BOOOOM! NESARA GESARA Implements the Ultimate Global Reset: The Most Complete List of 30+1 Shocking Protocols Ever!

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 15, 2024No Comments13 Mins Read


BOOOOM! NESARA GESARA Implements the Ultimate Global Reset: The Most Complete List of 30+1 Shocking Protocols Ever!


BOOOOM! NESARA GESARA Implements the Ultimate Global Reset: The Most Complete List of 30+1 Shocking Protocols Ever!

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BOOM! NESARA GESARA is set to trigger the ultimate global reset, wiping out debt, abolishing income tax, dismantling the IRS, and releasing 6,000+ hidden patents! Discover the shocking 30+1 provisions that will shatter the financial system, restore constitutional law, and unleash a new era of freedom and prosperity. Are you ready for the revolution? The world is about to change forever!

NESARA GESARA BOMBSHELL: The 31 Shocking Protocols That Will SHATTER the Global System!

BOOOOM!!!! NESARA is about to hit the world like an earthquake, and no one is prepared for the shockwaves that are about to tear through every corner of society. This is not just a financial reset; this is a total system collapse and rebirth! The corrupt elite, who’ve been ruling from the shadows, are about to have their power obliterated. It’s time to expose their lies and break free from the chains they’ve wrapped around us for decades.

Let me be crystal clear: NESARA isn’t just some minor policy shift—it’s a full-on REVOLUTION. We’re talking about erasing all debteliminating the IRS, dismantling the Federal Reserve, and overhauling elections. It’s going to be messy, it’s going to be chaotic, but it’s the only way to take back what’s rightfully ours. Let’s break down this explosive list of 31 NESARA protocols and see just how deep this rabbit hole goes.

BOOM #1: Debt Forgiveness – A Total Financial Reset!

POOF! Your crushing debts? GONE! All your credit card balances, mortgages, and loans—wiped clean. How? Because the entire banking system that enslaved you in endless debt has been built on illegal activities. That’s right—this isn’t just a favor or a bailout. NESARA is correcting decades of financial crimes committed by banks and governments alike. This is a financial jubilee, the likes of which the world has NEVER seen before.

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But don’t get too comfortable. This only applies to debt tied to the corrupt banking system. If you owe money outside of it, you’re still on the hook. This is selective justice, targeting the core of the corrupt financial empire.

BOOM #2: Tax Liberation – The IRS Gets SMASHED!

Are you sick of handing over your hard-earned cash to the IRS every year? Say goodbye to that nightmare! The IRS, which has been acting unconstitutionally from the start, is about to be DEAD AND BURIED. Income tax? GONE. That’s right! NESARA obliterates income taxes, and it’s about time. For years, the government has been siphoning money from your paycheck illegally, and NESARA is going to stop this robbery in its tracks.

In its place, NESARA brings in a simple 14% flat tax on non-essential goods. That means no taxes on food, medicine, or used goods. It’s fair. It’s simple. And most importantly, it keeps the government’s greedy hands out of your pocket.

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BOOM #3: Federal Reserve—GAME OVER!

The Federal Reserve, that shadowy institution that’s been pulling the strings behind the scenes for decades, is about to be SNUFFED OUT! NESARA doesn’t just regulate it—it eliminates the entire system. Once and for all, we’re kicking the Federal Reserve to the curb and taking back control of our money.

A new U.S. Treasury-backed “Rainbow Currency” will replace the worthless paper dollars we’ve been using. And guess what? This new currency will be backed by gold, silver, and platinumREAL assets, not the phony money the Federal Reserve has been printing for years. This isn’t just reform—it’s a total financial revolution.

BOOM #4: Constitutional Law Restored – The RESET of America!

It’s over for those who have twisted the law and sold our sovereignty to the highest bidder! NESARA returns the U.S. to its rightful foundation: Constitutional Law. That means no more laws made in secret backrooms by foreign interests or shadowy powers. The Title of Nobility amendment will be reinstated, and here’s the kicker: Hundreds of thousands of Americans with dual loyalties to foreign powers will be stripped of their citizenship.

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Let that sink in. College degrees? Worthless paper! If you’ve been operating under foreign control, your game is over. NESARA is sending these traitors packing—they’ll be deported and barred from ever stepping foot on U.S. soil again. This is more than a reset; it’s a PURGE of those who have sold out our nation.

BOOM #5: New Elections – A TOTAL Political Overhaul!

The current political system? It’s DONE. Corruption has poisoned our elections for years, and NESARA is here to flush it out. In a matter of 120 days, all current presidential and congressional elections will be scrapped, and new ones will be held under the rule of Constitutional Law. Every national emergency declared by the previous regime will be erased.

No more rigged elections! The NewQFS Voting System is coming, and it’s unhackable. Voting fraud? Impossible. Under NESARA, only those validated through a secure, blockchain system will be allowed to vote. If you thought the corrupt politicians had a chance to hold on, think again. NESARA is burning down the corrupt house they built.

BOOM #6: Financial Privacy Restored – YOUR Money, YOUR Business!

Say goodbye to the constant surveillance and hacking of your personal finances. Under NESARA, your financial privacy is restored. The new U.S. Treasury Reserve Banking System will protect your money from thieves, hackers, and the prying eyes of Big Brother. The days of the government knowing every move you make are over!

This isn’t just about security. It’s about reclaiming control of your financial life. No more tracking. No more surveillance. Your money is yours and no one else’s.


BOOM #7: The Suppressed Technology Bombshell – 6,000 Patents UNLEASHED!

Here’s the BIG ONE. The technology you’ve never even heard of—the stuff that’s been hidden in deep vaults by the global elites—is about to hit the public. We’re talking over 6,000 patents for mind-blowing technologies, everything from free energy devices to miracle medical cures.

This isn’t science fiction—it’s the future that’s been kept from us for decades. The energy sector, healthcare, transportation—EVERYTHING is about to change. The reason these technologies were suppressed? Because they would destroy the power structures that have ruled the world for so long. NESARA is about to release these technologies to the public and explode the status quo.

BOOM #8: Humanitarian Projects – A Tsunami of Global Change!

It’s not just about tearing down the old system—it’s about building a better one. NESARA isn’t stopping with just financial reforms. It’s launching a wave of humanitarian projects that will change lives across the globe. Funding will be available for citizens to take part in massive projects, from providing housing for the homeless to revolutionizing healthcare and education.

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This is a global movement. NESARA’s influence will spread far beyond U.S. borders, transforming the lives of millions. The age of greed and scarcity is ending, and NESARA is ushering in an era of abundance and prosperity for everyone.

BOOM #9: Restitution and Redemption – Getting Back What’s Rightfully Ours!

NESARA doesn’t just stop with reforming the present—it also focuses on correcting the wrongs of the past. The corrupt elites who’ve stolen from us for generations? They’re going to pay. We’re talking restitution for every unconstitutional act committed upon humanity. All the hidden taxesinterest payments, and debt slavery will be accounted for.

And then there’s the Redemption—your currencies and bonds, including the ZIM Bonds, will be exchanged for higher rates, with part of the funds allocated for personal use and the rest earmarked for humanitarian projects. This isn’t just about money—it’s about justice. It’s time to take back what’s been stolen from us and build a future free from oppression.

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BOOM #10: The QFS Voting System – A New Era of Unhackable Democracy!

Let’s face it—the current election system is a joke. Rigged, manipulated, and corrupt to the core. NESARA is ripping the old system apart and replacing it with the NewQFS Voting System, an unhackable, blockchain-secured platform. The days of voter fraud are over. Only those who have redeemed NESARA benefits will be eligible to vote.

No more dead voters, no more manipulated machines. Every single vote will be validated and secure, ensuring the voice of the people is truly heard. This isn’t just a fix—it’s a complete reimagining of democracy.

NESARA GESARA—The GLOBAL Reset that Will Destroy the Old World!

NESARA GESARA isn’t just another policy—it’s a BOMBSHELL. A total reset of the corrupt systems that have enslaved humanity for centuries. Every institution, every system of control—shattered. The 31 protocols are designed to rip apart the corrupt elite’s power structure and give it back to the people. Are you ready for the explosion? Because NESARA is here, and it’s about to change EVERYTHING!

The world will NEVER be the same. The time for change is NOW.

The 30+1 Primary Provisions of NESARA GESARA: The Ultimate Blueprint for Global Transformation

1. Debt Forgiveness: Elimination of all bank-related debts (credit cards, mortgages, loans) caused by illegal banking practices. A financial “jubilee” for the people, freeing them from the grip of oppressive financial institutions.

2. Abolishment of Income Tax: Complete removal of income taxes and taxes on investments and retirement accounts (IRAs, 401ks, etc.) that were unconstitutionally imposed.

3. Termination of the IRS: The IRS will be permanently shut down, with its employees reassigned to the new Treasury-based tax collection system.

4. Flat-Rate Sales Tax: Introduction of a 14% flat-rate sales tax on new, non-essential goods (excluding food, medicine, and used items) to fund government operations. A fairer, more transparent tax system.

5. Boost to Senior Citizens’ Benefits: Increased benefits for senior citizens, ensuring they are well-supported financially in their later years.

6. Return to Constitutional Law: Restoration of Constitutional Law in the U.S. legal system, eliminating unconstitutional practices that have eroded the nation’s foundational legal principles.

7. Reinstatement of the Title of Nobility Amendment: Americans under foreign influence or control will lose their citizenship and be deported, preventing foreign interference in domestic affairs.

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8. New Elections: Immediate implementation of new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days of NESARA’s announcement, wiping the slate clean of previous corrupt regimes.

9. End of National Emergencies: Cancellation of all declared national emergencies, returning the country to a state of normalcy and constitutional law.

10. Election Monitoring: A new system to monitor elections, preventing illegal activities by special interest groups and ensuring fair, transparent elections.

11. Creation of the Rainbow Currency: Introduction of a new U.S. Treasury currency backed by gold, silver, and platinum, ending the current fiat currency system.

12. Protection of Birth Certificates: Prohibits the sale of U.S. birth certificate records as chattel property, ensuring personal sovereignty from corporate exploitation.

13. Establishment of the U.S. Treasury Reserve Banking System: The Federal Reserve will be phased out, and a new banking system will be implemented in accordance with Constitutional Law.

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14. Re-indexing of Precious Metals: Gold, silver, and other precious metals will be re-indexed within 30 days of NESARA’s completion, stabilizing the economy.

15. Federal Reserve Phase-Out: The Federal Reserve System will be dissolved over the course of a year, fully transitioning monetary control to the U.S. Treasury.

16. Restoration of Financial Privacy: Implementation of systems to protect financial privacy, ending widespread data theft and hacking.

17. Retraining of Judges and Attorneys: All legal professionals will be retrained in Constitutional Law to uphold justice and protect the rights of citizens.

18. Global Peace Initiatives: The U.S. will cease all aggressive military actions, shifting its focus towards peaceful diplomatic relations around the world.

19. Release of Suppressed Technologies: Over 6,000 hidden patents for advanced technologies (including free energy and medical cures) will be made available to the public.

20. Humanitarian Project Funding: Large-scale funding for domestic and global humanitarian projects, allowing for widespread societal improvements.

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21. Ban on Currency and Precious Metals Dealers: The buying and selling of precious metals will be exclusively conducted through the U.S. Treasury Reserve Banking System, eliminating private middlemen.

22. Citizen Access to Minted Coins: Citizens will be able to convert their gold and silver holdings into U.S. Treasury-approved minted coins.

23. Daily Precious Metals Index: The U.S. Treasury Reserve will maintain a daily index for precious metals pricing, ensuring transparency and stability in the market.

24. Privatization of the U.S. Postal Service: The USPS will be privatized, streamlining operations and making the service more efficient and competitive.

25. Restructuring of Social Security: The U.S. Social Security system will be overhauled to ensure long-term sustainability and fairness.

26. QFS (Quantum Financial System): The majority of NESARA’s exchanges of foreign currency and bonds will be stored securely in blockchain accounts through the Quantum Financial System.

27. Banking Reform: Banks will face new limits on rates and fees, while citizens gain stronger custody rights over their funds. Banks will be phased out over 3-5 years post-NESARA.

28. Reclamation of Stolen Assets: NESARA will reclaim assets stolen by corrupt institutions, including the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, and elites, restoring them to the rightful owners.

29. Restitution for Unconstitutional Acts: Financial reparations will be made for unconstitutional actions such as illegal taxation, unjust loans, and unlawful property seizures.

30. Redemption of Currencies and Bonds: Individuals will have the opportunity to redeem or exchange their foreign currencies and ZIM bonds at specific rates for personal use and humanitarian projects.

+1: NewQFS Voting System

31, Revolutionary Voting System: The current election system will be replaced with a Quantum Financial System-based voting process. Voter rolls will be created at NESARA redemption centers, and future elections will be conducted using the secure XRPL-QFS-5D system. Only those who have participated in NESARA benefits will be eligible voters, ensuring integrity and security in elections.

These 30+1 provisions represent the core of NESARA GESARA, marking the dawn of a new era where justice, fairness, and freedom reign supreme. The world as we know it is about to change forever—are you ready for the shockwaves?

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