CODE RED! Emergency Alert System Engaged: Military Alliance Gears Up for 10 Days of Darkness, Major Strike Imminent, Coded Signals Sent, FEMA Dismantled!

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October 15, 2024


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코드 레드! 비상 경보 시스템 가동: 군사 동맹, 10일간의 암흑에 대비, 주요 공격 임박, 암호화된 신호 전송, FEMA 해체!

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The Emergency Alert System (EAS) is the linchpin of a global operation to dismantle the Deep State, and it’s already in full test mode, gearing up for the most significant exposure of hidden truths the world has ever seen.

If you’ve been paying attention, you’ve noticed that the EAS tests have intensified, not just in frequency but in scope, as the Earth Alliance fine-tunes the system to ensure that when the moment arrives, the EAS will strike like a lightning bolt across every screen, every device, and every communication channel worldwide.

But the Emergency Alert System (EAS) is just one piece of the puzzle in a much larger, revolutionary movement—the GESARA agenda, which is set to trigger the biggest wealth transfer in human history. (More Info on We’re talking about a massive redistribution of wealth, as trillions of dollars that have been hoarded by the global elite are seized and returned to the people.

This historic financial shift is not just about money; it’s about breaking the chains of debt slavery, dissolving the central banking systems that have kept humanity in servitude for generations. As the EAS readies itself to expose the hidden truths, GESARA will begin to unleash the full scope of its financial reforms. The elites are scrambling, but nothing can stop the flood of prosperity that’s about to be released to the masses.

Insider Info! – The GESARA Teachings You Must Learn Before the Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Reclaims Money from the Elites and Returns It to You!

When this transfer happens, it will mark the end of the old financial structures and the beginning of a new era of abundance for every citizen on the planet. (More Info on The wealth transfer is imminent, and it will go hand in hand with the revelations broadcast through the EAS, paving the way for a future where the power is finally returned to the people.

Recently, on August 11, 2024, a nationwide EAS test was conducted at exactly 2:15 PM EDT, but this was no ordinary test. This was a full-scale simulation that went beyond mere alert tones or text messages.

It included a series of coded transmissions broadcasted through high-frequency radio channels and satellite systems, meant to reach not only the general public but also key operatives within the Earth Alliance.


Sources close to the operation have confirmed that these tests included encrypted messages intended to coordinate movements and actions of military units across various undisclosed locations, including high-security sites like Cheyenne Mountain Complex in Colorado, which is known to house NORAD and other critical defense operations.

In early September 2024, reports from insiders at Fort Hood, Texas, revealed that a series of live drills were conducted involving full deployment of the EAS. This included not just the broadcasting of emergency alerts but also the integration of tactical data links used by military and intelligence agencies. (More Info on

These tests are part of a larger strategy to ensure that when the 10 days of darkness commence, the EAS will function flawlessly, delivering continuous streams of truth to every corner of the globe without interference. These tests are so detailed that they’ve even involved simulations of cyber attacks to stress-test the resilience of the EAS infrastructure against potential sabotage attempts by the Deep State’s remnants.

Emergency Alert: Prepare for the EAS’s 10 Dark Days Under Military Watch – Your Essential Survival Guide!

In another unprecedented move, the EAS went live in several localized areas with unannounced, unscheduled tests on September 16, 2024, in places like New York City, Miami, and Los Angeles.

Residents in these areas reported receiving alerts that didn’t match the usual EAS test formats; instead of the typical “this is a test” message, they received garbled transmissions and flashes of symbols that some believe to be encoded messages meant for those in the know. (More Info on

It’s no coincidence that these tests are taking place in major population centers—these are strategic moves designed to test the EAS’s capability to handle dense urban environments where the Deep State’s influence is most deeply rooted.

The urgency of these tests has ramped up dramatically. Just last month, on August 28, 2024, an EAS test took place that included a 90-second video broadcast in specific locations, showing clips of classified military operations and blurred-out documents. While publicly dismissed as a “technical error,” those in the loop understand that this was no mistake.

It was a calculated preview of what’s to come—a glimpse into the types of disclosures that will be released during the 10 days of darkness. This was a shot across the bow, a clear warning to the Deep State that the Earth Alliance is ready to reveal everything.

The Deep State is scrambling because they know what’s at stake. They’ve been monitoring these tests closely, and their attempts to disrupt them have so far failed. The Earth Alliance’s control over the EAS is ironclad.

On August 5, 2024, reports surfaced that a cyber attack aimed at the EAS infrastructure was thwarted by a rapid response from U.S. Cyber Command. This attack, believed to be orchestrated by Deep State operatives still embedded in key positions, was a last-ditch effort to delay the inevitable.

But the Earth Alliance has eyes everywhere, and their response was swift, shutting down the breach before it could cause any real damage. This was not just a defense—it was a declaration of superiority in the ongoing information war.

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However, the true threat may lie within our own borders. FEMA, the agency that should be safeguarding the EAS for public good, is deeply compromised and actively working against the mission of the Earth Alliance.

Insider leaks have confirmed that FEMA is not merely a neutral player but is actively collaborating with Deep State operatives, conducting closed-door briefings with top military officials and telecommunications giants. (More Info on These meetings aren’t about ensuring the smooth operation of the EAS—they’re about how to subvert it.

FEMA’s involvement is not about protecting the public; it’s about controlling the narrative. The agency has been plotting to override civilian communication networks, with plans to censor, delay, or alter broadcasts to protect Deep State interests.

FEMA has positioned itself as a gatekeeper of information, actively seeking ways to disrupt the flow of truth that the EAS is poised to deliver.

Reports have emerged that FEMA is strategizing to selectively jam or block critical EAS transmissions, using sophisticated countermeasures to disrupt broadcasts that threaten to expose their allies within the Deep State.

FEMA’s leadership is said to be deeply embedded with Deep State operatives, making them complicit in efforts to hide the truth from the public. Their agenda is clear: to maintain the status quo and shield those who have wielded power from the shadows for far too long.

FEMA is a rogue agency acting as the Deep State’s shield, working tirelessly to undermine the very system designed to expose their corruption. This has turned FEMA from a supposed protector into an adversary of the truth, a direct threat to the mission of the Earth Alliance and the public’s right to know.

The EAS tests are active maneuvers in the Earth Alliance’s strategy to dismantle the Deep State’s grip on the world. (More Info on Plans have been put in place to use the EAS to reveal long-suppressed information about everything from illegal bio-labs hidden in plain sight to secret treaties that have sold out national sovereignty to globalist interests.

These broadcasts will not be simple news segments—they will be comprehensive, eight-hour exposés that leave no stone unturned, complete with names, dates, and documents that will prove the Deep State’s guilt beyond any shadow of doubt.

As these EAS tests continue to escalate, expect more of these so-called “technical errors” to occur, which are, in reality, previews of the flood of disclosures on the horizon. The EAS is an active offensive weapon designed to tear down the walls of deception.

The 10 days of darkness are not merely a disruption—they are a total reset. During this period, the world will be plunged into a communications blackout like never before. The EAS will be the sole voice, and that voice will be relentless, hammering the truth home with an intensity that the Deep State cannot counter. (More Info on

They can’t hide, they can’t run, and they certainly can’t spin their way out of this one. The Earth Alliance has ensured that the EAS will operate on an unbreakable loop, continuously cycling through every piece of damning evidence they’ve gathered over the decades.

The final countdown is on, and the EAS tests are the ticking clock that signals the end of the Deep State’s reign.

This is not a drill.

This is not a test.

This is the real thing, and when it happens, the world will never be the same.

The truth is coming, and the EAS is the sword that will cut through the darkness once and for all.

But FEMA, with its treacherous alliance with the Deep State, stands in direct opposition, a saboteur from within.

The reckoning is here, and the EAS is leading the charge despite FEMA’s betrayal.

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Ethan White

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