FBI Agent Ted Gunderson: FEMA “Smart” Guillotines Placed In FEMA Internment Camps In Case Of Martial Law in Times of Civil Disorder

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereMay 18, 2024Updated:May 18, 20244 Comments12 Mins Read


FBI Agent Ted Gunderson: FEMA “Smart” Guillotines Placed In FEMA Internment Camps In Case Of Martial Law in Times of Civil Disorder


FBI Agent Ted Gunderson : FEMA “Smart” Guillotines Placed In FEMA Internment Camps In Case Of Martial Law in Times of Civil Disorder

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Editor’s Note: Although the information provided by former FBI Agent Ted Gunderson dates back several years, its relevance is underscored by current national and global events. It is important to reflect on these implications and remain vigilant about their potential impact on our lives.

Additionally, it is crucial to recognize that FEMA camps do exist.

NWO – FEMA Camps – Martial Law –„Main Core”– FEMA’s List – Hydrogen Cyanide

Update: Saturday, May 18, 2024

Take a dive into the rabbit hole. This is not conspiracy but merely facts compiled over the course of the last 20 + years. Set your cognitive dissonance aside and open your mind to what has been hidden from you for the last century.

If you are new to this type of research be warned its not for the faint of heart. It deals with corruption, crimes, satanic activities of the elite, and the people that we elect to run our world. In the end you will be enlightened and will understand the importance of “The Plan”.

FBI Agent Ted Gunderson

When retired FBI agent, the now deceased Ted Gunderson, reportedly told a gathering of militia members that the federal government had set up 1,000 internment camps across the country, I had no trouble believing his fema coffins sherrie 1 statement because there is ample documentation to support his statement (e.g.REX 84, Operation Garden Plot and now the NDAA).

However, when Gunderson reported that the federal government was storing over 500,000 caskets outside of Atlanta, I also knew he was accurate on this point because Sherrie Wilcox found the evidence in the adjacent photo. However, when I heard that Gunderson was accusing the government of storing 30,000 guillotines, I thought he had lost his mind.

 Why Would the Government Want to Store Guillotines?

Gunderson told various patriot groups that the guillotines were being stored for the day that the government declares martial law and moves in to round up and execute American dissenters. Gunderson prophetically told patriot groups that the federal government was going to keep track of all of us. The last statement has indeed proven accurate given the recent Snowden/NSA scandal.

Can somebody please explain to me why the government would need to order 30,000 guillotines? For what legitimate purpose could these tools of execution be utilized?

The guillotine has never been used inside of the United States. The United States has executed people by firing squad, hanging, the electric chair and lethal injection. The US has never executed a convicted criminal through the use of the guillotine.

Given these facts, then why is this government importing 30,000 guillotines as Gunderson claimed? Oh, I know that some of the sheep are now looking up from the ground and have just said “there aren’t are any guillotines in the United States.”

The FEMA Camps Exposed:

Then please tell me, sheep of America, why did Representative Doug Teper, of the Georgia Legislative Assembly (Democrat) introduced a bill which will supplant the method of execution, the electric chair, with the guillotine back in 1995-6?

The referenced bill was Georgia State House Bill (1995-6) HB 1274– Death penalty; guillotine provisions. Certainly, Teper would have never thought that this was possible is there were not already guillotines inside of the United States.

Scary times we are living in. The government of the United States announced that they are going to go with FEMA concentration camps to control the spread of virus, but for those of you who don’t know this, “FEMA” is another word for martial law and a way to control the the population… Edward Snowden has just made that abundantly clear to the entire world.

Surviving FEMA CAMPS, EMPs, EBS, Nuclear Attacks, and Martial Law: The US Army’s Forgotten Food Miracle and 126 Superfoods You Can Store for Years Without Refrigeration

A United States Air force C-17 cargo plane arrived at Andrews Air Force Base loaded with crates of “smart” guillotines, says a White House insider speaking under condition of anonymity.

The technologically advanced guillotines, he said, are being manufactured in Beijing before being flown exclusively to US airbases. Then, the military distributes the guillotines to FEMA camps nationwide.

He said the smart guillotine project was commissioned in 2011, at the request of former president Barrack Hussein Obama, who had hoped during his term to declare martial law and use the deadly apparatus against patriots and freedom fighters that challenged his one-world government agenda. The guillotine, he added, is the ideal method of execution for instilling fear among the masses.

The guillotine gained popularity during the French Revolution. The device consists of a tall, upright frame in which a weighted and angled blade is raised to the top and suspended. 

The condemned person is secured with stocks at the bottom of the frame, positioning the neck directly below the blade. The blade is then released, to quickly fall and forcefully decapitate the victim with a single, clean pass so that the head falls into a basket below. The smart guillotine retains the basic design while adding several scientific advancements.

ATTENTION: The Following Message is for Families…What You Do In The Next 5 Seconds Will Determine If You And Your Family Survive Or Die…

For example, the headrest has motion sensors and pressure plates that detect the presence of a human neck. No operator is needed; a computer drops and retracts a razor-sharp weighted titanium blade, which, our source said, can sever several hundred heads per sharpening.

If a person resists, arm and leg restraints spring forth from recessed compartments, rendering the victim immobile. Moreover, the smart guillotines employ biometric scanning, including facial recognition technology to exonerate persons mistakenly placed on the guillotine for execution.

“The Deep State, and by association FEMA, recognized that some of its own people’s heads might accidentally wind up on the chopping block. They had to devise a way to stop the blade from lopping off friendly heads. So, when a person is face down waiting for the blade to fall, the computer scans the face and iris. If it matches a friendly face stored in a database, the blade won’t fall, and the person is set free,” our source said.

After Obama left office, FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security kept the smart guillotine project alive, using slush funds and black project money to fund three thousand of the villainous devices, each of which reportedly cost seventeen million dollars. FEMA ordered them from the Chinese, our source added, because the agency “felt guilty” about using Made-in-America products to execute Americans. In addition, the Chinese versions are less costly.

The Andrews AFB shipment—over 500 smart guillotines–was distributed by rail to FEMA zone six, an area encompassing Texas, New Mexico, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Belgrade, and Arkansas, primarily “red” states likely to resist a declaration of Martial Law or a military incursion against the American people.

“FEMA’s main focus is on Texas. All eyes on Texas. If there’s going to be a public insurrection, they know the battle lines will be dawn in Texas. They know the patriot community is thick in Texas. That’s why Texas is receiving more of these smart guillotines than any other state. FEMA’s first strike will occur in Texas,” our source said.

The 500 units were sent to FEMA camps near Austin, a New World Order “shock training facility” in Waco, and a FEMA internment camp disguised as a water treatment facility in Carrolton.

“All states have them, but Texas got the majority right now,” our source said.

If all information is accurate, the Deep State, using FEMA as its agent of evil, is expediting plans to herd humans into internment camps. The acquisition of smart guillotines is a portent of the Deep State’s hatred of America, the American people, and of the document—the Constitution—our forefathers authored to protect us from the wicked machinations of the very government we elected into office.

ICD 9 E978 Is United States Code For “Legal Execution”

The specific code will make any American’s hair stand up on the back of their neck. The code is ICD 9 E978. After reading this code I decided that it was my duty to investigate further and get to the bottom of why we have a medical code in the United States for “Legal Execution.”

FEMA’s Billing Code for Death by Guillotine is ICD 9 E 978. This would be FEMA as in FEMA camp. With renewed interest being shown by the public in FEMA camps because of the Brownsville converted Walmart into a FEMA camp, this is a good time to bring this information out on the public.

ICD 9 E978 “Legal Execution”

All executions performed at the behest of the judiciary or ruling authority [whether permanent or temporary] as: asphyxiation by gas beheading, decapitation (by guillotine) capital punishment electrocution hanging poisoning shooting other specified means.

  • HB 1274 – Authorizes the state of Georgia to execute citizens by guillotine:
  • Georgia House of Representatives 1995/1996 Sessions
  • HB 1274 — Death penalty; guillotine provisions Code Sections
  • 17-10-38/ 17-10-44 A Bill To Be Entitled An Act

1- 1 To amend Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 17 of the Official 1- 2 Code of Georgia Annotated, relating to the death penalty 1- 3 generally, so as to provide a statement of legislative 1- 4 policy; to provide for death by guillotine; to provide for 1- 5 applicability; to repeal conflicting laws; and for other 1- 6 purposes.


1- 8 The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to 1- 9 death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for 1-10 transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that 1-11 electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for 1-12 transplant. The intent of the General Assembly in enacting 1-13 this legislation is to provide for a method of execution 1-14 which is compatible with the donation of organs by a 1-15 condemned prisoner.


1-16 Article 2 of Chapter 10 of Title 17 of the Official Code of 1-17 Georgia Annotated, relating to the death penalty generally, 1-18 is amended by striking in its entirety Code Section 1-19 17-10-38, relating to death sentences generally, and 1-20 inserting in lieu thereof the following:

1-21 “17-10-38. (Index)

1-22 (a) All persons who have been convicted of a capital 1-23 offense and have had imposed upon them a sentence of death 1-24 shall, at the election of the condemned, suffer such 1-25 punishment either by electrocution or by guillotine. If 1-26 the condemned fails to make an election by the thirtieth 1-27 day preceding the date scheduled for execution, punishment 1-28 shall be by electrocution. 1-29 (b) In all cases in which the defendant is sentenced to be 1-30 electrocuted executed, it shall be the duty of the trial 1-31 judge in passing sentence to direct that the defendant -1- (Index)

LC 21 3643

2- 1 delivered to the Department of Corrections for 2- 2 electrocution execution at a state correctional 2- 3 institution designated by the department.


2- 4 Said article is further amended by striking in its entirety 2- 5 Code Section 17-10-44, relating to death chamber apparatus 2- 6 and related matters, and inserting in lieu thereof the 2- 7 following:

2- 8 “17-10-44. (Index)

2- 9 The Department of Corrections shall provide a death 2-10 chamber and all necessary apparatus, machinery, and 2-11 appliances for inflicting the penalty of death by 2-12 electrocution or by guillotine.”

FEMA Camps Will Be Segregated

Through the years, I have been told by several insiders that FEMA camp assignments would be divided by the following:

Men will be sent to a gender segregated camp and slave labor will be extracted as per Obama’s Executive Order 13603. Extermination will be the end game. This is exactly what the Nazis did with the Jews.

Women will be sent to a gender segregated camp. There will be some slave labor that will be extracted but these camps will be human bondage centers.

Children will be sent to their own camps. When I was first told this, I did not fully grasp the significance of this segregation until I became acquainted with the Deep State’s fascination with child-sex-trafficking. These camps will give humanity its darkest hour.

These segregation were actually rehearsed by Colorado law enforcement and DHS during the 2008-2009 H1N1 scare. In these drills, anyone who had not and would submit to a vaccination for the disease and noncompliant people were boarded on a bus with the intent of taking the actors to segregated camps.

How do I know, two LEO’s, who I went to school with told me the details of the drill. The noncompliant people who were not vaccinated were discovered through roadside blockades similar to a DUI roadblock.

There was one additional feature to this drill and the overall intent FEMA camp forced incarcerations. the one intent is that those targeted for extermination will likely die via the use of guillotines. If you need motivation to act against the Deep State, this may be the best example.


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