BOOM! Walking With A Past No Longer Present: There are Some Public Figures who are Sleeping With Spouses that are No Longer With Them – Carbon Copy? Organic Robotoid? Synthetic Human?

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 23, 20231 Comment10 Mins Read


BOOM! Walking With A Past No Longer Present: There are Some Public Figures who are Sleeping With Spouses that are No Longer With Them – Carbon Copy? Organic Robotoid? Synthetic Human?


BOOM! Walking With A Past No Longer Present: There are Some Public Figures who are Sleeping With Spouses that are No Longer With Them – Carbon Copy? Organic Robotoid? Synthetic Human?

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

  • Carbon Copy?
  • Organic Robotoid?
  • Synthetic Human?
  • How?

Well, these people are/were oblivious to the crimes their beloved tender roni was involved in. However heinous these criminal acts were it has not been allowed to surface in any official police report or news agency.

Sounds Sci-Fi? I know. How can they not tell that is no longer the original person?

-V. Putin wife noticed.

-Nelson Mandela family noticed.

-OJ Simpsons mother noticed.

How long has this been going on? Some say the 60-70s. This ofcourse was when the Cabal had control of the technology. They used it when you no longer wanted to play ball. Ask Jack Black.

He hinted at the fact that once you make a hit movie and you try to walk away from the franchise you get replaced. This is why you see never ending movies sequels & prequels go on forever like day time soap operas.


The Terminator

Fast & Furious

Mission Impossible



Jurassic Park. Etc.

You become a political pawn. Just like Taylor Swift. Once they build you up to have influence over public discourse they will utilize your platform to steer certain political figures to your fan base to get “The Young Vote”.

  • Why do you think political candidates pop up at concerts? (Think Stacy Abrams & Latto)
  • Why do you think politicians like to associate their platforms to mainstream rappers? (Think Ludacris & Kiesha L. Bottoms).
  •  Why do you think they hold meetings with rappers instead of community leaders? (Think Barrack Obama & My Brothers Keeper Secret Meeting).
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Your platform now intertwined with the Democrat/Liberal Agenda. Which is why owning your masters is such a risky move. It could literally put your life in jeopardy. How? Because it’s a bargaining chip that people like George Soros used to control Taylor Swift in order for her to do his bidding by getting her fans to vote for certain political candidates in order for her to get control of her music catalog again.

Donald Marshall also broke this process down through many interviews. MK Ultra, Drones, Clones, Vril are all methods of mind control. You become a conduit for globalist agendas. Tila Tequila also was a celebrity that came out and corroborated what D. Marshall was saying in regards to the cloning centers that entertainers are introduced to underground. Where are they located? We’ll cover that. Keep reading.

Back to the first question as to how can clones mimic the behavioral patterns of the original person to come off as organic & authentic? This is how Donald Marshall explained it.

Whole brain emulation (WBE), mind upload or brain upload (sometimes called “mind copying” or “mind transfer”) is the hypothetical futuristic process of scanning the mental state (including long-term memory and “self”) of a particular brain substrate and copying it to a computer.

The computer could then run a simulation model of the brain’s information processing, such that it responds in essentially the same way as the original brain (i.e., indistinguishable from the brain for all relevant purposes) and experiences having a conscious mind.

This Mind uploading can be accomplished in two either methods:

  • Copy-and-Transfer.
  • Gradual Replacement of Neurons.

Copy-and-Transfer or gradual replacement of neurons. In the case of the former method, mind uploading would be achieved by scanning and mapping the salient features of a biological brain, and then by copying, transferring, and storing that information state into a computer system or another computational device.

The simulated mind could be within a virtual reality or simulated world, supported by an anatomic 3D body simulation model. Alternatively the simulated mind could reside in a computer that is inside (or connected to) a (not necessarily humanoid) robot or a biological body in real life. This would explain why a lover or friend can go unnoticed to those who think they are dealing with the original person who may be longer here.

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Among some futurists and within the trans-humanist movement, mind uploading is treated as an important proposed life extension technology. Some believe mind uploading is humanity’s current best option for preserving the identity of the species, as opposed to cryonics. But we are getting beside the point. Now we can understand why people we may consider gone off to Gitmo are still in the public domain.

The family component can not be underestimated. These people have no clue of the war taking place to regain control of this country to bring us back under a Republic supported by “The Gold Standard” under the organic real constitution that was altered in 1871. We can not have people that are well known questioning the whereabouts of their lover by creating unwanted panic and the military has to figure out how to silence them without also taking them away to undisclosed locations.

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Executing celebrities or politicians comes with extreme precautions without a contingency plan in place to keep the peace as this process unfolds to a conclusion. Which is why we are stuck watching certain people we think should no longer be walking around without handcuffs.

Sometimes clones glitch like Mitch McConnell. I guess he is approaching his 3 year expiration date. US Military apprehended a still unnamed geneticist who had previously worked at a hidden cloning lab in the Missouri Ozarks. It was reported he is being held under “isolated supervision” at Womack Army Medical Center, Fort Bragg, where military officials had examined and dissected clones recovered from labs in Missouri and Alaska.

That scientists also stated that clones last 3 years from the date of maturation and recalled, dissolved in acid, and replaced before showing signs of decay. What are the Indicators of deterioration?

Synaptic & Cardiovascular Failure.

Skin lesions (akin to eczema)


Gigantism. Etc.

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Will this ever officially be disclosed to the public? Well it already has but people are dismissive and do not consider certain news publications reputable or trustworthy. So this is taken full advantage of and is published where people would be none the wiser.

The human race has had our DNA manipulated, altered and split in two to change our entire species genetic make up. Clones are a genetic creation that run on a artificial program “AI” (Artificial intelligence).

Clones because of their genetically modified make up will suffer serious health conditions and neurological problems that eventually ends them. This is what I believe has happened to the M McConnell along with the Greys. I believe they found out that you cannot mesh a biological form with artificial intelligence and thrive. The only outcome is destruction.

The high-level science of genetics on planet Earth meaning the Cabal government working in their underground labs or DUMBS are and have been doing some extremely highly advanced cloning of our race for thousands of years. This very sinister program genetically modifies the human to work on a completely artificial frequency based solely on artificial intelligence.

These clones have memories and reactions downloaded into them based on the original person who they are cloning. Meaning, they study the original person who’s mental profile they have downloaded into an advanced super computer and is implanted in their clone as a program.

Controlled by a central AI that works with a transmitter that receives information through a chip which is neurologically connected to their brain. This central AI controls these clones equally like as in a “Hive Mind” which I’ve talked about before. Do you think most Americans are clones? Why are most so easily brainwashed?

Dolores Cannon called them “The Backdrop People”. Someone here just for numbers. How many organic humans exist today? Some (In The Know) say that 80% of most humans are artificial or 75% of have no soul. Big number if true. What does this mean in a larger sense in terms of “The Great Awakening”? Well some will be around to find out just how simulated this world is when we make it to that door.

The signal that controls these clones is transmitted by the cell phone network and other high energy transmitters that are placed at key points around the world.

The signal is accessed and controlled by a supercomputer called “Red Queen” which is located under the Denver airport. There are other independently node’s as they call them around the world but these subordinate node’s are always coordinated by the Red Queen or Central.

Remember that film “Cell” by John Cusack & Samuel L Jackson that came out in 2016? Think in terms of that.

These clones can be manufactured to be exactly the same as the original and can be modified according to their needs. These clones are not perfect and are plagued with problems. They can also make an artificial person that does not represent any real human and that creation is made with the manufacturer’s specifications according to their purpose and the task they will perform.

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