BREAKING: U.S. Military Authorized to Kill Americans – Ron Paul Warns of Looming Civil War Under New DoD Directive! VIDEO

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 17, 2024No Comments8 Mins Read


BREAKING: U.S. Military Authorized to Kill Americans – Ron Paul Warns of Looming Civil War Under New DoD Directive! VIDEO


BREAKING: U.S. Military Authorized to Kill Americans – Ron Paul Warns of Looming Civil War Under New DoD Directive! VIDEO

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Breaking: The U.S. military has been quietly authorized to use lethal force against Americans on U.S. soil under DoD Directive 5240.01. Ron Paul warns of the dangerous shift towards Civil Waras the government prepares for internal conflict. This is not a drill—it’s a declaration of intent.

WARNING: The U.S. government has just crossed the line — and the mainstream media is silent.

The Department of Defense has reissued a directive that grants the U.S. military the authority to KILL American citizens on U.S. soil. Yes, you read that right. With barely a whisper from Congress or the media, Directive 5240.01 has been reissued—this time, it includes provisions for lethal force. Former congressman Ron Paul isn’t holding back, warning Americans that we are staring down the barrel of a loaded gun:

“The U.S. military was just authorized to kill Americans on U.S. soil … It’s very, very dangerous.”

This is not a drill. The military has been legally empowered to turn its weapons inward, and the battlefield? Our streets. Our homes. Our lives.

The Truth Hidden in Plain Sight: The DoD Directive That Nobody Is Talking About

What the hell is going on? Why isn’t the media screaming about this from the rooftops? What the Department of Defense has done here isn’t just some administrative oversight—it’s a cold, calculated declaration of intent. Directive 5240.01, reissued on September 27, 2024, quietly replaced its 2016 version. But this time, there’s a chilling difference: the military is now authorized to use lethal force on U.S. soil under certain circumstances.


If you’re wondering where the hell this came from, you’re not alone. This isn’t some law passed through Congress—this is a DoD Directive, a bureaucratic move that flies under the radar. As Daniel McAdams put it:

“It’s not a law, it’s a DoD Directive. This is the administrative state, where they take over. They don’t pass laws.”

And they’ve done it again, turning the military into a potential executioner within our own borders.

Your Government Just Armed Itself Against You — And No One’s Talking About It

This is not a mistake. This is by design. The U.S. government has armed itself, not just with guns, but with the legal and bureaucratic machinery to silence, suppress, and, if necessary, eliminate internal dissent. The reissuance of Directive 5240.01 is a warning shot. The military, which was created to protect the United States from foreign enemies, now turns its attention inward, preparing for domestic conflict.

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They aren’t preparing for defense anymore. They’re preparing for domination. They’re preparing for the inevitable: an internal clash of wills, a conflict they expect will erupt between the state and the people. And they’ve just given themselves the green light to respond with lethal force.

Martial Law in Everything But Name

This isn’t just some vague bureaucratic memo. This is martial law, cloaked in legalese. Let’s be clear: The U.S. military is now authorized to use deadly force against its own citizens, with little to no oversight or accountability. What happens when the government starts seeing its people as enemies, as threats that need to be neutralized?

The reissuance of Directive 5240.01 is proof that the government is no longer concerned with safeguarding liberty—it’s focused on consolidating power. This isn’t preparation for a defense scenario. This is a blueprint for suppression. The battlefield? America. The enemy? You.

The government knows what’s coming, and they aren’t waiting around. They’ve put their pieces into place, and they’ve codified their power in silence. While you’ve been working, living, and trying to get by, they’ve been arming themselves. They’ve been planning for a day when they’ll be able to unleash the full force of the most powerful military on the planet—not against a foreign adversary, but against you, the American people.

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The Administrative State: The Government’s Power Grab Without Your Consent

This is what’s most terrifying: nobody voted for this. This isn’t a law that went through the democratic process. This is bureaucratic tyranny. By using a DoD Directive, the government has bypassed Congress, sidestepped public scrutiny, and buried its intentions deep within the administrative state. With a stroke of a pen, they’ve given the military the power to kill Americans on American soil. You didn’t vote for this. You didn’t have a say. But now it’s the law of the land.

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Directive 5240.01 doesn’t just authorize lethal force in a vague, hypothetical sense. It’s real. It’s official. It’s ready to be executed. And if you think this doesn’t matter because it’s just “in case of an emergency,” think again. The government defines what counts as an emergency, and when they do, they’ll have the tools to turn that “emergency” into an excuse for military violence.

Ron Paul’s Urgent Warning: Wake Up Before It’s Too Late

Ron Paul isn’t mincing words. “This is very, very dangerous,” he said, sounding the alarm. And he’s right. The reissuance of Directive 5240.01 isn’t just a fluke—it’s a slippery slope. If we don’t pay attention, if we don’t fight back, the next step could be full-blown martial law. The military’s role has shifted, and they aren’t preparing to protect you. They’re preparing for conflict with you.

Ron Paul has been warning us for years about the dangers of unchecked government power, and this is his most urgent plea yet. We are watching the unthinkable become reality. The American military, once revered as the protector of our freedom, has now been quietly granted the legal authority to target us, the people it was meant to defend.

Paul’s warning is an emergency siren: “Wake up, America. The government has turned its sights on you.”

The Media Silence: Why Aren’t We Hearing About This?

You have to ask yourself: Why isn’t the media all over this? Why is the mainstream media complicit in keeping the public in the dark about such a monumental shift in government power? This should be front-page news, blasted across every headline, yet it’s barely a blip in the media landscape.

Could it be that the media, just like the government, doesn’t want you to know? Could it be that keeping the public uninformed about Directive 5240.01 is part of the plan? After all, an informed public is a dangerous public.

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The reissuance of Directive 5240.01 is one of the most significant threats to American freedom in modern history, and yet the media remains silent. It’s no coincidence. This is by design. The less you know, the easier it will be for the government to tighten its grip.

What’s Next? The State Prepares for Battle, and We Are the Targets

Where does this all lead? It’s no longer a question of if—it’s a question of when. When will the government decide that it’s time to deploy the military against its own people? When will the directive’s cold words be put into action? When will the streets of America become a warzone, not because of foreign invaders, but because of a government that has armed itself against its own people?

Directive 5240.01 is not just a legal document—it’s a declaration of war. And the enemy is us.

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The state isn’t moving in silence because it’s unprepared. It’s moving in silence because it knows resistance is coming. And when that resistance comes, it will be met with the full force of a military machine that was once designed to fight enemies abroad but is now set to crush internal dissent.

The reissuance of Directive 5240.01 is proof that the U.S. government is gearing up for that moment. And when the government decides that it’s time to act, they’ll do it without hesitation—because they’ve already given themselves permission.

Ron Paul’s warning couldn’t be clearer: The U.S. military has been authorized to kill Americans on U.S. soil. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is not hyperbole. It’s a reality that has been quietly written into official government policy, ready to be enacted at a moment’s notice.

The question is, will we wait until it’s too late? Or will we stand up, resist, and refuse to let the government turn its guns on its own people? The reissuance of Directive 5240.01 is a direct assault on the freedoms that define us as Americans, and if we don’t act now, we may soon find ourselves living in a country where those freedoms no longer exist.

Be warned: The state is armed. And it’s not for your protection.


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