붐! 내전 시나리오에 대비하여 시민 불안을 유발하기 위해 CIA와 FBI가 조율 한 이벤트; 신을 믿습니다.

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붐! 내전 시나리오에 대비하여 시민 불안을 유발하기 위해 CIA와 FBI가 조율 한 이벤트; 신을 믿습니다.

붐! 내전 시나리오에 대비하여 시민 불안을 유발하기 위해 CIA와 FBI가 조율 한 이벤트; 신을 믿습니다.


붐! 내전 시나리오에 대비하여 시민 불안을 유발하기 위해 CIA와 FBI가 조율 한 이벤트; 신을 믿습니다.

긴급: 아메리칸 미디어 그룹은 강력한 조직과 기관의 적극적인 검열 시도에 직면해 있습니다. 이 사실을 널리 알려주세요. #언론의자유, #미디어자유

내전 시나리오를 위해 시민 불안을 조장하는 CIA, FBI의 거짓 플래그 이벤트, 우리가 신뢰하는 하나님

With the TRUMP arrest the CIA and FBI are creating False Flag Event Shootings, trying hard to create violent CIVIL unrest scenarios leading to Civil War Scenarios.

America is on the brink. With shocking waves of violence rippling across our great nation, a shadowy agenda emerges from the darkness. It’s time we lift the veil on the so-called “Deep State” and their unnerving plot.

As Patriots, our country’s legacy of freedom, bravery, and resilience are paramount. This very essence, however, is under an unparalleled threat today. We need to exercise caution. The playing field is far from level, and the adversaries are much closer to home than many dare to acknowledge.

Our country is witnessing an influx of orchestrated violent incidents, particularly deadly shootings. There is a pattern. It’s no longer about isolated incidents of mental illness or broken laws. These are planned, and they are executed to paint a disturbing narrative.

In the wake of each of these tragedies, a very specific set of groups are blamed: Trump supporters, QAnon followers, proud Patriots, and those who allegedly bully transgenders. But why? It’s a simple, sinister tactic – turn the spotlight away from the real culprits and onto those who stand as a symbol of resistance. By making the Right the scapegoat, the Deep State architects of this chaos deftly redirect the narrative.

The Fifth Generation Warfare

What is crucial to understand is that these events are not random acts. They are part of a well-orchestrated campaign of what is known as 4th and 5th generation warfare. We are now deep into the third stage of this insidious strategy.

This isn’t about troops on the ground or blatant acts of terror. This is psychological. This is about pitting brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor. By inducing fear, hatred, and division, the Deep State is weaving a narrative of human tragedy that leaves us broken, scared, and ready to point fingers.

To the naked eye, it might seem like simple political maneuvering or ideological conflicts. But the endgame is far more malevolent. The goal? To destabilize the U.S. to such an extent that it results in near cataclysmic civil unrest. This unrest, the proponents believe, will be the ticket to UN intervention on American soil.

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Why would they want this? The U.N., under the influence of entities like the Rockefeller and Rothschild families, among others, would swiftly enact laws during this turbulent period. The U.S. would be shackled, losing its sovereignty and rendering its military powerless.

To assume that this is a recent development would be naïve. This plot has roots, deeply embedded within the corridors of power. The Pentagon, the CIA, and key figures from the Obama administration have been implicated. The intention is clear: strip America of its independence, its strength, and hand it over to globalist interests.

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The Arrests

It’s not just about chaos in our streets. It’s also about systematically dismantling the last line of defense – our military. The next step, as whispered in hushed tones, is to target military commanders. Those loyal to the Constitution, the Republican ethos, Trump’s vision, and those who dare defy the Deep State will be shackled.

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As Patriots, it’s not just our duty to be aware; it’s our duty to be vocal, vigilant, and prepared. America’s legacy is on the line. The waves are crashing, but our spirit is unyielding. Let’s unite and reclaim our land.

“Military Is The Only Way” – A Deep Dive into America’s Secretive Military Movements & Cheyenne Mountain

The United States has seen an uptick in unanticipated military activity.

Let’s start with a seemingly cryptic phrase making rounds in conspiracy theory circuits, “Military Is The Only Way”. Q Drop 26, as it’s referred to, is gaining considerable attention. The enigma continues to deepen, as unusual and heightened military activity is noticed nationwide during June and July 2023. But what is this all leading up to? Let’s unravel the threads, one by one, in an attempt to decode the cryptic.

Sealed indictments – those judicially sanctioned accusations against individuals, kept secret until they are unsealed – stand at a staggering 420,000. This number is beyond the realm of normalcy, leading many to speculate about the magnitude of the actions being planned. The circumstances have transformed the country into a suspenseful thriller, with each unfolding event causing ripples in our reality.

What is the secret to a long healthy life?

The rumor mill has spun a menacing narrative about a blackout over the United States. This blackout isn’t just a power failure – it’s being dubbed as the “Blackout USA”. This unprecedented event has been suggested to be a malicious, orchestrated move by the deep state, planning a false flag terror attack on the power grid, to be wrongfully blamed on American patriots. This narrative, as chilling as it may sound, provides the deep state a clear path to villainize the patriots, while playing the victims themselves.

The secrets continue to unravel, exposing the deep state’s clandestine operations. Whispers of secret police entities operating on American soil are being heard louder than ever. These shadowy figures, once a figment of dystopian novels, seem to have breached the realm of reality. The quiet buzz is quickly turning into a deafening roar, with evidence suggesting these entities are already among us, maneuvering covert operations.

The chilling undercurrents of a military coup are also making waves. Pushed by the White Hats – the supposed ‘good guys’ of the Internet – through various social media and networks, the narrative is gaining considerable momentum. If the whispers of conspiracy theorists are to be believed, we may be on the precipice of a revolution, with power poised to shift hands.

In this ongoing saga, we seem to be witnessing the final stages of military operations. The clandestine actions, the surprising build-up of military presence, the secret indictments, all signal towards a climactic culmination. Coincidence? I think not.

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As these events unfold, they’re bound to leave an indelible imprint on our collective consciousness. With stakes this high, the very fabric of our society could be rewoven. Therefore, it is incumbent upon each one of us to remain vigilant, seeking truth and resisting complacency. It’s a daunting task to sift through the intricacies of this multifaceted narrative. Nonetheless, we must continue to question, to probe, and to unmask the hidden agendas that may be at play.

However, a word of caution to all digital soldiers out there: we live in a world where artificial intelligence tools are designed to detect and flag ‘conspiracy theories’. So tread lightly and wisely. In this era of AI surveillance, it’s not just about what you say but how you say it. Saturate your rhetoric with facts, do your research and remain critical.

In the end, we are not just observers but participants in this unfolding narrative. Each one of us has a role to play in shaping our nation’s trajectory. So, stay informed, question everything, and remember, complacency in the face of adversity is the death knell for democracy.

Remember, America’s heart lies in its people. When we unite against any adversarial forces, no deep state or shadowy entity can prevail. It’s not just about preserving the America we know today, but molding an America that generations to come can be proud of.

This is our journey to traverse, our story to write, and our destiny to shape. No matter how dark the night, remember, dawn always breaks. And as the saying goes, the darkest hour is just before the dawn. The dawn of a new era, a new America, is upon us. Brace yourselves; we’re in for a wild ride.

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In the grand scheme of things, the only way might indeed be the military. If so, it’s a journey we must face head-on, not with fear, but with resilience, conviction, and a burning desire for truth.

In the final analysis, when we look back at the upheavals of 2023, we’ll either applaud our prescience or regret our complacency. Regardless, we will remember it as a time when the unexpected became the norm, when conspiracy theories weaved into our daily lives and when America stood on the precipice of a new era. In a world shrouded in deep secrets and brewing storms, remember, the only way is forward.

And for America, it appears, the only way is the military!

The Resurgence of Power: Trump, Cheyenne, and Military Operations Propelling the United States Towards World Superpower Status

Amidst the haunting silence of a world teetering on the brink of an unprecedented catastrophe, a man of action, Donald J. Trump, former President of the United States, is silently orchestrating a game-changing strategy. As the world grapples with a near-death civilization event, Trump is preparing to lead the United States to a new golden age, an era of unmatched power and prosperity.

Behind the scenes, unbeknownst to many, Trump is not simply waiting for his time to come. Instead, he is actively planning to make the United States a world superpower, seeking to honor the goodness and greatness of the American people. Regardless of the looming threats and ominous events of the coming months, Trump’s strategy is already well underway.

In real-time, Trump is the Commander and Chief, recognized by Cheyenne Mountain as the true authority over the highest military commands. While his leadership may not be evident in daily news bulletins, Trump’s influence is far from waning. He remains a force to be reckoned with, a leader quietly planning his triumphant return to the public stage.

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Trump’s strategy to propel the United States into global economic power within a year and a half hinges on harnessing the highest volumes of natural resources – gas, oil, and other forms of energy the United States possesses in abundance. World powers – China, Russia, and the BRICS nations of South America, are all aware of this imminent surge. They understand that the U.S. is set to produce over 25-30 million barrels of oil a day, positioning itself to take over the world energy structure market.

Behind closed doors, Trump is already in negotiations with South America and China, assuring them that the U.S. will outproduce Russian energy within a short span of time. Following the looming collapse and near-death civilization events of 2023-2024, he envisions a golden age for America, starting from 2025 and beyond. These plans are not mere theories; they are realities currently being played out.

To create the greatest nation on Earth, and provide a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world, certain elements must first be dismantled. The CIA, FBI, and other entities under scrutiny will face the storm of tribulation and a wave of arrests. In a world shaken by turmoil, the storm will begin at home.

Through the assessments of military intelligence around the world, it is becoming clear: Trump is on his way back. BRICS nations are well aware that they will soon be begging to join the U.S. as it reemerges as a superpower. However, this journey will not just be about regaining power. It will also be about cleansing, about draining the swamp of CIA and globalist influences that have muddied the waters.

After the U.S. has been restored as a superpower, Trump plans to unveil the truth of free energy and cloak it in a new era. This era will not just be about having the most power or the largest economy. It will be about providing genuine, tangible freedom to the world through a gold-backed system.

In a dramatic turn of events, the fake alien invasion will be exposed on a national level. This disclosure will lead to the declassification of real technology connected to infinite energy sources, such as med beds, floating crafts, and floating cities. The unveiling of these technologies will create new jobs and opportunities, sparking an era of technological advancement far beyond what any human could have thought possible.

The near-death civilization event is not just a catastrophe; it is a part of the game theory operations. While the deep state pushes its agenda, it is destined to backfire. The world is merely watching a staged performance. The true show will begin when military intervention leads to the downfall of the deep state, the Satanic cabal connected to Epstein and world leaders, banks, corporations, the blackmail system, human trafficking rings, and war mongering.

As the world finds itself on the precipice of great change, one man stands ready to lead the charge. Amid the collapse of the deep state power structures, Trump, Cheyenne, and military operations prepare to restore the balance.

Figures such as Klaus, WEF, and WHO may seem omnipresent now, but their fates are sealed. As we embark on this journey towards a new golden age, remember that this is only the beginning of the Great Awakening World Project.

The truth is coming. And with it, a new era of prosperity, freedom, and power for the United States and the world at large. This is the real plan unfolding – and it’s going to change everything.


The Great Stage: Elon Musk, Putin, Cheyenne Mountain Military, USSF, Starlink, Trump Administration – The FOG OF WAR

The Great Stage: Musk’s Intricate Web with Putin and Power Plays

In the midst of political tension, tech titan Elon Musk boldly declared his desire to confront Russian President Vladimir Putin. But beneath the surface, a tapestry of connections, allegiances, and underhanded tactics paint a different picture.

The Musk-Putin dance is more than just a skirmish between two giants—it’s a strategic stage act with the world as its audience.

READ MORE HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-great-stage-elon-musk-putin-cheyenne-mountain-military-ussf-starlink-trump-administration-the-fog-of-war/

ALSO: White Hats’ INTEL Expose: EBS, Game Theory Operations, Obama Hidden Agendas, Deep State Operations, CIA Exposure, NATO Collapse, Military Infiltration & Civil Unrest – https://amg-news.com/white-hats-intel-expose-ebs-game-theory-operations-obama-hidden-agendas-deep-state-operations-cia-exposure-nato-collapse-military-infiltration-civil-unrest/

UPDATED: Execution and Arrests From June-Sept: List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions – Dismantling the Deep State Operatives and Doubles – https://amg-news.com/updated-execution-and-arrests-from-june-sept-list-of-indictments-arrests-and-executions-dismantling-the-deep-state-operatives-and-doubles/

The Final Stages of Military Operations is Taking Place. There is NO Coincidence!

There are no coincidences in life, just like there’s no room for indifference in the face of reality. The most intense storm of the century is brewing, a metaphoric tempest that’s set to shake the bedrock of our society, to reveal the lurid shadows that have long held sway in the hidden echelons of power. The covert labyrinth of the deep state, the perfidious cabal and their abhorrent deeds, is being unearthed, and we are at the precipice of a cataclysmic revelation.

This is not an article you come across casually while scrolling through the internet. This is a call to arms, a rallying cry for all free-thinking individuals, a demand for truth and transparency. We are at the cusp of the final stages of an unparalleled military operation that promises to reshape our world and its conventional narratives. . .

Read the full article HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-final-stages-of-military-operations-is-taking-place-there-is-no-coincidence-video/

Also: The Devolution Plan and Continuity of Government: Military Coup Charges Against Biden, Obama, Clinton’s, Rockefellers, CIA, Deep State – Game Theory Operations – https://amg-news.com/boom-the-devolution-plan-and-continuity-of-government-military-coup-charges-against-biden-obama-clintons-rockefellers-cia-deep-state-game-theory-operations/

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article may not represent the official views of Medeea Greere or the American Media Group. Stories filed under Opinion contain information from various sources that may be both, verified and unverified. Medeea Greere and the American Media Group do not make any claims as to the validity of the information expressed in the opinion section, however we do encourage the reader to do further research on their own and we hope that you will share your findings with us. The mission for the truth requires a collective effort. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website.




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