BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: FEMA Refusing to Save Victims, Accept Critical Supplies & Confiscating Donations for Hurricane Helene Victims

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 5, 20241 Comment11 Mins Read


BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: FEMA Refusing to Save Victims, Accept Critical Supplies & Confiscating Donations for Hurricane Helene Victims


BOOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: FEMA Refusing to Save Victims, Accept Critical Supplies & Confiscating Donations for Hurricane Helene Victims

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About the Author:

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, retired, author of “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities” is a retired therapist, Public Speaker, Activist and investigative journalist whose articles on international child exploitation rings have been cited on over 3,000 websites. The ex-Supervisor, Alberta Mental Health and Director Provo Family Counseling Center is the CEO of Child Abuse Recovery and Speakers Bureau ( You are invited to sign our petition to Congress for an investigation of the CIA mind control of children by clicking here.

Article posted on Before It’s News, Friday, October 4, 2024

In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene there was something very strange, and actually scary, going on in North Carolina. Agents for the federal disaster relief agency FEMA, didn’t arrive for a week after the hurricane hit, and then not only neglected to start saving stranded victims, but confiscated donations, refused delivery of critical supplies, arrested or threatened to arrest people wanting to help and who were making rescues on their own. As of this writing government authorities were still grounding Military Helicopters and wouldn’t give them an ok to fly.

The Mainstream Media was not reporting any of this, even though thousands have gone without food and water for over a week. Hundreds of deteriorating bodies were seen floating in rivers and caught in trees. Whole towns had been wiped out. Worse, authorities were threatening volunteers with arrest if they tried to help, or rescue their neighbors.

  • The scene was reminiscent of 2023 Maui and 2018 Paradise California Direct Energy Weapon fires that left bodies everywhere, even in vehicles trying to escape.
  • In all three disasters FEMA was not there to supply aid, give help and comfort to the victims, but appeared to have a sole mission to take advantage of victims, clean up their bodies and take possession of their land.
  • In Paradise 50,000 died, not the 100 reported by the Mainstream Media. In Maui 2,700+ structures were destroyed, 97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated, with 3,100 still displaced over a year later. The Mainstream Media hasn’t reported on that either.
  • The only difference between the 2023 Maui DEW fires and last week’s North Carolina Helene Hurricane disaster was that FEMA arrived in Maui a few days BEFORE the fires started, while FEMA arrived in North Carolina a whole week AFTER Hurricane Helene landed. A little suspicious either way for what was supposed to be a federal disaster relief agency, don’t you think?
  • “I live in Fairview, NC.  Marines arrived here yesterday (one week too late).  And yes there are bodies everywhere along the creek banks, in collapsed houses and trees. A lineman friend did verify the naked children walking around looking for their parents off Old Fort Rd. A whole community collapsed called Craigtown up there (mudslide). …JaneJack on Telegram Fri. 4 Oct. 2024
  • Just like in Maui, FEMA did move at some point into the disaster areas, although apparently not to supply aid, help and comfort to the victims, but with a seemingly sole mission to take advantage of victims, clean up their bodies and take possession of their land. At least that’s what a North Carolina woman overheard four FEMA Directors say.
  • As in Maui and by their own admission, FEMA had no intention to help victims of Helene. “Their soul mission was to do body recovery” a woman said who overheard four FEMA directors talking at the airport. They had just flown in on a private plane. “According to FEMA all supplies and help would have to come from volunteers – who they intended to threaten with arrest if they tried to rescue and help victims.”

  • As in Maui there was only one way in and one way out of the affected North Carolina area and it was blocked by FEMA personnel. In multiple places of devastated North Carolina volunteer truckers hauling in supplies were getting their tires slashed. FEMA workers were telling volunteers not to help victims, not even to help neighbors and threatening to arrest those wanting to aid with their own supplies and transportation.
  • As happened in Maui, seven days after Helene hit First Responders and Service members were still waiting in hotels without deployment orders, while thousands were without food and water.
  • As with the Maui and California fires, the Mainstream Media was lying about government rescue and aid efforts in North Carolina. It just wasn’t happening: Appalachia SOS Warning! US Military Ritually Sacrificing Americans In North Carolina Mountains! | Prophecy | Before It’s News (
  • On Friday 4 Oct. Federal Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigeg shut down aid flights into Western North Carolina. The FAA won’t allow anyone not approved by the state to fly in aid and pilots complained that they were being very uncooperative when they applied to do so. At least six licensed pilots from Virginia loaded with supplies have been turned down permission to fly in the aid.
  • Even Asheville Police were threatening victims with arrest for trying to save their own belongings – which at this moment were likely being stolen by FEMA personnel. After all, that’s what FEMA personnel are trained to do – as they did in Maui, Paradise, during Hurricane Katrina, and any other disaster where they have been called into help.
  • The Biden-Harris administration reportedly arrested a man for flying a helicopter loaded with supplies for the victims of Hurricane Helene.
  • Elon Musk said that SpaceX engineers were trying to deliver Starlink terminals & supplies to devastated areas in North Carolina right now and FEMA was not only failing to help, but wouldn’t let others help. On Fri. 4 Oct. Glen Beck went to North Carolina, talked to a lone FEMA crew there and confirmed the same. On orders from above they were doing absolutely nothing to help victims.
  • This is unconscionable! They just took this video a few hours ago, where you can see the level of devastation: roads, houses, electricity, water supply and ground Internet connections completely destroyed. FEMA wouldn’t let them land to deliver critical supplies.

  • An inhabitant of Asheville North Carolina determined that Helene was manmade. “HAARP caused Helene to keep its eyeball hundreds of miles inland and caused the river to increase its depth by 30 feet which caused all that flooding.” She claimed it was a land grab for the lithium and quartz mining for the computer chips.
  • On August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m the Deep State Cabal was believed to have partnered with the Chinese Communist Party and used NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers to burn the traditional Kingdom of Hawaii Capitol of Lahaina Maui to the ground. The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history.
  • The Cabal’s plan was to replace Laihana with their own Smart City where they had complete control over the population. You see, native Hawaiians were planning on breaking away from the United States and becoming their own sovereign Kingdom of Hawaii Nation again – and no longer have to pay taxes to the Cabal.
  • The inhabitant of Asheville North Carolina claimed that like Maui, “The crazy community governmental seat agreed to have Asheville be slated for a Smart City. Then she noted that Asheville residents DON’T want that. They want to live simply and enjoy nature. The trees downed in the Biltmore forests are a travesty.”
  • In North Carolina the goal appeared to be to take over three mines and the richest supply of lithium in the World for batteries and the purest quartz in the World for the $530 billion microchip industry. As in Maui and Paradise California after the fires, people in Ashville North Carolina were getting nonstop offers to sell their discounted now-worthless property for cash.
  • Interestingly enough the Cabal’s Blackrock just signed a $90 million contract for Lithium mined in the very same North Carolina area that was hit by Hurricane Helene – the very same area that was immediately cordoned off after the disaster and made inaccessible to people – the very same area that contained three mines full of the richest supply of Lithium in the World for batteries and the purest Quartz in the World for the $530 billion microchip industry.
  • It’s hard to stomach that even after Katrina, Paradise and Maui, the Cabal got away with it again. Last September FEMA Director Deanne Criswell was arrested by US Marines. White Hats were holding her accountable for crimes FEMA personnel committed against innocent civilians, and for the Maui fires and massacres of 2023, as well as the deaths of heroic Marines and soldiers who perished fighting FEMA brigades. Captured! FEMA Director Deanne Criswell | Real Raw News
  • In Maui every day since the 2023 devastating fires, the Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have provided three meals a day to the victims from private donations and out of their own pockets. Long ago FEMA, of course, had cut back their funding for Maui victims, just as they promised little or none for Helene victims – and none hereafter for any American victim of disaster.
  • The privately owned Biden/ Harris US Inc. Administration was officially broke. It has spent all our taxpayer monies (while money laundering a good percentage back to themselves) on their Nazi Cabal friendly countries like Israel and Ukraine and on illegal immigrants so they could steal the 2024 election and keep themselves in power.
  • Like one North Carolina woman said, “FEMA and the government simply doesn’t care if we live or die.” New Bombshell allegations from FEMA whistleblowers have confirmed why the federal government’s response to Hurricane Helene has been so horrendous. They said “hundreds, if not thousands, of service members were deployed to North Carolina by the Department of Defense and have been sitting idle, waiting for FEMA to give them the go ahead.
  • All the while Americans in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia were missing and dying. The FEMA whistleblowers also said that the FEMA department has wasted and misappropriated funds in the wake of Helene, which was exacerbating the emergency. FEMA funds that were supposed to be used for Americans surviving emergencies were instead used by NGOs to buy airline tickets for migrants.
  • America needed more heroes like Jimmy Finch, from Clarksville, Tennessee, who drove his personal BBQ rig 2-hours to a devastated Mayfield, Kentucky with as many hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages, soy patties, eggs, bread, etc. as he could and setup right in the middle of Mayfield. Finch did what needed to be done: cook & feed those that had everything (literally) blown away. He is not asking “what political party do you favor” or “have you had your shots”.  He’s just cooking for those in need. He’s not a rich man by any means. He’s not a BBQ’er by trade. The sign on his truck says “lawn care”. Lawn. Care. Not a millionaire’s job but this man’s heart must be made of gold. He’s going back tomorrow to feed more people, again. There’s detailed info if you search his name. I’m hoping a real millionaire or two (or ten) follow what just a common, but caring man has stepped up to do. …Frank Melgoza
  • There were rumblings about a Militia being formed to confront FEMA in North Carolina. They intend to head into the mountains for rescue operations that FEMA has refused to do and were preventing others from doing.
  • When, oh when was the Global Military Alliance going to step in and declare Worldwide Martial Law so we could help each other without threats of arrest from our very own government and return to the basic Freedom Concepts of the original Constitution?
  • After all, the Deep State Cabal was not predicting food shortages; they were planning them, along with more engineered disasters, dock strikes and plandemics. What’s next?

***Calling all Patriots Hurricane Helene Donations and Help Needed:

In the Hurricane Helene destruction areas private citizens are making brand new roads themselves to get people out and supplies in as the government was doing nothing and actually preventing aid. Residents report no sign of FEMA, Red Cross or government people helping. Victims are banding together to do it themselves, and could use your help.

Judy Note: I personally would not donate to FEMA or the Red Cross because they are known not to use the money for the purpose it was intended. This is why it is SO important to donate to a local church or to an individual family, or small business. You will know where your help is actually going and that it’s actually getting there. Make a direct impact if at all possible.

BREAKING NEWS: FEMA Sabotages Disaster Relief: Elon Musk Exposes Federal Blockade on Starlink Aid Shipments in North Carolina (video)

BREAKING NEWS: FEMA BLOCKS ELON MUSK’S STARLINK SHIPMENTS IN DISASTER ZONES! Aid is seized, lives are at risk, and Elon Musk is fighting back. Get the latest on this shocking obstruction of disaster relief in North Carolina.

FEMA Blocks Starlink Lifeline: Elon Musk Battles Federal Sabotage of Disaster Relief in North Carolina – VIDEO



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