you were addressing dissolves in a white radiance. Take a few deep breaths, feel rooted in your Divine center, feel the spiritual, energetic center within you. Then you can open your eyes.

Learn to reclaim your rightful power

Dear Ones, your residual fear of defending yourself and your dignity, of saying “no” to what is unacceptable to you, is associated with situations in this and past incarnations when you lost something valuable, or even life itself while trying to insist on one’s own, to defend oneself and one’s values. You are afraid that these losses may happen again. You are afraid of losing, of failing, of being defeated. You prefer to endure, to suffer from what is harmful to you, but not to say “no”, so that terrible losses do not happen to you. But they will not happen if you receive the fullness of your Divine power.

In the past, you tried to defend yourself without claiming your true power – the power of the Spirit. You tried to stand up for yourself without taking on the mantle of God and without having His support. Your defeats can only be explained by this.

Now you can correct your mistake. You can gain the power of the Divine Spirit and begin to use it in your earthly life. You can return the power that was given to other people because you did not know how to keep it to yourself, because you did not know how to put yourself first. Now you have learned it. Now you have realized who you are.

Regain the fullness of your Divine power, and you will no longer need to fear anyone or anything.

When you are in the mantle of God, when you have regained the dominant position at the center of your life and the fullness of Divine power, you are not afraid of anything. You can no longer be afraid to defend yourself, because now you are helped by the Spirit, whose capabilities are limitless. When you are with the Spirit, you cannot be overcome unless you allow it.

Learn to show will and say “no” to everything that is unacceptable to you.

When you want to say “no” and say “yes”, you deprive yourself of protection, you allow yourself to be overcome, you allow your strength to be taken away. In most cases, if you say “no” in time, then you no longer have to fight for yourself, defend yourself and defend your rights.

Learn this – to say “no” when you want to say “no”.

This also means being yourself and showing your true self. Learn this – and you will always be in harmony with yourself and with the world.

You will be surprised, but defending yourself very often means not fighting at all with or without a weapon, but simply saying “no.” To do this, you need to learn not only to have strength and will, but also to demonstrate them.

When you don’t like something, when you don’t want something, be aware of it and be fearless enough to express it.

Enlist the help and support of the Spirit – and don’t say yes when you want to say no. Then you will become the master of your life. Then you will live your life, not someone else’s. Then and only then will you realize the tasks of the Spirit for which you came to Earth.

Exercise 3. Regain the fullness of your Divine Power

Find time to be alone with yourself, take any comfortable, relaxed position, drive away extraneous thoughts. Focus on the heart area, connect with your Divine Center and imagine yourself surrounded by a glow that changes from golden yellow to bright white.

Say out loud or silently: “I now intend to regain the fullness of my Divine power. I place myself and only myself at the center of my life. I eliminate from my life everything that takes away my strength. With the help of the Almighty, I am returning my power, which rightfully belongs to me as the Divine Spirit that I really am.”

Imagine that there are people around you – different, close and not so close, familiar and unfamiliar, who one way or another, in this incarnation or in past ones, could take away your power. The halo of light becomes violet, and in this violet glow all dissonant energies are burned, creating destructive connections between you and other people.

Say out loud or silently: “I am taking back my power. I return to the senders the dissonant energies that separate me from the love and light of God. From now on, my power is used only for the benefit of me and all people. From now on, my power belongs to me and only me.”

Imagine how the people around you move away and seem to melt into a fog. The purple glow turns golden white again. You can bathe in it, as in the waves of Divine love, and feel your strength returning.

Exercise 4. Learn to show will

Remember those situations in your life when something went wrong, circumstances were not in your favor, when you were not at all where you wanted. Remember the moment at which this development of events began. This was your moment of choice. This was the moment when it was up to you to go one way or the other, to say yes or no, to choose what serves you or what could work against you.

Surely your intuition and various signs on your path suggested that you were making the wrong choice. What stopped you from saying no? False sense of duty? Do you want to please someone or keep someone in your life? Fear of punishment?

Mentally return to this situation and imagine that you said “no”, thereby refusing an unfavorable choice. “Replay” this situation as if you are rewriting the past – as if it were a scene of a play that you played then one way, and now you want to replay it differently. “Rehearse” her by saying “no” in several different ways, for example: “I won’t do it,” “I don’t want to,” “I have other plans,” “I don’t like it.”

Be sure to say it out loud, and preferably in front of a mirror. In this way, you will develop a model for the manifestation of your true will, and this model will subsequently work in real-life circumstances. It will be imprinted in your subconscious that you know how to show will, you know how to say “no,” and you will do this much easier than before.

Then think about those situations in your present when you do or say things you don’t want to do. Imagine that you show your will in them too, say “no” to what does not suit you or is unacceptable to you. Rehearse these situations too. When you’re ready, exercise your will in real life by rejecting choices that are unfavorable to you and choosing only what suits you.

Dear Ones, you were born fearless. You were born to be yourself. You were born to put yourself first, to live your life and only your life, to fulfill the tasks of your Spirit. You have strength and will. You have Divine power. You have already reached a level of your strength where no one and nothing can stop you. Do not be afraid. Go for it. You are magnificent and beautiful. We are proud of you.

You are immensely loved, it was, is and always will be. Krayon

(Translation of an excerpt from a book “A big book of messages from the Universe for finding Happiness, Love and Prosperity”, Schmidt Tamara)

With Love, Liberty

“Island of Light” in English

“The Island of Light” in Russian



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