임박한 붕괴: 글로벌 주택, 선거, 그리고 에버그란데 붕괴

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임박한 붕괴: 글로벌 주택, 선거, 그리고 에버그란데 붕괴

Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 17, 2023No Comments6 Mins Read


임박한 붕괴: 글로벌 주택, 선거, 그리고 에버그란데 붕괴


The Imminent Collapse: Global Housing, Elections, and the Evergrande Collapse

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

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Explore the looming 80% collapse of the Global Housing Market, delving into the web of conspiracy involving Evergrande, Vanguard & Blackrock, and global intelligence networks. This deep-dive unravels the intricate tapestry woven by unseen power players set to reshape the world as we know it.

The following exposé unveils a web of intricacies that, for too long, have been shrouded in secrecy, with connections that point towards a worldwide conspiracy. Tread carefully, as the truth is rarely what it seems.

A looming global housing market collapse of a staggering 80%, backed by clandestine operatives and major conglomerates, is about to be exposed. Beneath the surface, you’ll discover how the Report, ostensibly an innocuous investigation, is intricately tied to worldwide election rigging, a maze of corporate ties, and an impending financial catastrophe.

When we talk about an 80% collapse in the global housing market, it’s no hyperbole. The shockwaves of such a crisis would shake the very foundations of our global financial system. At the eye of this storm stands a clandestine report. But who would want such chaos? The Report, it seems, isn’t a mere study but a Trojan horse set for release.

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Every puppet show has its puppeteers. Behind the veil of this global theatre are the big players – entities like Mossad, the CIA, Mi5, George Soros, and Lord Malloch Brown. To the unsuspecting eye, these might seem like disparate entities, but the patterns don’t lie. Time and again, they’ve been accused of rigging elections not just in the USA, but across the globe. Think Dominion. It’s no longer about a nation; it’s about orchestrating worldwide dominion.

Ties often manifest in the unlikeliest of places. Evergrande, a titan reminiscent of the Titanic on the verge of sinking, has deep ties with Rio Tinto & BHP in Australia. As if a global housing collapse wasn’t enough, this could lead to the destabilization of the mining sector.

Yet, who pulls the strings of Evergrande? The giants Vanguard & Blackrock. When they move, the world feels the tremors.

The digital gold rush of BTC and Ethereum, which promised financial freedom, now hangs in the balance. Evergrande’s influence threatens not just traditional currency like USD but is set to send shockwaves through the crypto space. When Evergrande falls, it’s not just bricks and mortar; it’s digital dominions too.

Evergrande has recently been under scrutiny. Auditors have been sifting through its subsidiaries, yet there’s a conspicuous delay in releasing the findings. Three weeks past the deadline and silence. Why? Because the Report drops when they want it to. Every move, every delay is orchestrated. And when it drops, expect the world to never be the same.

ALSO: Make More Money or Lose Everything You MUST Decide TODAY!

EO13848 & EO13959 – What Do They Mean?

Executive orders, to the layman, are bureaucratic documents. But in them hides a tale. EO13848 & EO13959 are pieces of the puzzle, pointing to foreign interference and financial blacklisting. Read between the lines, and you’ll see how they fit into this grand design.

To the discerning reader, the patterns are clear. From shadowy government agencies to corporate behemoths, a web is being woven. The global housing market is but the tip of the iceberg, and as the Report looms on the horizon, one must question: Who stands to gain? It’s a power play of epic proportions, and only time will unveil the victors.


The Great Stage: Elon Musk, Putin, Cheyenne Mountain Military, USSF, Starlink, Trump Administration – The FOG OF WAR

The Great Stage: Musk’s Intricate Web with Putin and Power Plays

In the midst of political tension, tech titan Elon Musk boldly declared his desire to confront Russian President Vladimir Putin. But beneath the surface, a tapestry of connections, allegiances, and underhanded tactics paint a different picture.

The Musk-Putin dance is more than just a skirmish between two giants—it’s a strategic stage act with the world as its audience.

READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-great-stage-elon-musk-putin-cheyenne-mountain-military-ussf-starlink-trump-administration-the-fog-of-war/

ALSO: White Hats’ INTEL Expose: EBS, Game Theory Operations, Obama Hidden Agendas, Deep State Operations, CIA Exposure, NATO Collapse, Military Infiltration & Civil Unrest – https://amg-news.com/white-hats-intel-expose-ebs-game-theory-operations-obama-hidden-agendas-deep-state-operations-cia-exposure-nato-collapse-military-infiltration-civil-unrest/

UPDATED: Execution and Arrests From June-Sept: List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles – https://amg-news.com/updated-execution-and-arrests-from-june-sept-list-of-indictments-arrests-and-executions-dismantling-the-deep-state-operatives-and-doubles/

EXPOSED! Walmart Underground Tunnels and Fema Prison Camp Proof!

EBS, FEMA, Walmart, Underground Tunnels, Deep State, Martial Law, Concentration Camps: Complete List of 1000 FEMA Concentration Camps | The Road To Hell: Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to Hide

As liberty shrinks and surveillance expands, there lies a hidden agency, veiled under the pretext of emergency management, poised to head the operations of a looming police state: FEMA.

The Executive Hand Behind the Curtains

For years, people believed that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) was a benign agency tasked with aiding citizens during natural disasters. But behind its seemingly harmless facade, it is gearing up to become the executive arm of a new police state. The very fabric of America’s constitution is at risk.

Many may not be aware of the Presidential Executive Orders, a public document listed on the Federal Register. These orders, subtly drafted and signed, form the legal framework for what might be a massive operation involving FEMA.

read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/ebs-fema-walmart-underground-tunnels-deep-state-martial-law-concentration-camps-complete-list-of-1000-fema-concentration-camps-the-road-to-hell-nowhere-to-run-nowhere-to-hide/

The Shocking Investigative Journalism: FEMA’s Underground Tunnels Under Walmart’s! Video Evidence

Breaking news has surfaced that could shatter the very foundation of what we know about our nation and our safety. FEMA’s recently uncovered secret underground network beneath Walmarts across the country is believed to serve a much darker purpose than what we’ve been led to believe.

This is not just a conspiracy theory – it’s a call to open our eyes and demand answers!

“The truth is like a lion. You don’t have to defend it. Let it loose. It will defend itself.” – Augustine of Hippo.

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-shocking-investigative-journalism-femas-underground-tunnels-under-walmarts-video-evidence/



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