11.3, 11.4, 11.6의 암호 메시지 해독하기: Q 델타, 아파치, LOG4J, 사이버 셧다운, 제5조 나토 사이버, 정의, EBS, 전쟁 매뉴얼, 트럼프 대통령직, 프로토콜 20, 양자 시스템, 블랙 스완 이벤트, ISO20022 규정 등!

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11.3, 11.4, 11.6의 암호 메시지 해독하기: Q 델타, 아파치, LOG4J, 사이버 셧다운, 제5조 나토 사이버, 정의, EBS, 전쟁 매뉴얼, 트럼프 대통령직, 프로토콜 20, 양자 시스템, 블랙 스완 이벤트, ISO20022 규정 등!

11.3, 11.4, 11.6의 암호 메시지 해독하기: Q 델타, 아파치, LOG4J, 사이버 셧다운, 제5조 나토 사이버, 정의, EBS, 전쟁 매뉴얼, 트럼프 대통령직, 프로토콜 20, 양자 시스템, 블랙 스완 이벤트, ISO20022 규정 등!


Decoding the Cryptic Messages of 11.3, 11.4, and 11.6: Q Delta, APACHE, LOG4J, Cyber Shutdown, Article 5 NATO Cyber, Justice, EBS, Law of War Manual, Trump Presidency, Protocol 20, Quantum Systems, Black Swan Event, ISO20022 Regulation and More!

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at https://t.me/AMGNEWS2022 and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

In the cryptic realm of geopolitical whispers and clandestine maneuvers, dates hold secrets that can unlock the doors to the future. January 20, 2020, marked a pivotal moment forewarned by the military, setting in motion a sequence of events that would shake the foundations of power worldwide.

Fast forward to the enigmatic 11.3, 11.4, and 11.6, and a tapestry of intrigue, revelation, and transformation unfolds before our eyes. Brace yourselves as we unravel the coded messages hidden within these dates, exposing a narrative that transcends the confines of conventional reality.

In the labyrinth of geopolitical affairs, where shadows dance with whispers and the truth is shrouded in layers of ambiguity, dates become more than mere numbers—they become portals to hidden truths, harbingers of seismic shifts in power dynamics. January 20, 2020, etched its significance into the annals of history as the military whispered of a transition, a warning veiled in the cloak of time.

And so, with the passage of one year, the end of occupation loomed ominously on the horizon, a specter of change casting its long shadow over the world stage.

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The Cryptic Code: Deciphering 11.3. Within the whispers of the clandestine corridors, a cryptic code emerged—11.3—a date pregnant with significance, a warning veiled in enigma. The military’s forewarning of a transition, shrouded in the mists of uncertainty, cast a pall of anticipation over the world stage. Yet, little did we know, this was but the first domino in a sequence of events destined to reshape our reality.

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11.4: The Cyber Armageddon. As the clock struck 11.4, the world plunged into darkness—a cyber shutdown of unprecedented scale, orchestrated with surgical precision. The planet Earth became a battleground, the theater for disclosure and the purging of malevolent forces. Operation Covid 19 unraveled, revealing the tangled web of deceit that ensnared humanity.

Q Delta’s ominous whisper of APACHE sent shivers down spines—LOG4J, the Achilles’ heel of the digital age, laid bare for all to see. The internet shuttered, a fortress breached, as Article 5 NATO Cyber resonated across the digital ether.

11.4: The End of an Era. But amidst the chaos, a glimmer of hope emerged—11.4 marked not only the cyber shutdown but the end of the Corona Virus scourge. Operation Covid 19, a dark chapter in human history, closed its sinister tome, leaving behind a world forever changed. The shackles of fear and uncertainty shattered, as justice dawned on the horizon—a reckoning long overdue.

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11.5: Justice Rains Down. With the dawn of 11.5, justice became a tempest—a storm of bombings and fireworks, heralding the arrival of the EBS. Effective Advanced Warning or Emergency Broadcast System—it mattered not what moniker it bore—for its message was clear: the reign of tyranny was at an end.

As the Law of War Manual echoed its grim decree, the world braced for the onslaught—a reckoning centuries in the making.

11.6: The Trump Card Revealed. But amidst the chaos and carnage, a revelation of seismic proportions shook the very foundations of power—11.6, the unveiling of the Trump presidency to the masses. Protocol 20, the final gambit in a game of shadows, laid bare the machinations of the elite. The merging to Quantum Systems—the dawn of a new era, where reality itself became but a plaything in the hands of the puppeteers.

The Black Swan Event: A Symphony of Chaos. Yet, amidst the chaos and confusion, a lone beacon of light pierced the darkness—20, the Black Swan Event. The New York Stock Exchange trembled as the Sun’s Corona unleashed its fury—a cover story to mask the true nature of the onslaught. Think the Old Bailey in V for Vendetta—on the clock, the countdown to oblivion ticked away.

ISO20022 Regulation, the harrowing crescendo of a symphony of chaos, heralded the transfer of wealth—the pendulum swinging inexorably towards its final destination.

The Dance of Corona: From Crown to Cataclysm. But what of Corona, the silent harbinger of doom? From crown to cataclysm, its tendrils extended, ensnaring the unwary in its grasp. From stellar corona to coronal mass ejection, its influence knew no bounds. The stock markets, once pillars of stability, crumbled like sandcastles before the tide.

Sunlight, the bane of the old order, became the harbinger of a new dawn—a dawn where truth reigned supreme.

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Eyes to the Sky. So, why did Q bid us turn our eyes to the sky? For above, amidst the stars, lay the true guardians of our destiny—the guardians of the galaxy. The Queen’s Crown, worn aloft, heralded the death of the old Sun—the coming of the new. And as the days before Corona faded into memory, a new era dawned—a era where truth triumphed over deceit, and justice reigned supreme.

 Into the Abyss. As we gaze into the abyss of uncertainty, one thing remains clear—the world as we know it has changed irrevocably. From the shadows of January 2020 emerged a new reality—one where truth and deception walk hand in hand, and where the line between fiction and reality blurs into insignificance.

But amidst the chaos and confusion, one truth shines bright—the human spirit, indomitable and unyielding, will endure. And so, as we stand on the precipice of a new dawn, let us remember—the only way out is through.

The Red Pill! Trump’s 5D Chess with Presidential Documents – Military Is In Control – Trump’s Commander-in-Chief and Military Mastery in Rooting Out Corruption and Restoring Order!

In the tumultuous arena of American politics, where power struggles and clandestine maneuvers often define the battleground, one figure stands out for his unorthodox tactics and strategic brilliance. Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States, is not merely a player on this stage – he’s a master of the game. With a flair for the dramatic and a penchant for outmaneuvering his opponents,

Trump has redefined what it means to wield presidential authority. Join me as we delve into the intricate world of presidential documents, where Trump’s cunning maneuvers have left the Deep State reeling and America’s patriots rallying behind their commander-in-chief.

FULL ARTICLE HERE: https://amg-news.com/the-red-pill-trumps-5d-chess-with-presidential-documents-military-is-in-control-trumps-commander-in-chief-and-military-mastery-in-rooting-out-corruption-and-restoring-order/

Bombshell! General Mike Flynn’s Warning Sparks Debate on the Fate of the 2024 Election Amidst Impending Black Swan Events (Must See Video): https://amg-news.com/bombshell-general-mike-flynns-warning-sparks-debate-on-the-fate-of-the-2024-election-amidst-impending-black-swan-events-must-see-video/

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SOURCE: https://twitter.com/JackStr42679640

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