DISTURBING!! Thousands of Children Rescued from DUMBs! New Evidence Exposes Tunnels for Torture and Human Experimentation—Hollywood and Government’s Disturbing Child Trafficking Connection!

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October 18, 2024

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DISTURBING!! Thousands of Children Rescued from DUMBs! New Evidence Exposes Tunnels for Torture and Human Experimentation—Hollywood and Government’s Disturbing Child Trafficking Connection!

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The DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) network has long been suspected of hiding some of the most horrific operations imaginable. Now, as of October 17, 2024, the horrifying truth about these facilities is no longer just whispered in underground circles—it’s being exposed on a global scale.

New updates are pouring in, and they paint a picture of unthinkable atrocities happening beneath our feet, all shielded by layers of secrecy and deep state protection. What was once dismissed as rumor is now undeniably real, and the elites responsible for these crimes are scrambling to cover their tracks as the light of truth shines down on them.

The latest revelations about the DUMBs network confirm that it is far more than just military infrastructure. It has become a central hub for human trafficking, child exploitation, and grotesque human experimentation—conducted on a scale that defies belief.

Survivors and whistleblowers have come forward with new testimonies that are as horrifying as they are credible. Underground, beneath cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Denver, these bases have been used for far darker purposes than anyone could have imagined.

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New Trafficking Rings Exposed

As of mid-October 2024, several DUMBs have been directly tied to new human trafficking rings. The global elite, using these underground facilities, have facilitated the abduction and trafficking of thousands of women and children through intricate tunnel systems that span not just the U.S., but reach deep into Europe, Asia, and South America.

New findings indicate that these trafficking operations are coordinated with military precision. Children are smuggled across borders, bypassing traditional checkpoints by utilizing the vast DUMB tunnel networks.

In a shocking recent discovery, the DUMB network beneath the southern U.S. border, stretching into Mexico, was found to be central to an operation trafficking women and children across Central America. Just last week, a raid by the Global Military Alliance uncovered a hidden complex where over 500 trafficked children were being held in conditions so inhumane that it defies description.

These children were kept in squalid, dark conditions, many of them malnourished and suffering from severe trauma. Disturbingly, these DUMBs are equipped with sophisticated containment systems, complete with biometric scanners and AI-controlled doors to prevent escapes, showing just how advanced and calculated these trafficking operations are.

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Medical and Genetic Experimentation on Humans

New whistleblower reports confirm that within many DUMBs, human experimentation is taking place—this is not the stuff of science fiction, but a real and ongoing nightmare. These facilities have been used to conduct genetic experiments, testing on live human subjects, many of whom were trafficked children and abducted adults.

DNA manipulation, hybrid experiments, and attempts to alter human biology are all happening deep underground, far from the oversight of any legal authority. Some whistleblowers have revealed that children are used in horrific mind-control experiments, designed to create new forms of brainwashing and indoctrination for deep state purposes.

One particularly chilling new report came from a former DUMB security contractor, who described a section of tunnels beneath Los Angeles where live organs were being harvested from trafficked children. These organs, including hearts and kidneys, are sold on the black market to the highest bidders, often to rich elites looking to extend their lives.

It’s not just adrenochrome anymore—it’s a full-scale harvesting operation that stretches across the globe, with these organs being transported via secure DUMB channels to buyers in Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.

New Discoveries in New York, LA, and Washington D.C.

Just last week, new DUMB networks were uncovered beneath New York and Washington D.C., with further evidence pointing to their use in trafficking operations linked to high-profile political figures.

In Washington D.C., deep within the underground network, investigators found evidence of a sprawling complex where children were being kept in cages for both trafficking and ritualistic purposes. This underground bunker is connected to various government buildings via tunnels that were designed decades ago for “national security” purposes, but have since been repurposed for sinister use.

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In New York, another horrific discovery was made beneath Central Park, where more than 50 children were rescued in early October 2024 from an underground bunker. These children were in critical condition, many having been subjected to severe physical and psychological torture.

The tunnels beneath New York City are part of a massive DUMB network that links to several key points across the city, including the United Nations building and various high-profile landmarks. This particular section was under the control of a deep state faction known to work closely with international elites, further connecting global trafficking rings to the DUMB network.

BRICS and the Fight Against the Deep State

In a significant turn of events, the BRICS alliance has now joined the fight against the deep state’s use of the DUMB network. As part of their new gold-backed currency system, BRICS has been cutting off financial access to known deep state operatives, many of whom have been using DUMB facilities for trafficking and illicit trading.

This move is part of a broader plan to dismantle the globalist financial empire that has enabled these underground operations to thrive.

Recent intelligence from BRICS insiders suggests that many of the trafficking operations run through the DUMBs have been tied to global financial institutions, including the IMF and World Bank. These organizations, long suspected of funding clandestine operations, are now being exposed for their role in allowing the trafficking networks to flourish.

With the BRICS currency threatening to upend the current financial system, the elites are growing desperate, using the DUMB network to move their assets—both human and financial—out of the reach of this new economic order.

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Global Military Alliance Takes Action

The Global Military Alliance, which includes factions from the U.S. military, Russian Special Forces, and covert operatives from several BRICS nations, has been actively targeting these DUMB facilities throughout 2024.

In a coordinated series of raids, they have liberated over 10,000 trafficked children from DUMB complexes across North America and Europe. These missions have been met with fierce resistance, as deep state forces attempt to protect their underground operations at all costs.

In October 2024, a major raid on a DUMB facility beneath the Nevada desert resulted in the capture of key deep state operatives who were responsible for orchestrating human trafficking operations across the western U.S.

This facility, which was heavily fortified, contained evidence of advanced cloning experiments, further connecting the DUMB network to illegal bioengineering projects aimed at creating a new class of “enhanced” humans for deep state use.

Emergency Broadcast System and Starlink

In the next few days, a major broadcast through the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is expected, with over 35,000 Starlink satellites set to disrupt traditional media channels. This broadcast is rumored to include graphic evidence of the atrocities committed within the DUMB network.

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The EBS will reportedly showcase live footage of the children being rescued, along with testimonies from military operatives and survivors who were held captive underground. The documentary that is set to air globally will be broadcast in 55 languages and 600 dialects, ensuring that no one on this planet will remain ignorant of the horrors that have unfolded beneath our feet.

The DUMBs, once hidden in darkness, are being exposed for what they truly are: centers of human trafficking, genetic manipulation, and the worst abuses imaginable. The world is waking up, and the deep state is running out of places to hide.

As more of these tunnels are discovered and destroyed, the elites who have relied on these underground operations will face justice for their unspeakable crimes.

The time for truth is now. The DUMBs are being torn apart, and the atrocities they have hidden for decades are finally being brought to light. There is no turning back from here—the reckoning is upon us.


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Ethan White

A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan’s thought-provoking articles today.



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