Big Pharma is Secretly Ghostwriting Articles in Top Medical and Oncology Journals to Trick Doctors into Prescribing Their Dangerous Drugs!

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October 18, 2024

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Big Pharma is Secretly Ghostwriting Articles in Top Medical and Oncology Journals to Trick Doctors into Prescribing Their Dangerous Drugs!

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Let’s not waste time sugar-coating it. Big Pharma has rigged the entire medical system. What you thought was science, what you trusted as medical truth, is nothing but a carefully crafted illusion.

This isn’t just about selling drugs – this is about control. They’re not just ghostwriting articles to trick a few doctors; they’re orchestrating a global takeover of the medical field, manipulating doctors, patients, and governments alike to keep the world sick, confused, and utterly dependent on their poisons.

Ghostwriting Lies: How Big Pharma Writes Your Fate in Medical Journals

Let’s get straight to the heart of their deception machine. Big Pharma isn’t just influencing medical journals – they’re ghostwriting the very studies that doctors rely on to make critical decisions about your health. These aren’t real scientific studies. They’re fraudulent marketing pieces disguised as “peer-reviewed” science, all designed to push dangerous, ineffective drugs and fill their coffers while you, the patient, become another victim.

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Doctors are blindly prescribing these drugs, believing the research is sound because it’s published in the most prestigious journals. What they don’t know is that the very studies they trust have been crafted by Big Pharma’s PR teams, whose sole purpose is to create false datamisleading conclusions, and positive spins on drugs that would otherwise be considered toxic garbage. And it works. Every. Single. Time.

Big Pharma hires third-party companies – scientific mercenaries paid to create fake studies – and then they bribe top doctors to put their names on the papers as if they conducted the research themselves. These doctors don’t even touch the data. They don’t run the trials. They don’t review the results. They just slap their name on it in exchange for cash and prestige.

And that’s how these fraudulent studies make it into the most respected medical journals in the world. The New England Journal of Medicine? The Lancet? Journal of Clinical Oncology? All infiltrated. All tainted. These journals have become mouthpieces for the pharmaceutical industry, nothing more than glorified advertising platforms dressed up in lab coats and stethoscopes.

The Real Cost: You Become the Lab Rat

Here’s where it gets even more sinister. Once these ghostwritten studies are published, doctors across the world read them and believe the lies. They start prescribing these drugs to patients by the millions, thinking they’re providing cutting-edge care. In reality, they’re turning their patients into guinea pigs for Big Pharma’s next billion-dollar payday.

Imagine this: You go to your doctor for a treatment, trusting that the drug they’re prescribing is safe and effective. Little do you know, that very drug is based on a study that was fabricated from top to bottom.

The side effects? Swept under the rug. The efficacy? Exaggerated or entirely made up.

But you’re the one who suffers the consequences. Whether it’s cancer drugs that barely extend your life or psychiatric meds that slowly strip away your mental clarity, these drugs are designed not to cure you but to keep you coming back for more.

The worst part? You’re paying for this scam. You’re not just a victim – you’re a paying customer in a system that’s rigged to keep you sick, dependent, and drained of every last dollar.

New Revelations: How Big Pharma is Engineering “Diseases” to Sell You More Drugs

But wait, it gets worse. Not only are they ghostwriting fake studies, but they’re also inventing diseases to create new markets for their drugs. Don’t believe it? Look at the explosion of new disorders in the last 20 years. Restless leg syndrome, generalized anxiety disorder, adult ADHD – where did these conditions come from? Did humanity suddenly become riddled with new ailments overnight?

No. These so-called diseases were engineered by Big Pharma to create new markets. They hired psychologists, lobbyists, and PR experts to convince the public that normal human emotions and behaviors are pathological. Feeling nervous before a big meeting? You have generalized anxiety disorder. Can’t concentrate at work? You have adult ADHD. Congratulations – here’s a lifetime prescription for a drug you don’t need.

The medical industry has become a money-making circus, where the patient is gaslit into believing they’re broken and in need of endless pharmaceutical intervention. They’re creating new conditions to keep you on a revolving door of medications, ensuring you become a perpetual source of profit.

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The Real Agenda: Population Control

Now, let’s go even deeper. You think this is just about making money? Think again. The pharmaceutical industry has teamed up with governments, tech companies, and global elites to roll out their ultimate endgamepopulation control. This isn’t just a theory – it’s the cold, hard truth.

They don’t just want your money. They want your compliance. They want you dependent on their drugs so that you’re too sick, too tired, and too mentally numb to fight back. This is about creating a sick, docile population that’s easier to control, easier to manipulate, and easier to dominate.

Look at the way they’re pushing vaccines, gene therapies, and mRNA technology. These aren’t about public health – they’re about engineering your biology. The more vaccines and drugs they pump into your body, the more they control your very genetic makeup.

And with the rise of digital health passports, your medical history will soon determine your access to society. They’re creating a two-tier system: those who comply with Big Pharma’s endless prescriptions and vaccines, and those who refuse – who will be shut out from travel, work, and even banking.

Who’s Behind This? The Global Elite and Big Tech

Make no mistake – Big Pharma isn’t acting alone. They’re deeply intertwined with the global elite, Big Tech, and governments across the world. Companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are in on it too.

They’re collecting your personal data, tracking your behavior, and selling that information to Big Pharma to create even more targeted marketing campaigns designed to push more drugs into your bloodstream.

Every time you Google a symptom, every time you search for a treatment, Big Tech is feeding that data straight into Big Pharma’s hands. They know exactly how to target you, how to convince you that you’re sick, and how to keep you hooked on their pills. And the media? They’re bought and paid for. Mainstream news outlets rely on pharmaceutical advertising dollars, so they’ll never report the truth. They’ll keep feeding you the lie that Big Pharma is here to help.

The FDA is in Bed with Big Pharma

If you think the FDA is protecting you, think again. The FDA has been completely compromised. There’s a revolving door between Big Pharma executives and FDA regulators, with the same people who approved dangerous drugs later taking high-paying jobs at the very companies they were supposed to regulate. It’s a conflict of interest on a scale so massive, it should be criminal – but nothing is being done.

Every year, the FDA approves drugs that later get pulled off the market for being deadly. By then, it’s too late – the damage is done, and Big Pharma has already raked in billions. The patients harmed or killed by these drugs? Collateral damage in their pursuit of profit and power.

The Final Truth: Your Health is Their Weapon

Big Pharma doesn’t want to cure you – they want to enslave you. Every drug, every treatment, every “medical breakthrough” is another tool in their arsenal of control. They want to make you a lifelong customer, stuck in a never-ending cycle of pills, injections, and side effects. They want you too weak to fight back, too mentally fogged to think critically, and too dependent on their products to live without them.

This isn’t just about health. This is about power. They’re using your body as a battlefield in their war for domination. And the more you trust them, the deeper you fall into their trap.

Wake Up – It’s Time to Break Free

The time to wake up is now. You need to see Big Pharma for what it really is: a corrupt, evil empire designed to keep you sick, docile, and under their thumb. Stop trusting their fake science, their rigged studies, and their bought-and-paid-for doctors. They’re not interested in saving lives – they’re interested in owning you.

It’s time to take back control of your health, your body, and your life. Don’t let Big Pharma turn you into another statistic in their global game of profit and control.

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Ethan White

A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan’s thought-provoking articles today.


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