The Brunson Brothers vs. The Corporate United States of America – Julian Assange’s Revelation on the Brunson Brothers’ Legal Battle

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 24, 2023Updated:October 24, 20232 Comments7 Mins Read


The Brunson Brothers vs. The Corporate United States of America – Julian Assange’s Revelation on the Brunson Brothers’ Legal Battle


The Brunson Brothers vs. The Corporate United States of America – Julian Assange’s Revelation on the Brunson Brothers’ Legal Battle

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In the heart of an ongoing legal battle, shrouded in secrecy and overshadowed by mainstream discourse, there exists a critical issue that remains unspoken, a secret harbored by the corridors of justice. Julian Assange, a whistleblower of our time, has brought to light a revelation that holds the key to understanding the seemingly endless legal woes faced by Loy Brunson and his brothers.

Their relentless pursuit of justice as PRO SE Common Law Litigants in a court operating under the shadowy entity of the US INC., the Corporate UNITED STATES of AMERICA, has been met with a resounding denial. But why? Let’s dive deep into this intricate web of deceit and manipulation.

In the shadowy realm of the American legal system, where intrigue and secrecy often overshadow justice, a critical issue has remained buried beneath the surface, shrouded in silence. Loy Brunson and his brothers find themselves entangled in a legal battle that seems destined for perpetual denial and despair. But what if we told you that there’s more to this story than meets the eye? What if we unveiled a revelation so profound that it could shake the very foundations of our understanding of the legal system in the United States?

Julian Assange, a name synonymous with whistleblowing and exposing hidden truths, has shed light on a matter that has largely escaped public scrutiny. Loy Brunson and his brothers have been pursuing their cases as PRO SE Common Law Litigants in a courtroom that operates under the jurisdiction of US INC., the Corporate UNITED STATES of AMERICA. This fact, seemingly innocuous at first glance, carries profound implications for their legal standing and their ability to raise critical issues before the court.

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To comprehend the gravity of this revelation, one need not be a legal scholar or a rocket scientist. It is a matter of understanding the very foundations upon which the American legal system operates. The United States, as we know it, is a multifaceted entity with legal systems that transcend the boundaries of common understanding. It’s not just about laws; it’s about the very nature of the system itself.

The crux of the issue lies in the fact that the Corporate UNITED STATES of AMERICA operates under Admiralty Law, also known as Maritime Law or the Law of the Sea. Admiralty Law is a distinct legal framework that governs maritime activities and disputes, and it operates quite differently from Constitutional Common Law, the bedrock upon which the United States was founded. The question then arises: How does this difference in legal framework impact Loy Brunson and his brothers’ pursuit of justice?

The answer lies in the very fabric of the legal system. When individuals choose to represent themselves as PRO SE Common Law Litigants in a courtroom under the jurisdiction of US INC., they inadvertently enter a jurisdiction that is inherently foreign to the principles of Constitutional Common Law. This, in turn, raises a fundamental issue—standing.

Standing is a legal concept that determines whether a party has a sufficient connection to a case, controversy, or law to support that party’s participation in a lawsuit. In the context of Loy Brunson and his brothers’ cases, their status as PRO SE Common Law Litigants operating within the jurisdiction of US INC. raises questions about their standing to bring issues before the court. The legal system’s inner workings are labyrinthine, and one misstep, even a seemingly minor one, can result in a denial that seems insurmountable.

So, why has this critical aspect of the Brunson Brothers’ legal battle been overlooked or ignored? The answer to that question might be as intricate as the web of legal systems within the United States itself. The mainstream discourse rarely delves into the complexities of the legal system’s dual nature—Constitutional Common Law and Admiralty Law. It’s a secret that few are willing to expose, but Julian Assange, a beacon of transparency in a world shrouded in secrecy, has dared to bring this truth to the forefront.

The implications are staggering. Loy Brunson and his brothers, like countless others who choose to navigate the treacherous waters of the legal system without being MEMBERS OF THE BAR, find themselves caught in a Catch-22 situation. They seek justice through a system that, by its very nature, seems poised to deny them that very justice. Their relentless pursuit of justice is met with repeated denials, a cycle that threatens to engulf their hopes and dreams.

One might argue that the US SUPREME COURT should be the ultimate bastion of justice, the last resort for those who seek redress and fairness in the face of adversity. However, if the system itself is fundamentally flawed, can justice truly be served?

Julian Assange’s revelation suggests that the US SUPREME COURT may have committed an act of treason by perpetuating a legal system that operates under Admiralty Law, one that contradicts the principles upon which the United States was founded.

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In a dramatic turn of events, the very institution entrusted with upholding the rule of law may have become a tool of manipulation, a puppet in the hands of a shadowy cabal. It is a shocking revelation that leaves us with more questions than answers. How can justice prevail when the very system designed to deliver it appears to have been compromised?

Some may argue that Loy Brunson and his brothers are merely casualties of a legal system that is inherently flawed, and their battle is a reflection of the larger issues plaguing the American justice system. But there is a glimmer of hope, a ray of light in the darkness. The US MILITARY, as Julian Assange suggests, may hold the key to removing the tainted influence that has infiltrated the US SUPREME COURT.

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The idea of the US MILITARY intervening in matters of justice may seem far-fetched, even radical, but in a world where secrecy and manipulation reign supreme, radical solutions may be the only path to justice. It is a testament to the dire straits in which Loy Brunson and his brothers find themselves, a testament to the urgency of their plight.

In conclusion, the Brunson Brothers’ legal battle is not just a case of individuals seeking justice; it is a microcosm of a much larger issue that plagues the American legal system. Julian Assange’s revelation forces us to confront the uncomfortable truth—that our legal system may have strayed from the principles upon which it was founded. Loy Brunson and his brothers are not alone in their struggle; they are emblematic of a system in crisis.

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As we grapple with these revelations, it is imperative that we seek transparency, accountability, and justice. The fate of Loy Brunson and his brothers hangs in the balance, but their battle has the potential to ignite a larger movement—one that challenges the status quo, demands answers, and seeks to restore the principles of Constitutional Common Law upon which the United States was built.

It is a battle worth fighting, a truth worth uncovering, and a system worth reforming. Only time will tell whether the US MILITARY will heed Julian Assange’s call and intervene to remove the shadow that looms over the US SUPREME COURT. In the meantime, let us not forget the courage and tenacity of those who dare to challenge the system, for in their struggle, we may find the path to a more just and equitable future.





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