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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereJanuary 24, 20241 Comment8 Mins Read





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In the annals of American history, January 6, 2021, will forever be etched as a day of chaos, upheaval, and secrecy. Beneath the surface of the Capitol breach and the political turmoil that followed, an intricate web of events unfolded—a plan so audacious and well-orchestrated that it sent shockwaves through the nation. This is the story of Castle Rock, the Jan 6 Continuity Plan, a narrative that delves into the abyss of power, manipulation, and covert operations.

In the aftermath of January 6th, when the world watched in horror as the U.S. Capitol was breached by a mob, many questions arose. What was the real story behind the events that transpired on that fateful day? Who were the puppeteers pulling the strings behind the scenes? What was the Castle Rock Continuity Plan, and how did it play a pivotal role in the unfolding drama?

In this in-depth exposé, we will unravel the Castle Rock Continuity Plan step by step, shedding light on the sinister machinations that threatened the very fabric of American democracy. This gripping tale will take you through the labyrinthine corridors of power, revealing secrets that have remained hidden until now.

Trump’s Twitter Removal: The Prelude to Darkness

It all began with the removal of then-President Donald Trump from Twitter. This move sent shockwaves across the digital landscape, cutting off the most powerful man in the world from his primary mode of communication with the public. The geolocation of the real Donald Trump was plunged into darkness, leaving the nation in suspense.

But what did this mean for the nation’s security? As we now know, this blackout was not a mere coincidence. It was a calculated move, setting the stage for what would come next.

Pence’s Enigmatic Removal

The next piece of the puzzle involved Vice President Mike Pence. As the chaos unfolded at the Capitol, Pence was mysteriously removed from the scene for “his safety.” However, this seemingly innocent act had deeper implications than met the eye.

Pence’s removal would have meant his exclusion from the Chain of Command, a move that could have left a power vacuum at the highest levels of government. The Castle Rock Plan was designed to exploit such vulnerabilities, but the events were about to take a surprising turn.

Pelosi: The Unintended Pawn

With both Trump and Pence potentially out of the Chain of Command, the Constitution dictated that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi would ascend to the role of Commander in Chief. Little did the nation know that Pelosi had become an unwitting pawn in a high-stakes game of political chess.

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As events continued to unfold, the military was quietly mobilized under the pretext of maintaining riot control. However, Pelosi’s true intentions were shrouded in secrecy. It became clear that she was not just a spectator but an active player in this dangerous game.

The National Military Communications Center Takes Center Stage

Deep within the heart of Washington, D.C., lies the National Military Communications Center (NMCC). This heavily fortified facility became a focal point of intrigue as Castle Rock unfolded. With the chaos at the Capitol as a smokescreen, Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller took control of the NMCC.

Miller’s actions were pivotal. He followed a set of classified instructions, ensuring that the military remained under civilian control and preventing any coup attempts. The Castle Rock Plan was facing its first major setback.

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USSS: Guardians of Secrets

Amidst the chaos of January 6th, the United States Secret Service (USSS) played a crucial role in preserving the nation’s security. Their mission was twofold: protect Vice President Pence and erase all data from phones in their custody.

This deliberate act of wiping clean the digital slate had profound implications. It resulted in a communications blackout for those who sought to gather intelligence from the events of that day, keeping the Deep State in the dark about what President Trump knew and who was assisting in thwarting the Castle Rock Plan.

EAM Loyalists: Guardians of Truth

At the heart of this covert operation were the Emergency Action Message (EAM) loyalists, individuals committed to safeguarding the nation’s secrets and continuity of government. These messages, denoted as RED1 through RED6, held the keys to unlocking the truth behind Castle Rock.

  • RED1: POTUS Twitter Removal on Jan 6
  • RED2: Central Communications Blackout across the Continental U.S.
  • RED3: Classified Movement of Pelosi or Pence, with Pence potentially replacing Pelosi
  • RED4: Covert Movement of Military Assets under the Guise of Riot Control on January 6th
  • RED5: The National Military Communications Center (NMCC)
  • RED6: Acting Secretary of Defense Chris Miller’s Critical Instructions

As the dust settled on January 6th, the Castle Rock Continuity Plan stood exposed. It was a complex web of power plays and covert operations, driven by political ambitions and concealed agendas. The plan aimed to exploit the chaos to seize control of the nation, but it ultimately failed, thanks to the vigilance of key players within the government and military.

In the end, the Castle Rock Plan serves as a cautionary tale—a stark reminder of the fragility of democracy and the ever-present dangers that lurk in the shadows. It was a day when the nation teetered on the brink, but the strength of its institutions and the dedication of those committed to upholding the Constitution prevailed.

The Unseen Forces that Shaped January 6th

The events of January 6, 2021, will forever be etched in the pages of American history. Beneath the chaos and turmoil, a sinister plan called Castle Rock sought to rewrite the nation’s destiny. Yet, it was thwarted by the resilience of democracy, the commitment of key individuals, and the dedication of those who swore to protect the Constitution.

As we reflect on this dark chapter in our history, let us remember the importance of transparency, accountability, and vigilance in safeguarding our democracy. The Castle Rock Continuity Plan serves as a stark reminder that the forces of manipulation and power are always lurking, and it is up to us, the guardians of freedom, to ensure that they never prevail.

In the end, Castle Rock may have been averted, but the lessons learned from that day will continue to shape the course of our nation’s future, reminding us that the battle to protect democracy is never truly over.

THE EVENT: Military GESARA NESARA, US Military, Capitol Hill Tribunals,Treason, GITMO, Mass Arrests, BLACKOUT, Arrest Wars & White Hats Military – The World Teeters on the Edge of a Cataclysmic Event!

Exposed: Global secrets, covert military tribunals, hidden confessions, and more. The world teeters on the edge of a cataclysmic event. As the dust settles, what truth will emerge from the rubble?

In a world laden with secrets and deceptive appearances, “THE EVENT” looms large. It’s a whisper on the wind, a shiver down the spine of every person plugged into the underbelly of global conspiracies. The imminent overhaul of the world’s order is about to be unveiled, and this revelation will shake humanity to its very core.

Many believe that GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) Military Law has already been surreptitiously enacted. While the masses go about their daily lives, blinded by mainstream media and buried in their trivial concerns, secret military tribunals convene. These covert courts witness confessions that would send shockwaves through society if ever revealed.


Undercover Command: The U.S. Military’s Secret Continuity of Government Devolution Plan Since January 20, 2021 – Donald Trump’s Role as Commander in Chief

In an unprecedented turn of events, ever since January 20, 2021, the United States has been operating under a shadowy Continuity of Government Devolution Plan, effectively placing the US Military at the helm with Donald Trump as its Commander in Chief. What unfolds in the depths of this covert operation will shock you, as we delve into the labyrinthine corridors of power, secrecy, and intrigue. Brace yourself for a journey that unveils the hidden layers of America’s government, a tale that can no longer be concealed.

Unraveling the Conspiracy: America’s Shadow Government


The Coming Military Tribunals: CIA, JFK Assassination, DARPA, Deep State, Epstein Scandal, World Health Crisis, Digital Currency, WEF, DAVOS, UN, NATO, Elite Agendas, Mockingbird Operation

We stand on the precipice of a revelation. Dark secrets, covert operations, and elite agendas have weaved an intricate web of deceit for decades. As the curtain gets pulled back, the world watches with bated breath. This is not a conspiracy. This is the exposure of the very fabric that has manipulated global events.

Unraveling the Dark Legacy of the CIA and its Global Implications

Founded in 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has its roots deeply embedded in global espionage and intelligence operations. But the stakes go beyond mere intelligence. Decades of whispers and covert movements suggest an underbelly so dark that it might shake the foundations of democracy itself. The long-speculated theory that the CIA had a hand in the assassination of JFK is confirmed. Will this be the unraveling of the most controversial spy agency in the world?


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