GLOBAL DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Military Intelligence Website Predicted in 2015 that 260 Million People in the United States Would be Gone by the Year 2025 – Doctors Confirm

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 2, 2023Updated:October 2, 2023No Comments5 Mins Read


GLOBAL DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Military Intelligence Website Predicted in 2015 that 260 Million People in the United States Would be Gone by the Year 2025 – Doctors Confirm


GLOBAL DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Military Intelligence Website Predicted in 2015 that 260 Million People in the United States Would be Gone by the Year 2025 – Doctors Confirm this is a War on Humanity and Domestic Terrorism

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GLOBAL DOMESTIC TERRORISM: Military Intelligence Website predicted in 2015 that 260 Million people in the United States would be gone by the year 2025. Doctors confirm this is a war on humanity and domestic terrorism by the DOD, WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna and others.

In a shocking revelation that will send shivers down your spine, a military intelligence website predicted back in 2015 that a staggering 260 million people in the United States would vanish by the year 2025. What was once considered a mere conspiracy theory has taken a grim turn towards reality. Today, doctors and whistleblowers are sounding the alarm, confirming that this is nothing short of a war on humanity and an act of domestic terrorism. The perpetrators? A list that reads like a who’s who of the global elite, including the DOD, WHO, WEF, Bill Gates, Pfizer, Moderna, and more.

Unmasking the Medical Malfeasance

Dr. Peter McCullough, a prominent voice in the medical field, has boldly accused Albert Bourla and other Pfizer executives of committing domestic terrorism. Their crime? Spreading the dangerous lie that there are no safety concerns associated with Covid vaccines. Shockingly, Pfizer’s very own data reveals a grim truth – 1223 deaths within just 90 days of vaccine administration.

U.S. Attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. adds fuel to the fire by revealing that the death rates from the Covid vaccines surpass the combined death toll of billions from vaccines administered over the past three decades. Studies indicate a staggering 680,000 deaths in the U.S. due to the Covid vaccines. The Pfizer trial paints an even darker picture, showing a shocking 500% increase in heart attack-related fatalities.

The conclusion is clear: Pfizer is guilty of criminal deception.

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A Deadly Domino Effect

Dr. McCullough goes further to explain that insurance companies are grappling with an alarming surge in death claims. Mortality rates in younger age groups are on a rapid ascent. These vaccines, it appears, are not just failing to protect; they are actively accelerating deaths from pre-existing conditions. Cancer patients face expedited demise, while those with heart disease teeter on the brink of fatal heart attacks and strokes. The vaccines have also been linked to fatal blood clots in the brain and lungs, leading to the tragic deaths of athletes on the field. If the intent was to reduce the world’s population, it seems, the plan is working.

Dr. Ana Mihalcea MD, PhD, boldly proclaims that we are currently embroiled in World War III, and this is no conspiracy theory. Humanity itself is under attack, and the battle lines are drawn. With 5.3 billion people injected, the world faces a sudden and mysterious phenomenon of unexplained deaths. The connection between this massive vaccination campaign and these alarming fatalities remains shrouded in uncertainty.

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Dr. Peter McCullough, not mincing words, states unequivocally that the vaccine is a killer. People are dying, and they are dying in disturbingly large numbers. Dr. Roger Hodkinson reveals a chilling statistic: 20 million global deaths directly attributable to the vaccines. This is the staggering toll of what some have dubbed the “clotshot.”

The Architects of Genocide

The question that looms large is, who are the masterminds behind this mass genocide and assault on humanity? A rogues’ gallery of war criminals stands accused:

  1. Bill Gates
  2. Anthony Fauci
  3. Tedros Ghebreyesus
  4. Alex Azar
  5. Ralph Baric
  6. Peter Daszak
  7. Christian Drosten
  8. Albert Bourla of Pfizer
  9. Stéphane Bancel of Moderna
  10. Klaus Schwab of the WEF
  11. Rockefellers
  12. Rothschilds
  13. The DOD
  14. BlackRock
  15. Joseph R. Biden
  16. George Soros
  17. Justin Trudeau
  18. Emmanuel Macron
  19. Ursula von der Leyen
  20. Boris Johnson

These individuals have been formally charged with genocide and crimes against humanity, in direct violation of Article 6 and 7 of the International Criminal Code. Interpol and law enforcement agencies from all 194 member states worldwide have issued orders for their immediate arrest.

The Call to Action

Yet, if those entrusted with upholding justice fail to do so, the onus falls upon the people. It is within our inherent human rights to defend our lives and our nations, even if it means making citizen’s arrests of these war criminals to halt their ongoing campaign of mass murder and genocide.

In unity, humanity possesses the power to put an end to this reign of terror. Together, we will ensure justice is served for the millions of innocent lives lost and the theft of our very existence.

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The time for action is now. The conspirators are plotting yet another pandemic, a global conflict, and a financial collapse to secure their ultimate goal – complete control over a reduced global population. We must stand united, resolute, and fearless in our pursuit of truth and justice. For only then can we dismantle the sinister machinery of global domestic terrorism that threatens to engulf us all.

As the world grapples with these dark revelations, one thing is certain: the battle for humanity’s survival has only just begun.


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