Japan Declares Pharma Executives ‘Enemies of the State’ for Role in mRNA ‘Massacre’! The People’s Voice Video

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 15, 2024No Comments10 Mins Read


Japan Declares Pharma Executives ‘Enemies of the State’ for Role in mRNA ‘Massacre’! The People’s Voice Video


Japan Declares Pharma Executives ‘Enemies of the State’ for Role in mRNA ‘Massacre’! The People’s Voice Video

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Japanese officials and leading medical scientists have declared high-level executives within the pharmaceutical industry as “enemies of the state.” The controversy stems from their role in what is now being called a global mRNA vaccine “massacre.” The shocking revelations from Japan have sent shockwaves throughout the world, calling into question the motives and actions of Big Pharma and the global elite who orchestrated the mass rollout of mRNA vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The truth is like a mighty river, and no dam of lies can hold it back forever. Japan is now at the forefront of this awakening, as brave medical scientists and officials have exposed a hidden agenda that has left countless lives in peril. The silence is deafening from global media outlets, but make no mistake—their days of gaslighting the public are over. Japan is sounding the alarm, and it’s time the world listens.

The Backstory: The Global Elite’s Dirty Secret

The COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly been one of the most life-altering global crises in recent history. However, as the world rushed to develop a vaccine, mRNA technology emerged as the supposed “savior” that would put an end to the pandemic. Pharmaceutical giants, backed by the global elite, worked tirelessly to roll out these vaccines on an unprecedented scale.

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For months, the media lauded this achievement as a breakthrough in medical science. But not all nations were convinced, and Japan, in particular, began to question the motives behind the global rollout. As more data became available, a wave of skepticism grew among Japanese scientists, who started referring to the mRNA vaccines as “poison.”

The Global Elite and Big Pharma

It’s no secret that Big Pharma wields immense power. They control vast amounts of money, influence governments, and dictate public health narratives. For years, these corporations have operated with little oversight, shielded by the same elites who benefit from their financial success.

However, Japan’s investigations have torn the veil from these hidden powers, revealing a dark and sinister plot. The pharmaceutical companies, it seems, knew more about the dangers of mRNA vaccines than they let on. Evidence suggests that these companies, motivated by profit and power, were willing to risk countless lives to push their agenda.

This isn’t just a failure of science—it’s a global crime. The term “crimes against humanity” has been invoked by leading Japanese medical scientists, and they’re calling for accountability. But it’s not just Big Pharma under scrutiny. The elites who supported this mass vaccination campaign—through coercion, fear-mongering, and media blackouts—are equally culpable.


Japan’s Role in Uncovering the Massacre

For years, the mainstream media painted Japan as hesitant or conservative in its approach to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout. But behind the scenes, the nation was meticulously gathering data and analyzing the global situation with a critical eye. Japanese scientists and medical experts started noticing anomalies that couldn’t be ignored—unusually high rates of vaccine-related injuries, unexplained deaths, and a growing list of side effects that were far more severe than previously acknowledged.

Leading Japanese doctors have gone on record, labeling the vaccine as a “modern-day massacre.” This isn’t hyperbole. The data shows a significant number of injuries and deaths directly tied to the mRNA vaccines. Japan’s investigations have exposed the cold reality that, despite being touted as “safe and effective,” these vaccines have caused immeasurable harm.

The Investigation: What Are They Finding?

The Japanese investigation into mRNA vaccines has uncovered shocking details that are too big to ignore. For starters, scientists have revealed that the spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccines accumulates in organs like the heart, liver, and brain, leading to severe health complications. They’ve also found that the vaccines can compromise the body’s immune system, making people more susceptible to infections and long-term illnesses.

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Japan’s findings challenge the global narrative that the vaccines are entirely safe. Instead, they suggest that the mRNA technology, which was rushed into production, has far-reaching consequences that the pharmaceutical industry has either ignored or intentionally covered up.

These revelations are particularly concerning given that the vaccine rollout was aggressively promoted and, in many cases, mandated. Millions of people around the world were told that this was their only path to safety. Now, Japan’s scientists are showing that this “cure” may have been more dangerous than the disease itself.

Big Pharma’s Role: A Legacy of Profit Over People

The pharmaceutical industry is no stranger to controversy. From price-gouging life-saving drugs to pushing addictive opioids, Big Pharma has a long history of prioritizing profits over people’s well-being. But the mRNA vaccine scandal may very well be their most egregious offense yet.

Despite knowing the potential risks of mRNA technology, pharmaceutical executives pushed for its widespread use. Why? The answer is simple: money. The pandemic was a golden opportunity for Big Pharma to rake in unprecedented profits, and they weren’t going to let concerns over safety stand in their way.

Japan’s declaration that these executives are “enemies of the state” speaks to the magnitude of the crimes they’ve committed. The pharmaceutical companies not only withheld vital information about the risks but also colluded with governments and media outlets to suppress dissenting voices. Whistleblowers were silenced, scientific debate was stifled, and the global population was coerced into compliance.

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Crimes Against Humanity: The Case for Prosecution

Japanese medical experts are calling for those responsible to be held accountable in the most severe way possible. They argue that this is not just a case of corporate negligence but a crime against humanity. The mass rollout of these dangerous vaccines, coupled with the suppression of critical information, has resulted in widespread suffering and death.

Under international law, crimes against humanity are defined as widespread or systematic attacks directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack. By this definition, Japan’s investigators believe the actions of Big Pharma and the global elite fit the bill. They knowingly pushed a product that has harmed millions of people, and they did so with complete disregard for the consequences.

The global elite and Big Pharma are in full panic mode. As Japan continues its investigation, the powers that be are doing everything they can to discredit the findings and silence the truth. There is a total media blackout on the developments coming out of Japan, particularly in Western countries where the pharmaceutical industry has deep ties to news outlets and advertising revenue.

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This media silence is not coincidental. For years, the mainstream media has been complicit in pushing the narrative that mRNA vaccines were the only solution to the pandemic. Now that Japan is exposing the truth, those same media organizations are scrambling to save face.

But their days of controlling the narrative are coming to an end. Social media and alternative news outlets are breaking through the blackout, allowing Japan’s findings to reach a global audience. The truth can only be suppressed for so long before it bursts forth, and we are now witnessing the beginning of that explosion.

The Aftermath: What Does This Mean for the World?

Japan’s investigation is not just about holding a few pharmaceutical executives accountable. It’s about unraveling a web of deceit that has entrapped the entire world. The ramifications of this scandal are far-reaching, with potential consequences for governments, corporations, and individuals alike.

At the heart of this crisis is a question that every person must ask themselves: How much trust can we place in the institutions that are supposed to protect us? If Big Pharma and the global elite were willing to push a harmful product for their own gain, what else are they hiding? What other lies have we been told in the name of “science” and “public health”?

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Japan’s Warning to the World

The message coming out of Japan is clear: The world needs to wake up. We can no longer afford to blindly trust the authorities who claim to have our best interests at heart. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent vaccine rollout have shown just how easily public health can be manipulated for profit and control.

But Japan’s investigation offers hope. By exposing the truth, they are leading the charge for accountability and justice. Their findings may very well be the first domino to fall in a global reckoning that will change the course of history.

Now that Japan has opened the door, it’s time for the rest of the world to follow suit. Governments, media outlets, and pharmaceutical companies must be held to account for their role in this tragedy. It’s not enough to apologize or shift the blame—real change requires transparency, accountability, and, in many cases, legal consequences.

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The people of the world deserve to know the truth. They deserve to know what was done to them in the name of “science” and “public health.” And most importantly, they deserve justice for the lives that have been lost or irreparably damaged by the reckless actions of the global elite and Big Pharma.

As more information comes to light, it’s essential for individuals to take action. We must demand that our governments conduct independent investigations into the vaccine rollout and hold those responsible accountable. We must support the brave scientists and doctors, like those in Japan, who are speaking out despite the immense pressure to stay silent.

Furthermore, we must remain vigilant in questioning the motives behind future medical interventions. The mRNA vaccine scandal has shown that profit-driven corporations will stop at nothing to protect their bottom line, even if it means sacrificing public safety. We must never allow ourselves to be coerced or manipulated in the name of “the greater good” without demanding full transparency and accountability.

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The Time for Justice Is Now

Japan has taken the first courageous step in exposing the truth about the mRNA vaccine “massacre.” Their investigation is a beacon of hope in a world that has been clouded by lies and deception. But this is only the beginning. The fight for justice is far from over, and it will require the collective efforts of individuals, governments, and independent institutions to bring those responsible to justice.

The truth cannot be hidden forever, and as Japan continues to reveal the extent of this global crime, the world must stand ready to demand justice. The victims of the mRNA vaccine rollout deserve nothing less.



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