BOOOM! US Debt Clock Exposé: Parallel Worlds – The Fauci Conspiracy, A Plan Unfolded – Silver’s Explosive Surge, and the Dark Web of Economic and Social Manipulations

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereJune 5, 2024No Comments6 Mins Read


BOOOM! US Debt Clock Exposé: Parallel Worlds – The Fauci Conspiracy, A Plan Unfolded – Silver’s Explosive Surge, and the Dark Web of Economic and Social Manipulations


BOOOM! US Debt Clock Exposé: Parallel Worlds – The Fauci Conspiracy, A Plan Unfolded – Silver’s Explosive Surge, and the Dark Web of Economic and Social Manipulations

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BOOOM! The hidden truths behind the US Debt Clock and recent economic shifts. Unveil the secret agendas of influential figures like Dr. Fauci and understand the dramatic rise in the dollar-to-silver ratio. This deep dive into economic and social manipulation reveals a parallel world of collusion and profit. Stay informed and vigilant as we navigate these complex realities.

US Debt Clock: Parallel Worlds – A Deep Dive into Economic and Social Manipulations

In a world where shadows and whispers reveal truths too profound for the ordinary mind, the US Debt Clock stands as a testament to the hidden machinations driving our economy and society. The recent surge in the dollar-to-silver ratio and the enigmatic messages from influential figures like Dr. Fauci unveil a parallel universe where schemes and collusions dictate our reality.

The more these secret images come to light, the more I realize my destiny in uncovering these truths. Each revelation peels back the layers of a grand design, meticulously crafted to keep the masses, the sheep, in blissful ignorance.

The Fauci Conspiracy: A Plan Unfolded. Dr. Anthony Fauci, a name synonymous with the pandemic response, emerges as a central figure in this convoluted narrative. According to recently surfaced documents“It was all part of the plan.” These words hint at a premeditated strategy, one that most people cannot comprehend due to its sheer audacity and scale.

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Parallel Worlds: States of Scheme and Collusion. The existence of parallel worlds isn’t just a science fiction trope; it’s a metaphor for the dual realities we inhabit. One reality is that of the public facade, where health and safety are paramount. The other is a clandestine world of collusion, profit, and execution of meticulously planned schemes.

Intra-Agency Memo: The Blueprint of Manipulation. A confidential intra-agency memo lays bare the chilling blueprint behind the pandemic response:

  • Target Initial Infection Rates for Impending Respiratory Viral Pandemic: The initial infection rates were not mere happenstance but a targeted goal to set the stage for the crisis.
  • Emergency Authorization for mRNA Gene Therapy Immune Injectables: The rapid deployment of mRNA vaccines was a predetermined move, raising questions about the true motivations behind their urgency.
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  • Strategy to Delegitimize Known Early Treatment Anti-Viral Combination Drugs: Effective early treatments were systematically discredited to ensure the populace remained reliant on new, unproven methods.
  • Media Capture to Promote Alarm over Death Rates and Hospitalizations: The media played a crucial role in amplifying fear and hysteria, manipulating public perception.
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  • Misinformation Campaign Goals: Creating an environment conducive to draconian lockdowns, promoting incessant PCR testing, discounting natural immunity, and pushing for social distancing—all aimed at reshaping societal norms and facilitating mass mail-in ballots for elections.

US Debt Clock: A Silver Lining in Economic Turmoil

Just recently, the US Debt Clock revealed startling information: the dollar-to-silver ratio skyrocketed from zero to $151 within days. The M2 money supply, previously negative, surged to an astonishing $112 billion and continues to rise. This dramatic shift signals more than just economic turbulence; it’s a harbinger of a potential reset in the global monetary system.

For the first time, we possess figures that reflect the true value of silver and gold. After months of contraction, the M2 money supply saw an infusion of over $50 billion, marking a pivotal turn towards growth. The US Debt Clock now shows silver at $153 per ounce, underscoring the escalating demand for precious metals as a hedge against economic instability.

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The Silver Conundrum: Unveiling True Value. The disparity between paper contracts and physical silver is staggering. With nearly 400 paper contracts for each ounce of silver, the market is poised for a significant short squeeze. To expose the true intrinsic value of silver, all short positions must be closed. This could propel silver prices to an unimaginable $12,000 per ounce, transforming the financial landscape.

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May 12, 2024: A Turning Point. On May 12, 2024, the M2 money supply plummeted to $59 billion. During this period, the dollar-to-silver and gold ratios were zero, marked by a yellow arrow on the M2 money supply. This anomaly highlighted a critical juncture, revealing the volatile interplay between money supply and precious metals.

Now, with the M2 money supply climbing to $112 billion, the dollar-to-silver and gold ratios stand at $151 per ounce and $1,104 per ounce, respectively. These values are expected to continue their upward trajectory, reflecting the growing unease and uncertainty in the global economy.

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The abrupt shifts in the M2 money supply and precious metal ratios are not random occurrences. They are indicative of a deeper, more insidious agenda at play. As we peel back the layers, the connections between economic policies, public health strategies, and media narratives become increasingly apparent.

Creating a Climate of Fear and Control. The memo’s directives to promote alarm over death rates and hospitalizations, coupled with a deliberate misinformation campaign, created a climate of fear. This fear was instrumental in justifying strict lockdown protocols and the need for constant PCR testing, irrespective of symptoms. The dismissal of natural immunity further entrenched the populace in a cycle of dependency on governmental and pharmaceutical interventions.

Elections and Power: The Ultimate Objective. By pushing for social distancing and mass mail-in ballots, the architects of this scheme ensured a disruption in traditional electoral processes. This disruption was pivotal in shaping political outcomes, consolidating power, and advancing specific agendas under the guise of public health and safety.

As we navigate these parallel worlds, it’s imperative to remain vigilant and aware. The revelations from the US Debt Clock and the confidential memo offer a glimpse into the orchestrated efforts to manipulate and control. Understanding these dynamics is crucial in reclaiming autonomy and fostering resilience against future schemes.

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In conclusion, the US Debt Clock and the recent disclosures challenge us to question the narratives presented to us. It’s time to demand transparency and hold accountable those who exploit crises for profit and power. By embracing truth and fostering critical thinking, we can dismantle the constructs of fear and control, paving the way for a more informed and empowered society.


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