속보: “엄청난 일이 곧 일어날 것”, 미국의 지배력이 위태로워진다 | 클레이튼 모리스 동영상으로 편집됨

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속보: “엄청난 일이 곧 일어날 것”, 미국의 지배력이 위태로워진다 | 클레이튼 모리스 동영상으로 편집됨

진실을 밝힐 준비가 되셨나요? 거짓말에 지치셨나요? 지금 바로 텔레그램 채널에 가입하세요. 이제 진짜 이야기를 시작할 시간입니다! 독자 여러분께 감사드립니다!

속보: 글로벌 파워 밸런스가 무너지고 있습니다! 브릭스(BRICS)가 다가오는 정상회의에서 미국의 지배력을 전복할 준비를 하는 가운데, 미국 달러의 패권은 포위당하고 있습니다. 자원 전쟁이 벌어지고 있으며 서방 세계의 운명이 사활을 걸고 있습니다. 글로벌 파워의 폭발적인 변화를 놓치지 마세요!

속보: 글로벌 패권 다툼 격화 – 미국의 우위가 위태롭다!

거인들의 충돌이 시작됩니다 – 붕괴 직전의 미국! 전 세계의 시선 아래에서 세계 세력의 균형을 영구적으로 바꿀 수 있는 거대한 분쟁이 벌어지고 있습니다. 미국이 내부 정치 서커스와 다가오는 선거로 정신이 없는 가운데, 멈출 수 없는 세력이 미국의 글로벌 위상을 무너뜨리려 위협하고 있습니다. 실수하지 마세요: 워싱턴 DC는 통제력을 유지하기 위해 안간힘을 쓰고 있지만 이미 전선은 정해져 있습니다. 지진의 대결이 임박했으며, 그 결과는 미국 달러의 생존을 시작으로 전 세계에 영향을 미칠 것입니다.

브릭스 대 나토: 세계 지배를 위한 궁극의 대결 세계는 나토와 브릭스 국가 간의 폭발적인 대결을 목전에 두고 있으며, 그 시기는 이보다 더 계산적일 수 없습니다. 미국 대선이 코앞으로 다가온 지금, 브릭스 국가들은 서방의 세계 문제에 대한 지배력에 치명타를 가할 준비가 되어 있습니다. 시한폭탄? 10월 22일 러시아 카잔에서 열리는 브릭스 정상회의. 이 행사는 단순한 외교적 모임이 아니라 우리가 알고 있는 미국 달러와 서방 지배의 종말을 알리는 신호탄이 될 수 있습니다.

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The BRICS Summit: The World’s New Bretton Woods? What’s happening at the BRICS Summit is nothing short of a financial revolution. Forget about the usual polite discussions—this Summit could dismantle the U.S.’s iron grip on the global economy. It’s been compared to the post-World War II Bretton Woods Conference that crowned the U.S. dollar as the world’s king currency. And now? It looks like that reign is about to crash and burn.

Even Donald Trump has sounded the alarm, saying this potential economic shift would be worse than losing a war. Under Biden’s watch, BRICS has grown into an even more formidable enemy, now including nations like Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the UAE. Together, this mega-coalition represents over 35.6% of global GDP and controls 45% of the world’s population. The numbers speak for themselves: BRICS is not just a threat—it’s a juggernaut ready to crush the West’s economic supremacy.

Resource War: The Global Struggle for Control Intensifies. At the heart of this conflict is the fight for natural resources—the literal fuel for global power. From the lithium-rich plains of South America to Africa’s uranium reserves, the BRICS nations are gearing up to seize control. And make no mistake: Russia is leading the charge. Putin’s playbook is simple—secure the world’s most valuable resources and lock out the West.

And what’s the U.S. doing? Staring down the barrel of disaster. As American energy demand skyrockets, driven by AI advancements, the U.S. finds itself dangerously dependent on Russia for uranium. With nearly all enriched uranium coming from Moscow, a supply cut-off could plunge the U.S. into an energy crisis of epic proportions.

But it gets worse. If BRICS monopolizes critical minerals like lithium and copper, Western industries—from tech to renewable energy—could collapse. Supply chains will crumble, and the West will have no one to blame but itself.

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Iran, Ukraine, and the Hidden Agendas: Washington’s Dirty Secrets Unveiled. Washington’s entanglement with Iran adds even more fire to this powder keg. Iran, now a BRICS member, holds the keys to a complex geopolitical maze. While some in Washington push for military strikes on Iran, supposedly to protect Israel, the truth is far more sinister. Russia and China have thrown their weight behind Iran, setting the stage for a confrontation that could reshape the Middle East—and the world.

Ukraine, too, plays a pivotal role in this global chess game. Senator Lindsey Graham’s startling admission that the U.S.’s real interest in Ukraine is its wealth of minerals reveals the raw truth: This isn’t just about defending democracy; it’s a battle for resources. The covert mineral war raging beneath the surface could determine the fate of global economies for decades to come.

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Currency Wars: A New Era of Financial Warfare Begins. The U.S. dollar is in freefall, and BRICS is more than happy to deliver the final blow. Rumors are swirling that at the upcoming Summit, BRICS will launch a gold-backed currency, shattering the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency. Experts like Peter Schiff blame Biden’s reckless sanctions on Russia for pushing the world toward this catastrophic financial shift.

We’re already seeing the cracks. Inflation is spiraling, and Americans are feeling the heat—at the gas pump, the grocery store, and on their heating bills. These aren’t just economic hiccups. They’re the tremors of a global earthquake that will shake the U.S. to its core.

America’s Policies Backfire: The Home Front Crumbles. Years of misguided globalist policies have left America exposed. Critical industries have been outsourced, and American workers are struggling to compete. Former President Trump has long warned against these dangers, calling out the globalist elites for sacrificing U.S. economic strength. Now, the chickens are coming home to roost. The U.S. is at the mercy of foreign powers, dependent on resources controlled by its enemies.

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NATO Prepares for War: Nuclear Drills and Doomsday Scenarios. As the BRICS Summit looms, NATO isn’t sitting idle. In a chilling move, NATO has ramped up nuclear preparedness drills, signaling just how close we are to the brink of war. These aren’t routine exercises. NATO is preparing for the nightmare scenario—nuclear conflict with Russia. The stakes have never been higher.

The Nuclear Energy Crisis: Russia Holds the Cards. The U.S. faces a bleak future in its nuclear energy sector. With domestic uranium production gutted, thanks to political missteps from the Clinton era, America now relies almost entirely on foreign imports—primarily from Russia. As the U.S. scrambles to double its electricity production, it finds itself handcuffed. If Russia cuts off uranium exports, America’s nuclear energy ambitions will be dead in the water.

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Opportunities Amid Chaos: AA Energy Poised for Breakthrough. But amid this chaos, one company is positioning itself to seize the moment: AA Energy. While global powers battle for resources, AA Energy holds the largest land package in Canada’s Athabasca Basin, one of the richest uranium fields in the world. With the world turning to nuclear energy, AA Energy is poised to become a major player in this high-stakes game. Their leadership, known for significant uranium discoveries, could offer a lifeline as the world plunges into an energy crisis.

The Final Countdown: A New World Order Beckons. As the BRICS Summit approaches, the world stands on the precipice of a new era. The fight for resources, currency control, and geopolitical influence is heating up, and the U.S. is on the losing end. America’s days of unchallenged dominance are numbered.

Only those with foresight and strategic positioning—like AA Energy—will emerge victorious from this global upheaval. The rest? They’ll be left scrambling, trying to adapt to a world where the old rules no longer apply. Buckle up, because the new global reality is about to hit like a freight train.




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