Bombshell: FBI Declassified Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking – Ted Gunderson Video

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Medeea GreereBy Medeea GreereApril 18, 2024Updated:April 18, 2024No Comments14 Mins Read


Bombshell: FBI Declassified Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking – Ted Gunderson Video


Bombshell: FBI Declassified Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking – Ted Gunderson Video

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After retiring from the FBI, Ted Gunderson set up a private investigation firm, “Ted L. Gunderson and Associates,” in Santa Monica. In a 1995 conference in Dallas, Gunderson warned about the proliferation of secret Satanic groups, and the danger posed by the New World Order, a shadow government that controls the U.S. government.

Bombshell: FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking – Ted Gunderson Video:

Gunderson discovered that in the U.S. there is a secret widespread network of groups who kidnap children and infants, and subject them to Satanic ritual abuse and subsequent human sacrifice.

One of those groups is The Finders, which Gunderson said is operated by the CIA. He wrote a book on The Finders, which can still be downloaded from his website (Ted Gunderson died in 2011).

This is the same CIA group that the FBI just declassified many of the files from their investigation into The Finders, although many names remain redacted to protect the guilty. (See below.)

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Gunderson traveled around the country giving lectures about his work, which included cases that led him to discover the hidden groups involved with the Satanic Occult, which included child sex abuse and child sacrifice. His general lecture was about 4 hours, but there is one lecture still available today where he condensed this down to just a little over one hour.

At the end of this lecture, Gunderson has a woman named Linda Weigand come up and give her testimony. As he introduced her, Gunderson said:

“This is one of the most classic examples of corruption, I have ever seen. And believe me, you can tell from my lecture, that I’ve seen some pretty awful examples of corruption.”

The vehicle that is used by the U.S. Government and the CIA to traffick these children and run these Satanic ritual abuse networks, is the government funded Child Social Services and Foster Care network, most commonly known as “CPS” (Child Protection Services).

Massive government funds exist for all 50 U.S. States that can only be collected if they meet certain quotas of children put into this system, so many children are literally kidnapped, mostly medically kidnapped, from their parents to meet the demand for children in this evil, Satanic system, which is mostly operated by Christian Churches collecting funds from the Government.

Many people have courageously tried to expose this evil system that exists in every state and every county within the U.S., and sadly, many of them are now dead.

In 2009, Bill Bowen released a trailer for a documentary film he was producing exposing the corruption within Child Protection Services across the United States. The film is called Innocence Destroyed. Bill Bowen died unexpectedly the next year, in 2010, reportedly from a heart attack, before he was able to finish the film.

The segments that were completed were published on YouTube, in three different videos.

Another person who exposed the corrupt Child Protection Services network was Georgia Senator Nancy Schaefer. Before she was murdered, she had produced evidence of this corruption, and the main lecture she gave on that evidence is now hard to find on YouTube, so we have published it on our Bitchute channel.

This lecture and the report that she created cost her her career, and ultimately her life.

Another State Senator who tried to expose the corruption in CPS and child sex trafficking and was murdered in the summer of 2019 was Arkansas Senator Linda Collins-Smith.

We covered her story in 2019, and it also has ties to child sex trafficking in Arizona, which I covered on a radio show I produced back in 2019 on KFNX out of Phoenix.

Much of this very evil Satanic ritual abuse and child sex trafficking happening in the United States was exposed in 2016 by Julian Assange and Wikileaks, which was named “Pizza Gate.”

I believe this is the main reason why Hillary Clinton was thrown under the bus in 2016, because she had too many ties to this network.

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The FBI Declassifies Files on The Finders and McMartin Pre-school Child Trafficking Cases

In 1983, a woman named Judy Johnson from the affluent California community of Manhattan Beach went to the police, claiming that her 2-year-old son had been molested by Raymond “Ray” Buckey, a 28-year-old teacher at McMartin Preschool. Police began their investigation by notifying the parents of current and former students about the possibility of sexual abuse their child.

Numerous children told similar stories of satanic animal sacrifices and sexual rituals in secret rooms at the school. By 1984, Buckey was arrested on 79 counts of child molestation. His mother was also arrested as a conspirator, as well as several other members of the Buckey family, because McMartin Preschool was owned and operated by the Buckey-McMartin family.

The children said they were warned that if they told anyone, their parents would be killed. And sure enough, just as Buckey’s trial got underway in 1986 — a trial in which Judy Johnson was a key witness — she was discovered dead in her home, cause unknown. She was just 42 years old.

Almost exactly one year later, a former police officer who served as an investigator for the defense suicided himself at home.

With Johnson dead, Buckey’s defense attorney was able to impeach her character during the trial. It was also argued that the testimony of the children had been influenced (or implanted) by the psychological examiners who interviewed them. Ultimately, Buckey was not convicted. A second jury deadlocked in 1990, and the case was dismissed.

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For six years, the police and the FBI had actively investigated the McMartin Preschool case, according to the Los Angeles Times. After they closed their file — and the Buckey family revealed they had sold the shuttered McMartin Preschool to Arnold Goldstein for the development of an office building — frustrated parents of the abused children hired the subsequently retired chief and head of the Los Angeles FBI, special agent Ted L. Gunderson (1928-2011) to continue with the investigation, and commissioned an archaeological survey.

A decade later, you could find Gunderson speaking out about the McMartin case as well as a network of child molesters and traffickers called “The Finders.”

For decades, the FBI’s files on the McMartin case and The Finders were sealed. Not anymore. The agency declassified and released its files. It shows a decade of research spanning from California to Belgium.

The FBI Files

The investigation into the cases described cults, child sex trafficking and kompromat. In recent decades, the mainstream media has refused to report on such cases. Such cases (see below) have been “debunked” by the usual suspects that the Crime Syndicate uses for cover. But the FBI’s own investigation suggests the cases were real enough and points to cover ups.

A timeline of events is in the report.

From the news article “Officials describe ‘cult rituals in child abuse case” by Saundra Saperstein and Victoria Churchville of The Washington Post on Feb. 7, 1987:

‘Douglas J Ammerman’ and ‘Michael Houlihan’ were arrested at odd hours at a Tallahassee park with 6 unrelated children with no understanding of modern amenities, hot water, TV or phones. The children were reportedly bug bitten, wearing old and ragged clothes and 2/6 reported to have been ‘obviously abused.

Before their arrests in the park, Ammerman and Houlihan had told police that they were teachers from Washington “transporting these children to Mexico and a school for brilliant children,” according to Hunt. When police asked the men where the children’s mothers were, “they said they were being weaned from their mothers.”

Pages 4-10 shows The Finders were caught many times, but various prosecutors declined to press charges. FBI, the U.S. State Department and others helped cover it up every time.

On page 39 we learn of a request that the FBI review original first-hand docs on The Finders instead of relying on previous agents summaries or review reports. Permission would be required to see the direct evidence.

On page 40 we see clues as to how the Crime Syndicate’s star chamber sistema buries investigative evidence in the wrong agencies, making serious pursuit difficult. The U.S. Customs Service is the agency with briefing materials on The Finders. DOJ and FBI have to request copy of materials from USCS.

Page 41, evidence is turned over to US Attorney District of Columbia who refused to prosecute.

What’s worse, page 50 from 1991 shows a memo on jurisdiction. It describes how the U.S. Postal Service, the FBI and USCS carve up the turf on child crimes. USCS has jurisdiction over “interdiction and international distribution of child pornography”.

Note: “Recently the USCS experienced a massive reorganization. This … caused the Child Porn and Protection Unit to be integrated into the Smuggling Investigations Division. All Units, Branches, and Sections were eliminated during the reorg,” the report states.

So somebody in high authority had the power to wipe out a whole unit of agents on the cases. But those names are redacted.

Next we learn that several congressional committees were sniffing around, and that a never-aired documentary was in the works. The story of what happened here has fallen down the memory hole.

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But this document ties in and confirms:

On page 41, the FBI report contains a link to a Washington Post article in which neighbors of one sketchy property said the residents were “a close-knit group of feminists who liked to help people and were not a cult.”

The U.S. Attorney for D.C. declined to prosecute despite extensive evidence of abuse and satanic rituals. The case was complicated by the mothers being found, and possibly having given consent. US Attorney involved has an interesting career path to say the least.

The USCS was pursuing the case. Page 9 points to a cell and repeats the impregnation of females, and the trading of children and kidnapping. What kind of “normal child exploiters” have the operational security to breed and kidnap children for abduction?

On page 68, a D.C. police investigation concluded that a CIA employee (1950-1979) was a member of The Finders.

“At Approximately 1530 hrs, 2/18/87 Dt. [redacted] spoke with S/A [redacted] reference any contact the members of the Finders may have had with the Agency, S/A/ [redacted] was guarded but frank in his responses. He confirmed that [redacted] Isabelle, now deceased, was an employee of the agency from 1950 until 1971”

WW Note: Likely Isabelle Pettie. Marion David Pettie, was the leader of the cult. “Dr. Greenberg” shows up and runs obfuscation.

The report later states that the CIA saw the D.C. police department as treading on their toes. On page 225, it refers to the “vested interest” of the CIA.

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Report mentions bodies being buried on a Finders’ farm in Culpepper, Virginia. There were also cages. The role of the CIA is referenced, but it’s convoluted. It’s almost as if the more powerful agencies treat satanists as a special protected class. In today’s inverted, captured world, that wouldn’t be surprising.

Indeed, more evidence that there were white hats within the FBI trying to deal with the cover ups. Page 89-95: FBI tries to open an obstruction of justice case to determine if U.S. intelligence is involved.

The D.C. Metro police on page 67 also offered up a rather sketchy theory that The Finders was a CIA psyop of some sort, but it never concluded the obvious.

Page 68 states that during war time, The Finders’ people visited restricted Moscow, North Korea and North Vietnam, “which could only have been arranged by the CIA.”

Page 85 indicates another Finders property location. So far: Florida, D.C., Maryland, Virginia and Ohio. Funded: CIA Founder: CIA lifer into Satanism. Known activities: Breed and raise kids. “Shape” them. Deliver intel assignments.

Did page 214 show the redacted name of former Los Angeles FBI chief, the aforementioned special agent Ted Gunderson?

Page 69 shows that agents tried to pass a report to a contact in Europe, but the disc is intercepted and memory holed.

The next document, from pages 52 to 53, appear to be another jurisdictional grab, instructing that MPD investigative reports were to be classified secret and not to be shared with the FBI.

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Of course, today we have no idea who the white hats might have been behind the scenes. A star chamber hidden hand is keeping them in the dark. The second document shows the FBI being steered (aka controlled) to HQ level.

Page 99 from Nov. 12, 1993, shows the State Department asked the FBI to handle inquiries on a HQ level.

Winter Watch Takeaway

This seems to be about breeding or “finding” made brainwashed assassins and other operatives à la Don Brown’s “Angels and Demons.” These individuals are raised from infancy and are then inserted within the system as needed.

That “Angels and Demons” assassin character may well be the revelation of the method and the template. Additionally, this was 30 years ago, back when white-hats elements were still in play.

Today, agencies like the FBI and D.C. Metro are captured. White hats are shuttled to the boondocks, gotten out of the way.

An Important Note About McMartin Students and Debunkers

The McMartin preschool case was high profile at the time and became part of what the neuro-linguist programmers called day-care sex-abuse “hysteria, and moral panic” over alleged Satanic ritual abuse in the 1980s and early 1990s. But that doesn’t mean that “wild” and “impossible” stories told by the children don’t contain some elements of truth.

It’s as if debunkers haven’t factored in that hallucinogens and drugs were administered to affect the memory. No, that would require critical thinking, and pajama people are ready for the first feeble explanation. Additionally, the Crime Syndicate concocted the false memory syndrome.

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One of the controversies in the case were reports by the children and speculation that there were tunnels and rooms under the school center. The debunkers ultimately succeeded in pigeon holing this into the realm of “crazy conspiracy theory.”

But lo and behold, we have confirmation of tunnels and rooms by the FBI itself!

Page 48-49 states tunnels were found at McMartin Preschool, as well as pentagrams and bones. It’s all part of a descriptive report shown below. Then, at the bottom, comes the standard WTF hidden hand shutting the investigation down.

But lo and behold, we have confirmation of tunnels and rooms by the FBI itself!

Page 48-49 states tunnels were found at McMartin Preschool, as well as pentagrams and bones. It’s all part of a descriptive report shown below. Then, at the bottom, comes the standard WTF hidden hand shutting the investigation down.

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