Breaking News Alert: Hurricane Control Exposed! The Shocking Truth Behind Weather Weapons – Alex Jones Video – NEVER FORGET Lahaina, Maui, or the Missing Children!

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 4, 2024Updated:October 4, 20241 Comment8 Mins Read


Breaking News Alert: Hurricane Control Exposed! The Shocking Truth Behind Weather Weapons – Alex Jones Video – NEVER FORGET Lahaina, Maui, or the Missing Children!


Breaking News Alert: Hurricane Control Exposed! The Shocking Truth Behind Weather Weapons – Alex Jones Video – NEVER FORGET Lahaina, Maui, or the Missing Children!

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Breaking: Alex Jones exposes patents and radar evidence pointing to weather weapons controlling hurricanes like Helene. Are natural disasters being engineered? Discover the hidden truth behind weather manipulation and the dark secrets of Lahaina, Maui. Share this explosive report now!

The Secret History of Weather Weapons

Is there a hidden hand guiding nature’s fury? From wild hurricanes to devastating fires, whispers of weather manipulation are getting louder. And when Alex Jones speaks, people listen.

A Storm You Can’t Ignore. When Alex Jones grabs the mic, it’s not just a rant – it’s a revelation. In his recent explosive breakdown, Jones dives deep into a topic that’s storming the airwaves: the hidden world of weather weapons and the potential manipulation of natural disasters. Yes, we’re talking about steering hurricanes, scalar waves, and the invisible forces at play in what many think are just acts of nature. Hurricane Helene is at the forefront of this discussion, but the bigger question is: are we witnessing the deliberate use of technology to control the weather?

The Conspiracy You Need to Hear: Manipulating Mother Nature. For years, the idea of weather weapons has been relegated to the dark corners of conspiracy theory circles. But the tides are turning, and the evidence is piling up – right into the eye of the storm. Alex Jones recently read out patents that detail the technology and potential methods to steer hurricanes. That’s right, patents. These aren’t baseless ramblings but documented, tangible blueprints that suggest an unnerving capability to direct, intensify, or dissipate weather systems.

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Patents to Steer Hurricanes? Believe It. You read that correctly: patents exist outlining methods to manipulate and control the weather, including hurricanes. From technologies that could potentially seed clouds to devices emitting electromagnetic waves capable of altering storm paths, these ideas are not as far-fetched as they once seemed. Jones presents compelling data that strongly implies someone, somewhere, has the means to influence weather systems in ways the public never imagined.

Scalar Waves and Hurricane Helene. In Alex Jones’ exposé, he doesn’t just stop at patents. He shows radar evidence suggesting scalar wave activity in the vicinity of Hurricane Helene. Scalar waves, for the uninitiated, are a type of electromagnetic wave that can have potentially massive impacts on weather systems. While mainstream meteorologists report these as “natural anomalies,” Jones argues that these patterns align too perfectly with the patents and blueprints for weather control.

AND NEVER FORGET: Lahaina, Maui, or the Missing Children

Nothing adds up…

A telling image: when a car burns, it typically leaves dark soot from the rubber hoses, belts, and tires. This soot should cover the entire car. However, the pristine white paint or bare metal is mostly soot-free, with the paint appearing melted in waves but not burned. The paint seems to be sprayed onto the ground in front of the car in the foreground. Most tellingly, the rims on the foreground car are not completely covered in rubber soot, despite the melted tires, yet the rim is charred horribly in the center where the aluminum alloy makes contact with the iron of the wheelbase/axle.

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Aluminum is not magnetic, nor is nickel—sometimes used in these alloys—even at high temperatures. This image cannot be explained by a normal fire. These cars are on a road, not surrounded by the kindling required to produce this level of heat, nor are they blackened. The paint is blasted and melted off, while the aluminum remains unaffected.

Only a massive and very rapid increase in the heat of the iron compounds could instantly shatter all glass (due to temperature changes and metal dimension changes), melt or blast off paint without burn marks, and display a distinct difference between aluminum and iron. It would target magnetic structures with intense heat, yet leave the nearby trees untouched, their leaves still intact.

If you see 50 cars on a road, with charred corpses inside, the metal warped by extremely intense heat to the point where it shatters glass, blows out door handles, locks, and everything else in the car, with no soot from fire and no kindling around the vehicle—do you think you can argue this was a slow roast while the countless drivers sang, “It’s getting hot in here,” and not a single door of any car is open? Did they all just say, “Well, it’s been a wild ride, but…” and not one tried to exit the car to reach that cool, untouched tree just 10 feet away, with all its leaves intact?

Pull your head out of the media’s narrative and consider: is this possible? Did this happen in a quick, white-hot arcing moment? The clock is ticking. How many ticks would it take, in agonizing heat, before you reached for the door—a door that, warped and bent, would not shut after the fact? There is only one answer: it happened faster than you could reach for the door. And it doesn’t care about your denial. It’s right there. It was NOT a simple fire.

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Why Weather Weapons?So why would anyone want to weaponize the weather? The answers are as varied as they are disturbing. Control over natural resources, political power, military advantage – the implications of harnessing the weather are enormous. Imagine the power to create droughts in enemy territories, trigger floods that disrupt economies, or unleash hurricanes on specific regions.

With this power comes secrecy. If weather manipulation is indeed being used as a weapon, it would be one of the most covert and insidious tools at a government’s disposal. No bombs to trace, no guns to identify – just “natural disasters” that appear to strike without warning.

The Evidence Builds: Bookmark and Share This Now

This is not the type of information that gets picked up by mainstream news. You won’t hear it on your nightly broadcast or see it on the front page of your morning paper. But the signs are there – for those who care to look. The patents exist. The radar anomalies are real. And the devastation is undeniable.

Bookmark This Report. If you care about the truth and the future of our planet, bookmark and share this report. The manipulation of weather is not a theoretical concern; it’s a reality we may all face sooner than we think.


Don’t Let the Truth Get Buried

This is about more than just hurricanes and radar anomalies; this is about uncovering the truth. It’s about questioning what you see, digging deeper, and not letting those in power pull the wool over your eyes. Share this information, talk about it, and don’t let the truth get buried under layers of misinformation.

And most importantly, remember the voices calling for justice – for Lahaina, for Maui, and for every soul lost to what may be far more than just acts of nature.

Final Thoughts: A Storm Is Brewing, and It’s Time to Wake Up. Alex Jones isn’t just blowing hot air; he’s throwing open a door that many would prefer to remain closed. The secret history of weather weapons is a topic worth our attention, and Hurricane Helene may just be the beginning. As we look to the sky, we need to start asking the real questions: Are we witnessing nature’s wrath, or are we seeing the calculated hand of human intervention?

It’s time to lift the veil and prepare for the storm of truth.

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