업데이트: 알림! Alert! 주의! 하나님의 자녀는 매매 대상이 아닙니다! 국제 인신매매로부터 오하이오의 위탁 아동 구출 – 도움의 외침!

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereNovember 20, 2024Updated:November 20, 202410 Comments34 Mins Read


경고! Alert! 주의! 하나님의 자녀는 매매 대상이 아닙니다! 국제 인신매매로부터 오하이오의 위탁 아동 구출 – 도움의 외침!


경고! Alert! 주의! 하나님의 자녀는 매매 대상이 아닙니다! 국제 인신매매로부터 오하이오의 위탁 아동 구출 – 도움의 외침!

진실을 밝힐 준비가 되셨나요? 거짓말에 지치셨나요? 지금 바로 텔레그램 채널에 가입하세요. 이제 진짜 이야기를 시작할 시간입니다! 계속 소식을 받아보세요! 모든 독자 여러분께 감사드립니다!

심각한 위험에 처한 케이틀린 헌터 – 제발 도와주세요!!!

Wed. 20 Nov. 2024 UPDATE:

주디 노트:2주 동안 케이틀린 헌터를 위해 싸운 후, 저는 오하이오 아동보호국, 데이턴 건지 카운티 경찰 및 법원 시스템 이 케이틀린과 그녀의 어머니 제닌 라릭이 6년 동안 자신과 다른 청소년을 학대, 강간, 고문하고 오하이오 위탁 보호 시스템에 갇힌 청소년들을 아동 성매매 조직에 들어가도록 양성하는 것으로 보이는 증거를 갖고 있기 때문이라고 확신합니다.

아래 보도 자료를 복사하여 붙여넣은 후 가능한 모든 미디어에 보내학대받는 아동과 청소년을 구출하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있습니다. 단, 주류 미디어는 우리가 싸우고 있는 국제 아동 성매매 조직을 운영하는 조직이 소유하고 있기 때문에 이를 보도하지 않을 가능성이 높다는 점을 염두에 두세요.

애국자 여러분! 케이틀린과 아동 성매매를 강요당할 위험에 처한 다른 청소년들을 안전한 장소(대부분의 경우 사랑하는 부모님의 품으로 돌아갈 수 있는 곳)로 데려가 주세요.

함께 힘을 모아 케이틀린을 자유롭게 풀어주세요. 케이틀린 헌터가 집으로 돌아가고 싶어하는 기금에 기부해 주세요. 이 기금은 오하이오 위탁 보호 시스템에서 6년 동안 학대, 굶주림, 강간, 고문을 당한 후 가족과 재회하는 데 사용될 것입니다.GiveSendGo | Kaitlynn Marie Hunter wants to go HOME!

Press Release Kaitlynn Hunter Wed. 20 Nov. 2024

Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist, Journalist, Author  info22faces@yahoo.com

오하이오 위탁 아동 케이틀린 헌터는 12일 전 구타로 인한 부상을 치료하지 못한 채 위독한 상태에 놓여 있습니다. 그녀의 행방은 오하이오 아동 보호 서비스 가해자들과 지난 11월 16일(토 ) 한밤중에 데이턴 아동 병원에서 머리 부상으로 관찰 중이던 그녀를 납치한 데이턴 경찰 외에는 아무도 모릅니다( ).

– 케이틀린의 생명이 위험하다는 느낌이 강하게 듭니다. 11월 20일(수) 현재. 2024 11월 20일 ( 수 ) 현재 케이틀린은 2024년 11월 6일(수 ) 데이턴의 디멘셔널 페이즈 그룹홈에서 구타로 입은 심각한 부상으로 14일 동안 치료를 받지 못하고 있습니다.

– 케이틀린은 가해자인 오하이오 아동보호국에 의해 알 수 없는 장소에 구금되어 있으며, 도움을 요청하기 위해 사랑하는 사람들에게 연락할 수도 없습니다. 이것만으로도 심리적 고문으로 간주될 수 있습니다.

– 며칠 전 보호 서비스 직원으로부터 긴급 상황 시 휴대전화를 가져도 된다는 말을 들었음에도 불구하고 CPS는 휴대전화를 빼앗아갔습니다.

– 2024년 11월 6일(수) 구타 사건 이후 오하이오주 교육청은 어머니인 제닌 라릭과의 접촉을 허용하지 않고 있습니다.

·        그 이유가 궁금하시죠? 답은 간단합니다. 케이틀린의 어머니 라릭 씨는 케이틀린이 위탁 보호 교도소에 수감된 지난 6년 동안의 고문과 학대에 대한 증거와 오하이오 위탁 보호 시스템에서 다른 청소년들이 고문, 굶주림, 학대를 당했다는 증거를 수없이 많이 가지고 있습니다. 이 글의 사진과 일부 문서를 참조하세요: Alert! Alert! Alert! God’s Children Are Not for Sale! Rescuing Ohio’s Foster Children from International Trafficking – A Cry for Help! – amg-news.com – American Media Group

– 케이틀린은 아동 성매매 조직을 운영한다는 강한 의심을 받고 있는 오하이오 위탁 보호 시스템에서 자신과 다른 청소년에 대한 CPS의 학대에 대한 법정 증인입니다. CPS는 케이틀린이 자신들에게 불리한 증언을 하지 못하도록 막으려는 것으로 보입니다.

– 케이틀린은 현재 두부 외상, 뇌에 대한 지속적인 압박, 두개골에 통증과 바늘로 찌르는 듯한 느낌, 뇌액 누출, 두개골에 두 개의 매듭, 발음 장애, 철자를 모르며 말을 더듬는 등 심각한 상태에 놓여 있습니다; 매우 불안해하고 왼쪽 눈이 갈색으로 변함; 지난 몇 년 동안 60파운드가 빠지고 건강을 되찾기 위해 처방된 영양 섭취를 거부하는 등 과거의 트라우마로 인해 해리 증상을 겪음; 지난 1년 동안 굶주림에 시달렸고, 건강을 되찾기 위해 처방된 영양 섭취를 거부함. 과거 구타로 인해 지난 몇 년 동안 눈이 확장되었습니다. 몇 달 전 구타로 인해 눈 수술이 필요한 상태입니다. 그녀는 지난 9월부터 옷 두 벌을 제외하고는 옷을 입지 않았고, 지난 9월부터 학교에 등록하지 않았으며, 지난 9월에 잃어버린 안경도 가지고 있지 않습니다. 그녀는 오하이오 위탁 보호소에서 6년 동안 머무는 동안 강간과 학대를 당했습니다.

– 현재 16세인 이 소녀는 11살 때 어머니 제닌 재릭이 홈스쿨링을 한다는 이유로 오하이오주 위탁 보호 시설에 맡겨졌습니다. 그 후로 라릭 씨는 딸을 되찾기 위해 법원 시스템과 CPS와 싸우고 있습니다.

– 제 독자들이 며칠 동안 오하이오 당국을 성토한 끝에 CPS는 마침내 케이틀린을 데이턴 아동병원으로 데려가 CAT 스캔과 진단을 받았지만, 구타 이후 지난 9일 동안 두 번이나 거부당했습니다.

– 케이틀린이 구타를 당한 Dimensional Phases 그룹 홈에서 일하는 제시카 반스는 11월 9일 토요일 이른 아침 시간에 다음과 같이 말했습니다. 케이틀린이 데이턴 아동 병원에 있을 때 데이턴 경찰과 건지 카운티 아동 보호 서비스는 영장 없이 다이멘셔널 페이즈 그룹 홈에 강제 진입하여 케이틀린의 물건을 요구했고, 그 후 집에서 물건을 가져갔다고 말했습니다( ).

– 2024년 11월 16일 토요일 새벽 1시경, 같은 경찰과 CPS 직원들이 갑자기 데이턴 아동병원에 나타나 케이틀린을 데려갔습니다. 케이틀린은 CT 스캔, 진단 및 치료를 위해 병원에 입원해 있었고 하룻밤 동안 관찰을 받아야 했습니다.

– CPS는 케이틀린의 휴대폰을 빼앗아 알 수 없는 장소로 갔습니다 . 그들은 구타 이후 케이틀린과 그녀의 어머니가 서로 연락하는 것을 거부했습니다. 납치 당시 케이틀린은 CPS 직원들이 자신을 타주로 데려갈 생각이라고 말하는 것을 우연히 들었습니다.

·        CPS claimed they had no medical records on her and as a result she suffered an allergic reaction to medication in the hospital – that was only understood after the mother Jeannine Larrick told them of her past medical history. Ms. Larrick was denied information as to her present medical condition and has not been allowed to talk to Kaitlynn since the beating incident.

·        I believe Kaitlynn is being groomed for a Child Sex Trafficking Ring. I had word from a very reliable source as to details of that, yet it cannot be disclosed to the public at this time.

·         I have no where to send that intel. To my knowledge there has been no investigation opened on Kaitlynn’s case from any of the many government agencies notified by myself and many others since the beating. I have gotten the run a round from federal agencies and also from, as could be expected of a Protective Services government agency accused of abuse of many children, the local Child Protective Services and police.

·          – which isn’t surprising. The Guernsey County CPS has had two Foster Children die since 2019 when Kaitlynn was placed in foster care for the ridiculous charge of being home schooled.

Mon. 18 Nov. 2024 Update: 

Judy Note: Ohio Foster Child Kaitlynn Hunter remains in critical condition with untreated injuries from a beating twelve days ago. Her whereabouts are presently unknown to anyone but her CPS perpetrators, who took her from the hospital in the middle of the night.

CPS also took away her phone, even though several days ago she was told by a Protective Services Worker she could have her phone for such an emergency.

Kaitlynn is a court witness to CPS abuse of herself and other youth in the Ohio Foster Care System – which was suspected to be running a Child Sex Trafficking Ring. CPS appears to be trying to prevent Kaitlynn from testifying against them.

It is strongly felt that her life is in danger.

As of Mon. 18 Nov. 2024 Kaitlynn has gone twelve days without medical treatment for serious injuries suffered in a beating on Wed. 6 Nov. 2024.

Kaitlynn is presently in critical condition, suffering head trauma, continuous pressure on her brain, pain and needle feelings in her skull, has a brain fluid leak, two knots on her skull, has trouble pronouncing, can’t spell and slurs words; is highly agitated; left eye has turned brown; for the past several years she has suffered Dissociation as a result of past trauma such as being starved for a year where she lost 60 pounds and denied prescribed nutrition to regain her health. Eyes have been dilating for the past few years as a result of past beatings. She has been raped and abused throughout her six year stay in Ohio Foster Care.

After my readers badgered Ohio authorities for several days, CPS finally took Kaitlynn to the Dayton Childrens Hospital for a CAT Scan and diagnosis, which she had twice been denied over the past nine days since the beating. However, they took her from the hospital early the next morning where she was being observed overnight for her head trauma.

CPS claimed they had no medical records on her and as a result she suffered an allergic reaction to medication in the hospital – that was only understood after the mother Jeannine Jarrick told them of her past medical history. Ms. Jarrick was denied information as to her present medical condition and has not been allowed to talk to Kaitlynn since the beating incident.

At around one am Sat. morning 16 Nov. 2024 CPS workers suddenly showed up and took Kaitlynn out of the hospital. She was in the hospital for a CAT scan, diagnosis and treatment and was to be observed overnight.

CPS took away her phone and to an unknown location. They have refused Kaitlynn and her mother to communicate with each other since the beating.

I believe Kaitlynn is being groomed for a Child Sex Trafficking Ring. To my knowledge there is no open investigation on the case from any of the many agencies notified.

Sat. 17 Nov. 2024 Update Kaitlynn Hunter Case:

Judy Note: In critical condition Kaitlynn Hunter taken from hospital in the middle of the night by alleged Ohio CPS Abusers.

Ohio Foster Child Kaitlynn Hunter was beaten on Wed. 6 Nov 2024 at the Ohio CPS Dimensional Phases Group Home 45 Oxford Avenue Dayton, OH 45402.

Kaitlynn is in a critical health condition showing all kinds of head and body trauma from current and past beatings where she needs to be in hospital for diagnosis and treatment, which she has been refused as to now 10 days later.

Kaitlynn maintained that the Dimensional Phases Group Home attendants had not only observed and encouraged her beating on Wed. 6 Nov, but were egging on the abuser.

This has been typical of her abuse throughout her six year unneeded stay in Ohio Foster Care. It is believed she is being mind control groomed for Child Sex Trafficking and they wish to get rid of her because she is a court witness to CPS abuse of children. See below link for details.

Nine days later after a multitude of my readers called and emailed authorities all over Ohio she was finally taken to Dayton Children’s Hospital on Fri. 15 Nov. where she was diagnosed with a head concussion, given a Cat Scan and was to stay overnight for observation.

On early Sat. morning around 1 am 16 Nov. 2024 Ohio CPS workers showed up at the Childrens Hospital in Dayton Ohio and removed Kaitlynn. She was supposed to be staying in the hospital overnight for observation of a head concussion. They took away her phone.

Now ten days later she has not been treated for various injuries from past and present beatings and appears to be in critical condition.

There is word that Ohio CPS was planning on very soon moving her out of state to perhaps Indianapolis.

Update 16 Nov. 2024

Judy Note: At around 1 am Sat. morning the Ohio CPS took Kaitlynn out of the Dayton Hospital where she was supposed to be observed overnight for her concussion. They took away her phone so we have no more way to contact her.

Early Saturday morning, around 1 a.m., Ohio Child Protective Services (CPS) removed Kaitlynn from Dayton Hospital, where she was supposed to remain under observation overnight for a concussion. In a shocking turn of events, they confiscated her phone, cutting off all communication with her.

This is a desperate plea for support. Kaitlynn needs our voices now more than ever. Read the full story below and stand with us in this fight for her safety, her rights, and her freedom.

Your help can make all the difference.

Editor’s Note: A Heartfelt Cry for Help

This struggle belongs to none other than Judy Byington, a beacon of hope and relentless warrior in the fight against child trafficking.

But this is not only her battle—it is mine, yours; it is our collective struggle. God’s children should never be treated as merchandise nor should they be the playthings of the heartless. This is a call to arms for all who believe in the sanctity of childhood and human dignity. Join us. Share this article and let the world hear the plight of the innocent through our unified voices.

Today, we bring you the desperate plea of Kaitlynn Marie Hunter

경고! Alert! 주의! 하나님의 자녀는 매매 대상이 아닙니다! 국제 인신매매로부터 오하이오의 위탁 아동 구출 – 도움의 외침!

Tragically enmeshed in Ohio’s foster care system, sixteen-year-old Kaitlynn has endured severe head injuries from repeated abuses, the most recent of which occurred on Wednesday, November 6, 2024. Despite her urgent need for medical intervention, Kaitlynn was denied treatment at the hospital, including a critically needed emergency CAT scan—this, despite her documented history of concussions from prior assaults. Instead of compassion and care, she was met with threats of juvenile detention, accused of instigating the violence that was inflicted upon her.

Judy Byington’s indefatigable effort to bring such atrocities to light is not just commendable; it is an inspiration to us all. Her dedication to saving these vulnerable souls from their silent screams of despair galvanizes us to action.

Help us amplify Kaitlynn’s tragic narrative. Join us in this vital crusade for justice and human dignity.

Read the entire story below and join our fight: 

13 Nov. 2024

Judy Note: Last Monday I made an appeal to anyone who could be of assistance to an Ohio Foster Care abused teen with head injuries from repeated beatings who not only has been refused medical help, but was deliberately being prevented from getting medical help, plus could be in danger of being Child Sex Trafficked.

As of this writing two days later, I know of no one who has yet to come to her aid. She continues to suffer – even with pictures to prove her injuries which include a concussion where her one eye has turned brown. In fact, now she may be undergoing even more abuse because she reported her injuries. I don’t know. She has been refused phone access to her mother.

Even more concerning, she and other teens in Ohio Foster Care appeared to be being groomed for and in danger of being sex trafficked and/or forced donation of their organs – a lucrative practice of the Child Sex Trafficking industry.

Neither the Ohio Police, nor Ohio State Protective Services have intervened, her caretakers at Dimensional Phases Group Home in Dayton Ohio, who may have contributed to the injury, appeared to have taken steps to cover up the seriousness of the problem, as well as ignored  her years of malnutrition, liver problems and injuries from past abuse, plus were refusing to allow her mother to get her medical care.

It was not the only time during her six year stay in Ohio Foster Care she has been severely abused (she was placed in Foster Care because she was being home schooled – yet she has not had proper schooling during her six year unwarranted stay and was not in classes now).

In Foster care her severe medical, malnutrition and emotional needs have been ignored by the broken system. She has had elevated liver enzymes (fatty liver) which went unaddressed for over two years, plus documented malnutrition where she lost over 60 pounds in less than a year, yet she was refused the diagnosed nutrients needed. At one time she and another foster child snuck out at night to steal food because they were simply hungry.

All she wants to do is go home to her loving mother so her needs can be cared for. Although she has restricted access to her phone, I will continue to make daily reports on what I know of her situation.

If you have information about this, or know of children or teens who may have been abused by Ohio Foster Care, Ohio Child Protective Services or Dimensional Phases Homes, or who may be in danger of being Sex Trafficked, please contact me at: info22faces@yahoo.com

15 Nov. 2024

Judy Note: A Cry For Help – Save The Ohio Children Of Foster Care Group Homes From The International Child Sex Trafficking Ring

Executive Director Nicole Caldwell will not allow Kaitlynn’s mother Jeannine Larrick to get Kaitlynn medical care, was refusing Kaitlynn permission to even call her mother and refused Kaitlynn permission to file court documents as to her abuse.

Ohio Foster Care abused sixteen year old Kaitlynn Marie Hunter has head injuries from repeated beatings, the latest on Wed. 6 Nov. 2024. Kaitlynn was taken to a hospital but not treated and not given a requested emergency CAT scan even though she has a history of past concussions from other beatings. Instead of treatment by medical staff she was threatened with being placed in Juvenile Detention even though she did not instigate the abuse.

Since last Wed. 6 Nov. 2024 Kaitlynn has been refused repeated requests for medical help and has been refused communication with her mother who is trying to get her medical help. Like other teens in the Ohio Foster Care System, Kaitlynn was at high risk of being put into a Child Sex Trafficking Ring and/or forced donation of her organs.

On Sat. 9 Nov. 2024 Kaitlynn wrote, “Today when I woke up my left eye was a different color than my eyes usually are, which was a sign of head trauma. Along with that my eyes have been dilating consistently for the past few years unaddressed which is why my mother was concerned about the possibility of prior unaddressed head trauma. Ohio Child Protection Services has done nothing to protect me.”

Pictures of Kaitlynn show severe bruising and injuries throughout Kaitlynn’s entire body, her neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, knees, fingers, hands, ears, and most concerning, to her eyes (which have turned brown) and head.

Kaitlynn has been in Ohio Foster care for six years at which time she has had elevated liver enzymes (fatty liver) which went unaddressed for over two years, plus documented malnutrition where she lost over 60 pounds in less than a year, yet she was refused the diagnosed nutrients needed.

Kaitlynn says in a notarized statement, “In Ohio Foster Care I have been abused physically and mentally, starved, taunted, and pushed to the point of attempting taking my life not once, but multiple times by the pain and suffering I have endured and continue to endure in state custody.”

Kaitlynn is one of thousands of trafficked children who have been transferred to multiple Ohio Foster Homes. She is presently in what is considered a high Child Trafficking area. Of great concern was that Ohio State ID agents signed Kaitlynn up as organ donor.

Kaitlynn is not in school, yet the only reason the state of Ohio removed Kaitlynn from her loving family, was because she was being homeschooled.

“I, Kaitlynn Marie Hunter, wish to return back home to my mother where my needs will be met and I will be safe.”

To Whom It May Concern:

In Re: Kaitlynn Marie Hunter – Age16 Unlawfully placed at: Dimensional Phases Group Home 45 Oxford Avenue Dayton, OH 45402

Deirdre M. Grennan – Supervisor/Social Worker

 I Jeannine Larrick, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

We need assistance to save Kaitlynn from the daily abuse she continues to suffer at the hands of agents of the state of Ohio, and the multiple foster homes and group homes they continue to place her in. Kaitlynn needs immediate medical attention and an emergency cat scan; due to injuries she sustained to her head and throughout her entire body, after she was beaten by a resident at the group home, she was recently placed in.  She needs to feel safe and be free from her captors and from the Dimensional Phases Group Home in Dayton, Ohio where she is now being abused and neglected. 

The Dayton Children’s Hospital, the state of Ohio, and CPS have all failed Kaitlynn and allowed the abuse to Kaitlynn to continue to this day.  On Kaitlynn’s Ohio State ID agents of the state of Ohio signed her up as organ donor. Kaitlynn is presently not enrolled in any school, yet the reason the state of Ohio removed Kaitlynn from her loving family, is because she was not attending school and was being homeschooled.

 Agents of the state of OHIO, claim that they have the right to decide what is in the best interest of this child. So, agents of the state of Ohio have decided that it is in Kaitlynn’s best interest to continue to get relocated constantly from one foster home to another and one group home to another. Kaitlynn has now been relocated 3.5 hours away from me. Guernsey County CPS which operates under Executive Director Nicole Caldwell, will not allow me to get Kaitlynn and take her to be treated. 

Guernsey County CPS which operates under Executive Director Nicole Caldwell was given custody of Kaitlynn unlawfully, through fraud and deceptive practices in collusion with the Guernsey County Juvenile Court, which operates its business under Judge David Bennett. While they were all colluding to steal Kaitlyn from me, Judge Daniel Padden of the Guernsey County Common Pleas Court, did his part by signing an unlawful order to have me locked up at the Athens Lunatic Asylum, which has been renamed the Appalachian Behavioral Healthcare Clinic. Judge Daniel Padden ordered several male agents there to hold me down, against my will and force drug me intravenously with psychotropic drugs. I was threatened that this would happen over and over again, if I did not take the psychotropic drugs by mouth. Dangerous psychotropic drugs which Judge Daniel Padden ordered me to take, while he colluded with Judge David Bennett and Nicole Caldwell to steal Kaitlynn from me. 

 Judge David Padden, without any authority to do so, kept me locked up and drugged up in that psychiatric ward for 6 months, until the process of stealing Kaitlynn was completed. When I was finally ordered to be released from that psychiatric torture, by Judge Padden, it was because Judge Bennett, and Nicole Caldwell, had accomplished what they set out to do. They had terminated my parental rights and granted custody of Kaitlynn to the state of Ohio.

Kaitlynn has now been a ward of this state for almost 6 years. Kaitlynn has been neglected, starved, tortured and abused both physically and mentally, under agents given authority by the state of Ohio to claim that all of this is in Kaitlynn’s best interest.

경고! Alert! 주의! 하나님의 자녀는 매매 대상이 아닙니다! 국제 인신매매로부터 오하이오의 위탁 아동 구출 – 도움의 외침!

Kaitlynn has since, attempted suicide more than once. She has not attended school for several months now, is being denied medical attention and we fear she is suffering from a concussion amongst several other injuries she has suffered in the foster homes and group homes they have placed her. And from the most recent attack she suffered at this new group home.

Kaitlynn was recently bullied, attacked and assaulted on 11/06/2024 at the Dimensional Phases Group Home, where she was placed under orders from the Guernsey County CPS, which operates under Executive Director Nicole Caldwell.

According to Ohio state records, Dimensional Phases Group Home was licensed by an ODJFS Licensing / Certification Specialist at Ohio Department of Job and Family Services named Brett Couch. The home, according to Ohio state records, is to be supervised by one of their agents named Deirdre M. Grennan, who coincidentally is also the supervisor of over 100 other foster care and group homes throughout the state of Ohio.

What kind of supervision is going on when a 16-year-old child is being bullied, bitten, kicked and punched, while her head is being slammed over and over onto the ground, while the adults who are paid to supervise, instead are egging on the torture of this child. They watched and did nothing to stop it, and then prevented the criminal attack against Kaitlynn from being reported by eye witnesses which they also control. We have now come to find out that employees at the hospital with a duty to report domestic violence and abuse to a child, failed as well. Instead, they try to cover it up, all the while knowing that the numerous blunt force trauma to Kaitlynn’s head on 11/06/2024 could very well cause her to have a concussion.  

 Attached, are photos which I received of the severe bruising and injuries, throughout Kaitlynn’s entire body, her neck, shoulders, arms, elbows, knees, fingers, hands, ears, and most concerning, to her eyes and head.

This is in addition to other head traumas she has been victim of, since being ordered to the custody of agents of the state of Ohio. All injuries and head traumas to Kaitlynn have continue to be ignored.

Watch the 2019 bodycam video of Guernsey County Sheriff Deputy Oakley attacking Kaitlynn’s mother, Jeannine Larrick inside her home, while Nicole Caldwell, the Guernsey County CPS Executive Director, stood there waiting for him to handcuff Jeannine, so she could steal Kaitlynn and her brother, who were both screaming, crying and visibly traumatized by what they were witnessing.

Child Protection or Government Tyranny?A summary of the crimes committed toward our family in our home by agents of the state of Ohio was posted on Lobbyists for Citizens 2/2/2023.

This involves many other Ohio children in foster care as well.

From: “Kaitlynn Hunter” <kaitlynnhunter12@outlook.com>

To: “jeannine.larrick@yahoo.com” <jeannine.larrick@yahoo.com>

Sent: Sat, Nov 9, 2024 at 6:31 PM

Subject: Affidavit

I, Kaitlynn Marie Hunter, swear under pains and penalties of perjury that the following is true.

I, Kaitlynn Marie Hunter, am sixteen years old, born on December 12th, 2007. I have been in foster care for five almost six years and I have fallen through the cracks of the foster care system. 

My brother and I were taken into Guernsey county custody February 11th of 2019 on charges that were later acquitted on September 16th, 2022, in which custody should have been returned to my mother Jeannine Larrick based on the fact that she never abused or neglected me or my brother.

Though my life wasn’t that of a movie star, I was taken care of by my mother, she wasn’t perfect,

but she tried and to this day tries for me. Since then, I have lived all over Ohio in several foster

homes, residentials, respites and kinships. My mental, physical health and needs being neglected

in the situations my county knowingly left me in.

I was abused physically and mentally, starved, taunted, and pushed to the point of attempting taking my life not once but multiple times by the pain and suffering I have endured and continue to endure in state custody. 

Some of the unaddressed medical neglect includes my pinkie finger permanently unable to fully bend due to foster parents not following up with doctor’s appointments and it then later being too late for surgery to reattach the tendon. Me losing my old orthodontist because nobody took me to my appointments and my insurance money being stolen by said orthodontist which caused my bottom braces unable to be put on and treatment to be paused at my new orthodontists for now over a year. Elevated liver enzymes found when I was younger which turned out to be fatty liver that went unaddressed and not brought up by doctors for over two years, and documented malnourishment. Jeannine Larrick

I lost over 60 pounds in less than a year and I still am having fainting spells from this. I was supposed to be drinking Ensure daily and taking meds to make my appetite bigger but I haven’t had access to Ensure so I haven’t been doing so. When I was being starved at Kearston Prides, I had to support my foster nephew’s, foster sisters and my needs, spending over seven thousand dollars of mine and my parent’s money buying things that my foster parents were paid to take care of. The only time I ever really interacted with Kearston was when she woke me up for school or picked me up. When I was 12, I lived in Coshocton with Britney Stripe where I was not properly fed so me and my foster sister were sneaking out and stealing food from gas stations and Walmart right before covid shut down everything.

Britney moved houses without us and eventually the private agency Journey Home caught on once they saw bruises on me at a pool day, due to the older kids beating me up. I was physically abused at Sandra Pipps and told to kill and cut myself. I started to self-harm living there. 

The placement that caused me the most psychological and physical damage was Fox Run. There was not a day that went by without something going down. I ended up with a black eye on my second day there and watched a girl turn blue in the face while staff just watched and waited to cut the towel off of her neck. I was constantly in fights or being jumped. Staff didn’t do much to help and would provoke fights between youth and it was said they would re-watch the fights on tapes and laugh. I was there for 6 months without anyone coming to check on me even though I would report what was going on.  

Throughout all of this my mother has been fighting for and supporting me every step of the way. She has been the only consistent person in my life and one of the only few people that has fought for my needs. I have been to eighteen separate places in total, including the group home in which currently live as of November 9th, 2024. I was placed back into custody after a kinship placement decided they didn’t want me anymore, in which I had to go to a group home because no foster home was willing to accept me as a placement. 

There are four other girls who are placed here as well, two of which are enrolled in online school, one not being forced to work on her schooling and the other unable to because her computer hasn’t been working for over two weeks. Staff is aware and has not made any efforts to get the youth back on track. Me and the other youth are not enrolled but the other youth has been here for close to a month and a half. I have not consistently been doing schooling since September and I am still not enrolled. They lost my transcripts from freshman year because of how often I have been moved, so now I am required to complete those credits again. 

The area in which they placed me is a high child trafficking area and if I go to public school I will be required to catch the city bus. Throughout my time in county care, I have endured trauma that requires major psychological therapy in which I have not been able to fully access. This trauma makes it extremely hard to trust anybody at all, leaving me to mostly stick to myself and always leaves me on edge with anybody I’m around. This is a mental battle within itself because it leaves me very lonely but I prefer to keep my guard up than allow someone to try to hurt me. 

 Within these past five years I have been subjected to abuse and neglect by the hands of those who were supposed to protect me. On Wednesday, the 6th, I was assaulted by another youth at the group home I live in. Me and said youth had fought a day prior in which staff had told us to finish whatever we still had on our chest when we returned home. Instead, I had gone upstairs and gave the staff all the youth’s contraband, but instead I was instructed to keep quiet about her having the alcohol and Benadryl because she had stolen it while we were out door-dashing and grocery shopping with staff. Staff were aware they would be getting in trouble for her having it to begin with. It is remarkably easy to gain access to such things here because some staff leave us completely unsupervised. 

When the youth was tripping off the Benadryl staff had thought she had picked up someone’s laced blunt in the parking lot off staff’s apartment complex and I was instructed to babysit her and make sure she got into the shower. But instead, said youth decided to run around naked, trying to sit and lay down on my bed for close to almost an hour, dismissing any attempts to get her dressed or back in the shower. 

I eventually had to make the night shift staff yell at her to get dressed. I told Mrs. Deon about the contraband anyway because that same staff had sat on the porch and tried to provoke another fight between me and the youth. I overheard this and called the police fearing for my safety but when the police officers arrived, they didn’t believe me because staff had said it wasn’t true. They left and less than an hour later the youth was trying to provoke another fight with me. 

The youth started yelling and provoking another child making said child cry thinking they were siding and talking bad about her with me. but then apologized whenever she realized the youth wasn’t. Everything had eventually calmed down because it was time for everyone to go to sleep and the nightshift had arrived. The next day, I had gotten lectured for calling the police because it caused the group home to be billed a $300 dollar fine. According to Mrs. Deon The fight and drama was dropped but after dropping Mrs. Deon at her house, we went out door-dashing with staff then we went to the library around 5pm. We went back to the house after it had closed at six because me and another youth were hungry. 

When we got home Neveah Vaughn got out of the car with her hoodie on and tied, she started yelling at me trying to provoke me and I yelled back but didn’t hit her. I went up to the front door and was waiting for the staff to unlock it so I could go inside when she started to attack me. Before I knew it, I was on the ground slamming my head and body into the cement porch. When I hit the ground, I saw stars and heard a ringing noise. She climbed on top of me and sat on my chest while hitting me and choking me. 

The staff watched without any attempt to help me and was on facetime with Mrs. Deon saying “look at this” instead of trying to call the police.  Another youth, Keyshia Gibson called the police, and that same youth was instructed to go inside when they arrived, refusing to let her talk to the police about what had happened. 

The staff that night was the same staff who was trying to provoke another fight between me and said youth from the night prior. It took a while for an ambulance to be dispatched, the police were the first ones on the scene and when they got there, they spoke to staff first then they spoke to me as well but didn’t do anything for me to be able to press charges even though I had stated I wanted to.  When the EMTS arrived, they examined me and went inside the house to examine the other youth as well but cleared her because she didn’t have any injuries and took me to Dayton’s Children’s hospital. 

At the hospital, they asked me questions about what had happened and about my current mental wellbeing. They looked over my injuries but didn’t do any testing besides a urine sample. Before the hospital took my phone, saying it was in their policy to do so, I called my mother because I was scared and didn’t know what to do. 

My mother called the nurse to inform him that I had prior head trauma and would need a CT scan, but they didn’t bother to do one, even though I had a knot the size of a baseball on my head that I could cup my hand around. 

After my head was slammed into the cement and when she got off me, I could not hold my head up or upper body up because it was extremely heavy, I could not stand for around 2-3 minutes. I had a raging headache after the fact and when I went to the hospital, I was extremely tired, I was told I could go to sleep but I knew better than to do so considering they didn’t check the extent of my injuries and just glanced over them giving me a painkiller similar to Advil but the name I cannot remember. 

Since then, I have had extreme headaches and pressure in my eyes worse than I have ever experienced before. When I experience these headaches, I also experience a dissociative state. I sat in the hospital from around 6:00 pm to almost 2:00am. The next day being monitored not for my head but because they were concerned about my mental health. While being at the hospital, the nurses had me under the impression that the group home was filing charges on me and that I would be going to JDC that night and any time I expressed to the nurses or behavioral health specialist that I wanted to press charges on the youth for assaulting me, they told me they couldn’t aide me at all with that because they were not qualified to do so. 

Not too long after I was informed, I wouldn’t be going to JDC, Mrs. Naomi, a staff member from the group home, came to pick me up. Once I returned to the group home I went to sleep, the next day everything was mostly calm but it hurt to move even the slightest movement of my neck or right arm caused excruciating pain, my body felt heavy, and my head was raging with pain and extremely sensitive to the point I couldn’t lay my head down in certain ways or brush my hair, and my thumb is still numb from the first fight four days ago in which she tried to bite it off. 

The youth was not punished in any way, and still has access to social media where she was posting pictures of me and is at this point harassing me by waltzing into my room or purposely invading my space. Staff were and are aware and letting her do so. 

Today when I woke up my left eye was a different color than my eyes usually are which is a sign of  head trauma. Along with that my eyes have been dilating consistently for the past few years unaddressed which is why my mother was concerned about the possibility of prior unaddressed head trauma. 

Child protection services have done anything but, protect me. I, Kaitlynn Marie Hunter, wish to return back home to my mother where my needs will be met and I will be safe.

경고! Alert! 주의! 하나님의 자녀는 매매 대상이 아닙니다! 국제 인신매매로부터 오하이오의 위탁 아동 구출 – 도움의 외침!

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