BQQQM! Join Me On Another Red Pill Journey: Michelle Obama Presents Michael LaVaughn – Deep State, Satanic, NWO, Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama – Enjoy The Show!

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereJuly 5, 2024Updated:July 5, 2024No Comments11 Mins Read


BQQQM! Join Me On Another Red Pill Journey: Michelle Obama Presents Michael LaVaughn – Deep State, Satanic, NWO, Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama – Enjoy The Show!


BQQQM! Join Me On Another Red Pill Journey: Michelle Obama Presents Michael LaVaughn – Deep State, Satanic, NWO, Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama – Enjoy The Show!

Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!

FINALLY, CONCLUSIVE PROOF! Michelle Obama really is Big Mike.

Bombshell Photo Surfaces of a Young Barack Obama with Big Mike.

First, look closely at this photo of Barack Obama with his arm around Big Mike during the Mikhail Gorbachev years (1985-1991). Obama would be around 24 or 25 years old.

Alex Jones @RealAlexJones: Happy Mother’s Day to BIG MIKE!

Now take a closer look at Big Mike below posing as Michelle Obama, author of “Becoming” (becoming a woman?!), in 2013.

Official portrait of First Lady Michelle Obama in the Green Room of the White House, Feb. 12, 2013. (Official White House Photo by Chuck Kennedy)

Next, click on the above photo to greatly enlarge it. Now take a real close look at the teeth. Compare the 2 teeth in both photos beginning with the big incisor tooth on the right. See how it slightly overlaps the tooth to the right of it IN BOTH PHOTOGRAPHS.

For those who cannot view clearly those 2 concerned contiguous teeth, please observe the obvious overlap in the following photo. Also, notice that the canine tooth on the right side is significantly pointing inward just as it is in the photograph of Big Mike at the top of this post.

Look it, no First Lady in U.S. history has ever shamelessly showed off their HUGE shoulders like Michelle Obama often did. That was a dead giveaway right there. The photo of Big Mike that follows was a familiar picture — over 8 long years — of First Lady Man displaying her massively built trapezius muscles. Please look at the size of those traps—WOW ! ! !

First Lady Michelle all decked out for a State Dinner

Really, how does a former attorney and hospital executive (both sedentary white collar jobs) turned First Lady ever develop the sheer size and strength of her traps that’s clearly depicted in the photograph above?!

For those who are unfamiliar with the musculoskeletal system, what follows is a diagram that highlights the exact location of the trapezius muscles that extend from the neck to the shoulders (shown in orange).


Big Mike’s traps are much more developed than the muscular male model above! However, it’s the teeth that present the irrefutable evidence that Michelle Obama is really Big Mike. It’s well known by forensic criminal investigators that the teeth frequently provide the conclusive proof for identifying a murder victim.

And so it also is with this decisive dental confirmation of the true identity of Michelle “Michael LaVaughn Robinson” Obama, aka Big Mike.

In this cold case investigation, a body was apparently switched, but with the same body. Now we all know what really happened to Big Mike. As well as what happened to Barack.

Barack Obama is officially pegged at 6′ 1 tall while Michelle measures 5′ 11″. Another look at the preceding photograph reflects this difference in height which offers yet another piece of compelling evidence that Michelle is really Big Mike.

Now, Watch Big Mike Transgender Into Michelle in Seamless Transformation. Little did the American people know that the White House occupants during the Obama era were not a heterosexual POTUS and First Lady, but rather a gay POTUS and trans First Lady!

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Lastly, watch this highly censored YouTube video, now found only on Rumble, where President Obama Calls Michelle “Michael” During A Major Speech. Does the American body politic need any other evidence that proves it was profoundly deceived by Democrat Party standard bearers Barack Hussein Obama and Michael LaVaughn Robinson?

Editor’s Note: For the doubters among US, please know that there are several other photos of a young Barack Obama in compromising positions with Michael LaVaughn Robinson, now known as Big Mike. For example, there is this vintage photo:

One of the primary reasons that Barack Hussein Obama was unconstitutionally installed in the White House was to declare DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) unconstitutional.

That single act of Cultural Marxism created the necessary climate for the U.S. Supreme Court to unlawfully legalize gay marriage. Obama’s masters knew that he would gladly push hard for gay marriage because that would legitimize his own.

It appears that Big Mike really was Barack’s handler in this matter and many others that proved to irreparably tear the fabric of American society.

This is why the defining moment for the Obama presidency was lighting up the White House with the LGBTQ rainbow; it represented a great political success for Obama and personal celebration for Big Mike. Which is why Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama was shoehorned into the Oval Office by the New World Order globalist cabal—to collapse the United States of America.

Deep State Satanic NWO Tranny, Also Known As Michelle Obama:

Can you believe there are people out there who still don’t know who BIG MIKE is? This article is designed to give you a clear understanding of who exactly Michael La Vaughn Robinson is.

Rumour has it he will even possibly replace Sleepy Joe Biden on the presidential ticket once they phase him out to due his obvious mental decline and inability to survive a 4 year presidency.

We had Michael’s husband in power for 8 years and the United States is still trying to recover, there is no way we can allow another Freemasonic Luciferian into the White House. If they are willing to lie about something as simple as their gender and sexuality then who knows what else they are willing to deceive the public about…

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Here is a collage of the most common pictures demonstrating who Michael is:

Here is a video of Michael’s third arm swinging around in his pants:

Here is another video of Michael’s third arm dancing around in his pants on the Ellen show:

Here is a fake yearbook photo of “Michelle” photoshopped to look like a female:

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Here is an image of Barack, Bill Gates, & Michael in their younger days. To the right we can see an identical indentation on Michael’s right arm back then and in recent times:

Here is a photo of Michael’s hair club membership, the image on the card appears to be photoshopped, but the card itself is real:

Here is Barack’s half-brother Malik Obama (a QAnon supporter) asking the question “Is Michelle Michael?”

The reason there are no images of Michael pregnant with the obama daughters is because they are adopted/borrowed from the Nesbit family. (requires premium account) has no records of either of the children ever being born.

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Michael tries to tell the public and media that Malia & Sasha were conceived through IVF. The daughters real mother Dr. Anita Blanchard was supposedly the same doctor that delivered the Obama daughters, see the connections below between the Nesbits and Obamas.

Just look at the similarities between the “Obama” daughters, Martin Nesbit, and Dr. Anita Blanchard. It’s undeniable:

Here is the family of 6 vacationing together in Hawaii. The real parents Martin Nesbit and Dr. Anita Blanchard are following closely behind so they can keep an eye on Satanist Barack Obama:

Michelle Obama Registered To Vote As a Man In 1994 According To Illinois State Board of Elections

Former First Lady Michelle Obama was registered to vote as a man from 1994 until 2008, according to official documents obtained from the Illinois State Board of Elections. The official documents also reveal Obama officially changed her Sex to female in 2008, the same year her husband was running for the presidency.

The official documents were obtained from the state of Illinois by documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert who explains that he decided to “take a serious approach” to learning about Michelle Obama’s background because the mainstream media refuses to touch the topic. But he didn’t expect to find proof that she registered to vote as a man for fourteen years.

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Gilbert was stunned when he received Michelle Obama’s official voter registration cards from 1994 and 2008. Describing the process of unraveling Michelle Obama’s “changing sexual identity,” Gilbert writes:

“Having recently obtained official documents from the state of Illinois, here is what I can say with assurance: I found proof in official documents that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a man in 1994. I also have official proof that, after 14 years of voting as a man, Michelle Obama changed her sex in 2008 from male to female. This is not more social media silliness, this is fact.

I obtained the documents from the Illinois State Board of Elections only last week. Here is Michelle Obama’s official voter registration card from 1994 when she registered to vote as a man. The letter M is circled under Sex.“

“Then, on July 14, 2008, with her husband about to be nominated by the Democrats for the presidency, she changed her sex from male to female.“

Remarkable timing, I’m sure you will agree.

And before you accuse Joel Gilbert of conspiring to frame Michelle Obama and falsely smear her as transgender, there is one fact you should keep in mind. Despite discovering that Michelle Obama registered to vote as a man in 1994, Gilbert still doesn’t believe she was born male. He charitably believes she must have “ticked the wrong box” and accidentally registered to vote as a male. He explains:

“Her voter registration as a male was likely a clerical error of some sort made when Michelle completed her 1994 voter registration form. She must have only noticed it in 2008 and corrected it appropriately.”

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Wow. Some people really want to believe what they are told.

Since the early days of the Obama administration, citizens across the board have studied videos and photos of Michelle Obama and said that she is a man.

In 2014, comedienne Joan Rivers fuelled both rumors in responding to a TMZ reporter who innocently asked her whether the U.S. would ever elect a gay president.

“We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down,” said Rivers, before adding, “You know Michelle is a tranny.”

Rivers’ comments fueled social media postings of photos suggesting Michelle is really a man. There was also close-up slow-motion videos of her dancing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show purporting to show something lurking in her pants.

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Less than two months later, Rivers died as a result of what was supposed to be a minor throat procedure. Needless to say, her unexpected death cranked up the rumor mill, and even Barack Obama’s own family fueled the rumor. On Twitter, Barack’s older brother Malik hinted that he knows the truth.

Before he suddenly clammed up, deleted the original tweet, and refused to confirm or deny the allegations about “BIG MIKE.”

Remarkably, Barack Obama himself has slipped up and called her “Michael”… over and over again.

Hmm… Have you ever met a man who accidentally calls his wife by a man’s name?

Stealth is at the heart of the Obamas’ long-term strategy since day one. Barack and his co-conspirators have been grooming Michelle to run for president since 2016. As a first step, the power couple signed a $65 million offer to write their respective memoirs as soon as they left the White House.

Another tell-tale clue of the Democrats’ plans for Michelle came when they awarded her the coveted keynote speaker role at the 2020 Democratic National Convention. In the way of parallel, Barack was the keynote convention speaker in 2004, four years before he was named as the candidate in 2008.

When last checked, Michelle had more than 18 million followers on Facebook, 20 million on Twitter and nearly 50 million on Instagram. When she tweets, usually with a political slant, Democrats listen.

But she will be a vulnerable candidate because she has so much to hide. Joel Gilbert, the filmmaker who obtained her voter registration cards, says “Only the truth can stop her.” The truth is not Michelle’s best friend.

She has been pretending to be something she is not since she first emerged on the national scene.

Michelle Obama Is a Man: Michael LaVaughn Robinson


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