Breaking News: Biden Authorizes Military To Use Lethal Force Against US ‘Election Deniers’ on American Soil! The People’s Voice Video

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 18, 20241 Comment9 Mins Read


Breaking News: Biden Authorizes Military To Use Lethal Force Against US ‘Election Deniers’ on American Soil! The People’s Voice Video


Breaking News: Biden Authorizes Military To Use Lethal Force Against US ‘Election Deniers’ on American Soil! The People’s Voice Video

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URGENT: Biden has authorized lethal military force against Americans labeled as “election deniers”! A shocking power grab to silence Trump supporters and crush dissent. Discover the terrifying truth behind Biden’s war on freedom before it’s too late!

Breaking News: Biden Orders Military To Use Lethal Force Against US ‘Election Deniers’ on American Soil

In a shocking and unprecedented assault on American freedoms, Joe Biden has authorized the use of lethal military force against U.S. citizens who are being labeled “election deniers.” This aggressive and outright tyrannical move is not just a response to political dissent—it’s a brazen attempt to crush anyone who dares to question the legitimacy of the 2020 election. Make no mistake: this is an all-out war on patriots, Trump supporters, and those who refuse to bow down to the Biden regime’s dangerous agenda. America is under attack, from within.

A Full-Blown Crisis—Freedom Under Siege!. America is teetering on the edge of destruction. In what can only be described as a shocking declaration of war on its own people, the Biden administration is actively taking steps to use the full force of the military—lethal force—against everyday Americans. Why? Simply because they dare to question the highly controversial 2020 election and refuse to accept the Democrats’ narrative. This is not just another political maneuver. This is an outright coup against the constitutional rights of every freedom-loving American, and it’s happening right now.

We must sound the alarm! Biden’s desperate moves to cling to power should terrify every patriot in this country. This isn’t just about Trump. This is about America. If we don’t fight back now, it could be too late.

Biden’s Power-Hungry Tyranny: The Full Force of the Military Turned Against Americans

Let’s be clear: Biden and the Democrats are pulling out all the stops in their mission to seize permanent control of the nation. The unthinkable is happening—Joe Biden has reportedly given the green light to the U.S. military to use lethal force on American citizens. This is something you would expect from a dictatorship, not the United States of America. But here we are, witnessing the weaponization of the military against ordinary, patriotic Americans simply because they challenge a rigged election.

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How did it come to this? In recent weeks, a disturbing series of executive orders and last-minute agreements have been quietly rolled out by Biden’s team, giving the military extraordinary powers to target Americans deemed to be “domestic threats.” Who are these so-called “threats”? Anyone who dares to support election integrity, anyone who stands with Trump, and anyone who refuses to fall in line with the radical leftist agenda.

  • The Language of Tyranny: “Election Deniers”
    By branding these citizens as “election deniers,” the Biden administration is manipulating the narrative, creating an excuse to treat free speech as a crime. This is a calculated move to vilify a massive segment of the population—those who simply believe in honest elections! It’s an Orwellian nightmare unfolding right before our eyes, and the Biden regime is not even trying to hide it anymore.

Mainstream Media: Biden’s Propaganda Machine

The real scandal here isn’t just the order for military action. It’s the fact that the mainstream media has been totally complicit in this takeover. The American public remains largely in the dark about this horrifying development because the media refuses to cover it. It’s almost as if Biden’s government has put a gag order on the media. The Democrats have instructed their corporate lapdogs in the media to keep these moves hidden from public view.

Why? Because they know that if the American people fully understood the gravity of what was happening, there would be massive protests, national outrage, and a real demand for accountability. But the media? They’re too busy selling the latest distractions, all while Biden’s regime takes the most anti-democratic actions in modern history.

This is an information war. The mainstream media is actively suppressing the truth. Now, more than ever, it is vital to spread the word to everyone you know. If we don’t take action, Biden’s regime will continue its path of destruction—unchecked, unchallenged, and under the radar.


Biden’s Unconstitutional Executive Orders: Lethal Force Now Approved Against Citizens

This isn’t speculation—it’s fact. The Biden administration has quietly signed executive orders that give the military full permission to use lethal force against American citizens on domestic soil. This is unprecedented in the modern history of the United States. Biden has shredded the Constitution, and it’s all happening behind closed doors.

  • The Military’s New Powers
    Historically, the U.S. military was restricted from engaging in domestic affairs. The Posse Comitatus Act was specifically designed to ensure that the military wouldn’t be used against the people. But Biden’s new orders have effectively dismantled those protections. Now, the military has the authority to “neutralize” any individual deemed to be a “threat” to the integrity of the state.

And here’s the terrifying part: What constitutes a “threat”? Anyone who questions the 2020 election, anyone who supports Trump, or anyone who dares to protest against the current administration could now be legally targeted.

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This is no longer a political disagreement. This is totalitarianism. Biden is transforming the military into his own personal enforcers, ready to eliminate anyone who opposes his power. This is the final step of a despot—the use of force to maintain control.

The True Target: Donald Trump and the MAGA Movement

It’s no secret that the ultimate target of these authoritarian tactics is Donald Trump and his supporters. The Biden regime is petrified of Trump’s potential return to the White House in 2024, and they are pulling every string they can to prevent it. This is not about protecting “democracy”—this is about ensuring that Donald Trump, and his vision for a free America, never see the light of day again.

  • Election Integrity: The Real Threat to Biden’s Power
    Let’s not forget, millions of Americans still have serious doubts about the legitimacy of the 2020 election. There are unanswered questions about voting procedures, mail-in ballots, and widespread claims of fraud. Trump supporters have consistently called for transparency, demanding that every vote be counted legally and fairly. But instead of addressing these concerns, Biden’s regime has resorted to criminalizing dissent and threatening violence against anyone who speaks out.

The Make America Great Again (MAGA) movement represents the single greatest threat to Biden’s control. Why? Because it stands for freedom, for truth, and for the return of America to its constitutional values. Biden knows that if Trump returns to power, the Democrats’ iron grip on the nation will crumble. That’s why they are willing to use every means available—including lethal force—to stop him and his supporters.

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A Desperate and Dangerous Power Grab

What we are seeing is the final, desperate act of a regime that knows its days are numbered. Biden’s approval ratings are in the gutter, the country is in turmoil, and more and more Americans are waking up to the reality that the Democrats are leading us down a path of destruction.

So what’s their response?
Not to listen. Not to engage. Instead, they have chosen to use violence and intimidation against their own people. The Biden administration is willing to sacrifice everything—including the Constitution itself—just to remain in power. This is the behavior of a dictatorship, not a democracy.

The Clock Is Ticking: America at the Crossroads

If we don’t act now, we could be looking at the end of American democracy as we know it. Once the government turns the military against its own people, there’s no going back. Every American—no matter their political affiliation—should be terrified of this development. Today, it’s “election deniers.” Tomorrow, it could be anyone who speaks out against the government.

  • This Is a National Emergency
    We must rise up, raise our voices, and demand that these executive orders be overturned immediately. We cannot allow Biden’s tyranny to go unchecked. Our freedom, our rights, and the very soul of America are on the line.
  • The Time to Act Is NOW
    If we wait any longer, Biden’s regime will have all the power it needs to silence us for good. We must demand accountability from Congress, the courts, and every elected official. We need to spread the word, support independent media, and stand together as patriots to protect our nation from this tyrannical takeover.

Conclusion: The Fight for America’s Future

This is no longer a question of political disagreements. This is a battle for the survival of the republic. Biden’s authorization of lethal force against U.S. citizens is the final step in the Democrats’ plan to seize permanent control of America. But we are not helpless. If we act now, if we unite and resist, we can stop this regime in its tracks.

Patriots, the time to fight back is NOW.

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