News Alert: More Proof you’re Watching a Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations – Derek Johnson VIDEO

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereJune 22, 2024Updated:June 22, 20242 Comments13 Mins Read


News Alert: More Proof you’re Watching a Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations – Derek Johnson VIDEO


News Alert: More Proof you’re Watching a Military Occupation and Continuity of Operations – Derek Johnson VIDEO

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In recent times, a tempest has been raging in the political landscape of the United States. From whispers of underground military operations to congressional hearings, the U.S. is on the precipice of what some are deeming a monumental exposure. It’s the staging of a military coup, unraveling in real-time.

Amid the clamor of daily news, the whispers are growing louder. The political landscape of the United States is ripe with allegations, covert operations, and secrets threatening to burst forth. As the saga unfolds, the question arises:  We witnessing the staging of a military coup!

1. Decoding the Gain-of-Function Controversy

Central to this storm is the ‘Gain of Function’ research. Hidden in the maze of Congressional records are details mounting against this controversial practice, especially in relation to the Coronavirus. For the uninitiated, Gain of Function pertains to enhancing the virulence and transmission of pathogens. Revelations are linking Pentagon-backed operations dating as far back as 2012 to this form of research.

2. The USAID Revelation and Senator Rand Paul’s Stand

Renowned Senator Rand Paul, never one to shy away from voicing dissent, has brought the spotlight onto USAID. During a publicized encounter in the U.S. Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee, Paul questioned the administration’s funding of Gain of Function research, specifically the transfer of such funds to labs in Wuhan. This move undoubtedly rocked the boat, highlighting the discrepancies in where U.S. funds were being funneled and for what purposes.

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3. The Biden Enigma and Congressional Hearings

If you’ve been observing closely, a pattern emerges. Hearings in the Senate and Congress seem to be veering directly towards the current administration. These proceedings are laying bare alleged corruption ties, human trafficking allegations, and questionable dealings in foreign countries like Ukraine.

Hunter Biden, the President’s son, has found himself at the epicenter of these allegations. His laptop, which some have ominously named “The Laptop from Hell,” is said to be a treasure trove of evidence. Whether it’s proof of pedophilia, human trafficking, or confidential military documents, the laptop could be the Pandora’s box many have feared.

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Moreover, the Congress has set its eyes on social media behemoths like Twitter and intelligence agencies like the FBI. Accusations of corruption, covert manipulation, and ‘backdoor’ control by intelligence agencies have surfaced. In a stunning admission, an ex-CIA director revealed that spies under his command labeled the Hunter Biden laptop scandal as Russian misinformation, a move that many allege was designed to give Joe Biden a leg up in the presidential race.

4. Intel Channels Buzzing with Speculation

As the drama unfolds in public, whispers from Congressional and Military Intelligence channels suggest Hunter Biden’s indictment might be imminent. Kash Patel, a name that is becoming synonymous with these revelations, has been voicing similar sentiments on open channels.

But what’s the endgame? Many believe that all these events, the Congressional and Senate hearings, the public accusations, and the covert operations, are leading to one conclusion: The exposure of a military coup. There’s talk of the U.S. government being held hostage by foreign operations and external interference in electoral processes.

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It’s not just the U.S. that’s paying attention. The world’s premier intelligence agencies are on high alert. The deep state, NATO, the UN, and groups like the DAVOS have their eyes fixed on the unfolding scenario. With potential repercussions on a global scale, there’s a growing consensus that if the Biden impeachment gains momentum, it could expose more than just personal corruption. It could lay bare a systematic attempt at cover-ups, corruption, and, as some would suggest, treason.

5. Military Intervention vs. Global Chaos

With all the pieces falling into place, one might argue that a military intervention is on the horizon. However, as the clock ticks, the deep state, alleged to be the puppeteers behind the scenes, might be launching their final act – world chaos.

But why now? Some argue it’s all a part of ‘Game Theory Operations.’ A catastrophic event, so terrifying, it shakes the world awake. An event that sheds light on covert operations and exposes the involvement of various factions, including the CIA, Pentagon, and the previous Obama administration.

While the scenario sounds like a plot straight out of a thriller novel, it’s essential to remember that these allegations, investigations, and operations must be carried out meticulously, abiding by legal parameters. The world is watching, the stakes are high, and every move will be scrutinized.

The curtain is slowly being raised, revealing a landscape riddled with intrigue, manipulation, and power plays. As this drama unfolds, the world waits with bated breath, watching history being written in real time.

Deep State: Epstein, JP Morgan, and the Cabal’s Global Money Laundering Nexus

In the shadowy underbelly of global power and finance lies a tangled web of deceit, conspiracy, and corruption that has gripped the world for over a century. This is the story of how the deep state, led by intelligence agencies like the CIA, Mossad, and MI6, in cahoots with influential families like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, orchestrated a grand scheme to control nations, governments, and economies through money laundering operations and blackmail. From the inception of the CIA to the Epstein saga and beyond, the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally coming together, and the world is awakening to the truth.

1. The Birth of a Deep State Empire: To understand the sinister power that the deep state wields, one must trace its origins back to the early 1900s. It was a time when secretive alliances were forming, with the aim of controlling global financial systems. The creation of the CIA marked a turning point, as intelligence agencies became central players in the pursuit of this dark agenda.

2. The Vatican’s Role: Surprisingly, the Vatican played a pivotal role in this conspiracy. The Vatican’s early establishment of intelligence agencies that infiltrated nations laid the foundation for the deep state’s rise. As nations fell under the Vatican’s influence, the stage was set for the emergence of the fiat currency system and global banking.

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3. The Fiat Currency System: At the heart of the deep state’s plan was the establishment of a fiat currency system that would give them unprecedented control over the world’s economies. This system, created with the help of powerful banking institutions, paved the way for global money laundering operations that spanned decades.

4. The Epstein Saga: The late 1980s marked a turning point when the deep state, using figures like Jeffrey Epstein, began a disturbing chapter in its dark history – pedophilia, sex trafficking, and blackmail. High-profile individuals, including U.S. generals and commanders, were ensnared in these operations, further cementing the deep state’s grip on intelligence and military affairs.

5. Financial Control through JP Morgan: JP Morgan, a prominent banking giant, became a linchpin in the deep state’s financial control apparatus. Its ties to Epstein, as well as its involvement in global money laundering, connected the dots between the financial elite and the deep state’s ambitions.

6. Social Media and DARPA: The deep state’s influence extended beyond traditional power structures. Social media platforms, including Facebook, became tools of manipulation and surveillance, furthering their reach into the lives of ordinary citizens. DARPA operations were instrumental in advancing these technologies, blurring the lines between privacy and surveillance.

7. The Ukraine War Conspiracy: Shockingly, the Ukraine war, a contemporary geopolitical crisis, was allegedly planned by the CIA decades ago. This revelation exposes the deep state’s ability to shape world events to suit its nefarious agenda.

8. The Unraveling Begins: Despite their best efforts to maintain control, the deep state is now facing its moment of reckoning. The release of virus death vaccines and ensuing chaos failed to quell the worldwide awakening that is taking place. The Epstein saga is only the tip of the iceberg.

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9. Trump, White Hats, and the Military Alliance: Behind the scenes, a silent war is being waged by a coalition of patriots, including former President Donald Trump and the military alliance. The Cheyenne Mountains hold the keys to dismantling the deep state’s grip on power.

10. The Coming Storm: The deep state is being exposed, and there is no amount of money, threats, or retaliation that can halt the impending exposure. The world is on the brink of the “Arrest Wars,” and the storm is about to rage.

11. Subpoenas and Warnings: Subpoenas are being issued to the world’s richest and most powerful individuals, connected to institutions like Citigroup and the Crown family. Behind the scenes, classified debriefings are unfolding, sending a clear message to the deep state – time is running out.

12. The Biden Laptop Connection: The mysterious case of Hunter Biden’s laptop, with its alleged connections to Epstein, JP Morgan, Ukraine, biolabs, viruses, and intelligence agencies like the FBI and CIA, raises troubling questions. Was Hunter forced to leave it behind at an ordinary store? The answer, it seems, lies in military operations and game theory.

13. Follow the White Rabbit: As the world watches the drama unfold, the pieces of this puzzle are falling into place. Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Hunter Biden become players in this intricate game of power and deception. The hunted are becoming the hunters.

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14. The Race to Leak Information: As the world waits with bated breath, the question arises: How many copies of the laptop from hell exist, and who will be the first to leak its explosive contents? From storekeepers to Rudy Giuliani, the FBI, and even international leaders like Putin and Xi, the world holds its breath.

The deep state’s web of control, conspiracy, and corruption is unraveling before our eyes. From the origins of the CIA to the Epstein saga, the pieces of this intricate puzzle are finally coming together. As subpoenas are issued and warnings sent, the deep state’s grip on power is slipping. The world is waking up, and the truth cannot be hidden any longer. The storm is coming, and nothing can stop it. The Epstein saga is just the beginning of a seismic shift in global power dynamics, and the world is watching closely. Tick tock.

Storm of the Century: The Whistleblower’s Call to Arms – Unraveling Trump, Pedophilia Rings,

As we traverse the winding roads of conspiracy, secrets, and hidden agendas, the world is becoming a battleground of information, deception, and redemption. The storm is brewing, and at its epicenter is a “whistleblower” like none other: Donald Trump. This narrative delves into the intricate web of child trafficking, political subterfuge, and the impending alien agenda, with Trump as our guiding light.

1. The Tempest of Trump’s Revelation

It’s undeniable. Donald Trump, often the center of heated discussions and debates, has emerged as the world’s most influential whistleblower. When he recently opened communication channels about Anthony Weiner’s laptop, he wasn’t merely dropping a bombshell; he was signaling the start of a storm.

2. The Dark Abyss of Pedophilia and Human Trafficking

Human trafficking and pedophilia are among the world’s gravest sins. The numbers are staggering: while most figures, misleadingly, peg the industry at $32 billion, top world analysts estimate it nears a gut-wrenching $100 billion. The tentacles of this horrific trade spread far and wide, touching elites from DC to Hollywood, including figures like the Clintons, Obama, and other top celebrities.

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The revelation of Weiner’s laptop content allegedly showcases a more gruesome shade of pedophilia than even Hunter’s laptop. It’s worth noting, with a chilling realization, that out of the 12 individuals who viewed its content, nine have mysteriously committed suicide. Coincidence? Or is there a deeper, more sinister plot at play?

3. Trump’s Strategic Indictments

Everything that’s occurring with Trump, especially the indictments, seems to be tied intricately with military operations. His maneuvers and placements, particularly in the Florida federal judicial system between 2017 and 2020, have been strategic. From seats to judges to lawyers, Trump has been setting the stage for a grand reveal.

4. The Web of Deceit: Connecting the Dots

The Epstein saga, the tales surrounding the Clintons, and the rumors of an Obama military coup are the tip of the iceberg. These narratives are interconnected through the world of pedophilia, human trafficking, and, shockingly, satanic sacrifices allegedly linked to the music and film industries, NASA, and international networks.

5. The Devolution Plan and Continuity of Government

In the shadows, the Devolution Plan and Continuity of Government remain in effect. While the world watches the theater of politics and scandal, behind the scenes, critical moves are being made. The deep state’s game is in full swing, with Project Blue Beam at its helm, pushing the alien agenda. It’s no coincidence that UFO sightings are increasing globally, though whistleblowers from the very core of the Pentagon remain marginalized.

6. The Unraveling Alien Agenda

As YouTube, Google, and mainstream media fuel the narrative of UFOs and potential extraterrestrial threats, there is a faction that believes this is all a setup. World whistleblowers are poised to expose governments and militaries for concealing UFO truths and orchestrating a fake alien invasion – all in an attempt to usher in a New World Order.

7. The Protective Shield Around Trump

Trump remains untouched, guarded, but by whom? This enigma links back to a bigger picture, a higher plan, one that may even trace its roots to JFK and the Q military operations.

8. Final Thoughts: The Incoming Storm

Every storm has its beginning, its peak, and its end. As the winds of this storm intensify, one thing remains clear: we’re approaching the climax. As the Deep State pushes its agendas and secrets continue to spill, we must remain vigilant, critical, and informed.

In Conclusion:

The world is on the precipice of unprecedented revelations, and Trump appears to be at the forefront of this battle for truth. As the saga unfolds, it’s imperative to sift fact from fiction, truth from deceit. But one thing is certain: the storm is here, and it will redefine our reality.


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