URGENT ALERT! MILITARY INTEL: Disruptive Event 2 Planned: Military Issued Satellite Phones to the Senate in the Coming Communication Blackout Event

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 17, 2024Updated:October 17, 20241 Comment8 Mins Read


URGENT ALERT! MILITARY INTEL: Disruptive Event 2 Planned: Military Issued Satellite Phones to the Senate in the Coming Communication Blackout Event


URGENT ALERT! MILITARY INTEL: Disruptive Event 2 Planned: Military Issued Satellite Phones to the Senate in the Coming Communication Blackout Event

Ready to uncover the truth? Sick of the lies? Join our Telegram Channel now. It’s time for the real story! My gratitude to all my readers!

Urgent Alert: Military Intelligence Warns of Imminent Disruptive Event

In an urgent communication, military intelligence has warned of a potential disruptive event labeled “Disruptive Event 2.” As part of the preparation, the military has issued satellite phones to members of the Senate, indicating concerns over a possible communication blackout. This measure underscores the seriousness of the situation and the need for secure and uninterrupted communication channels in the face of emerging threats.

As the winds of change sweep across the globe, ominous whispers of ‘Disruptive Event 2’ echo through the corridors of power. Amidst this escalating maelstrom, the balance of global power teeters on the brink of a precipice. The chessboard is set, the players are moving, and humanity holds its collective breath, bracing for the onslaught of what may come.

If you’re reading this, it means you’re ready to peel back the layers of this intricate plot, ready to challenge the status quo, and ready to uncover the buried truths. Friends, we’re in for a wild ride, and the first pit stop on our journey is the U.S Senate.

RELATED: BREAKING: U.S. Military Authorized to Kill Americans – Ron Paul Warns of Looming Civil War Under New DoD Directive! VIDEO

Word on the street is that the U.S Military has issued satellite phones to the Senate in anticipation of an upcoming ‘communication blackout event.’ These aren’t idle rumors; these are the whispers from the top echelons of power. But why prepare for a communication blackout now? To understand that, we have to cast our gaze to the Far East.

This Sino-Russian merger has the world on edge, and for good reason. Four-star General Keane issued a chilling warning: China could launch a massive cyber attack on American soil, targeting our electrical grid, oil and gas distribution, and even the financial sector. Not just that, but China aims to defeat the U.S from within, with eyes on the Pacific regions.

Simultaneously, the international community has been put on high alert against cyber attack activities conducted by the CIA. The United States is being urged to stop using cyber weapons for espionage and cyber attacks. And this warning comes from none other than the Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Mao Ning. The narrative is clear – the game of global dominos is about to tip over.

Interestingly, Trump, RFK Jr, Putin, and Xi have all publicly attacked the CIA for worldwide corruption. So what’s happening behind the scenes? Could this be a unified front against the CIA, or just another ploy in the grand chessboard of power?

Things take an even more disturbing turn as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announces it has spent $290 million on a drug to treat radiation sickness. With the World Health Organization updating the critical medicines list for radiological and nuclear emergencies, it seems like we’re being prepped for a nuclear showdown.

Recall Operation Gotham Shield? In 2017, FEMA conducted a series of exercises simulating a nuclear attack on New York City. Now, in light of these developments, the simulations take on a darker, more real hue. Could the ‘Scare Necessary Event’ and the nuclear standoff be just around the corner?

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But remember, there are back channels connecting the real Chief and Commander, Cheyenne Mountain, to Russian and Chinese white hats. There are forces aligned against the CIA, the Rockefellers, and the deep state. The military might just be the only way out.

As the storm gathers, the narrative circles back to ‘wires.’ The deep state, the CIA, and FBI are rumored to be planning the cyber-attack of the century. They want to put an end to investigations into Epstein, Hunter, the exposure of gain of function, the Pentagon’s involvement, Obama, the Clintons, and the vaccine military coup of the 2020 U.S elections. And their scapegoat? The patriots.

The stage is set, the script is written, and the world holds its breath. A civilization-threatening event might be in play, but remember, when the dust settles, the truth will emerge. So buckle up, prepare, and keep your eyes open. Because the best way to predict the future is to create it.

Castle Rock and The Event: Unraveling the Conspiracy on the Global Chessboard

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As the lights flicker on the global stage, a seemingly bizarre drama unfolds. Like a scene ripped from the pages of a thrilling political novel, rumors of an event to go down on President Biden circulate through clandestine circles. As the whispers grow louder, one must wonder: Is the chessboard of international politics about to experience a checkmate that would reverberate through the annals of history?

The current narrative casts President Biden in a role he never asked for. Allegedly, Biden is to be the scapegoat in a high-stakes gambit. But who stands to gain from his downfall? And what if this isn’t a game of political rivalry but a battle for the soul of our nation?

Trump, the proverbial King of our chessboard. As the opposition charges the King’s position, he strategically steps aside. In the ensuing chaos, a major event unfolds – a fake global war scenario, activating all militaries worldwide. This isn’t a tale spun from thin air; this is a narrative woven into the fabric of our current reality.

►Donald J. Trump: “If You Want Peace, Prepare For War. . .” GOD BLESS AMERICA !!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL !!!

This artificial war scenario, whilst deceptive, holds a kernel of truth. It forces us to recognize the power structures that rule our world. Our system, based on the rule of law, places the police and court system at the top. But what happens when these systems fail us, when they become corrupt and serve the interests of the few?

This is where NESARA/GESARA comes in. A radical initiative designed to restore economic and legal integrity on a global scale, NESARA/GESARA mandates that all judges, police, and lawyers worldwide must stand down. The corrupt ones are arrested, and the rest are retrained in Constitutional 1776 Law. But can a global reset of this magnitude be achieved? And if so, what would the aftermath look like?


Let’s return to our global chessboard. The activation of a world war scenario completely flips the power hierarchy. The King’s men – the military – transform from being pawns and bishops to becoming Kings and Queens. And with this newfound power, they begin the mop-up operation against the ‘other team.’ The military, traditionally viewed as subservient to the political elite, is now poised to take the helm.

But, in the words of Q, “Do Anons Know What Is About To Be Unleashed?” Throughout the unfolding drama, ‘Dog Comms’ – coded messages – have added layers of intrigue. Are they harbingers of the coming storm, or merely the product of overactive imaginations?

As these scenarios continue to play out, one thing becomes clear: the world is more complicated than it appears. The machinations of power are not always what they seem, and the players involved are not always who they claim to be. The global chessboard is not just a game; it’s a battle for control, a fight for the future, and a struggle for the soul of humanity.

This narrative, like all stories, serves a purpose. It forces us to question, to dig deeper, to look beyond the surface. And, while the truth may be stranger than fiction, it’s worth seeking out. Because, in the end, the truth will set us free. So let’s keep pushing, keep probing, and keep questioning, for the game is far from over.

As we stand on the brink of this seismic shift, remember: knowledge is power.

Arm yourselves with it, and stay vigilant. The future is not written in stone; it’s shaped by those who dare to dream, dare to challenge, and dare to disrupt the status quo.

Stand tall, stay strong, and keep your eyes open, for the world is about to change in ways we can hardly imagine!

BREAKING: U.S. Military Authorized to Kill Americans – Ron Paul Warns of Looming Civil War Under New DoD Directive! VIDEO

Breaking: The U.S. military has been quietly authorized to use lethal force against Americans on U.S. soil under DoD Directive 5240.01. Ron Paul warns of the dangerous shift towards Civil War, as the government prepares for internal conflict. This is not a drill—it’s a declaration of intent.

Read more here: https://amg-news.com/breaking-u-s-military-authorized-to-kill-americans-ron-paul-warns-of-looming-civil-war-under-new-dod-directive-video/

ALSO: Is America Under Siege? Kamala Harris and Ron Paul’s Shocking Claims Raise Alarming Questions VIDEO – https://worldreportstoday.com/is-america-under-siege-kamala-harris-and-ron-pauls-shocking-claims-raise-alarming-questions-video/

BREAKING: U.S. MILITARY AUTHORIZED TO KILL AMERICANS – DIRECTIVE 5240.01 SUPPRESSED BY GOOGLE – https://amg-news.com/breaking-u-s-military-authorized-to-kill-americans-directive-5240-01-suppressed-by-google/



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