THE NEW WORLD ORDER – THIS WAS WRITTEN IN 1989! (A Dystopian Vision from 1989)

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereFebruary 20, 2025Updated:February 20, 2025No Comments8 Mins Read


새로운 세계 질서 – 1989년에 쓰여진 글입니다! (1989년의 디스토피아적 비전)


THE NEW WORLD ORDER – THIS WAS WRITTEN IN 1989! (A Dystopian Vision from 1989)

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The terrifying 1989 prophecy of the New World Order—a future where authoritarian rule destroys the family, crushes religion, and strips away your freedoms. This explosive analysis reveals the dark plans to control every aspect of your life and the urgent need to resist this dystopian nightmare.

The New World Order: A Dystopian Vision from 1989

The year 1989 witnessed the emergence of a chilling prophecy—a vision of a future world reshaped by an authoritarian force, stripping away the essence of freedom, family, and faith. This vision, often referred to as the “New World Order,” predicted the disintegration of our current societal structure and its replacement with a regime characterized by extreme control, suppression of individuality, and a complete overhaul of values. As we delve into this eerie forecast, it’s essential to recognize the gravity of the changes proposed and the far-reaching implications they hold for humanity.

The End of the Old World

The prophecy begins with a stark declaration: “The old world is coming to an end.” This statement encapsulates the belief that the world as we knew it—a world where families held together, personal freedom was cherished, and faith guided moral compasses—was on the brink of extinction. The “old world” refers not just to a specific time period but to an entire way of life, a set of values that upheld individual rights, private property, and the sanctity of personal beliefs.

The suggestion here is that this “old world” has failed or is no longer adequate for the emerging global landscape. The forces pushing for a “New World Order” view the traditional structures as obsolete, incapable of dealing with the complexities of modern society. However, this perspective is not merely about evolution but a deliberate dismantling of these structures. It suggests a replacement that is more aligned with totalitarian control, where power is concentrated in the hands of a few, and the masses are subjected to a new set of rules and regulations.

This notion sets the tone for the dramatic transformation that follows, one that is not only a change in governance but a complete redefinition of human existence.

The New World Order: Redefining Society

At the heart of this transformation is the concept of the “New World Order,” a term that has been the subject of much debate and conspiracy theory over the decades. In this vision, the New World Order represents a global regime where power is centralized, and individual nations are stripped of their sovereignty. The redistribution of property from “have nations” to “have-not nations” indicates a forced reallocation of resources, ostensibly to create equality but likely leading to widespread disenfranchisement.

This redistribution is not merely economic but touches on every aspect of life—family, work, and religion. The very foundations of society are to be uprooted and restructured to fit the ideals of the New World Order, a restructuring that many would argue comes at the cost of personal freedom, human dignity, and spiritual integrity.


The Family: The First Casualty

One of the most disturbing aspects of the New World Order prophecy is the targeted attack on the family unit. The family, often seen as the bedrock of society, is set to undergo radical changes. The legalization of homosexual marriages, as suggested, is not merely about recognizing diverse relationships but is portrayed here as part of a broader agenda to dismantle the traditional family structure.

Further, the state’s interference in parental rights, where parents will no longer have the authority to raise their own children, signifies a significant loss of personal freedom. The idea that “all women will be employed by the state and not allowed to be ‘homemakers’” is indicative of a society where individual choice is overridden by state mandates. The role of women, traditionally seen as nurturers and homemakers, is forcibly redefined, stripping away their autonomy and reducing their identity to mere cogs in the state’s machinery.

The ease of divorce and the phasing out of monogamous marriage represent an erosion of long-standing societal norms that have, for centuries, provided stability and continuity. The family, as an institution, is depicted as being under siege, with the New World Order aiming to replace it with a more controllable, less personal arrangement, where the state holds ultimate authority over individuals’ lives.

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The Workplace: State Control Over Production

In the envisioned New World Order, the workplace is not spared from the sweeping changes. The government’s takeover of all factors of production and the outlawing of private property ownership suggest a move towards a fully socialist or communist economic system. This shift indicates that individual enterprise, innovation, and ownership—hallmarks of a capitalist society—would be replaced by state control, leading to a homogenized and stagnant economic landscape.

Such a system would eradicate the incentives that drive progress and creativity. The absence of private ownership means that individuals no longer have a stake in their own success or the success of their ventures. This lack of personal investment could lead to widespread apathy, as people become mere functionaries in a state-controlled economy, devoid of personal ambition or the hope of upward mobility.

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Moreover, the elimination of private property rights is a direct attack on personal freedom. In many societies, the ability to own property is tied to individual freedom and autonomy. Without it, citizens are entirely dependent on the state for their livelihood, housing, and even basic needs, making them more susceptible to state control and less likely to resist or rebel against oppressive measures.

Religion: The Suppression of Faith

Perhaps the most alarming prediction within this New World Order is the complete outlawing of religion. The eradication of religious belief and the imprisonment or elimination of believers is a stark reminder of the lengths to which this new regime would go to suppress dissent and maintain control. Religion, often a source of moral guidance and community, is seen as a threat to the New World Order’s dominance because it provides an alternative source of authority and loyalty.

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The introduction of a new religion, centered on the worship of man and his mind, represents a significant ideological shift. This new belief system, where humanity’s intellect is revered above all else, is a form of secular humanism taken to its extreme. It elevates human reasoning and achievement to the status of divinity, disregarding the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human existence.

This change suggests that all citizens will be required to adhere to this new religion, effectively erasing centuries of religious diversity and freedom. The imposition of such a uniform belief system is not just an attack on religious freedom but on the very concept of free thought. By mandating what people must believe, the New World Order seeks to control not only actions but thoughts, creating a society where deviation from the prescribed ideology is not tolerated.

The Implications of the New World Order

The vision of the New World Order presented in 1989 is a harrowing one. It suggests a future where personal freedoms are severely curtailed, traditional values are upended, and individual thought is suppressed in favor of state-imposed doctrines. The restructuring of the family, workplace, and religious life points to a society where control is paramount, and individuality is seen as a threat to be neutralized.

This dystopian scenario raises important questions about the direction in which our world is headed. While the specific predictions may not have come to pass exactly as described, the underlying concerns about the loss of personal freedom, the erosion of traditional values, and the rise of state control remain relevant today. As we navigate an increasingly complex and interconnected world, it is crucial to remain vigilant about the forces that seek to reshape society according to their own agendas, often at the expense of individual rights and freedoms.

Conclusion: A Warning from the Past

The 1989 prophecy of the New World Order serves as a stark warning about the dangers of unchecked power and the potential consequences of allowing authoritarian regimes to dictate the course of human history. While the vision may seem extreme, it is a reminder that the values we hold dear—freedom, family, faith—are always at risk of being undermined by those who seek to control and dominate.

As we move forward into the future, it is essential to remember the lessons of the past and to protect the principles that have guided human progress for centuries. The New World Order, as described in 1989, may never fully materialize, but the threat it represents—a world where individual rights are sacrificed for the sake of control—remains a possibility that we must all work to prevent.

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