숨겨진 힘: 아슈케나지 카자리안(가짜 유대인)과 로마 교황 혈통 성씨

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숨겨진 힘: 아슈케나지 카자리안(가짜 유대인)과 로마 교황 혈통 성씨

숨겨진 힘: 아슈케나지 카자리안(가짜 유대인)과 로마 교황 혈통 성씨


The Hidden Powers: Ashkenazi Khazarian (referred to as Fake Jews) and Roman Papal Bloodline Family Names

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Behind the scenes, secret societies have played pivotal roles in shaping our world, wielding influence like puppet masters. Among these clandestine orders, none have been as enduring or enigmatic as the Jesuits, who have maintained their position at the apex of secrecy for over five centuries.

This article delves deep into the hidden realms of the Ashkenazi Khazarian (often referred to as Fake Jews) and Roman Papal bloodline family names, exposing the dark forces that have manipulated the course of history.

 The Black Pope and the Jesuit Dominion

For centuries, the Jesuits have remained shrouded in secrecy, their influence extending far beyond the confines of the Vatican. At the helm of this clandestine order stands the enigmatic figure known as the Black Pope, who commands a formidable army of Jesuit mercenaries. Together, they serve as the secret society and enforcement arm for an even more elusive group – the Black Nobility.

The Black Nobility, a shadowy cabal of power, is often eclipsed by the prominence of the Ashkenazi Khazarian fake Jewish Illuminati bloodlines. Names like Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy (excluding Kahlooni-Lincoln), Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn have dominated the conspiratorial discourse. But beneath this veneer lies the hidden influence of the Roman Papal bloodlines, orchestrating their moves with precision and cunning.

The Ashkenazi Khazarian Fake Jewish Illuminati Bloodlines

Before we plunge into the depths of the Roman Papal bloodlines, it is crucial to unravel the complexities of the Ashkenazi Khazarian Illuminati bloodlines. These names have become synonymous with secret societies, global manipulation, and covert control.

The Astor family, known for their vast wealth and influence, have shaped the course of American history. From business magnates to political puppeteers, the Astors have left an indelible mark.

The Bundys, often associated with land rights and cattle ranching, have extended their reach into the realms of politics and governance, influencing policies that resonate even today.

The Collins family, steeped in mystery, have long been rumored to possess occult knowledge and connections to esoteric societies, adding an aura of mystique to their name.

The DuPonts, pioneers in the chemical industry, have not only amassed vast fortunes but have also played pivotal roles in shaping global events, both overtly and covertly.

The Freemans, with their expansive real estate holdings, have wielded immense economic power, affecting the destinies of nations.

The Kennedys, excluding Kahlooni-Lincoln, have dominated the American political landscape, their legacy marked by a series of tragic events that continue to fuel conspiracy theories.

The Lis, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Russells, and Van Duyns—all these names have become synonymous with wealth, power, and covert influence, weaving a tapestry of intrigue that stretches across the globe.

The Enigmatic Black Nobility Roman Papal Bloodlines

While the Ashkenazi Khazarian Illuminati bloodlines have hogged the spotlight, the Black Nobility Roman Papal bloodlines have quietly orchestrated their moves, exercising their influence from the shadows. These families, whose names have resonated through the annals of history, form the backbone of the Vatican’s hidden power structure.

The Aldobrandini family, with their roots tracing back to medieval Italy, have played integral roles in ecclesiastical affairs and the broader political landscape.

The Barberini family, known for their patronage of the arts and their presence in papal politics, have wielded cultural and political influence.

The Borgias, infamous for their ruthlessness and intrigue during the Renaissance, have left an indelible mark on the history of the Vatican.

The Breakspears, an enigmatic family with a shadowy history, are believed to have wielded influence within the Vatican and beyond.

The Chigi family, revered for their art collection and patronage, have left an artistic legacy intertwined with their power.

The Colonna family, with a history spanning over eight centuries, have held sway in both ecclesiastical and political spheres.

The Conti family, known for their role in the political intrigues of the Italian Renaissance, have left an enduring legacy.

The Este family, with their connections to the duchies of Ferrara and Modena, have been key players in Italian history.

The Farnese family, whose members have ascended to the papal throne, have exerted their influence over the Vatican’s policies.

The Gabrielli family, with a storied history that intertwines with the papacy, have been discreet but influential figures.

The Gaetani family, with roots dating back to the Middle Ages, have played pivotal roles in ecclesiastical matters.

The Medicis, renowned for their patronage of the Renaissance and their dominance in Florence, have left an indelible cultural imprint.

The Orsini family, known for their military prowess and political maneuvering, have left a significant mark on European history.

The Pallavicini family, shrouded in secrecy, have been rumored to possess immense wealth and influence.

The Pamphili family, with a connection to Pope Innocent X, have shaped papal history in profound ways.

The House of Savoy, reigning over Italy for centuries, have left an indelible political legacy.

The Sforza family, known for their military prowess and governance of Milan, have been pivotal figures in Italian history.

The Somaglia family, with their connections to the Vatican, have wielded power and influence discreetly.

WARNING: The Vatican Demanded this Be Kept Under Lock and Key: “The Divine Prayer – One Minute Prayer From Biblical Times” VIDEO BELOW

The Emblems of the Black Nobility Roman Papal Bloodline Families

To truly understand the reach and influence of these Roman Papal bloodline families, it is essential to examine their emblems, which serve as symbols of their enduring power:

Aldobrandini: The intertwined serpents symbolize wisdom and secrecy, reflecting the family’s historical influence.

Barberini: The bees represent industriousness, a nod to their prolific patronage of the arts and politics.

Borgia: The bull’s head signifies strength and tenacity, attributes associated with the notorious Borgia family.

Breakspear: The phoenix rising from the ashes alludes to the family’s enduring presence and adaptability.

Chigi: The six mountains represent the family’s connections to various influential Italian cities.

Colonna: The pillar is emblematic of the family’s steadfast influence in both ecclesiastical and political spheres.

Conti: The crowned lion symbolizes authority and nobility, reflecting their historical prominence.

Este: The crowned eagle signifies strength and sovereignty, attributes long associated with the Este family.

Farnese: The shield and fleur-de-lis reflect the family’s heraldic history and political aspirations.

Gabrielli: The three roses evoke beauty and secrecy, traits that have defined the Gabrielli family.

Gaetani: The cross within a circle represents their ecclesiastical connections and spiritual influence.

Medici: The five red balls are a symbol of wealth and power, reflecting their extensive banking empire.

Orsini: The family’s emblem features a serpent devouring a child, symbolizing both power and ruthlessness.

These emblems serve as potent reminders of the enduring influence and intricate connections that these Roman Papal bloodline families have maintained throughout history.

In the tapestry of history, the Ashkenazi Khazarian Illuminati bloodlines have often taken center stage, their names synonymous with power and conspiracy. However, the Roman Papal bloodline families, the Black Nobility, have operated in the shadows, exerting their influence over the course of events with a subtlety that is nothing short of remarkable.

As we unravel the layers of secrecy, it becomes evident that these two worlds, though distinct, are interconnected in ways that defy conventional wisdom. The Black Nobility Roman Papal bloodlines have played a pivotal role in the global power structure, their emblems serving as the insignia of an intricate web of influence.

In our quest for understanding, we must recognize that the history of our world is far more complex and enigmatic than it appears on the surface. The Ashkenazi Khazarian Illuminati bloodlines may capture our attention, but it is the Roman Papal bloodline families that continue to shape the destiny of nations from the shadows.

So, as we peel back the layers of secrecy, let us remember that the truth often lies in the most unexpected places. The Ashkenazi Khazarian (referred to as Fake Jews) and Roman Papal bloodline family names are but a glimpse into the labyrinthine corridors of power that have defined our world for centuries. And as we seek to unveil the veil, we may just uncover the greatest secrets of all.

Most Controversial Document in Internet History: The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia

100-800 AD – an incredibly Evil Society Emerges in Khazaria: Khazarians develop into a nation ruled by an evil king, who had ancient Babylonian black arts, occult oligarchs serving as his court. During this time, Khazarians became known to surround countries as thieves, murderers, road bandits, and for assuming the identities of those travelers they murdered as a normal occupational practice and way of life.

800 AD – The Ultimatum is delivered by Russia and other surrounding nations: The leaders of the surrounding nations, especially Russia, have had so many years of complaints by their citizens that, as a group, they deliver an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They send a communique to the Khazarian king that he must choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people, and make it his official state religion and require all Khazarian citizens to practice it, and socialize all Khazarian children to practice that faith.

Read the fuul article HERE: https://amg-news.com/boom-most-controversial-document-in-internet-history-the-hidden-history-of-the-incredibly-evil-khazarian-mafia-must-see-video/

Also: Khazaria, Rothschild Dynasty, New World Order, Ukraine and Implementation of the Nephilim Agenda – https://amg-news.com/khazaria-rothschild-dynasty-new-world-order-ukraine-and-implementation-of-the-nephilim-agenda/


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