BREAKING! – Obama’s Scared Face Caught Talking to Biden at Ethel Kennedy Memorial Service – As His Regime Falls, Globalists Panic, and the Military’s Final Move to End the Elites Begins!

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October 17, 2024

Hidden Agenda

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BREAKING! – Obama’s Scared Face Caught Talking to Biden at Ethel Kennedy Memorial Service – As His Regime Falls, Globalists Panic, and the Military’s Final Move to End the Elites Begins!

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No more games. No more illusions. At the Ethel Kennedy Memorial Service, Obama’s face wasn’t just somber—it was one of sheer terror. The man who has been operating from the shadows, controlling Biden like a puppet, and steering the globalist agenda, was visibly shaken. The reason? The entire operation is falling apart, and he knows it.

The shadow presidency that he has commanded for years is disintegrating, and the elite’s carefully orchestrated plan to control the world is unraveling faster than they ever thought possible. (

Obama’s dominance behind the scenes, pulling the strings while Biden plays the role of the “incompetent president,” has been the worst-kept secret in Washington. But this secret empire, this shadow government, is collapsing under the weight of its own lies. And make no mistake, it’s not just about Biden being a puppet—it’s about Obama’s deep involvement in the most secretive, elite-driven agenda the world has ever seen.

What you’re seeing is the unraveling of a decades-long plan that Obama, the globalists, and the Deep State have been executing to enslave humanity. Biden was never supposed to be in control—he was placed there by Obama and his handlers to mask the true power structure.

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Obama has been the architect of a New World Order, a globalist scheme designed to strip away national sovereignty, control economies, and eventually enslave every citizen under a technocratic dictatorship ( But now, the elite’s plans are exposed, and their house of cards is collapsing.

At the memorial, Obama wasn’t just nervous—he was in panic mode. You could see it in his eyes. His empire of manipulation is burning down, and he can’t stop it. Why? Because the military, patriots, and even key insiders within the intelligence community have finally turned against him.

These patriots have been working behind the scenes, disrupting the globalist agenda, and they’ve exposed the depths of Obama’s control over the Biden administration. The Global Currency Reset (GCR), Quantum Financial System (QFS), and the military-backed takedown of the banking cabal are just the tip of the iceberg.

The elites thought they could pull off the ultimate scam—a global digital prison where every transaction, every action, every thought is monitored and controlled. The introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) was their crown jewel, and Obama was supposed to be the one leading the charge. But it’s all crashing down.

Their plans to implement a global surveillance state, where every human is tracked, monitored, and controlled through digital systems, are failing. Patriots inside the military have already started to disable key systems that were meant to enslave the masses. (

Look closer. The moves Obama made post-presidency were never about stepping out of politics. They were about consolidating power. His influence over Big Tech, his connections to globalist banking cartels, and his manipulation of intelligence agencies all served a singular purpose: control.

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And now, with the Quantum Financial System emerging as a massive threat to their plans, Obama and his handlers are scrambling. The QFS is designed to take down their corrupt monetary system, returning power to the people by obliterating the debt-slavery structure they’ve built ( The elites are terrified that their financial control is slipping away, and Obama is at the center of it all.

Here’s where things get even darker. Obama’s shadow presidency wasn’t just about controlling America—it was about establishing a global regime. His ties to international elites, secret societies, and global banking institutions like the IMF and World Bank reveal a chilling truth: Obama was always the figurehead for a global cabal that sought to reduce humanity to mere cattle.

The elites behind him were planning to enforce a system where digital identities, biometric surveillance, and social credit scores dictated every aspect of your life. But now, with the exposure of these plans, the entire operation is in free fall.

The panic you saw on Obama’s face? It’s because the elite’s timeline is collapsing. They had a specific window to finalize their agenda, to push the world into chaos, and to implement their One World Government ( But they’ve run out of time. The public is waking up too quickly, and patriots within the military have already taken steps to ensure their plans can’t be fully realized.

The military knows about the underground bunkers, the hidden cities where the elites plan to hide when everything goes south. But these bunkers won’t save them. Not this time.

The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) has already been tested. What do you think that’s for? It’s for the moment when the truth about Obama, the globalists, and their New World Order comes crashing into public view.

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When that happens, the elites will have nowhere to hide. The public will finally see how Obama, along with other key globalists, has been orchestrating wars, manipulating the economy, and pushing false flag operations to maintain control. (

Let’s not forget the real reason behind the staged “global crises” we’re seeing: the wars, the pandemics, the economic collapses—all of it has been engineered to distract from the crumbling shadow government. Obama and his handlers need chaos to stay in power.

They need the public confused, distracted, and divided. But it’s not working anymore. The truth is too big to contain. Military insiders, whistleblowers, and even former intelligence agents are now coming forward, providing undeniable proof of Obama’s role in orchestrating this globalist takeover.

The timeline is accelerating. Soon, the people will see the Quantum Financial System fully activate, and with it, the complete and total collapse of the elite’s control over our money, our freedoms, and our futures.

Obama’s role in this dark, global operation is over. He never anticipated that the patriots would fight back this hard, or that they would expose his entire operation before it could be fully realized.

So, here’s the bottom line: the shadow presidency is finished. Obama’s control has been shattered ( The elites are fleeing to their underground bunkers, but they won’t escape what’s coming.

The military is preparing for the final phase of the takedown, and the truth is about to break wide open. The world is waking up, and soon, Obama and his globalist cronies will face the reckoning they’ve tried so hard to avoid.

This is the end of their empire. The collapse is here. The storm is upon us, and no amount of manipulation, distraction, or control will stop the inevitable.

Prepare yourself. What comes next will change everything.

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  1. AvatarJerry Rice I love this article about obumer panicking. I can’t wait to see the video of his execution.Reply



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Ethan White

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