CONFIRMED! Trump’s Recent Secret Meetings: Coordinating Global Military Strategy; Operation Stormbreaker in Full Force; Largest Wealth Transfer in History; QFS Fully Operational; Global Arrests and Tribunals; EBS About to Go Live Worldwide!

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October 18, 2024


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CONFIRMED! Trump’s Recent Secret Meetings: Coordinating Global Military Strategy; Operation Stormbreaker in Full Force; Largest Wealth Transfer in History; QFS Fully Operational; Global Arrests and Tribunals; EBS About to Go Live Worldwide!

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Everything you thought you knew is about to be shattered—because the events unfolding now are nothing short of unprecedented. As we barrel into October 2024, the final showdown between the global elites and the forces of good is reaching a fever pitch.

NESARA and GESARA are crashing through the corrupt barriers of the financial system. And with the Quantum Financial System (QFS) fully operational, the final pieces are being put into place to restore wealth to the people and dismantle the deep state once and for all.

QFS: The Collapse of the Last Remaining Financial Institutions

The latest intelligence confirms that several major international financial players are not only collapsing—they’re being forcibly shut down.

Within the last 72 hours, two additional banks from Switzerland—long-time havens for elite money laundering—have had their assets seized. These institutions, which had continued to secretly fund globalist activities, have finally met their reckoning.

Sources close to the operation have confirmed that these shutdowns are just the start. The final target? The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the “bank of banks,” which controls trillions in global assets. Military insiders are saying that a covert raid is planned, aimed at seizing all BIS-controlled wealth and redistributing it to the global population via the QFS.

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This move will decimate the last stronghold of globalist-controlled financial power. Once BIS falls, there will be no return to the old system—no more Federal Reserve notes, no more IMF loans, no more World Bank-funded wars.

Operation Stormbreaker Expands: Trump’s Covert Leadership from AF1

Reports now confirm that Trump isn’t just preparing for a return—he’s actively running the takedown operation from behind the scenes. Operation Stormbreaker has moved into its most aggressive phase, and Trump has been coordinating this final blow while flying across the globe in Air Force One, often disguised under the guise of diplomatic missions.

Intelligence sources indicate that several “diplomatic trips” were actually covert military coordination meetings, where Trump, alongside generals from multiple nations, strategized the global takedown of the deep state.

The assassination attempts on Trump are still happening in the shadows, but what the media won’t tell you is that multiple assassination squads have been neutralized in recent weeks. High-level insiders say that Trump is now guarded by an elite unit of covert operatives, loyal not just to the U.S. but to the global alliance dismantling the deep state.

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The Hidden War: Global Tribunals and the Execution of Elite Traitors

Military tribunals are no longer whispers of future justice—they are actively taking place worldwide. Within the past month alone, more than 100 top globalists have been tried in secret locations, and their fates sealed.

Several high-profile figures, including former heads of state, CEOs of multinational corporations, and elite financiers, have already been executed for their crimes against humanity. And the mainstream media? Silent. Of course, they are—they’re next.

The most shocking detail is the recent leak that the tribunals have expanded to include individuals who were previously thought untouchable. An insider report claims that the Queen of England’s hidden global financial empire has been seized. While the media has painted her as an innocent, aging monarch, the truth is far darker.

Her control of hidden assets in offshore accounts was tied directly to global child trafficking rings and illegal arms deals. These assets are now being funneled through the QFS, and the truth about her financial empire will soon be exposed.

The Vatican Takedown: What the Pope Has Been Hiding

In a massive shift, the Vatican is now under full military control. After months of investigations, it has been revealed that the Pope himself has been complicit in covering up the Vatican’s ties to the global financial cabal.

Rumors have circulated for years about the Vatican’s involvement in elite money laundering, but now it’s confirmed. Documents seized in a recent raid show that high-ranking church officials were directly involved in funding black operations for the deep state, including trafficking and covert regime changes.

Military forces have reportedly secured the Vatican’s most sensitive financial data, and the entire operation is being prepped for public exposure. This isn’t just about taking down religious leaders—this is about exposing one of the most powerful institutions in history and its long-standing role in the globalist agenda.

Mass Resignations and Globalists on the Run

In the last 48 hours, we’ve seen a dramatic uptick in resignations from CEOs, political figures, and top globalists. These resignations aren’t coincidental—they’re running. They know what’s coming. Several high-profile figures, including major players in Big Pharma and the technology industry, have fled their positions as the QFS and the global military alliance close in.

Insider sources say that many of these elites are fleeing to underground bunkers and private islands, hoping to escape justice. But what they don’t realize is that they can’t hide. Trump’s military alliance has already secured assets that track every movement of these criminals, and they will be rounded up, no matter how far they run.

One of the most significant flight patterns? Elon Musk has emerged as a key player in helping identify and expose globalist CEOs. Musk, working in cooperation with SpaceX and Starlink, has provided key satellite data that tracks deep state actors as they attempt to escape.

His recent cryptic tweets have been confirmed as coded messages to the military alliance, signaling the movements of globalists trying to flee justice.

Biometric Integration: The QFS Security Lockdown

With the QFS fully operational, the security measures being implemented are unlike anything we’ve ever seen. The system now uses advanced biometric data for every financial transaction.

Forget passwords and pin numbers—the QFS integrates retina scans, DNA samples, and neural recognition to ensure that every transaction is legitimate and traceable. This is the future of financial security, and the elites can’t manipulate or access the system like they did with fiat currencies.

The introduction of the Quantum Access Card is now live in select areas, with full global rollout expected by the end of the year. This card, unlike traditional banking cards, links directly to the QFS through secure biometric data, ensuring that only the rightful owner of the funds can access them.

The card’s capabilities are built on the principles of Einstein’s Quantum Manuscript, which the global elites suppressed for decades. Now, those principles are being used to protect wealth and ensure it remains in the hands of the people.

Urgent Update! – The Quantum Financial System Explained: Why Einstein’s Manuscript Holds the Key to Your Financial Freedom!

Trump’s Imminent Return: The Final Purge of the Deep State

The deep state’s days are numbered, and Trump’s return is closer than anyone realizes. Insiders have confirmed that multiple high-ranking officials within the Biden administration have already been arrested, with more to follow. Biden himself is not in control of the White House—he’s a puppet, a figurehead being kept in place while the global alliance continues to round up his handlers.

Trump’s return will coincide with the public reveal of the deep state’s final defeat. In recent speeches, Trump has hinted at “major announcements” coming in the next few weeks. These aren’t just political promises—they are the signal that the global military alliance is ready to unveil the massive arrests, the tribunals, and the final dismantling of the deep state.

The EBS (Emergency Broadcast System) is prepared to go live, and when it does, the world will witness the full extent of the deep state’s crimes—and its total destruction.

Global Market Seizure: The Final Blow

The old financial system is now in its final death throes. Stock markets across the globe are seeing unprecedented shutdowns. The European Union is in total collapse, with multiple countries now openly discussing their exit from the euro.

This is not just the decline of an economy—it’s the complete obliteration of a financial system that has enslaved the world for generations.

The QFS has begun seizing globalist-controlled assets. Entire portfolios, worth trillions, are being taken from the elites and redistributed to the people.

This is the culmination of years of planning, and the final nail in the coffin of the deep state’s financial grip.

As we head into the final months of 2024, the world is witnessing a transformation unlike anything in human history.

The deep state is falling, the QFS is rising, and the largest wealth transfer in history is happening in real-time. Prepare yourselves—the final victory is at hand.

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Ethan White

A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan’s thought-provoking articles today.


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