Deep State Is In Deep Sh*t!

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereSeptember 13, 20231 Comment5 Mins Read


Deep State Is In Deep Sh*t!


Deep State Is In Deep Sh*t: The whole Deep State is Collapsing Faster that the Twin Towers on 9/11

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The Countdown to 2024

In the tempestuous and unpredictable theater of American politics, where truth and falsehood dance a volatile tango, the upcoming 2024 elections are shaping up to be unparalleled in their drama. The fabric of the very Deep State, once believed to be unshakable, now appears to be unraveling at a pace too swift to ignore.

As the quadrennial American electoral mud-wrestling match approaches, the sheer volume of misinformation and truth bombs being lobbed at the public is both staggering and unprecedented. At every corner, it seems there are uninvited interlopers from both major parties, creating an aura of chaos and intrigue. The Deep State control freaks, those shadowy elites who are believed by many to manipulate the strings of power, are witnessing their machinations being laid bare for the world to see.

Indeed, the digital age has proven to be a double-edged sword for the powers-that-be. While they attempt to harness the colossal data outputs from Alt Media, they find themselves drowning in a sea of truth, unable to exert their once-unquestioned control. It’s a scenario that few could have predicted: an army of digital soldiers—conservatives, Christians, and patriots—deploying their keyboard skills to challenge the status quo and aim at the Deep State’s Achilles’ heel.

WARNING: Watching The Following Video Will Give You Access To Knowledge The Government Does NOT Want You To Know About:

For someone watching this, you can’t help but marvel at the spectacle. It’s akin to watching a once-mighty empire crumble, as the Deep State seems to be faltering faster than the Twin Towers did on that fateful day in September 2001.

But here’s the twist: What if the 2024 elections don’t happen at all? Rumors and speculation abound, suggesting that the Democrats might attempt to orchestrate yet another election steal. Joe Biden, the current POTUS, is seen by many as a one-term president, largely due to health concerns.

The other Democrat hopeful, Gavin Newsom, once the golden boy of California politics, is now perceived as having driven the Golden State into the ground. The whispers about “Big Mike” from Team Obama are equally unflattering, with many suggesting that the revelations about his relationship with the former Barack Obama could be his undoing.

Amidst these machinations, the Democrats are in a tight spot. A potential steal in 2024 would mark their third questionable electoral victory, following the adage, “Three strikes and you’re out.” One thing is certain: The Right seems ready to defend its claim on the White House.

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But here’s a proposition, a dark one, albeit one that’s making the rounds in certain circles: What if the Deep State, realizing its preferred candidate stands no chance, opts to cancel the elections? The pretense could be a faux national emergency or a sudden crisis. And knowing the history of G-men, the traditional custodians of American deep politics, it’s not out of the realm of possibility. For them, the end always justifies the means—even if that end is as cataclysmic as a nuclear conflict.

The stakes are exceptionally high. The Deep State’s once iron-clad grip on the electoral process seems to be weakening. The savvy, tech-literate public is now more vigilant than ever. These cyber-sleuths, adept at detecting the faintest hint of electoral malfeasance, are watching—ready to seize on any digital signature or discrepancy.

Gone are the days when the Deep State could manipulate outcomes with impunity. The arsenal of tools at their disposal, from covert assassinations to bioweapon attacks, seems increasingly ineffective against an alert and awakened public.

As the countdown to 2024 begins, one can’t help but be reminded of the dramatic words of Shakespeare:

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”

Only in this drama, the stakes couldn’t be higher. The Deep State, once the puppet master, now finds itself on the brink.

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BOOM! Game Theory Military Operations – White Hats, Donald Trump Indictment, Deep State, and the Shocking Revelations That Shook the Nation (video)

In a world woven with invisible threads of power, where intrigue and machinations rule, only the most discerning eyes can discern the real game at play. Welcome to a theatre where the White Hats and the Deep State share center stage, their strategic dance unfolding in a drama of high-stakes Game Theory Military Operations.

One might ask: why would the white hats, those paragons of justice, allow the deep state, a consortium often linked with sinister agendas, to proceed unchecked? The answer, my dear reader, lies in the game. Not just any game, but a game where the stakes are the soul of democracy itself.

The White Hats, those stealthy protectors of freedom and justice, are playing a long game, a game where they have intentionally allowed the deep state to advance their ploys. These knights in shining armor are not taking a back seat but setting the stage for the ultimate checkmate.

Read the full article HERE:

The Deep State Trump Announcement

2024 elections


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