Warning! X7 and X9 Solar Flares Are Just the Start – Elite-Planned Blackouts Coming as X11 Flares Hit in Sequence!

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October 3, 2024

Hidden Agenda

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Warning! X7 and X9 Solar Flares Are Just the Start – Elite-Planned Blackouts Coming as X11 Flares Hit in Sequence!

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If you think yesterday’s X7 and today’s X9 solar flares were the end of it, you need to think again. This is only the beginning. Stronger solar flares are already being forecasted for the coming days, and it’s all part of the Deep State’s relentless plan.

The elites aren’t done with us yet—not by a long shot. They’ve just started pulling the trigger, and their weapons are aimed directly at our freedom, our ability to communicate, and our very way of life.

The sun is now a tool, manipulated by the unseen hand of those who have been orchestrating events for years. The X9 flare was not the peak; it was the precursor to something even bigger. Reports have started to surface—hushed whispers from those in the know—indicating that more massive solar flares, potentially even X10 or higher, are on the horizon.

These flares are expected to be aimed squarely at Earth, timed to strike when we’re at our most vulnerable, plunging us into chaos just when they need it most. This is their plan to make us reliant on their power, their “solutions,” and ultimately, to own us.


The stronger the flare, the more dangerous the consequences. We are facing potential total grid collapses, communications blackouts on an unprecedented scale, and chaos that the Deep State will use to further consolidate their power.

They are pulling the strings, coordinating these “natural” events, and they are about to unleash an assault like no other. Think X9 was bad? The next ones are going to be even more devastating.

The fact that they are predicting stronger flares in the coming days is no coincidence. The elites have timed this perfectly to coincide with their broader agenda of destabilization.

They will push us into darkness, rolling blackouts will become full-blown power collapses, and in that darkness, they will tighten their grip. We are about to witness the kind of turmoil that breaks societies apart, and they are banking on that very outcome to make their next move.


Time is running out to prepare. Stronger solar flares mean even greater disruptions, and we cannot afford to be caught off guard when the next blast hits. We must prepare now—before it’s too late. Stockpile non-perishable food, water, and power supplies that can sustain you through prolonged outages.


Acquire solar-powered generators or batteries that don’t depend on their grid. Develop an emergency communication plan with family and neighbors that doesn’t rely on their controlled systems.

When these even stronger flares hit, you’ll need to be ready for complete isolation, and that means standing on your own without falling into their trap of dependence.

The elites have already started pulling the trigger, and they will not stop until we are all kept in the dark, begging for their solutions. But we are not helpless. We can prepare, we can resist, and we can refuse to let this orchestrated chaos become the chains that bind us.

The coming days are going to test us all. Stronger solar flares are predicted—prepare now, before the elites plunge us further into darkness.


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Ethan White

A fearless truth-seeker and writer, as he uncovers untold stories with his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to journalistic integrity. Embark on a journey of enlightenment with Ethan’s thought-provoking articles today.



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