BQQQM! The Bloodied Horses That Rampaged Through London and the King Charles Slaughterhouse Floor Portrait: The King Charles Portrait is Not a Conspiracy! Must-See Video

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereMay 18, 20241 Comment7 Mins Read


BQQQM! The Bloodied Horses That Rampaged Through London and the King Charles Slaughterhouse Floor Portrait: The King Charles Portrait is Not a Conspiracy! Must-See Video


BQQQM! The Bloodied Horses That Rampaged Through London and the King Charles Slaughterhouse Floor Portrait: The King Charles Portrait is Not a Conspiracy! Must-See Video

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The Baphomet Is Transgender & Transhuman

Once you understand this the agenda they are pushing becomes even more clear:

In the labyrinthine world of hidden agendas and secret societies, one recent event stands out with an ominous clarity that defies mere coincidence. The bloodied horses that rampaged through London two weeks ago and the chilling portrait of King Charles on a slaughterhouse floor are not isolated incidents but are, in fact, deeply interconnected. This shocking revelation peels back the layers of deception, exposing a nefarious plot that intertwines ancient occult practices, modern-day mind control, and a concerted effort to reshape humanity.

To truly grasp the magnitude of this conspiracy, one must first understand the dark figure at its center: the Baphomet. This transgender and transhuman deity, revered by the Freemasons and Jesuits, represents a grotesque amalgamation of male and female traits, fused with satanic goat features. The Baphomet is not merely a symbol but a focal point of worship for those pushing the transgender and transhuman agenda.

Freemasons and Jesuits are often accused of venerating a physical depiction of Satan, and the Baphomet epitomizes this belief. This entity, with its male (penis) and female (breasts) genitalia, embodies the ultimate blurring of gender lines. This image is crucial for understanding why these groups are considered the true founders of transgenderism and transhumanism. These ideologies go beyond mere societal change; they aim to create GMO human hybrids, merging humanity with AI, nanotechnology, and robotics.

Illuminati Rituals and the Sacrifice of Innocence

The Illuminati, another secretive organization allegedly involved in this conspiracy, is said to honor the Baphomet through disturbing rituals. One such ritual involves sacrificing a firstborn child or raising them as transgender, defying their biological sex.

These practices are not just about shock value; they serve a deeper purpose of confusing and blurring societal gender norms, encouraging bisexuality, homosexuality, and even pedophilia. This confusion is designed to prevent people from connecting with their true creator, pushing humanity towards a Luciferian transhumanist one-world government controlled by an AI singularity.

The White Horse of the Apocalypse: A Sign of Things to Come

BQQQM! The Bloodied Horses That Rampaged Through London and the King Charles Slaughterhouse Floor Portrait: The King Charles Portrait is Not a Conspiracy! Must-See Video

The bloodied horses that recently rampaged through London are more than just a disturbing spectacle; they are a prophetic sign. The white horse, the first of the apocalypse, signals the beginning of a new era. The Bible, often misinterpreted as a religious text, is actually a historical guide revealing the plans of these secret societies. Their law mandates that they must disclose their actions to avoid karmic repercussions, and thus, these events are their way of informing the public.

Religion, created around the Bible, selectively uses scripture to brainwash the masses. The true messages of the Bible are often ignored, as most people do not read it thoroughly. This selective interpretation serves the agendas of those in power, who use religion as a tool for control.

Monarch Programming: Mind Control and Manipulation

One of the most disturbing aspects of this conspiracy is Monarch Programming, a method of mind control used by various organizations for covert purposes. This program, a continuation of the CIA’s infamous MK-ULTRA, employs incredibly sadistic techniques to traumatize and control its victims. The goal is to create mind-controlled slaves, capable of being triggered to perform any action by their handlers.

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Monarch Programming is a blend of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD). It uses psychology, neuroscience, and occult rituals to create alternate personas within its victims. These personas can be programmed and triggered at will, making the victims perfect tools for the world elite.

Historical Roots of Mind Control

The concept of mind control is not new; it has roots in ancient practices. The Egyptian Book of the Dead, for example, describes rituals designed to manipulate and enslave the mind. These rituals, involving torture, drugs, and hypnotism, are eerily similar to the techniques used in modern Monarch Programming.

Throughout history, various accounts have described practices resembling mind control. These events, often attributed to black magic, sorcery, and demon possession, laid the groundwork for today’s more sophisticated methods. In the 20th century, mind control became a scientific pursuit, with thousands of subjects systematically observed, documented, and experimented on.

Project Monarch and the Monarch Butterfly

The Monarch butterfly, an endangered species, holds significant symbolic value in this conspiracy. Project Monarch, a continuation of MK-ULTRA, uses the butterfly as its emblem. The butterfly represents the transformation and fragility of the human mind under the influence of mind control.

Monarch Programming involves intense trauma and psychological manipulation, resulting in a fragmented psyche. The victim’s mind is shattered into multiple personas, each controlled by the handler. This process, resembling the metamorphosis of a butterfly, leaves the victim vulnerable and easily manipulated.

The Dark Reality of Covert Operations

The existence of Monarch Programming is largely ignored by mainstream media, yet over 2 million Americans have reportedly endured its horrors. Victims of this program are subjected to unimaginable trauma, designed to break their will and create obedient slaves. These slaves are used in various fields, including the military, sex slavery, and the entertainment industry, all controlled by the world elite.

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The methods used in Monarch Programming are shockingly cruel. Victims undergo severe physical and psychological torture, drugging, and hypnosis. These techniques are intended to create dissociative identities within the victim, making them susceptible to control and manipulation.

The Hidden Hand Behind Global Events

The interconnectedness of these conspiracies reveals a hidden hand guiding global events. The Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati, and other secret societies operate behind the scenes, pushing an agenda that aims to reshape humanity. The transgender and transhuman movements, mind control programs, and religious manipulation are all tools in their arsenal.

The ultimate goal of these secret societies is a Luciferian transhumanist one-world government. This government, seeks to disconnect humanity from its true creator and enslave it under a new world order. The recent events in London and the chilling portrait of King Charles are just pieces of this grand puzzle.

Conclusion: Unmasking the Conspiracy

In conclusion, the bloodied horses in London and the King Charles slaughterhouse floor portrait are not random events but are deeply connected to a broader conspiracy. This conspiracy involves ancient occult practices, modern mind control techniques, and a concerted effort to blur gender lines and reshape humanity. The transgender and transhuman Baphomet, revered by secret societies, symbolizes the ultimate goal of this agenda: a Luciferian transhumanist one-world government controlled by an AI singularity.

As we unravel these connections, it becomes clear that the forces behind these events are not only powerful but also deeply embedded in our society. Their influence extends to every corner of our world, from religion and media to politics and technology. Understanding this conspiracy is the first step towards resisting and ultimately dismantling their control over humanity.

The truth is out there, hidden in plain sight. It is up to us to uncover it, piece by piece, and reclaim our freedom from the dark forces that seek to enslave us. The future of humanity depends on our ability to see through the deception and stand up against the orchestrators of this grand conspiracy.


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