US GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: A Khazarian-Controlled Demolition, Divine Dispensation or Both

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 28, 2023Updated:September 28, 2023No Comments6 Mins Read


US GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: A Khazarian-Controlled Demolition, Divine Dispensation or Both


US GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN: A Khazarian-Controlled Demolition, Divine Dispensation or Both

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Who is not aware by now that the U.S. Federal Government is nothing but a global international crime syndicate that terrorizes the world community of nations via its worldwide war machine and terrorist network as well as tyrannizes its own citizenry via an institutionalized cultural marxist agenda implemented by the firmly entrenched communist/fascist Uniparty?

Which means that the only way to shut down this increasingly oppressive and ruthless BEAST System is to starve it to death.

Truly, the only way for the American people to throw off the yoke of this totalitarian superstructure is to STARVE THE KHAZARIAN BEAST. The quickest way to starve it is to stop funding its utterly satanic agenda.

And, the best way to do that quickly is for the House to completely defund every single department that has been weaponized against the US citizenry.

Which means that, at the very minimum, the DHS, IRS, DoJ, FBI, HHS, CDC, FDA, NIH, DoEd, DoEn, DoT, etc. all need to be closed down post-haste. Which means that those government workers should be fired immediately. What a savings to the US taxpayer whose own money is paying for their victimization and oppression and enslavement.

However, before all of this can be carried out in a somewhat orderly manner, the House needs to shut down the federal government on October 1st to get everyone’s attention—BIG TIME!!!

For the genocidal maniacs and serial thieves who occupy our government will never listen to reason. After all, these hardcore career criminals and corruptocrats are nothing less than an incorrigible cabal of criminally insane psychopaths who will never listen to reason as they are incapable of doing so.

Which means that there’s only ONE way to stop their multi-decade party (crime spree) at the taxpayers expense—STOP PAYING FOR IT.

They’re called the Democrat “Party” for good reason. Remember: Democrats are really donkeys and are in actuality much more stupid than your average donkey. Along with their RINO co-conspirators, they form the super-stupid IDIOCRACY … … … and they all will soon find out just what super stupidity will cost them and US.

Wisdom: Eight Biblical Herbs, One Supplement, A LifeTime Of Wellness and Grace

For anyone who doubts this stark reality check, just take a close look at the true state of affairs throughout the once great state of California. And, don’t forget that Gov. Newsom is their only real contender to replace Joe Biden after that POTUS Imposter is gonged off the stage by his NWO masters.

Sodom and Gomorrah

Remember, the Khazarian-directed cultural marxists are hellbent on transforming every major American city into a Sodom and/or Gomorrah.

So perhaps the main reason for shutting it all down is because California isn’t just home to the “Sodom and Gomorrah” known as LA and SanFran, there are several other urban jungles throughout that state which also qualify for that highly decadent distinction. Much more forebodingly, however, there are many other Democrat-run metro areas in all 50 states that quality today as a Sodom and Gomorrah.

When we all know what happened to the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah, just how long will the Highest Power allow so much wickedness to prevail statewide and nationwide?

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Just how much profound and pervasive sinfulness will be tolerated given the ongoing corruption of the children and ever-worsening assaults on their hearts and minds, bodies and souls?!

When totally defenseless infants and completely powerless school children are now forced to suffer at the hands of their totally deluded parents and/or criminal bureaucrats, what else can be done but to shut down the nakedly demonic juggernaut?!?

Let’s not forget those states where abortion at 9 months — INFANTICIDE — has been legalized. When the state permits a pregnant mother and her doctor to criminally conspire to outright murder her newborn child, what now MUST be done to protect that life?!?!

BOMBSHELL FIRST TIME EXPOSÉ: The Khazarian Cabal vs. President John F. Kennedy: A Fight to the Death

Every once in a great while a highly radioactive truth bomb gets dropped that changes everything—EVERYTHING! Well, a JFK truth bomb just exploded and the Internet is now experiencing the massive fallout.

Here’s the critical truth that the Khazarian Mafia has spent nearly 60 years assiduously suppressing with every single major organ of propaganda and prevarication belonging to their wholly owned mainstream media.

Remember, the CIA’s Mockingbird Media was set up by the Khazarian Cabal in the first place. So was The Company, as the Central Intelligence Agency is known in global intel circles.

Read the full article HERE:

BOOM! OPERATION SCARIANT 2023! The Khazarian Genocidal Bioterrorists, WEF Diabolical Objectives and WHO Targets: Plandemic 2.0

In the shadows of an unsuspecting world, a malevolent scheme is unfolding with calculated precision. A saga that reads like a dystopian thriller is, in fact, the harsh reality we face as OPERATION SCARIANT 2023 takes center stage. As we peel back the layers of this nightmarish tale, we expose the sinister plan to launch Plandemic 2.0—a diabolical continuation of the Great Reset and New World Order agendas. Brace yourselves, for what you are about to discover is a shocking revelation of a hidden narrative that seeks to reshape our very existence.

Behold the puppet masters, orchestrating a macabre dance where lives hang in the balance. Meet OPERATION SCARIANT—a name seemingly concocted from the darkest corners of a science fiction novel. A sinister plotline unfolds under its banner, using Eris, the dread Omincron subvariant, as its menacing protagonist. This tale, while eerily fantastical, is not a figment of imagination—it is a government-sanctioned genocidal enterprise that threatens the very fabric of society.

Read The full Article HERE:

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