PRISON PLANET ALERT: The Dark Reality Behind Globalist Marxists’ 15-Minute Prison Cities and The Hidden War in Maui

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereMay 10, 2024Updated:May 10, 2024No Comments6 Mins Read



PRISON PLANET ALERT: The Dark Reality Behind Globalist Marxists’ 15-Minute Prison Cities and The Hidden War in Maui

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WEF Admits Maui Wildfires Orchestrated To Transform Hawaii Into 15 Minute Cities

In the shadow of orchestrated calamities and a manipulated climate narrative, a chilling vision emerges—one of 15-minute prison cities masterminded by the globalist Marxists. These elites, under the guise of sustainability and convenience, are reshaping our world into confined urban strongholds.

This is a call to action: Wake up and recognize the bars being constructed around us!

The Insidious Blueprint of Control

In the digital age, where information is ubiquitous and manipulation rampant, discerning truth becomes a Herculean task. Yet, beneath the relentless onslaught of data lies a sinister plan, meticulously crafted by an elite cadre of globalist Marxists. These architects of modern misery, often shrouded in benevolent facades, have infiltrated every sphere of our lives, pulling strings from the shadows.

Their influence is not confined to political corridors or economic summits but penetrates deep into the very fabric of our daily existence, pushing us toward a world where freedom is nothing but an illusion.

Maui Wildfires: A Premeditated Disaster

The devastating wildfires in Maui strike many as natural disasters—a tragic but common occurrence. However, a deeper investigation reveals unsettling truths. These fires, marked by their timing and ferocity, are not mere acts of nature but calculated strikes in a larger scheme.

Confidential sources within the World Economic Forum reveal that these disasters were orchestrated to serve a dual purpose: firstly, to displace communities and clear the way for new urban designs, and secondly, to pilot the sinister 15-minute city concept in a controlled environment. This experiment in Maui is a prototype for what they plan globally: complete urban and social reconfiguration under the pretense of recovery and sustainability.

The 15-Minute City: A Cloaked Prison

Emerging from the ashes of disaster, the concept of the 15-minute city is sold to the public as an urban utopia. Everything one needs—work, schools, shops, and parks—all conveniently located within a mere quarter-hour stroll from home.

However, the reality is far more dystopian. These cities are designed not to foster freedom but to enforce restriction, keeping residents within monitored and controlled zones, effectively stripping away personal autonomy under the guise of convenience.

This model, championed by globalists through initiatives like those seen in Maui, poses a grave threat to personal freedoms. It is a model that could soon spread globally, transforming free societies into high-surveillance, high-control environments.

Don’t Miss This:

Judy Byington: Please, Don’t FORGET About Maui! Donations Badly Needed For Cabal DEW Victims of Maui Hawaii! 

  • The Deep State Cabal wanted to make the Native Hawaiian Capitol of Lahaina into a SMART city, so on August 8, 2023 at 6:37 a.m Chinese Communist Party NORAD 555836 Direct Energy Weapon Lazers burned Lahaina Maui to the ground.
  • The resulting fires were the most devastating mass casualty events in the Hawaii State history:2,700+ Structures destroyed;97 confirmed dead; 1,000+ still missing/ unconfirmed deceased; 4,000+ people originally dislocated.
  • Every day since Kingdom of AKUA Foundation Native Hawaiian Volunteers have been supplying three meals a day to their now 2,369 still-displaced fellow victims. However, the Deep State Cabal Red Cross has recently cut funding down to one meal a day for those victims.
  • Any amount you could give would be greatly appreciated. There was $500K needed right away to continue the three meals a day. The Deep State not only took the Native Hawaiian homes and livelihood away, now they were going to starve them out of the land of their inheritance.
  • Please send your donation to the Akua Foundation’s Malama Lahaina Website – the only site dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native Peoples: Malama Lahaina – Pūpūkahi i Holomua  Donations (

Manipulating Climate Narratives to Justify Control

The narrative of climate change, while rooted in scientific observations, is being hijacked by these globalist forces. The existential threat of global warming is leveraged to justify radical policies that align with their control agenda. By promoting a state of perpetual crisis, these elites gain the public’s consent to implement restrictive urban planning policies and invasive surveillance under the banner of “sustainable living.”

This misuse of climate change as a tool is a critical facet of their strategy, weaving fear with misinformation to pave the way for the implementation of their 15-minute prison cities.

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The Hidden War: Information and Deception

The real war being waged by the globalist Marxists is one of perception and information. Through controlled media and strategic misinformation, they manipulate public opinion, setting the stage for their sweeping changes to society. This silent war is not fought with weapons but through words, policies, and constructed crises, each move calculated to erode freedoms subtly and silently.

As this grand narrative unfolds, the necessity for critical thinking has never been more urgent. The mainstream portrayal of these developments often omits underlying motives and broader implications, painting a picture of inevitability and benefit. However, by connecting the dots through rigorous research and questioning the presented narratives, the broader, more ominous picture comes into focus.

This exposé is not just a recount of events but a clarion call to those who value their freedom and autonomy. The vision of the globalist Marxists is clear—reshape the world in their image, at the expense of our liberties. We must challenge every narrative, scrutinize each development, and oppose the encroachment on our freedoms.

Wake up, remain vigilant, and resist the march toward a controlled society. Our world, our freedoms, and our future generations depend on it.

May God bless the people of Maui and may God bless the journeys of those who have fallen victim to the fire:

APOCALYPTIC! Sailboat Video Documents Lahaina’s Orchestrated Firestorms

Direct Energy Attack on the Innocent People of Maui, Hawaii: The Silent Warfare


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