The End Of Zionism: The Death Knell

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereOctober 16, 2023No Comments7 Mins Read


The End Of Zionism: The Death Knell


The End Of Zionism: The Death Knell

Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your support!

Ask yourself why did Tel Aviv ignore many warnings about the impending assault from multiple sources and even from Egypt?

Why did Mossad actively use Hamas in Syria, and now declared it public enemy one?

Why did they cut off the Iron Dome days before the attack?

Did you know the Hamas attack is directly related to Israel’s inability to form its new budget for 2024?

Now do you understand why they are trying to get Washington to send Aid?

Remember I told you all that our government exist solely to prop up the state of Israel?

No money is being sent to Bibi Netanyahu. No Aid. No budget. The government is on their own.

So I do not know why people get excited because Jim Jordan said he is not sending any money to Ukraine. He said nothing about not sending anything to Israel. Why? Because sending money to them is still sending money to Ukraine. How?

Because Khazarians occupy Israel the same way they did Ukraine before Vladimir Putin removed them. So what are they trying to forcefully do now? Remove Palestinians so who can take over that territory? The Khazarians.

So the only person who is fit to be SOTH at this time is Donald Trump.

You all Nerd to understand where we are in this game. Bibi Netanyahu is on his way out.

He is the Master Mind behind most terrorist attacks. Foreign & Domestic. He controls Mossad. He controls Hamas. He controls Zionist.

What did Joe Biden refer to himself as in an interview? A Zionist. How can you serve a country when your allegiance is to a foreign one?

Did we already forget that most of Washington has dual citizenship with Israel? Israel/Mossad uses this classic example of Roman Law.

“You have money, and we have debts, and you attacked us… The attacking aggressor eventually gets the debts of the one he attacked through reparations and indemnities…And HAMAS arrived exactly at the right time for the Israeli government”. 

Now, the “attack on Israel” stagers have one goal – to draw Iran into conflict, then, to expose it as an aggressor and hang reparations and indemnities on it after the clash ends. Do you all see how slick the Israeli government is? This citizens of Israel want Bibi Netanyahu removed from office.

Ask yourselves why do those citizens not see him as this chosen Jew that Clintons & Conservative in the West treat him as? There’s a difference between the land & people of Israel. But when you throw a corrupt government on top of that it can separate the two by taking on the identity of people they share no bloodline with.

Which would be the Khazarians in the Israeli government who are outsiders to Israel.

The Medical Industry

The Banking Industry

The Technology Industry

The Government

The Education Field

The Khazarians control every aspect of our lives. Now do you see why we always get the short end of the stick from our so called government representatives? They all work in fields that serve foreign intrest over our own. A corporate government can not exist without a budget. They want to blend the budget of Israel & US.

The proposal aims to put a hold on Israel’s budget, and by extension, the United States, its longstanding ally, until 2026. Notably, the primary focus remains on Iran, as the only nation currently laying claim to a significant reserve of approximately 125,000 tons of gold, a considerable asset in today’s market.

“After 1973, the League of Arab States issues a guarantee for Palestine for the formation of the budget, but it is not interested to pay reparations and indemnities. Iran has not officially entered the war, so remains an option to involve the League on the side of Palestine to set a budget by the end of the year.

Now, Israel, in a coalition with the United States, urgently needs to “defeat” Iran and its allies, appoint them to blame, so that the US and Israel hang reparations and indemnities on Tehran and produce budgets until 2026″.

Now you can get a sense of the desperation from Bibi to and his puppets in the US like Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson. Along with Laura Loomer as well.

This is why it’s dangerous for us to listen to these people who have larger political platforms that they build only to be bought out once they reach a certain number of followers. This is why the selection of SOTH-(Speaker of The House) is important for this nation.

Ending the conflict and reallocation of resources back to American intrest by establishing a gold standard where all nations will have to stand on their own natural assets to establish a stable currency by using precious metals & minerals. Which is why “The Brics Nations” is dangerous to the Mossad/Khazarians.

What is the Most Powerful Force on the Planet?

Guess who is looking to join? Iraq. This is “The End Game”.

Once they reinstate their currency it will be the end of one corrupt world and the beginning of a new transparent one.

The League states provided their resources and subsoil for proof of product and proof of funds, and the proceeds from these financial instruments went as kickbacks to the corrupt leaders, who signed them, and the United States and Israel to partially cover expenses and budgets.

What was not covered by the proceeds from proof of product and proof of funds (the uncovered budget of Israel) went to the debt of the United States (as a guarantor for Israel). Its official debt is more than $32 trillion, unofficial exceeded $258 trillion. 

  • Do you see why your government hasn’t served your intrest as an American citizen for the past 60+ years?
  • Do you see why it is important to drain “The Swamp”?
  • Do you see why we can’t just choose SOTH because they tell you what you want to hear?
  • Do you see why we must return to the gold standard?

We are at a crossroads that will decide the fate of this country for the next 100 years. This is why there is so much confusion surrounding the SOTH. Because they have to figure out how to move your tax dollars from funding Ukraine to finance Israel so the Khazarians can find a place to live so they can comfortably finish plotting how they will take over America.

Fight 4 Family. Protect Yourself and Your Family From Physical Attacks Such as Home Invasions, Muggings, Kidnappings and Assaults

Do you want to continue living as the step child who sleeps in the basement and have their food slid under the door?

We have to stop the Khazarian sympathizers in our government like Jim Jordan who has dual citizenship and states on record that Israel is his favorite vacation spot. I wonder why that is?



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