Why Did Q Say Israel Was Saved for Last? QAnon’s: The Hidden Web of Power and Israel’s Role in the New World Order, Khazarian Jews, Rothschilds, Illuminati and Knights Templar

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereJune 4, 2024Updated:June 4, 2024No Comments7 Mins Read



Why Did Q Say Israel Was Saved for Last? QAnon’s: The Hidden Web of Power and Israel’s Role in the New World Order, Khazarian Jews, Rothschilds, Illuminati and Knights Templar

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Why Did Q Say Israel Was Saved for Last? The Hidden Web of Global Power

In the cryptic world of QAnon, where enigmatic messages and covert operations reign supreme, one declaration stands out: “Israel was saved for last.” This phrase isn’t a casual remark but a calculated signal pointing to a deeper, darker narrative. It suggests that Israel holds the final piece in the grand puzzle of dismantling what believers call the global deep state. But what does this really mean? And who exactly are these shadowy figures pulling the strings behind the scenes?

The Khazarian Jews and Their Alleged Influence. The central claim revolves around the Khazarian Jews—an alleged group distinct from the Jewish people as a whole. According to this theory, the Khazarians usurped the identity of the true Jewish people and forged powerful dynasties like the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. These families are said to have their roots in South Germany, where they laid the foundations of the Illuminati in 1776. Their influence allegedly expanded through strategic control of local governments and public infrastructure financing.

The Birth of the Rothschild Banking Empire. One of the cornerstones of this narrative is the creation of the Rothschild banking system across Europe. The Rothschilds, with their vast financial networks, supposedly played a pivotal role in shaping global economics. They are often credited with facilitating J.P. Morgan’s dominance over the U.S. banking system, particularly following the Titanic disaster—a tragedy that, some believe, conveniently removed opponents to the Federal Reserve’s establishment.

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Modern-Day Khazarian Elites and Israel. Fast forward to the present day, and it is claimed that the descendants of these Khazarian elites hold sway over Israel. These modern-day power brokers are accused of perpetuating the Rothschild banking legacy, instigating world conflicts to install compliant governments, and orchestrating the formation of the United Nations to further their global reach. Their grip on the U.S. government is said to be so tight that it transcends party lines, influencing both Democrats and Republicans alike.

Trump and the Military’s Role in the Great Unveiling

Donald Trump—a figure Q followers believe was strategically positioned to expose the captured state of the U.S. government. This exposure, they argue, is meticulously documented in Congressional records, the United States Archives, and within the military. According to this perspective, the world teeters on the brink of monumental change as the CIA and other globalist entities face extinction.

A Military Coup in Progress. Recent developments in Congress hint at an unprecedented move against globalist influences within the U.S. system. Some suggest that an open military coup is unfolding, with world courts scrutinizing evidence against high-profile figures like Benjamin Netanyahu, potentially leading to charges of crimes against humanity. Should these efforts falter, it is believed that “White Hats” in other nations will persist in their quest for justice.

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The Illuminati and Their Historical Roots. To understand the present, one must delve into the past. The Illuminati’s origins, as recounted by Q theorists, trace back to the Knights Templar. This medieval order, originally charged with protecting Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem, supposedly unearthed King Solomon’s gold and the Ark of the Covenant—relics imbued with immense power and advanced technology.

Secrets of Atlantis and the Ark of the Covenant. The Knights Templar are said to have allied with the Brothers of the East, who shared secrets of advanced technologies from the lost civilization of Atlantis. Central to this lore is the Ark of the Covenant, an artifact purportedly capable of generating limitless energy, reminiscent of Nikola Tesla’s concept of zero-point energy. It is claimed that such technology was harnessed to construct the Egyptian pyramids and other ancient wonders.

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The Vatican’s Vault of Secrets. The Vatican, with its vast underground archives, is believed to be a treasure trove of hidden knowledge about humanity’s true origins. This repository allegedly contains evidence of connections to the Anunnaki and other ancient civilizations, along with advanced technological and spiritual insights deliberately kept from public view.

The Knights Templar’s Evolution. Over time, the original Knights Templar splintered into various groups, some of which evolved into the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, and other secret societies. These factions, while sometimes at odds, have played a crucial role in both perpetuating and exposing global corruption.

As the narrative goes, we are on the cusp of a dramatic shift in global power dynamics. The hidden truths about humanity’s past and future are gradually coming to light, challenging existing structures and paving the way for a new world order. This is not merely a political upheaval but a profound transformation that will redefine our understanding of history and our place in the universe.

The Deep State. Q’s followers believe that the unmasking of the deep state is an inevitable process, driven by an unstoppable force of truth and justice. The military’s involvement, the exposure of the globalist agenda, and the reclamation of national sovereignty are all seen as integral to this process. The ultimate goal is to dismantle the web of corruption and restore power to the people.

The Role of Whistleblowers and Patriots

Whistleblowers and patriots play a vital role in this unfolding drama. Their courage to speak out against the entrenched powers is seen as a beacon of hope for a world long shrouded in darkness. These individuals are celebrated as heroes, risking everything to bring about a brighter future.

As this narrative gains traction, it calls for active participation from those who believe in its message. The fight against the deep state is portrayed as a collective effort, requiring vigilance, courage, and unwavering dedication to the cause of truth and justice.

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Awareness is the first step towards change. By educating themselves and others, believers aim to dismantle the illusions created by the globalist agenda. This involves questioning mainstream narratives, seeking alternative sources of information, and fostering a community of like-minded individuals committed to uncovering the truth.

The story of “Israel saved for last” is more than a mere conspiracy theory; it is a call to rethink our understanding of power, history, and destiny. As the layers of deception peel away, what remains is a vision of a world where truth prevails, justice is served, and humanity’s true potential is realized.

In this new paradigm, old power structures crumble, and new, more equitable systems emerge. It is a world where transparency replaces secrecy, and where the collective good takes precedence over individual greed. This transformation is not without its challenges, but the promise of a better future fuels the determination to see it through.

The Endgame. As the endgame approaches, the significance of Israel in this grand narrative becomes ever more apparent. It is not about targeting a nation or its people but about confronting the forces that have manipulated global events for centuries. The final act in this drama aims to bring about a reckoning that will reshape the world.

The narrative that “Israel was saved for last” encapsulates a belief in the imminent transformation of global power dynamics. It weaves together history, mythology, and contemporary events into a tapestry of intrigue and revelation. Whether one views it as fact or fiction, it undeniably captures the imagination and speaks to a deep-seated desire for change.

As we stand on the threshold of this new era, the question remains: Are we ready to face the truths that have been hidden for so long? The answer lies in our collective will to seek knowledge, demand justice, and create a future that honors the true spirit of humanity.



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