It’s BQQM Time. Scare Event. The Great Finale. Cryptic Message (Must See)-영+은 숙제

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It’s BQQM Time. Scare Event. The Great Finale. Cryptic Message (Must See)

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As the ominous clouds of a possible ‘Scare Event’ gather over our horizon, it’s high time we, the citizens of this global community, unite. With potential threats looming – a nuclear false flag, a strategic blackout, cyber attacks – we need to keep our resolve unshaken.

We must trust in the benevolent force, in God, and stay on mission. Indeed, the storm is approaching, but so is the dawn of a new era. It’s ‘BQQM Time’ and it promises a grand finale. Brace yourselves, for we are entering a phase of immense transformation.


The alarm bells have been ringing. There’s a whisper in the air, a tremble beneath our feet. Could it be? Is the scare event on the horizon? As much as we’d love to dismiss these harbingers as mere conspiracy theory, we cannot ignore the clear and present danger they represent.

Ever since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, our world has been living on the edge. Fear, uncertainty, and suspicion have become the norm. Yet, amid all the chaos, something amazing happened. We saw the emergence of a global brotherhood, a unity born from shared adversity. A sense of community that, quite frankly, we haven’t seen in decades.

If anything, the pandemic taught us a crucial lesson: the power of unity and the importance of waking up from our comfortable slumber. It reminded us that only at the precipice of destruction do we find the will to change.


Now more than ever, we need to harness this unity. The mission is clear: to survive and thrive through whatever may come our way. As whispers of a nuclear false flag gain traction, we must stand our ground. As hints of a strategic blackout raise the hairs on our neck, we must remain prepared. And yes, even as we grapple with the reality of a ‘BQQM Time’, we must stay united, stay on mission.

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The possibility of such catastrophic events can instill fear, but it’s not fear that should drive us. Instead, it should be a wake-up call, a catalyst for change. It’s a jolt that says, “Wake up! It’s time to confront the reality.” Just like the nightmares we experience in our sleep, the reality is often harsh, pushing us to wake up, shake off the inertia, and face the world.


Amid the fog of war, as our world stands on the brink of a nuclear false flag or a significant communications blackout, we must remain vigilant. Why? Because in the age of technology and digital warfare, sabotage is not a remote possibility; it’s a glaring reality.

A strategic blackout, or RED2, could disrupt our communications, impede the flow of information, and leave us isolated in this interconnected world. War games are no longer played out on physical battlefields alone. Cyberspace has become the new arena, and we need to be ready for it.

In this new age of cyber warfare, staying prepared means staying informed, staying vigilant, and most importantly, staying united. It is a warning we can’t ignore – be ready for a possible cyber attack. »»» Blackout USA


In the face of such adversity, it’s important to remember that even the greatest movies have their climaxes, their moments of highest tension, and eventually, their great endings.

In this context, ‘BQQM Time’ symbolizes that climactic moment. It’s the ‘Big Finale’, the apex of our struggle, the turning point. And yes, it’s scary, but remember: it’s always darkest before the dawn.

It might seem we are under the control of external forces, but rest assured, we are the key players in this great movie. The Patriots, those who stand for truth, freedom, and unity, are in control. They will guide us through the storm, navigate the fog of war, and lead us to the great ending.


In times of turmoil and uncertainty, trust becomes our anchor. It grounds us and gives us the strength to keep going. For many, that trust lies in the divine. ‘In God we trust’ is not merely a slogan; it’s a mantra for survival.

Faith is the armor that shields us from despair. And this faith, this trust, is not just in the divine, but also in the Patriots, the champions of the Republic, who work tirelessly behind the scenes to protect our nation and its ideals.

Just as President Trump served as the leader of the free world, the Patriots carry the same torch, illuminating our path through the storm.

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Donald Trump, former President of the United States, has often been at the center of controversy and conspiracies. References to “TRUMP PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC USA” contribute to the narrative of a leader returning to power amidst the chaos, a beacon of resilience and authority.

Whether one views this as a prophecy or political commentary, it serves to stir the pot of intrigue, adding an element of suspense to the unfolding saga of the scare event.


Yes, the storm is here. It’s daunting, it’s overwhelming, but we need to stay calm. Panic won’t help; preparedness will. Staying united, staying on mission, trusting in God and the Patriots, that’s our way forward.

The scare event might be imminent, but remember: every scare event is also a wake-up call. A reminder that only at the precipice do we evolve. So, brace yourselves. It’s ‘BQQM Time’, and the finale might just be the beginning of a new chapter.

So, as the storm approaches, remember this: every storm passes. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. In the end, it’s not about who wins the war games or who survives the blackout. It’s about who stays united, who stays on mission, who keeps the faith. After all, even in the most devastating storms, God wins.

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And so, let’s look the storm in the eye. Let’s face it head-on, with faith in our hearts and unity in our actions. For it’s not the storm that defines us, but how we navigate through it. Together, as one united global community, we will weather this storm. And when the dust settles, we will emerge stronger, more united, and more prepared for whatever comes next.

In the end, it’s not just about surviving the storm. It’s about thriving in its aftermath. It’s about turning a scare event into a wake-up call, a nightmare into a lesson, and a storm into an opportunity for change.

The storm is here, the ‘BQQM Time’ has arrived. Let’s seize it. Let’s transform it into a moment of collective awakening, a moment of unprecedented unity. Let’s make this the big finale that paves the way for a grand new beginning. In the face of the storm, let’s rise. Let’s make sure that in the end, we win. After all, God wins. And with God on our side, we too shall overcome.


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