NEW VIDEO • GESARA NESARA & Med Beds: Trust the Journey Towards a Revolutionary Finale

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 20, 2023No Comments15 Mins Read


NEW VIDEO • GESARA NESARA & Med Beds: Trust the Journey Towards a Revolutionary Finale


NEW VIDEO • GESARA NESARA & Med Beds: Trust the Journey Towards a Revolutionary Finale

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In an era defined by rapid technological advancements and a renewed sense of global unity, the terms GESARA, NESARA, and Med Beds have emerged as symbols of hope, promising to redefine the very fabric of our society. Delve deep with us as we explore the potential of these concepts and the lasting impact they could have on humanity’s future.

GESARA and NESARA: The Prologue to a New Dawn

The world is abuzz with two acronyms: GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) and NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act). These represent not just legislative measures, but symbolize a broader global vision, a dream of a world brimming with love, unity, and prosperity for all.

As the digital age dawns, these concepts intertwine with technological marvels, guiding us towards a finale that might just be the start of a new chapter for humanity. The narrative of GESARA and NESARA feels like a tale written by the hands of dreamers, futurists, and optimists, painting a canvas that vibrates with hope.

Med Beds: A Healthcare Revolution on the Horizon

Imagine a world where health and well-being are not privileges but inherent rights for every individual. This is where Med Beds come into play. These are not your ordinary hospital beds. They symbolize a healthcare renaissance, utilizing futuristic technologies to potentially address and cure ailments in ways we once thought were the domain of science fiction.

The notion of Med Beds whispers tales of miracles and revolutions. In a world where love becomes the most potent medicine, these beds might be our first step towards realizing that dream.

White Hats, Green Buttons, and the Power of Unity

Behind every revolution lies a force, an energy, a group of people bound by a shared vision. The ‘White Hats’ represent this force in our story. These are individuals and groups globally, working diligently, with love and compassion as their guiding principles, to usher in the promises of GESARA, NESARA, and Med Beds.

The ‘Green Button’, an emblematic symbol in this narrative, represents the moment of initiation, the inception of a new world order rooted in love, trust, and unity.

President Trump’s role in this tale is a subject of much speculation and intrigue. Like any leader, he too danced on the global stage, making decisions, forging alliances, and setting in motion a series of events. “Trust the Plan!” became a motto for many, implying faith in a bigger picture, a grand design, where every move, every decision has its place and purpose.

The secrets to living a longer, healthier life!

Life, in its essence, is a series of interconnected events, a domino effect. Trusting the process becomes paramount when navigating the vast sea of possibilities. As these concepts of GESARA, NESARA, and Med Beds unfold, it’s vital for us to remember to trust, to believe, and most importantly, to love. After all, love is the force that binds the universe.

Within a year’s time most hospital procedures are obsolete. Healing through Frequency Therapy

Anyone who is not on the specific Earth-frequency for awakening and healing, meaning open to incoming ascension energies; the inward waves of harmonic resonances leading to unity consciousness, will either have to transform or fail.

This consist of your body and soul, and is not fantasy, it is measurable, real science and fact, called Schumann resonances that are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and incited by energies in our universe and noticeable during lightning.

The older we get; the more errors occur in the coding of DNA. As a result, the overall condition of our bodies decreases over time. We grow old, we get wrinkles, we get sick and eventually die.

A method to treat physical complaints by means of radio frequencies, is aided by highly advanced and avant-garde equipment, to treat physical complaints or to prevent, reduce and heal. Intentionally, hidden from the public eye, as it is not benefitting Big Pharma.

Medicinal Garden Kit: Your Secret Arsenal Against Big Pharma and Ailing Health

We hear sound because our ears distinguish different frequencies and resonances , which are interpreted as sound by the brain. Light is received by our eyes and translated by the brain into images. Both sound and light have frequencies. Radio frequencies are used in this treatment.

The equipment transmits specific frequencies to the body. These are particularised for each individual. People can distinguish different musical instruments and individual tones in the complexity of frequency signals of music, so can our body individually distinguish radio frequencies from a complex signal.

Some do feel this as vibrations, others cannot. Every matter has its own frequency; just tap the table or the window and you will hear the difference in sound, which is each own frequency. In the same way, atoms and molecules and cells have their own frequency.

If those frequencies correspond to the frequency of cells or molecules in the body, a resonance is generated. This is called bio-resonance. Living matter reacts to any frequency that matches and consequently can be received.

Cells can be affected by bacteria, fungi, viruses, cosmic radiation, X-rays, ultraviolet light and toxic substances. These changes in the DNA code(HOW YOU CAN ACTIVATE YOUR INTERNAL “WEALTH DNA”), which is copied to the next generation, occur through cell divisions, ionising radiation, some viruses and recently through mRNA Covid vaccination. These changes in codes are passed on to the next cell generation.

At each cell division, errors occur in copying DNA, and even after repair by the cell’s own DNA repair mechanism, some of the errors remain. As a result, of DNA changes over time cells can no longer perform their original function.

This, among other things, is called auto-immune reaction that increases, together with an ever-worsening presence of pathogenic micro-organisms. A protective mechanism against further mutation is existent, causing the irreparably damaged cells to be put into a silent mode, called senescence, aging of organism, a sort of hibernation, stopping further cell divisions.

These senescent cells increase in number during aging and in themselves have a degenerative influence on their immediate environment. All in all, both the quality and quantity of functional cells decrease. – New research is underway enabling the removal senescent cells to be replaced by functional cells.

Frequency therapy applies a multitude of different frequencies simultaneously. It is a homeopathic harmless treatment, comparable to rewriting a hard disc in a computer, but in this case the rewriting of the immune system and DNA structure who are reprogrammed completely eliminating autoimmune diseases that among other roots are caused by mRNA injection.

Within a year’s time most hospital procedures are obsolete

President Donald Trump said on June 14, 2020 to the nation,

“within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments. Like Age regression, up to 30 years.

No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.

Proof is in the signed executive orders. Med beds have the ability to regrow organs that are missing, such as a gall bladder, kidney or lymph nodes etc. Through the use of light spectrums and frequencies.

The Holographic Medical Pods or Med Beds are automated Stations where a medical expert Healer selects the type of procedure to be done from the computer database, the patient lies down in the Pod or Bed and the Machine performs the medical operation or procedure. Finally, lasers close the points of entry from where the procedure commenced.

The Med Beds diagnose, treat and perform a wide range of surgical procedures with ultra fine-laser incisions that are guided by 3D anatomical scanning. The 3D scanning has refractory lenses that take live scans of the body in order to perform various medical procedures.

A Med Bed is based on tachyon particle energy those are hypothetical faster-than-light particles and plasma energy. Plasma energy comes of the universe, balancing planets to keep them in their position, in order they do not collide with each other. In other words; the solar system is in balance with itself and with all the planets.

The soil, atmosphere, water, everything is plasma energy, actually, everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just in a different form amid dissimilar vibrational frequencies.

The Med Beds have controllable Artificial Intelligence (AI) so it cannot get out of control and run wild, actually a computer. It operates like a magnetic resonance imaging – MRI, that makes a magnetic oscillation and resonance scan of your body to diagnose disease.

Med Bed scans skin, muscle tissue, all organs and everything else in the body. It shows everything – all the way down to the micron level of the blood. It actually identifies your DNA and it does a complete internal analysis of the body. Doing so, it picks up any disease and any genetic imperfection. For example, stage 4 leukaemia on a Med Bed is cured in about 2.5 minutes, without any side effect.

If an organ has been removed; Med Bed’s re-atomisation process regenerates that organ as if it had been never removed. Due to the body’s original resonance, its vibrational frequency. The body always remembers when an organ has been removed or stopped functioning. Med Bed’s artificial intelligence links into the body’s vibrational frequency and DNA to regenerate the organ. It is simple like that.

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Concealed Technologies Med Bed, Quantum, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators

Again, Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and “concealed” from the public for a long, long time. This technology is not available for purchase or services to the general public, until after the Deep State Cabal is rendered powerless.

Fortunately, because of the recent planetary shift from 3D to 5D, and increasing demand for transparency by the human collective consciousness; courageous people are coming forward to disclose what has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and most likely for thousands of years.

The global transition for decades, and has information about many topics the general public is not aware of, including but not limited to, off-world ET technology gifts to humanity like the Quantum Financial Monetary System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators and Med Beds.

It’s not difficult to imagine that there are suppressed technologies today that are being purposely hidden from the common masses for the benefit of those who are at the top of the society; those who are “in charged” of the system to maintain their control on everything – natural resources, institutions, the military, political, and even the psychological aspect of every individual. What is difficult to accept, however, is the claims that these advance technologies are not from earth but was given or left by extra-terrestrial beings existing from other planets.

There exist three types of Med Beds: Holographic; Regenerative which regenerates tissue and body parts, and finally Re-Atomisation Med Bed that in about two- to three minutes regenerate the whole human body, head to toe.

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Perpetual Fountain of Youth

What does this advanced technology mean for an 80-year old person? He/she could be 30-years old again in less than three minutes. Fifty years pealed off his/her life. Now, she can have children again. They could have a whole new family if they want. It looks like, Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.

Med Bed technology looks at the body and corrects imperfections. This technology has been around for quite some time. It has been kept hidden from the human race for a very long time. Some people may think this healing technology is science fiction. Too good to be true. It is even not too complicated to manufacture those Med Beds in quantities and distribute them everywhere it is desired. Jered Rand says;

“When you are in a Med Bed, you don’t go through any pain, you don’t go through radiations. It’s not like some evil event. You go into a deep sleep. There’s no injection, no needles or anything. You wake up and look in the mirror and your creepy skin is gone. Your white hair is the colour it was when you were in your twenties (20s). It’s the same for your eyesight, your hearing, your taste, your smell. Everything is restored to a perfected younger state again,”

This is the new age for the new Earth and new human race. It’s totally the opposite of what we’ve lived. These technologies are already here. It’s a matter of getting them safely to the people that can use them.” At last, since year 2020 Med Beds technology is not available to the general public.

Replicators recycle old things back into plasma energy. There’s no waste, no trash, no garbage, nothing to pollute the environment or to destroy the eco-system. Soil is plasma energy. Plants are plasma energy. Take a replicator to a poor village and those people can have everything they ever dreamed of in a matter of minutes. Replicators will eliminate the need for massive amounts of land to feed the population. Anything you want, you can have it.

3D printers are the forerunners of replicators. Accelerate that a hundred times and you have a Med Bed replicator. Everything in creation and is composed of plasma energy. Replicators are off-world technology, given to us by the Galactics, who are sharing this technology with the human race. This technology is coming! It’s going to be available everywhere. You will be able to have a phenomenal future.

There is a list of genetic diseases and disorders so long it’s unbelievable! Once you understand how DNA, RNA, mRNA, and proteins work, you soon understand that all diseases are genetic mutations. Those mutations, or variants are all caused by something that changed the information of the RNA, which the mRNA gave to the protein to tell the cell what it would become.

Think about; Vaccines cause genetic diseases; since the 50’s these are the causativeness of all variants/mutations which cause a genetic disorder. In other words, the medical establishment causes every disease on earth, while curing none of them! They have destroyed the quality of life for billions of people over the years.

Bombshell! 90. 10. Med Bed and 90. 10. Virtual Cube – The Future Starts Now!

This is a virtual bed that is programmed with various functions. The bed teleports a quantum field operating system sending energy and frequencies into the body. Simple to control, the user speaks or mentally commands the bed to scan, then helps to heal areas of need.

There is no artificial intelligence (AI) and it does not depend on electricity or other comparable energy types. There are also no side effects and is extremely safe to use. Also, the operating system is secure in a high-level quantum network and cannot be manipulated. Like the celestial chamber if the system detects any negative energies or intentions the system will not work.

The 90 10 Med Bed is motivated by the powers of self-healing tied into body, spirit, consciousness and physical intelligence.


NESARA GESARA : Med Beds Quantum Healing | Behind The Scenes Of The Quantum Healing Technologies Of Med Beds ~ Trust the Plan! (video)
Please note: This article has been compiled from multiple sources to provide a comprehensive overview of the topic. Care has been taken to ensure accuracy, but always refer to original sources for definitive information.

The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.

Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.


ALSO: SPECIAL REPORT: There are More Than 5 Million Med Beds Available Worldwide – Latest Information About Alliance Med Beds – September 11, 2023

Med Beds in the USA: Why the Silence? Details Of Med Bed Plans In The USA – Q & A about Med Beds
Med Beds in the USA: Why the Silence?

The USA, the land of opportunity, innovation, and… silence? When it comes to Med Beds, there’s a hush that’s hard to ignore. These beds have the potential to change the healthcare industry, putting powerhouses out of business. Could Big Pharma be pulling the strings, suppressing the very technology that could end its dominion?

Read the full article HERE:

Also: MED BEDS – High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA (Must See Video) –


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