BQQQM! 파워의 언어 마스터하기: Q 약어 가이드 – 2024년 1월

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BQQQM! 파워의 언어 마스터하기: Q 약어 가이드 – 2024년 1월

BQQQM! 파워의 언어 마스터하기: Q 약어 가이드 – 2024년 1월


BQQQM! Mastering the Language of Power: Q Abbreviations Guide – January 2024

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Unlocking Power: Your Ultimate Q Abbreviations Guide – January 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of information, the key to true power lies in knowledge. If you’re ready to embark on a journey to empower yourself like never before, the Q Abbreviations Guide – January 2024 is your ultimate weapon. This article is not just about informative content, but a rallying cry for those who refuse to be held back by ignorance.

If you want to be powerful, educate yourself. This timeless wisdom holds more relevance today than ever before. The world is driven by information, and those who harness it wield the mightiest of swords. Welcome to the Q Abbreviations Guide for January 2024 – a treasure trove of knowledge, a tool to elevate your game, and an arsenal for those who aspire to rise above mediocrity.

The Q Abbreviations Guide – January 2024 is not just a compilation of abbreviations; it’s a path to empowerment, a gateway to mastering your domain. Packed with a rich assortment of abbreviations and acronyms from various fields, it is your secret weapon for navigating the intricate web of information that surrounds us.

Why is this guide different? It’s not just a robotic list of terms; it has personality, it’s alive, and it’s designed for humans, by humans. It’s about more than just looking up a term; it’s about understanding its context and unlocking its power.

Editor’s Note: Dear patriots, I’ve dedicated some time to compile the list below of abbreviations, but it’s impossible to cover them all. That’s where you come in, dear readers. Please share any abbreviations I’ve missed in the comments below. I’ll keep updating this article as needed. Your contributions are greatly appreciated! Thank you! 🤗

The Q Abbreviations Guide:

+ – Soros family
++ – Rothschild family
†++- House of Saud
#2 – Andrew McCabe, Former FBI Deputy Director [] – Kill Box – Target area for coordinated joint weapons fire @Jack – Jack Dorsey, co-founder and CEO of Twitter
187 – Police code for murder
4,10,20 – DJT, Donald J. Trump
5:5 – Loud and clear
ADM R – Admiral Rogers, Director of NSA AF1 – Air Force 1, POTUS plane
AG – Attorney General
AJ – Alex Jones, director of Infowars AL – AI Franken, Senator of Minnesota
AL-Q – Al-Qaeda militant Sunni Islamic terrorist group
Alice and Wonderland – Hillary Clinton and the Bloody Saudi Arabia
AM – Andrew McCabe, Former FBI Deputy Director also Angela Merkel ANON – Anonymous user
ARM – Anti-Trump Resistance Movement
AS – Adam Schiff also Antonin Scalia
As the World Turns – Possibly indicates a failed assassination attempt on POTUS ATL – Atlanta, state capital of Georgia
AUS – Australia
AW – Anthony Weiner, former Democratic congressman and convicted sex offender
BC – Bill Clinton, 42nd President of the United States BDT – Bangladesh currency also Blunt Direct Time
BHO/HUSSEIN/Renegade – Barack Obama, Renegade (traitor) was his USSS codename
BIS – Bank for International Settlements
BM/Bob – Robert Mueller, Special Counsel for the Russian collusion investigation
BO – Barack Obama also Board Owner and Bruce Ohr
BOD – Board of Directors
BP – Border Patrol
BUZZF – BuzzFeed
C-INFO – Classified information
CA – California or Canada
CC – Command and Control also Chelsea Clinton
CEO – Chief Executive Officer
CF – Clinton Foundation
CFR – Council on Foreign Relations
CHAI – Clinton Health Access Initiative
CLAS – Congressional actions or legislators
Clowns/Clowns In America/C_A/C-A/CIA – Central Intelligence Agency
CM – CodeMonkey, 8chan Administrator CoC – Chain of Command
COMMS – Communications
COS – Chief of Staff
CP – Carter Page, former foreign-policy adviser to nominee Donald Trump
CQ – Chongqing, city in southwestern China
CS – Chuck Schumer also Christopher Steele, Crowd Strike and Civil Service
CTR – Correct The Record, David Brock founded super PAC
D5 – Rating code for largest snow avalanche. May also refer to chess board position
DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
DC – District of Columbia
DEFCON – defense readiness condition used by the United States Armed Forces
DJT/POTUS – Donald J. Trump, President Of The United States

DM – Denis McDonough, White House Chief of Staff for Obama’s second term
DNC – Democratic National Committee
DNI – Director of National Intellegence (Dan Coats)
DOD – Department of Defense
DOE – Department of Energy
DOJ/D-J- Department of Justice
DOPEY – Alwaleed bin Talal, member of the Saudi royal family
D’s – Democrats
DWS – Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Rep. for Florida’s 23rd congressional district
E – Eminem, American rapper, songwriter, record producer and actor
EBS – Emergency Broadcast System
EG – Evergreen – Secret Service codename for Hillary Clinton
EH – Eric Holder, 82nd Attorney General of the United States from 2009 to 2015
EM – Elon Musk, lead designer of Space and CEO of Tesla, Inc
EMP – Electromagnetic Pulse
EMS – Emergency Messaging System also Emergency Medical Services
EO – Executive Order
ES – Eric Schmidt also Edward Snowden
EU – European Union
F&F – Fast and Furious (Feinstein’s failed gun sale attempt) f2f – Face-to-Face

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f2f – Face-to-Face
FB – Facebook
FBI/F-I – Federal Bureau of Investigation
FED – Federal Reserve also Federal
FF – False flag
FISA – Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act
FLYNN – Michael Flynn, former National Security Advisor to President Trump
FOIA – Freedom of Information Act
FVEY/Five Eyes – Intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, NZ, UK and USA G-2 – military intelligence staff of a unit in the United States Army GCHQ – Government Communications Headquarters, British intelligence organization
GEOTUS – God Emperor of USA, President Trump
GER – Germany
GITMO – Guantanamo Bay Naval Base military prison and detention camp
GOOG – Google
GS/GEORGE – George Soros, billionaire globalist political activist
H – Haiti also Hollywood
HA/Huma – Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s personal aide
HAM – Amateur radio service
HEC – United States House Committee on Ethics
HI – Hawaii
HK – Hong Kong
HKG – Hong Kong International Airport
HRC – Hillary Rodham Clinton, 67th United States Secretary of State
HS – Homeland Security
HUMA – Harvard University Muslim Alumni
HW/W-Wood – Hollywood
IBOR – Internet Bill of Rights
IC – Intelligence Community
ICE – Immigration and Customs Enforcement
ICIG – Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael K. Atkinson
ID/IDEN – Identification
IG/OIG – Office of Inspector General also Instagram
IRS – Internal Revenue Service
ISIS – Islamic State of Iraq and Syria also Israeli Secret Intelligence Service
JA – Julian Assange, founder of WikiLeaks
JACK – Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter
JB – John Brennan also Jeff Bezos also Joe Biden
JC – James Clapper (Former DNI Director) also James Comey (Former FBI Director)
JFK – John Kennedy also John Kelly, White House Chief of Staff
JK – John Kerry also Jared Kushner
JL – John Legend

JOHNNY – John Conyers, US Representative for Michigan
JP – John Podesta, chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign
JPC – John P. Carlin, former U.S. Assistant Attorney General
JS – John Solomon, executive and editor-in-chief at The Washington Times
KKK – Ku Klux Klan
KM – Karen Mills, 23rd Administrator of the Small Business Administration
L- Lynn Rothschild, ugh she’s a Rothschild
LARP – Live Action Role Play(er)
LdR – Lord De Rothschild or perhaps Lynn Forester de Rothschild
LL – Loretta Lynch, 83rd Attorney General of the United States LP – Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer
LV – Las Vegas
MA – Michael Avenatti, American attorney and entrepreneur
MAGA – Make America Great Again
MB – Muslim Brotherhood, Sunni Islamist organization widely recognized as terrorists
MAY – Theresa May, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
MH – Melissa Hodgman, Director U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
MI – Military Intelligence
MI6 – United Kingdom foreign intelligence service
MIL – Military
ML – Martial Law

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MM – Media Matters also Million
MOAB – Mother Of All Bombs or Mother Of All Booms
MOS – Mossad, national intelligence agency of Israel MP – Mike Pompeo, 70th United States Secretary of State
MS-13 – Latino Drug Cartel
MSM – Mainstream Media
MW – Maxine Waters, Representative for California’s 43rd congressional district
MX – Mexico
MZ – Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder and CEO of Facebook
NAT SEC – National Security
NG/NAT G – National Guard
NGO – Non-Governmental Organization
NK/NORK/NOK – North Korea
NO – Nellie Ohr, wife of Bruce Ohr
No Name/We Don’t Say His Name/John M/SID – John Sidney McCain
NP – Non-profit also Nancv Pelosi

NSA – National Security Agency
NWO – New World Order
NYT – New York Times, American newspaper
OIG/IG – Office of Inspector General, often referring to corruption reports
00 – Oval Office, working office of the POTUS in the West Wing of the White House
OP – Original poster also Operations)
P – House of Payseur, head of the 13 Zionist Illuminati families
P PERS – President Trump’s Personal message to us
PDB – Presidential Daily Briefing
PEOC – Presidential Emergence Operations Center
PG – Pizzagate / pedogate
PL – Presidential library
PM – Prime Minister
POS – Piece of shit
POTUS – President of the United States
POV – Point of view
PP – Planned Parenthood
PRISM – Allows NSA and FBI direct access to data from Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.
PS – Peter Strzok, FBI agent
PVG – Shanghai Pudong International Airport
Q+ – Possibly represents President Trump
R – Renegade (traitor) was Barack Obama’s USSS codename
R’s – Republicans
RBG – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Supreme Court Justice RC – Ray (Rachel) Chandler also Registered Charity RE – Rahm Emanuel, Democrat Mayor of Chicago
RED RED – Red Cross
RNC – Republican National Committee
RM – Robby Mook, Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Campaign Manager
ROTH – Rothschild
RR – Rod Rosenstein (Deputy Attorney General) also Ronald Reagan
RT – Real time also Rex Tillerson
RYAN – Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House

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SA – Saudi Arabia
SAP – Special Access Programs
SC – Supreme Court also Special Council
SCIF – Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility
SD – State Department
SEC – Securitv also Secure
SESSIONS – Jeff Sessions (Attorney General)
SH – Steve Huffman, CEO of Reddit
SIGINT – Signals Intelligence
SIS – United Kingdom Secret Intelligence Service also Signal Intelligence Service
SK – South Korea
SOTU – State of the Union
SP – Samantha Power, United States Ambassador to the United Nations 2013 – 2017
SR – Susan Rice also Seth Rich
SS – Secret Service
ST – Seal Team (eg. Seal Team 6)
SY – Sally Yates, Acting United States Attorney General 20 – 27 January 2017
TBA – To be announced
TG – Trey Gowdy, Representative for South Carolina’s 4th congressional district
TSA – Transportation Security Administration
TT – Trump Tower also Tarmac Tapes
U1 – Uranium One, mining company involved in Hillary Clinton bribery scandal
UBL – Osama Bin Laden, founder of al-Qaeda
UIO – Mariscal Sucre International Airport
UK – United Kingdom
UN – United Nations
US – United States
USMC – United States Marine Corps
USSS – United States Secret Service
VJ – Valerie Jarret, former Senior Advisor to President Obama WaPo – The Washington Post, major American daily newspaper
WH – White House
WL – Wikileaks
WMD – Weapons of Mass Destruction
WRWY – We are with you
WW – Worldwide or World War
WWG1WGA – Where we go one we go all!
Xi – Xi Jinping, Dictator of China

In conclusion, the Q Abbreviations Guide – January 2024 is more than just an article; it’s a call to arms for those who want to transform their lives through knowledge. The power to change your destiny lies within your grasp, and it all begins with a thirst for knowledge.

So, if you’re ready to unlock your true potential, don’t wait. Dive into the Q Abbreviations Guide – January 2024, and let the journey to empowerment begin.

Remember, if you want to be powerful, educate yourself – and this guide is your gateway to that power!

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