BQQM! Trump’s Announcement: The Shocking Secret About Courtroom Flags – It’s A Warning! It’s A Call to Arms!

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereMarch 17, 2024Updated:March 17, 2024No Comments14 Mins Read


BQQM! Trump’s Announcement: The Shocking Secret About Courtroom Flags – It’s A Warning! It’s A Call to Arms!


BQQM! Trump’s Announcement: The Shocking Secret About Courtroom Flags – It’s A Warning! It’s A Call to Arms!

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In an electrifying address, President Donald Trump made a bold statement that sent shockwaves across the nation. Standing resolutely next to a flag adorned with symbols rich in meaning, Trump delivered a message that transcended mere words. But beneath the surface of this seemingly ordinary speech lies a tapestry woven with threads of urgency, defiance, and a call to awaken the sleeping giants of liberty. What did Trump’s announcement truly signify?

Join us as we delve into the depths of this momentous occasion, decoding the cryptic language of flags, symbols, and unspoken communications. Brace yourself for an exploration beyond the veil of the mundane, into a realm where truth and power converge in a battle for the soul of America.

Deciphering Trump’s Announcement. In a world fraught with deception and subterfuge, where the line between truth and falsehood blurs with each passing moment, Donald Trump emerged as a beacon of unwavering resolve. His recent proclamation, delivered amidst a backdrop of symbolism that spoke volumes, ignited a firestorm of speculation and fervent debate. But what lies beneath the surface of this enigmatic display? Let us embark on a journey of revelation, peeling back the layers of intrigue to uncover the profound truths concealed within.

The Flag: A Canvas of Cryptic Messages. At the heart of Trump’s announcement stood a flag, not just a mere emblem of national pride, but a veritable tableau of encoded messages. Cast your gaze upon it, and you will witness an eagle, its gaze fixed resolutely towards the right, wings outstretched in a defiant display of majesty. But this is no ordinary bird of prey; it is a symbol of power, of authority, and of the indomitable spirit of freedom.

 Yet, there is more to this flag than meets the eye. Embedded within its fabric are layers of meaning, each more profound than the last. The eagle, with its piercing gaze and outstretched wings, signifies not just strength, but a readiness to soar to new heights of greatness. And who, pray tell, is worthy of unfurling such a banner of destiny? Only the true President, asserts Trump, can lay claim to this emblem of authority.

But there is another element that demands our attention – the spear, poised atop the flag like a sentinel of justice. In its austere form lies the promise of military tribunals, of martial law, and of a reckoning for those who would dare to oppose the will of the people. And let us not overlook the golden fringe, a subtle yet potent symbol of admiralty law, under whose auspices justice shall be meted out with a swift and unyielding hand.

The Postmaster’s Custody. As Trump’s words echoed across the hallowed halls of power, he spoke of a truth too long suppressed, a reality veiled beneath the cloak of deception. The American flag, he declared, had been captured by none other than the Postmaster himself, entrusted to his care until such time as the forces of tyranny are vanquished, and the true spirit of liberty restored. It is a beacon of hope in these darkened times, a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity.

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But what does this signify for the future of our nation? Is it merely a fleeting glimmer of optimism, or a harbinger of a new dawn on the horizon? Trump’s words leave no room for doubt – he is still the President, the Commander-in-Chief, and the guardian of America’s destiny. And as the wheels of justice turn inexorably towards their final reckoning, he reminds us that there are those among us who fight tirelessly for truth, for justice, and for the soul of a nation.

Awakening the Sleeping Giants of Liberty. In the midst of uncertainty and upheaval, Trump’s announcement serves as a clarion call to all who would heed its message. It is a rallying cry for the silent majority, the forgotten voices of America’s heartland, to rise up and reclaim their birthright. For too long have we languished in the shadows, content to let others dictate the course of our destiny. But no more.

Now is the time to cast aside the chains of apathy and complacency, to stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of freedom and truth. For the battle lines have been drawn, and the forces of tyranny mass at our gates. But fear not, for we are not alone. In every corner of this great land, patriots stand ready to defend the principles upon which our nation was founded.


NOTICE to all Defendants, their subsidiary’s and benefactors.


  • Crimes Against Humanity
  •  Conspiracy
  • Genocide
  • Mass Murder
  • Murder in the 1st degree
  • Falsifying Evidence
  • Falsifying Data
  • Extortion & Coercion
  • Wrongful Imprisonment
  • Abuse of Power & Authority
  • Human Experimentation
  • Infiltration of Governments
  • Fraud
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Malicious Intent
  • Exploitation
  • Ecological Terrorism
  • Biological Terrorism
  • Psychological Torture
  • Human Trafficking
  • Sex Trafficking
  • Sex Trafficking of Minors
  • Mayhem
  • Psychosis & Sociopathy

This is a message is to:

  • The W.E.F., (names)
  • The I.M.F., (names)
  • The W.H.O., (names)
  • The U.N., (names)
  • The Banking Cartels,
  • The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, -Big Pharma, (names)
  • Big Agriculture, (names)
  • Big Tech (names)
  • The Military Industrial Complex
  • The Secret Societies
  • Zionists and Talmudic Practitioners
  • The MSM, (names)
  • Government figures, (names)
  • Influential/Ruling Families (names)
  • Celebrity figures, (names)
  • And all and any constituents, supporters, subsidiary’s, and benefactors there of, (names)

You have been herby found guilty by the citizens of the world of the aforementioned charges.

Sentence: Effective Immediately:

1) All Status, titles, licenses, authority, privileges and power have been discredited voided and removed.

2) All properties, finances, and assets will be seized and redistributed and returned to your victims. The citizens of earth.

3) All defendants are to be forcibly arrested by global citizenry and their supporting forces and factions, and are to be sentenced to a lifetime of hard-labor in exile. With an no contact order to the outside world.

4) All defendants are to undergo sexual castration surgeries. So as not to breed. Your names and blood lines will die with you.

5) All of the defendants extended family members and lineages will be stripped of their names and rights, and sent to reeducation centers and undergo strict evaluations before their conditional release. After which they will be monitored for the rest of their lives.

6) Your movements, actions, biometrics, and communications will be under 24 hour monitoring for the remainder of your lives.

7) Your diet will consist of Insects, Lab-grown meat and genetically/bioengineered food substitutes. And fluoridated water.

8) You will be exposed to and undergo regular chemical treatments. These treatments and their effects will be open for public observation.

9) Should you resist, you will be sentenced to Euthanasia. Severity will depend on your individual crimes and the position previously held. Your execution will be transmitted live in real-time for the world to witness.


It is in your best interest to willfully surrender on your own accord to the nearest police and or military installation. And submit to the demands of the majority of people of earth.

We are coming for you. You will be hunted down. You will be found. You will face justice and be held accountable for your heinous crimes against all life and the living. There is no escape.

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The Shocking Secret About Court Room Flags – It’s A Warning!

The National Flag of the United States, the ‘Stars and Stripes’, is sometimes decorated with gold fringe around the edges.  These yellow fringed ‘Stars and Stripes’ can be found in most State and Federal Courts, Municipal Buildings, and Schools throughout America, but why?  

The flags displayed in State courts and courts of the United States have gold or yellow fringes. That is your WARNING that you are entering into a foreign jurisdiction, the same as if you are stepping onto foreign soil and you will be under the jurisdiction of THAT flag.  The flag with the gold or yellow fringe has no constitution, no laws, and no rules of any court, and is not recognized by any nation on this earth, and is foreign to you and the United States of America.

Those of us who believe that the Yellow Fringed Flag is the ‘Law of Admiralty’ Flag will know all about this.   For the rest of us, this will be a shocking new disclosure.  President, Dwight David Eisenhower signed Executive Order No.10834 on August 21, 1959 and had printed in the Federal Register at 24 F.R. 6865, pursuant to the law, stated that:

“A military flag is a flag that resembles the regular flag of the United States, except that it has a yellow fringe border on three sides.”

The American people were allowed to believe that it was just a decoration but its not.  When you see a flag that resembles a regular US flag with YELLOW FRINGE border on the edges, it means that you are in a special place.  A place that should not have any jurisdiction over you if you are a normal citizen. 

The President of the United States designates this difference from the regular flag, by executive order such as Ike did, and in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the military he makes it so.  The placing of a fringe on the national flag, the dimensions of the flag and the arrangement of the stars in the union are matters of detail not controlled by statute, but are within the discretion of the President as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy.

If you walk onto a ship docked in a port located in New York City you are subject to the laws of the city and state of New York as well as the Federal Laws of the United States.  This is as one would expect.  When that ship leaves that harbor, then things change.  Got it now?  Wherever that ship happens to come to rest the law of the land wherever you happen to be has jurisdiction over you. 

When out in the high seas past the twelve mile limit you are not under the jurisdiction of any nation’s laws.  You are under the jurisdication of what is known as “Maritime Law”.  You will be subject to the law of the flag of that ship, enforceable by the “master of the ship,” otherwise known as the Captain, by the law of the flag.

If you enter a foreign embassy that happens to be in Washington DC, you are entering a distinct “enclave” with laws that may differ from your “home” state.  You will be subject to the laws of THAT country, not US law, just as if you are boarding a ship.  So, when you enter a courtroom displaying a gold or yellow fringed flag, be aware that you have just entered into a foreign country, and you better have your passport with you. 

The judge sitting under a gold or yellow fringe flag becomes the “captain” or “master” of that ship or enclave and he has absolute power to make the rules as he goes.  The gold or yellow fringe flag is your WARNING that you are leaving your Constitutionally protected rights on the floor outside the door of that courtroom.

This is why so many judges are appointed, and not elected by the people.  Federal judges are appointed by the President, the national military commander in chief.  State judges are appointed by the Governors, the state military commanders (head of the State National Guard).  Judges are appointed because the courts are military courts and civilians do not “elect” military officers.

Gold-fringed flags only stand inside military courts that sit in summary court martial proceedings against civilians and such courts are governed in part by local rules, but more especially by “The Manual of Courts Martial”.  So, the next time you see this yellow fringed flag you will know what you are looking at and what it really means.  If you travel to Mexico and you see the National Flag of Mexico, you would know that you are under the jurisdiction of Mexico; and that Mexican laws govern you at that time. 

That flag is your official notification when you see that flag.  You should understand that the gold fringed flag signifies the same thing.  It is a notification to you that you are under the rules and regulations of the military force that is flying that flag.

Government officials and judges often refuse requests to remove the gold fringed flag and replace it with the official flag of the United States as defined in the constitution – which has NO fringe.  In 1933 President Theodore Roosevelt described that the admiralty, maritime or administration display of the flag is established by the presence of “gold fringe, gold braid, gold eagle, gold spear, or gold ball atop the flag pole.” 

In 1979 these standards were set down in Army regulations as part of the War Powers Act.  By submitting a plea to this type of court, you are silently assenting, or agreeing, that this court has jurisdiction over you.  That is how the display of the fringed-flags allows our freedoms to be taken away.  Be advised.

Conclusion: A Call to Arms

As we bring our exploration to a close, let us reflect upon the gravity of the moment in which we find ourselves. Trump’s announcement was not merely a speech, but a declaration of intent, a rallying cry for all who cherish the ideals of liberty and justice. In the symbols he chose, in the words he spoke, we find a roadmap to the future, a vision of America restored to its former glory.

But make no mistake – the road ahead will not be easy. It will be fraught with peril, beset on all sides by enemies both foreign and domestic. Yet, in the crucible of adversity, true patriots are forged. And so, I implore you, dear reader, to heed the call to arms. Stand firm in the face of tyranny, and together, we shall overcome.

For as long as there beats a heart of freedom within the breast of every American, the flame of liberty shall never be extinguished. And so, let us march forward, with heads held high and spirits undaunted, towards a future where the true spirit of America reigns supreme.

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