Exposed! White Hats Hijack Project Blue Beam, Biden’s Fake Funeral Planned, and Military Arrests Set to SHAKE the World!

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October 5, 2024

Hidden Agenda

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Exposed! White Hats Hijack Project Blue Beam, Biden’s Fake Funeral Planned, and Military Arrests Set to SHAKE the World!

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The deep state’s empire is in its death throes, and the latest revelations confirm that their grip on the world is being shattered. You thought the last update was explosive? Brace yourself because the new developments are even more devastating for the global elites. Every lie they’ve built their power on is crumbling, and the truth is flooding out faster than they can control it.

Let’s start with the biggest bombshell: Interdimensional technology. This is no longer a secret—it’s being confirmed by whistleblowers from within the highest ranks of the military and intelligence communities. This technology has been hidden in deep state black projects for decades.

The elites have been using it for covert operations across dimensions while we’ve been locked into their primitive, fossil-fuel dependent world. Now, the white hats have gained control of key aspects of this technology, and the declassification of its capabilities is imminent.

What this means is simple: the deep state’s control over global resources, transportation, and energy is about to be completely destroyedZero Point Energy was just the beginning—interdimensional travel will annihilate the entire structure of elite domination.

But this is only part of the story. Project Blue Beam—the deep state’s fake alien invasion operation—has been severely compromised. New insider leaks from within the CIA confirm that the white hats have not only delayed this false flag event, but they’ve hijacked the entire operation.

This explains why the globalist-controlled media has been pushing the UFO narrative harder than ever in recent weeks. They’re trying to salvage their psyop, but it’s too late. The technology they planned to use to simulate alien encounters has been exposed, and their narrative is being torn apart from the inside.

Expect more chaotic sky phenomena and bizarre government announcements as they scramble to hold onto control. But we know the truth, and no staged alien event will fool the awakened masses.

Now, here’s where it gets even more damning: Joe Biden has been dead longer than anyone realized. The latest leaks show that Biden died in 2022, much earlier than previously believed. Everything since then—the public appearances, the speeches—has been a carefully orchestrated charade. The body double (or multiple doubles) being used by the deep state is beginning to crack under the pressure.

New footage leaked last week clearly shows glitches in the mask technology being used to prop up this fake Biden. The White House’s public relations team is in full damage control mode, trying to suppress this footage and discredit the sources, but they can’t hold this deception together much longer.

The staged “health crisis” and Biden’s fake funeral are just around the corner. They’re trying to end this charade on their terms before the real truth about his death explodes into the mainstream.

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But Biden’s death is just one piece of the puzzle. The child trafficking network, which we’ve been exposing for years, is finally being dismantled. And the scope of it is beyond what anyone could have imagined. Recent raids in Europe have uncovered connections between royal families, global corporations, and the Hollywood elite in facilitating and profiting from the trafficking of children.

The Southwest Keys Program in the U.S., which was previously thought to be the largest pipeline for trafficking migrant children, has now been linked to global child trafficking rings run by the elites. Documents reveal that children were funneled through this program and sold to the highest bidders—politicians, celebrities, and CEOs.

This is evidence from recent raids in the UK shows that the Clintons were directly involved in facilitating these trafficking operations through their connections in the UN and other humanitarian fronts. The media blackout is in full effect to suppress this, but the walls are closing in, and soon the world will see these monsters for what they really are.

Even more terrifying is what’s been uncovered about the human cloning program. New intel shows that key political and military figures have been cloned for decades. The deep state has been using this technology to replace compromised or problematic individuals with clones they can fully control.

These clones have been used to infiltrate governments, manipulate world events, and control the narrative. It’s no coincidence that the behavior of certain public figures has seemed erratic or out of character—they’re clones, and the white hats are taking them out.

Recently leaked documents from deep state operations have revealed that multiple cloning facilities across the world have already been destroyed by the white hats. The real figures have been dead for years, and the clones are starting to malfunction, which is why we’re seeing strange glitches and inconsistencies.

And the financial collapse we’ve been talking about? It’s already underway. The deep state’s financial infrastructure is disintegrating as we speak. The Federal ReserveIMF, and World Bank are all under siege by white hat forces.

Billions of dollars in illegal money laundering operations tied to human trafficking, arms deals, and black market activities have been seized. The deep state’s once-unbreakable control over the global financial system is evaporating. The Global Currency Reset (GCR) and Revaluation (RV) are moving forward, and when they do, the entire financial game is over for the elites.

Expect market chaos, banking failures, and stock market crashes in the weeks ahead. The white hats are dismantling the deep state’s financial system, and the global reset is imminent.

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And let’s not forget about Operation REPRISAL, the military operation now fully in play across Europe and the U.S. Military forces loyal to the white hats are preparing for mass arrests of deep state operatives embedded in governments, military, and intelligence agencies.

This is happening right now. Reports from military insiders indicate that high-profile arrests are set to begin within the next few weeks, targeting compromised leaders and intelligence agents who have been serving the globalist agenda. These arrests are happening, and when they do, the deep state’s power structure will crumble for good.

The final act of the deep state’s desperation will be a global communications blackout. They know the end is near, and they’re planning to shut down the internet and media under the guise of a “cyberattack” or “national security threat.” This blackout will be their last-ditch attempt to suppress the truth and maintain control, but it will fail.

The white hats have already anticipated this move, and preparations are in place to bypass their shutdowns and keep the truth flowing to the public. When the blackout happens, know that it’s a sign the storm has arrived.

We are at the edge of the greatest global awakening in human history. The deep state’s operations—the interdimensional technology, the human cloning, the child trafficking, the financial manipulation—it’s all being exposed and dismantled.

Zero Point Energy and interdimensional travel will soon be released to the world, shattering the deep state’s control over energy and transportation. The Global Currency Reset is coming, and with it, the liberation of humanity from the globalist cabal.

This is happening now. Nothing can stop what’s coming. Stay prepared, because the final storm is here, and the deep state’s reign of terror is about to end once and for all. Victory is not just possible—it’s inevitable.

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Ethan White

A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan’s thought-provoking articles today.


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