Brink of Anarchy: Martial Law and Civil War on the Horizon – Ground Command Declares Global Martial Law – The Red States vs. Blue States Divide

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 15, 2024Updated:October 15, 2024No Comments20 Mins Read


Brink of Anarchy: Martial Law and Civil War on the Horizon – Ground Command Declares Global Martial Law – The Red States vs. Blue States Divide


Brink of Anarchy: Martial Law and Civil War on the Horizon – Ground Command Declares Global Martial Law – The Red States vs. Blue States Divide

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Brink of Anarchy: The U.S. is on the brink of chaos as Ground Command enforces global martial law, igniting a fierce showdown between red and blue states. Uncover the explosive political maneuvers and stark partisanship as Republican and Democrat states clash head-on.

Martial Law is Coming: America’s Descent into a New Era of Turmoil

Ground Command, the shadowy orchestrator of a global overhaul, declares that the entire planet is now under international martial law. The rules have changed, and a new world order is emerging. What does this mean for you, for your family, for the future of our society? The answers are as unsettling as they are urgent.

The Dawn of a New World Order: Ground Command’s Reckoning. In the labyrinth of veiled truths and hidden agendas, one fact looms above all: the world as we know it is being fundamentally transformed. Ground Command, the unseen architect of this global upheaval, asserts that every nation is now under the iron grip of international martial law. Governments are no longer recognized as sovereign entities but as bankrupt relics of a bygone era, scrambling to reclaim their authority.

Governments? Bankrupt and Unrecognized. The sovereign nations of yesterday are now desperate shadows, unrecognized and flailing in a sea of uncertainty. Their desperate bid for legitimacy is evident as they clamor to register with the Archivists and the Hall of Records, overseen by Ground Command and the revamped Global Intelligence Agency (GIA). The power dynamics are shifting, and the once-mighty giants of the political world are finding themselves at the mercy of new, opaque forces.

The Fall of Global Institutions. The World Bank, United Nations, World Economic Forum (WEF), and even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) stand as defunct entities, stripped of their once formidable power. These institutions, once the pillars of global governance and economic stability, are now crumbling, their influence waning as the revised GIA and a new entity known as CARE take center stage. The global landscape is being redrawn, and these institutions must either adapt or face oblivion.

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Even the venerable Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury are not immune to this seismic shift. They are on notice: repay the quadrillions owed to the Global Repository or forfeit all assets. This ultimatum underscores the gravity of the new world order, where financial titans are held accountable and the very fabric of global finance is being rewoven. Properties, commercial enterprises, and vast swaths of land hang in the balance, waiting to be seized in this unprecedented economic upheaval.

The Reality of International Martial Law. This new reality, though unfathomable and unprecedented, is already reshaping our world. Individual governments are powerless, adrift in a tumultuous sea, as they struggle to renegotiate their sovereignty. They are now mere supplicants, vying for recognition from Ground Command and the newly configured GIA. The structures of global intelligence are morphing, with former stalwarts like the IRS facing imminent restructuring, possibly leading to their total replacement.

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The world is now a stage for shadowy figures and hidden agendas. Ground Command, the orchestrator of this global martial law, remains shrouded in mystery, its true intentions concealed from public view. Yet, their influence is undeniable, guiding the fate of nations and the course of history. As we brace ourselves for this new reality, it is imperative to understand the forces at play and the stakes involved.

As we move beyond the initial chaos, medium-term changes will begin to take shape. The new structures of global governance will solidify, and the influence of entities like Ground Command and CARE will become more pronounced. The global economy will start to stabilize under this new order, but the changes will be profound and far-reaching. The world as we knew it will be irrevocably altered.

The Role of Ground Command and CARE: Ground Command and CARE are the unseen architects of this new world order. Their influence is vast, their motives opaque. As they reshape global governance, their actions will have profound implications for every aspect of our lives. Understanding their role and the changes they are implementing is crucial to grasping the full scope of this transformation.

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The Global Intelligence Agency (GIA): A New Era of Intelligence. The restructuring of the GIA marks the beginning of a new era in global intelligence. The former guardians of intelligence are being replaced, and new structures are emerging. The role of the GIA in this new world order will be pivotal, guiding the flow of information and shaping the course of global events. As the GIA evolves, its impact will be felt across all spheres of life.

In this new order, the Archivists and the Hall of Records are the gatekeepers of sovereignty. Governments must register with these entities to be recognized, a process overseen by Ground Command. This shift signifies a fundamental change in how power is recognized and wielded on the global stage. The Archivists and the Hall of Records will play a crucial role in shaping the future of nations.

The Collapse of Traditional Institutions. The collapse of traditional institutions like the World Bank, UN, and WEF marks a paradigm shift in global governance. These once-powerful entities are now defunct, their influence replaced by new structures. This shift represents a significant realignment of power, with profound implications for international relations and global stability. As these institutions fade into obscurity, a new era of governance is emerging.


The ultimatum to the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury highlights the extent of economic restructuring underway. The demand to repay the quadrillions owed to the Global Repository underscores the severity of the financial reckoning. This restructuring will have wide-ranging impacts on global finance, reshaping economies and altering the balance of financial power. The future of global finance hangs in the balance.

The Political Chessboard: The Power Play Between Republican and Democrat States Amidst Allegations of Partisanship in Enforcing Martial Law

In the grand arena of American politics, the battle lines are drawn, and the pawns are in position. The political chessboard is set, with Republican and Democrat states locked in a constant struggle for power, influence, and control. But what happens when the game becomes a matter of life and death, when the pawns are real people, and when the rules of engagement are anything but fair?

This chapter dives deep into the dynamics between Republican and Democrat states, examines allegations of partisanship in enforcing Martial Law, and unveils the potential for political manipulation that lurks beneath the surface.

A. The Dynamics Between Republican and Democrat States

The political landscape in the United States has always been a battleground, with Republicans and Democrats jockeying for supremacy in a never-ending power struggle. From the hallowed halls of Congress to the streets of small towns, this ideological tug-of-war shapes the nation’s policies, laws, and even its very soul.

  1. The Red States vs. Blue States Divide

The division between Republican and Democrat states is glaringly evident in the Red States vs. Blue States phenomenon. This color-coded political map showcases the stark contrast in ideologies, values, and priorities between these two political powerhouses.

The Red States, predominantly Republican strongholds, stand firm in their conservative beliefs. They champion limited government, individual liberties, and free-market capitalism. Conversely, the Blue States, with their liberal ideologies, advocate for government intervention, social justice, and progressive policies. This divide runs deep and fuels the fire of political polarization that engulfs the nation.

  1. The Battle for Electoral Votes

The Presidential race exemplifies the fierce competition between Republican and Democrat states. The Electoral College system dictates that the candidate who secures a majority of electoral votes wins the White House. Thus, swing states become the ultimate battlegrounds, where every vote counts and every move is strategic.

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Swing states, such as Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, hold the power to swing an election either way. The battle for their allegiance becomes intense, with both parties pouring resources and campaign efforts into these key regions. This tug-of-war for electoral votes showcases the lengths to which politicians will go to secure their party’s grip on power.

B. Allegations of Partisanship in Enforcing Martial Law

When the chips are down, and the nation faces a crisis, the political chessboard takes on a darker hue. Allegations of partisanship in enforcing Martial Law reveal a chilling truth—that even in the gravest of circumstances, political interests may take precedence over the welfare of the people.

  1. The Use of Martial Law

Martial Law is a draconian measure that grants the government sweeping powers to maintain order and security during times of crisis. While its use is intended to protect citizens, it can also be manipulated to further political agendas.

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During times of civil unrest, natural disasters, or threats to national security, the declaration of Martial Law may be necessary. However, allegations arise when its enforcement appears to favor one political party over the other, leading to questions about the motives behind such actions.

  1. The Specter of Partisanship

In recent years, the specter of partisanship has loomed large over the enforcement of Martial Law. Critics argue that the decision to implement and enforce Martial Law is often influenced by the political affiliation of those in power.

The concern is that, in some cases, Martial Law may be invoked or enforced more leniently in states governed by one party while being applied with a heavy hand in states controlled by the opposing party. This raises serious questions about the impartiality and fairness of the government’s response during times of crisis.

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 C. The Potential for Political Manipulation

The political chessboard is a complex arena where manipulation and strategy are the name of the game. While the public expects leaders to act in their best interests, the potential for political manipulation in the writing of articles like this one cannot be ignored.

  1. Media as a Manipulative Tool

The media, often portrayed as the Fourth Estate, plays a pivotal role in shaping public opinion and influencing political outcomes. However, it is not immune to manipulation by those in power.

In a world where “fake news” and biased reporting are buzzwords, it is crucial to dissect the information presented by various media outlets critically. The way events are framed, the selection of facts, and the emphasis on certain narratives can all serve political agendas.

  1. The Art of Misdirection

Political manipulation is not confined to news outlets; it extends to the very content produced. The art of misdirection involves diverting public attention away from critical issues while focusing on less pressing matters.

The United States, a tapestry of states united under a federal banner, faces an unprecedented question: Should Martial Law be a nationwide decree or selectively applied? With approximately 25 Republican states in the current Union, the divide becomes more than geographical—it’s ideological. A nation divided cannot stand; a nation unevenly yoked under the pressure of Martial Law may find itself fragmented further, its people fleeing from zones of military governance to those bastions still cradling civil rule.

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In the theatre of public perception, Martial Law plays a villain for some and a hero for others. The media, that great influencer of minds, casts its narrative spell, shaping opinions and forging dissent. How the populace perceives the imposition of military control can bolster a government’s position or lead to its downfall. Here lies the heartbeat of democracy—the collective pulse of its citizens, whose trust in their government will either solidify or shatter under the weight of Martial Law.

In the tumultuous world of American politics, the chessboard is never empty, and the pieces are constantly in motion. The dynamics between Republican and Democrat states shape the nation’s destiny, while allegations of partisanship in enforcing Martial Law raise disturbing questions about the prioritization of political interests over the well-being of the people. Moreover, the potential for political manipulation underscores the importance of critical thinking and discernment in an era of information overload.

As you navigate the intricate web of political narratives and power plays, remember that the chessboard is not just a game; it’s a reflection of the very heart of democracy. The pieces may move, but it’s up to you to see the bigger picture and ensure that the pursuit of power does not overshadow the pursuit of justice, fairness, and the welfare of the American people. The battle for the soul of the nation continues, and your role as an informed and discerning citizen is more crucial than ever.

The Warning Signs of Civil War & Martial Law

1. Arms build up within the government. I’ve read and seen article after article on this and the buildup of arms within the US government has definitely accelerated at breakneck speed. You have to ask yourself why all of these governmental agencies are arming themselves. What are they afraid of or planning to do with those armaments?

The DHS has purchased 2.2 billion rounds of ammo, acquired 2700 armored personnel carriers, has 100,000+ armed enforcement agents and has acquired thousands of military vehicles. Almost every department of the government from the US Postal Service to the Social Security Admin to the national weather service, all have purchased weapons, immense amounts of ammo and they all have their own swat teams. Why do they need this unless they expect to have a war on their hands?

2. Indefinite detention is now legal. The National Defense Authorization Act was passed by Congress allowing the arrest and imprisonment of an American citizen on US soil without habeas corpus. And we can now be held indefinitely without due process. This one act is usually the first thing that’s taken away with martial law—and it’s already gone.

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3. Americans can now be murdered “legally” by this President. Drones have been used on the President’s approval to kill Americans that were not convicted of a crime or act of terrorism, and who were not even involved in such an act. These killings include a 14-year-old American youth who was merely riding in a car. The memo that was used to justify these murders overseas has come out and it is blatantly unconstitutional.

4. The DHS mission has now changed to one of domestic terrorism. The Department of Homeland Security recently sponsored a study which proclaims their mission is no longer foreign inspired terrorism. They’re now focusing on domestic terrorism by Americans against the US. In other words, they are now targeting law abiding Americans who are worried about their own government. The government views those of us who feel this way as the “new terrorists” to be dealt with.

The government also sees armed forces veterans as potential resisters as 90 percent of the armed services are not in alignment with the agenda of our socialized government. So the armed forces and the vets must be neutralized.

5. Local police forces are being federalized (in violation of the 10th Amendment). All sorts of used military equipment is now being transferred to these city departments. Through this process the DHS will end up acquiring a national police force to enhance its already considerable national manpower to enforce martial law.

6. Police forces are now engaging in consistent swat attacks for minor offenses. Last year alone it is estimated that 80,000 unannounced SWAT team invasions of homes occurred in the US. These involved breaking down doors, concussion grenades and the deaths of many pets and innocent occupants including many children who have also been injured or seriously traumatized.

7. Limited-edition martial law lockdowns are happening throughout the US on a regular basis. The lockdown declared in Watertown area after the Boston bombing was a sort of “beta test” of the martial law process. During this attack innocent occupants of homes were forced onto the street with no opportunity to grab clothes, flashlights, cellphones or turn anything off inside their houses. They were forcefully made to place their hands behind their heads as they were crowded together.

Simulated “terrorist war games” are now being held in many big cities as local police, DHS, and National Guard units all swarm in with helicopters and overwhelming firepower designed to make average citizens yield in fear the state.

8. The President is already acting like a dictator. He now routinely disobeys and refuses to enforce laws he doesn’t like. He rewrites laws on his own that have been passed by Congress. He instructs the government to increase hardship on the American people for political reasons. He uses the IRS and other agencies to target and punish his enemies. He flaunts and simply ignores all the investigations into his law breaking.

He has opened the borders telling our agents to stand down. Thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens (especially children) have been wooed in the Central American by the CIA, and escorted to our borders by paid guides (paid by the CIA) who have been told they won’t be asked to leave if they can get here. Aliens who have all sorts of diseases which is creating a humanitarian crisis. He has also invited the UN in to deal with this crisis (which is another act of giving away our sovereignty.

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And of course he has now written his own laws saying that these illegals have more rights than US citizens. They can get driver’s licenses, travel freely within the country, get society security cards and aid if they have no money. He’s also rewriting US foreign policy towards countries like Cuba and Iran with virtually no oversight allowed of Congress.

9. Many martial law orders are already in place. This is an extremely compelling argument that we are on the edge of this declaration. It has already been planned and it will be totally “legal” when it happens. Multitudes of redundant executive actions can quickly be enforced and they will thoroughly lock down the country and put virtually everything under the President’s control. And I mean everything. Here are a few of these orders:

ANational Defense Resources Preparedness executive order:

Signed in 2014 this order puts the US in a permanent state of martial law. It can be activated whenever he chooses. It expands his authority allowing the government to take over and control every resource. Martial law can now happen during peace time. The entire economy comes under the President’s direction. Anything produced can be taken by the government. All private companies can be seized and what they are allowed to produce will be fully under government control.

B. Executive Order 10995: All communications media will all be seized by the Feds. The First Amendment is to be suspended indefinitely.

C. Executive Order 10997: All electrical power, fuels, and all minerals well be seized.

D. Executive Order 10998: All food resources will be seized by the government. You will not be allowed to hoard. If they find it they take it.

E. Executive Order 10999: All modes of transportation, including all vehicles can be seized by the government.

F. Executive Order 11000: All civilians can be made to work under federal supervision.

G. Executive Order 11490: Establishes presidential control over all citizens, businesses, and churches.

H. Executive Order 12919: Cabinet officials will take over all aspects of the US economy at the direction of the president.

I. Executive Order 13010: FEMA to take control over all government agencies in an emergency.

J. Presidential Decision Directive 51 gives the President dictatorial powers and gives him the power to suspend elections.

K. Executive Order 13503: take over of all energy, civil transportation, all water, commodities, health resources, drugs, biological products, medical devices, materials, facilities, health supplies, services.

L. Executive Order 13603. allows Labor Secretary to oversee a coming civilian draft. In 2008 Obama stated “we need to construct a national civilian security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded” (as the military). Sounds like the SS under Hitler.

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Dave Hodges says: “To fully understand the relationship that will exist between yourself and the government, Google “Executive Order 13603″. The reasons behind the creation of Executive Order 13603 will soon become readily apparent. You will retain ownership over nothing including food, water, guns, ammunition, your house, your car and even yourself.

If you survive, you will be conscripted to work in some capacity in a specialty and location not of your choosing. The provisions for dealing with potential dissidents will go into motion under the NDAA which allows for mass arrest and secret incarcerations without due process. There is one ironclad thing that you can count on, food and water will be used to control the people following the collapse of the dollar.”

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