Breaking: Alex Jones Says Trump Is Set for a Historic Landslide Victory in Just 17 Days! Deep State Desperation Reaches Fever Pitch With Planned October Surprises and Black Swan Events!

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 19, 2024No Comments10 Mins Read


Breaking: Alex Jones Says Trump Is Set for a Historic Landslide Victory in Just 17 Days! Deep State Desperation Reaches Fever Pitch With Planned October Surprises and Black Swan Events!


Breaking: Alex Jones Says Trump Is Set for a Historic Landslide Victory in Just 17 Days! Deep State Desperation Reaches Fever Pitch With Planned October Surprises and Black Swan Events!

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BREAKING: AlexJones: Trump Is Set To Win The Election In A Massive Landslide In Only 17 Days! But The Desperate Deep State Is Planning Multiple October Surprises & Black Swan Events!

Tune Into This Must-Watch Edition Of The Alex Jones Show & Learn How To Stop Them!

Alex Jones has announced that Donald Trump is on the verge of a massive, historic landslide victory in the upcoming election. According to Jones, the Deep State is fully aware of this and is frantically planning October Surprises and Black Swan events to derail Trump’s inevitable triumph. With just 17 days left before the election, the stakes couldn’t be higher, and America stands at a critical crossroads. The nation must wake up, take action, and prevent these globalist forces from destroying our democracy. Tune into this must-watch edition of The Alex Jones Show to learn how to stop them and save America!

The Battle for America: Trump vs. The Deep State

The upcoming election is not just a simple political contest—it’s a battle for the very soul of America. President Trump has consistently stood up to the globalist elites, the corporate media, and the entrenched powers of the Deep State. These forces have conspired against him from day one, terrified of his populist message and his relentless drive to restore America’s greatness.

In this dramatic, high-stakes moment, Alex Jones warns us that Trump is set to win in a landslide that will send shockwaves through the establishment. But make no mistake—the Deep State will not go down without a fight. Their desperation is palpable, and they will do anything to hold onto their power.

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The Deep State’s Desperation. With 17 days left until the election, the Deep State has moved into full panic mode. They know that Trump’s support is surging, especially among everyday Americans who are sick and tired of the lies, corruption, and manipulation. The polls may try to paint a different picture, but the reality on the ground is undeniable: Trump is winning, and the Deep State is terrified.

Jones has long spoken about the hidden machinations of the Deep State, and now their plans are being exposed. They’re desperate to maintain control, and in their desperation, they’re plotting to unleash chaos in the final days of the election. Expect the unexpected—October SurprisesBlack Swan events, and even the possibility of false flag attacks designed to sway the public and disrupt Trump’s victory.

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What Are October Surprises and Black Swan Events? To fully understand what’s at stake, we must dive deeper into these terms. October Surprises are sudden, unexpected events timed to influence the outcome of an election. These surprises can take many forms—scandals, leaks, bombshell news stories, or even orchestrated crises. Their sole purpose is to blindside the public and create chaos.

A Black Swan event, on the other hand, is a term often used to describe an unforeseen catastrophe with massive consequences. Black Swan events are unpredictable, but when they happen, they send shockwaves through society. In the context of the election, a Black Swan event could be something as severe as a terrorist attack, a massive cyber hack, or a financial collapse, any of which could destabilize the nation and affect the election’s outcome.

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Both October Surprises and Black Swan events are tools in the arsenal of the Deep State. They are preparing to use every dirty trick they can muster to stop Trump’s landslide victory and impose their agenda on the American people.

Trump’s Path to Victory: Why a Landslide Is Imminent

Despite the obstacles, President Trump is poised for a historic landslide. Why? Because the American people are waking up to the lies. The silent majority—patriots who love their country—are coming out in force, and they’ve had enough of the corrupt system that has tried to undermine Trump at every turn.

  • Record crowds at Trump rallies have dwarfed those of any other candidate.
  • The enthusiasm for Trump’s message of America First is undeniable.
  • Trump’s policies have led to economic growth, job creation, and a strengthened military.
  • Voter registration numbers in key battleground states show a surge in Republican support.
  • The mainstream media’s credibility is at an all-time low, and more Americans are turning to alternative sources for their news.

The Deep State, the corporate media, and their allies underestimated the strength of Trump’s movement in 2016. They won’t make that mistake again, which is why their tactics have become even more desperate and dangerous. But no matter how hard they try, they won’t be able to stop the momentum that is building across the country.

The Media’s Role in the Deep State Agenda. The mainstream media plays a critical role in the Deep State’s plan to derail Trump’s victory. For years, they’ve been complicit in spreading false narratives and propaganda, attempting to smear Trump and his supporters at every turn. The goal has always been the same: to create a perception of weakness around Trump while propping up puppet candidates who will serve the globalist agenda.


From the Russia collusion hoax to the impeachment sham, the media has been nothing but a tool for the Deep State. They’ve lied, twisted facts, and pushed baseless conspiracy theories to manipulate public opinion. And now, in the final days of the election, they’ll double down on their efforts to deceive the American people.

But the truth cannot be silenced. As more Americans turn away from the corporate media and tune into alternative sources like The Alex Jones Show, the Deep State’s control over the narrative is crumbling. The people are waking up, and they see through the lies.

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October Surprises: What Could Be Coming?

If history is any guide, we can expect the Deep State to pull out all the stops in the final days before the election. October Surprises are designed to create chaos and confusion, and they can come in many forms:

  • Leaked emails or documents: The Deep State may release damaging information, real or fabricated, in an attempt to smear Trump or his allies.
  • Scandals: Expect last-minute “scandals” to be manufactured out of thin air. The goal will be to create a media frenzy that distracts voters from the real issues.
  • Foreign interference: Claims of Russian, Chinese, or Iranian interference in the election could be used to question the legitimacy of Trump’s win.
  • Economic sabotage: A sudden stock market crash or economic downturn could be orchestrated to sow panic and undermine Trump’s economic achievements.

But the American people are smarter than that. They’ve seen this playbook before, and they know that the real threat to their freedom comes not from Trump, but from the very forces working against him.

How the Deep State Operates: Control, Chaos, and Power

The Deep State isn’t just a conspiracy theory; it’s a very real network of entrenched bureaucrats, intelligence agencies, and global elites who hold immense power behind the scenes. Their goal is simple: maintain control over the system and prevent any outsider, like Trump, from disrupting their plans.

They thrive on chaos and division. By keeping the American people divided—along racial, political, and socioeconomic lines—they can maintain control over the system. That’s why they fan the flames of division at every opportunity, pushing identity politics, race-baiting, and class warfare through their media puppets.

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But Trump represents a direct threat to their power. He’s a populist, a nationalist, and he’s unafraid to take on the globalist agenda. That’s why they’ve worked so hard to undermine him, from the Mueller investigation to the impeachment trial and beyond. And that’s why they’ll stop at nothing to prevent his reelection.

Black Swan Events: What Could They Unleash?

In addition to October Surprises, the Deep State is also preparing for the possibility of a Black Swan event. These are catastrophic, unpredictable events that could dramatically alter the course of the election. While we can’t predict exactly what form a Black Swan event might take, there are several possibilities that should be on every patriot’s radar:

  • Cyber attacks: A massive cyberattack could cripple critical infrastructure, disrupt communications, and create widespread chaos in the days leading up to the election.
  • False flag terrorism: A terrorist attack, either real or staged, could be used to justify extreme government measures, including martial law or the suspension of elections.
  • Mass protests and riots: The Deep State could orchestrate widespread civil unrest, using radical groups like Antifa or Black Lives Matter to destabilize cities and create an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty.
  • Assassination attempts: While it’s unthinkable, we must consider the possibility that the Deep State could resort to extreme measures to eliminate key figures who stand in the way of their agenda.

These events would be designed to create confusion, fear, and chaos, providing the perfect cover for the Deep State to execute their plans. But as Alex Jones has warned, we must be prepared. We must stand strong in our commitment to freedom, and we must remain vigilant in the face of these potential threats.

What You Can Do: Stand Up and Fight Back

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the forces working against us, but now is not the time for despair. Patriots across the country are waking up to the reality of the Deep State’s agenda, and they’re ready to fight back. Here’s what you can do to make a difference in the final days of the election:

  1. Spread the truth: Share articles, videos, and information from alternative sources like The Alex Jones Show. The mainstream media won’t tell the truth, so it’s up to us to inform our fellow Americans.
  2. Get out and vote: This election will be won by those who show up. Make sure you, your family, and your friends are registered and ready to vote for Donald Trump on Election Day.
  3. Prepare for chaos: Stock up on essentials, have a plan in place for potential disruptions, and stay informed about what’s happening in your area.
  4. Hold the line: No matter what the Deep State throws at us, we must remain united and focused on the goal: reelecting Donald Trump and preserving the freedoms that make America great.

The Fight of Our Lives

The next 17 days will determine the future of America. We are witnessing a battle between good and evil, between freedom and tyranny. The Deep State will stop at nothing to prevent Trump’s landslide victory, but the power ultimately lies with the people. By standing together, by staying informed, and by refusing to be silenced, we can overcome the forces of darkness and secure a brighter future for America.

Tune in to The Alex Jones Show for the latest updates on how to stop the Deep State’s plans, and together, let’s ensure that Donald Trump wins in a landslide that will send shockwaves around the world! America First!


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