U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—The Shocking $8 Trillion Prediction: Fed Inflation Sparks a ‘Critical’ Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Crypto Price Boom to Rival Gold

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 10, 2023No Comments6 Mins Read


U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—The Shocking  Trillion Prediction: Fed Inflation Sparks a ‘Critical’ Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Crypto Price Boom to Rival Gold


U.S. Dollar ‘Collapse’—The Shocking $8 Trillion Prediction: Fed Inflation Sparks a ‘Critical’ Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and Crypto Price Boom to Rival Gold

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

In a world teetering on the brink of financial chaos, a series of events could soon send shockwaves through the global economy. As the U.S. dollar faces an impending ‘collapse’ amidst a staggering $33 trillion debt, experts warn that the Federal Reserve’s drastic actions may lead to a financial apocalypse.

Brace yourselves for a rollercoaster ride, as we delve into the impending doom and potential salvation embodied by Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, and the broader cryptocurrency market.

The U.S. dollar, once considered the pinnacle of financial stability, is now on the precipice of a cataclysmic fall. The greenback, the world’s reserve currency, is threatened by an enormous debt spiral and an inflationary whirlwind. In this article, we explore the dire circumstances facing the dollar and the lifeline it may inadvertently throw to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP.

The Bitcoin Price. A Rollercoaster to Rival Gold. Bitcoin, the pioneer of the cryptocurrency world, has seen its fair share of highs and lows. After a meteoric rise that saw it reach nearly $70,000 per bitcoin in late 2021, it plunged by a staggering 60%. This plunge resulted in the evaporation of approximately $2 trillion from the entire crypto market. But hold onto your hats; a hidden trump card may be at play.

Cryptocurrency enthusiasts have been holding their breath, waiting for a game-changing event to breathe new life into the market. Rumors are swirling about a major tech company preparing to reveal its secret involvement with cryptocurrencies. Could this unexpected development be the catalyst for a market resurgence?

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The Federal Reserve’s Dilemma: A $33 Trillion Debt Death Spiral

At the heart of this looming financial catastrophe lies the Federal Reserve. This colossal institution finds itself entangled in a precarious web of debt. With a debt tally soaring to an astonishing $33 trillion, the Fed appears to be on a one-way path to disaster. To navigate this perilous terrain, it may have no choice but to restart its money-printing machine.

In these turbulent times, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a critical hedge against the looming U.S. dollar inflation. The likes of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP have garnered significant attention as safe havens for investors looking to shield their wealth from the devaluation of fiat currencies.

Christopher Wood’s Dire Warning

Christopher Wood, global head of equity strategy at Jefferies, minced no words when he declared Bitcoin and gold as “critical hedges” against the resurgence of inflation. He emphasized that G7 central banks, particularly the Federal Reserve, have no easy way out of their unconventional monetary policies. The inescapable reality, Wood argues, is that central banks will be compelled to continue expanding their balance sheets.

The Federal Reserve’s attempt to salvage the sinking ship began with quantitative tightening in the spring of 2022. This policy aimed to drain liquidity from the financial system while transferring the burden of newly issued debt to the private sector. Simultaneously, the Fed embarked on a journey of rapid interest rate hikes in a desperate attempt to tame soaring inflation.

The convergence of quantitative tightening and interest rate hikes may have unintentionally set the stage for a treacherous “death spiral” for the U.S. dollar. As the Fed struggles to curb inflation, it risks plunging the dollar further into a downward spiral. Paradoxically, this turmoil could serve as rocket fuel for cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin.

The Fed’s Dovish Dilemma and Lagging Inflation Control

However, there is a twist in this financial tale. The Fed might find itself compelled to abruptly shift towards a more dovish stance in response to a looming U.S. recession. This unexpected pivot could result from a delay in the Fed’s efforts to quell inflation following the explosive money supply growth in 2020 and 2021.

Should the Federal Reserve fail to execute a smooth exit from unorthodox monetary policies, a catastrophic outcome looms. In this scenario, the U.S. dollar could crumble like a house of cards, leaving investors scrambling for alternative safe havens. Gold and Bitcoin, in particular, stand poised to reap the benefits of this economic Armageddon.

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In conclusion, as we stand on the precipice of unprecedented financial turmoil, the fate of the U.S. dollar hangs in the balance. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP may well emerge as the unexpected saviors in this tumultuous landscape, offering refuge to those seeking shelter from the storm.

While the future remains uncertain, one thing is clear: the once-mighty dollar is facing a reckoning of epic proportions, and the cryptocurrency market is poised for an electrifying ascent. Keep your eyes on the horizon and your digital wallets ready; the future of finance is about to change forever.

GESARA NESARA: The Biggest Transfer of Wealth Ever – We’re Never Going Back to the Old System!

In a world filled with uncertainty and economic upheaval, there emerges a glimmer of hope, a promise of a brighter future. It’s called GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) and NESARA (National Economic Security and Reformation Act). These initiatives represent nothing short of a revolution, a seismic shift in the global financial landscape. Get ready to embark on a journey through this incredible transformation, where love, prosperity, and a new era await us all.

READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/gesara-nesara-the-biggest-transfer-of-wealth-ever-were-never-going-back-to-the-old-system-must-see-video/

RELATED: Crash and Burn: GCR Roadmap 5 & The Brewing Banking Sector Crisis – A Revealing Insight into RV GESARA – https://amg-news.com/crash-and-burn-gcr-roadmap-5-the-brewing-banking-sector-crisis-a-revealing-insight-into-rv-gesara/

ALSO: The NESARA/QFS Plan: Discover the Unprecedented Wealth Distribution Under the NESARA/QFS Plan and Delve Into its Multifaceted Aspects – https://amg-news.com/the-nesara-qfs-plan-discover-the-unprecedented-wealth-distribution-under-the-nesara-qfs-plan-and-delve-into-its-multifaceted-aspects/

Decoding the Decadence: Fiat’s Fall, Gold’s Glory, and the Dawn of the QFS & GESARA-NESARA Era – https://amg-news.com/decoding-the-decadence-fiats-fall-golds-glory-and-the-dawn-of-the-qfs-gesara-nesara-era/


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